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Straightforward Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test

Name _______________________

Score ______/50_

A Complete the two short texts with the words in the boxes.

a drag


got upset



a punk


I know people think Im (1) ______, they take a look at me and they cant see past the (2) ______ hair
and torn clothes. Usually Im not (3) ______ by it, but sometimes its a bit of (4) ______ with the
(5) ______ stares. I dont dress this way to shock people, its just that I like the (6) ______ and I want
to be different from the average teenager. Of course, my mum (7) ______ when I first came home
looking like (8) ______.




I nearly forgot



theres bound to be

My girlfriend is one of the top models in the UK. She looks (9) ______ in whatever she wears and
shes always been (10) ______. When I see her on the (11) ______ I just cant believe how lucky I am.
(12) _______ some people who look at her and immediately think she must be an (13) ______, but in
fact shes much cleverer than me. Oh, (14) _______, people think shes very self-assured but in fact
she has a (15) ______ fear of losing her looks and becoming ugly.

B Replace the italicised words and phrases with a compound adjective from the box.
are clean-shaven







(16) Come on! I know youre almost 50, but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy dancing.
(17) Dont worry! All teenagers have a horrible taste in clothes. It will be over very soon.
(18) I prefer men who have no beard or moustache.
(19) I think you should throw out these jeans, theyre really old and theyve got holes everywhere.
(20) I wouldnt buy that car. Its already been used by someone else and itll only break down.
(21) Wow! Is that a new car? You must be rich.
(22) My new boyfriend is so relaxed and calm even my mum likes him!

Straightforward Up-Int Unit 3 Test

C Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
(23) John had a girlfriend _____ was a model.
a) that

b) which

c) who

(24) I used to be a punk, _____ might come as a bit of a surprise to you.

a) that

b) which

c) who

(25) Mary, _____ boyfriend was in a Goth band, has just got married.
a) that

b) who

c) whose

(26) The club _____ we went as teenagers has closed down.

a) where

b) which

c) that

(27) Everyone _____ we knew was at the party.

a) that

b) which

c) where

(28) In the 1960s, _____ hippies were the in-thing, what kind of music did your dad listen to?
a) when

b) what

c) that

(29) Models, _____ are skinny, often suffer from Body Dysmorphia Disorder.
a) that

b) whose

c) who

D Are the following sentences Defining (D) or Non-defining (ND) relative clauses?
(30) Goths, who dress in black, usually like watching horror movies.

D / ND

(31) My mother is the one who gets upset with my choice in clothes.

D / ND

(32) Is that the leather jacket you used to wear?

D / ND

(33) She wears pink, which is probably the worst colour for her complexion.

D / ND

(34) His sister, whose boyfriend is a footballer, wants to be an actress.

D / ND

(35) I dont like people who think Im dumb because of the way I look.

D / ND

(36) Those are the shoes she wore to the party.

D / ND

Straightforward Up-Int Unit 3 Test

E Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

(37) People suffer / suffering from BDD often dont realize they have the condition.
(38) Clothes designed / designing for teenagers have to be really fashionable.
(39) Actresses wanted / wanting to be successful often have to think about their image.
(40) Middle-aged men worried / worrying about putting on weight should think about exercising more
(41) Hollywood was full of paparazzi tried / trying to take photographs of all the celebrities.
(42) Parents concerned / concerning about the way their children dress should just try to relax and
remember what they were like when they were young.
(43) I sometimes find my daughters friends can be really annoyed / annoying, especially when they
are listening to loud music.

Functional language
F Choose the correct alternative to the sentences.
(44) As well as / Whats more having no dress sense your taste in music is terrible.
(45) He told me my clothes were old-fashioned and, as well as / whats more, he said I was ugly!
(46) In addition to / In addition buying a new jacket she bought two pairs of shoes!
(47) Your new boyfriend is rude, in addition to / on top of that hes dumb.
(48) In addition / Besides being handsome hes also really well-off.
(49) Wow! Your hair is fantastic. Whats more / In addition to those earrings really suit you.
(50) Shes an airhead in addition to / on top of that being one of the most annoying people Ive ever

Straightforward Up-Int Unit 3 Test

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