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CBM Happenings

childrens bible ministries



Volume 48

Issue 1


Ephesians 2:10 NLT

We are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ

Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
So often we talk with children and young people struggling to
accept their value in this world. They dont like how they look,
and are trying to be someone they are not! They may not be
good at school or sport; they are comparing themselves with
everyone else around them because they dont accept
Real esteem comes from these three facts:

God created you

Jesus died for you

Gods Holy Spirit can live in you

Today our young people, our children, in fact all of us, need to understand and know that:
Self-esteem is all about self, about how to build yourself up, and it doesnt last! God esteem is all
about knowing what God thinks of you, believing and walking in that truth, and the lasting effects
are eternal!
What a joy it to share the truth of Gods Word with those with to whom we minister.
Youre not just wanted; youre needed! 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 says, There are different spiritual gifts,
but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served.
There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person(GW)
We are constantly reminding our children and young people -Youre needed.
Youre needed in your church. Youre needed in your community. Youre
needed in this world. If you werent needed, God would not have made
you. He brought you here to make a contribution with your life.
Every one of us is important to God in His family, we are valued by God

because He paid such a large ransom for our lives when He sent His Son Jesus to die
on the cross for us.
As we head shortly into Easter, lets remember how incredibly valued we are by
our Creator. Lets not only remember this, but share it with those we care for and


Enjoy the Happenings of CBM. And from all of us at CBM, thanks for all you do.


Our first training seminar for the year was held on Saturday
28th February. There were 42 participants and five of
these gained their certificates for completing all four basic
seminars. We were impressed with the dedication of
everyone as they had to arrive early and some had to park
offsite due to the cricket match at Eden Park. But almost
everyone was seated and ready to start by 9 a.m!

Saturday, 28th March is the next training day at CBM. It is especially for all those teaching young, preschool aged
children. Many aspects of Knowing God, our curriculum for young children aged 3-6 years, are explained
and demonstrated on this day. However, no matter what curriculum is being used, teachers and parents of
young children will be encouraged, motivated, inspired and equipped. Get in quickly if you havent already
registered. You can register online at . The cost is only $75 for a full day.
Story visuals-both Flashcards and PowerPoint for every session
Related activities/crafts
Puppet scripts to reinforce the teaching
Suggested songs, memory verses, and MORE!

Special to God: Meeting the Needs of Special Kids: Do you struggle coping with children
who cant sit still; kids whose behaviour puzzles you; or kids who you just dont
understand? Many teachers/parents feel out of their depth dealing with children with
behavioural or learning challenges. And these needs are becoming more commonplace!
In response to this, CBM has begun a new specialist short course. This is a training which
focuses on how to minister to children with learning and behavioural challenges. It was
held for the first time last year. Many teachers and parents found this seminar extremely
helpful in gaining skills to minister to these children, and asked for the training time to be extended. The next date
for Special to God will be held Saturday 1 August, 9:30am-12:30pm
Topics include: What is ADHD, ASD, ODD? How do we practically minister to our special kids? Tips and strategies;
and a Q and A session.

U p c o m i n g Tr a i n i n g D a t e s :

9th May How-To Day 20th June Tool Time 1st Aug Special to God 12th Sept Master Storytelling
Contact us if you would like us to come to your church and conduct Friday night and Saturday training
for a very reasonable cost. Email or phone the office to register your interest.


We have fewer than our minimum number of students, but decided to proceed
anyway with just two men from India and Kenya. Both John and Paul lead
large childrens ministries in their countries. It was not possible for several
applicants to raise the finance for the course; God knew the situation we would
face here in 2015. Dell Dickey suffered a stroke and so Hugh has only been able
to work short hours while she recovers. Please uphold the students, Hugh and
Dell in your prayers during this time.

International Happenings

We conducted two very successful five day training courses in Gangtok (Sikkim) and
Mumbai in October 2014. In both places the venues were full to bursting; in fact in
Gangtok it was not possible to see the whole audience from any one place! The
whole North East India team (Binu, David and Daniel) worked well together in Sikkim,
with Binus husband Bhauk also providing excellent Nepali translation.
David & Daniel
People came from six states to the Mumbai course. Those attending in both places
selling curriculum in
Gang tok
were very keen, participated well, and purchased many sets of curriculum. It was
a joy to see God also touching their personal lives. There has been very positive feedback from various
course participants.

Mumbai cour

Making visuals at Mu

Participants in Gangtok course

North India We are pleased to announce that CBM
has opened a fourth branch in India. Evangeline Odyuo (CBM graduate 2009) and
former Christian Education Director for the Nagaland Baptist Church Council has
relocated to Delhi with her husband and is now working for CBM as our Coordinator in
North India. It is the biggest and least reached area with the gospel in India.
West India

We rejoice with Rodney Devdas that at last he has found suitable,

larger premises that can accommodate the CBM office on the ground floor and
living space on the next floor. It is only a few doors away from their previous home
and from Rodneys family.

South India Veronica Ravuri has also found a new home and although the
loss of her husband Sam has been extremely difficult to adjust to, she is determined
to carry on the work. She spoke to 7,000 children in Christmas programmes,
recently conducted training for 130 teachers in Vijayawada and is in constant
demand to speak in weekend camps.
North East India

NEW office space

Binu, David and Daniel began the year with 250 in a
camp in Arunachal where many children addressed
their inner hurts as a result of hearing the story of Nicky
Cruz. Four more camps and a childrens conference
have resulted in another (800 being ministered to in
recent weeks.) Binu is very thankful for those who
sponsored her to attend Sexual Abuse training when she visited N.Z. last year as she feels better equipped
to meet the great needs that surface in the camps. We are trusting the Lord to provide more regular
monthly support for David Tamang and Daniel so they can continue to minister
alongside Binu in a very fruitful work in the N.E.


The Life Changers Curriculum was translated into Khmer by a church in Singapore
that has a large outreach in Cambodia. In September Vasanthi from our Singapore
Branch went there to train people from 35 churches in its use. She says the trip was
really excellent with young participants who were enthusiastic and hungry to learn.
After these people have trialled the curriculum and the translation has been re-checked, the church will print
bulk copies for general distribution. Later this year the Singapore team will return for wider training.

In June we will run our first residential course in Thailand. Then In

August we will take another leap of faith by conducting courses in
four African countries. Although the cost is $10,000, we believe it
is right to continue investing our time and resources into this very
needy continent. The team will be in Zambia, Kenya, Nigeria
and Congo (Brazzaville). We are told that in this forgotten Congo there has been no childrens
ministry training and so no large churches have any work with
children. To raise the profile before the training begins, we plan
to host our first dinner for pastors of Brazzaville to show them the
responsibility of the church in this area. The cost of this would be
approximately $900. Fortunately, we will only need help this year
to send curriculum to Zambia, as we have stock for the other
countries. Please pray how you can partner with us in this faith-leap!
In September Lyn Anderson will be in India to conduct six, one
day courses on ministering to young children (ages 3-6). She will be
travelling extensively as she visits all our India branches; please keep her
and her family in your prayers.

TARGET: Philippines Trip

Mission: Upgrade all pcs Software and add 10 more pcs to the

Computer Room in our School Hebron Christian College

As time was drawing close to the cut off to order everything for our trip, we prayed at the staff meeting Lord we just need a bit more to
cover the expenses of the Licences and some other unexpected costs. Mike walked
back into his office at the end of the prayer time, the phone
rang and a faithful long-time friend asked how we were going
with raising the finance for the project. As a result of the
phone call, this person offered to cover the balance of funds
needed. Thank You Lord and thank you to all those who have
supported this mission! When you pray, God answers! What a
delight it was to invest time and resources to help the young
people at our base in Hebron Philippines. We now have current
software and hardware for all the computers in the computer
room and Library. A huge thank you to Dave Clark from ICONA NZ,
Grant Yardley and Matt anderson for their tireless energy and commitment.





Postage has gone up so wed like to get as many of you as possible to receive our
newsletter electronically. If you would like to receive the electronic issue, please
let us know. However, We know some of you still prefer to receive the printed newsletter and
we will be happy to post this to you. Can you please email to give us your current email address
ASAP! By doing this we know that you will be happy to receive future newsletters by email. Thanks so much!


We are so blessed to
have such a committed hard-working
and dedicated team
permanently based
at Camp looking
after the day-to-day
running. During the term we have
thousands of children and young people coming
through our gates as part of their school outdoor
education programmes. Please uphold the team in
your prayers as they work tirelessly serving the Lord.
In the January holiday camp
we were bursting at the
seams with 180 in attendance
each week. We had to open
up one section of the gym to fit all
the kids who were on the waiting list
for camp!! God moved powerfully in both
weeks with 60 children indicating they had given
their lives to Jesus.
After 80 years of faithful
service, our close friend
Mr Coal Boiler has
finally retired!!
In January 2015 we
commissioned our
two brand new
commercial heat pumps.
These energy efficient clean
operators performed amazingly
over the holiday camps. Thank
you to those who helped make
this happen!

In January, there was a group of 20

young people from Korea visiting New
Zealand as a way of improving their
English and experiencing another
culture. The teen girls came to the
camp expecting only to have fun!
(or so they thought!)
Todd Funk and several of the team did a
drama on Blind Bartimaeus showing the need to
be very specific in telling Jesus what we need. We
then invited a couple to the front so the children
could pray for them. The
husband had been diagnosed with a fast growing
brain tumour and was returning to Auckland that night
to face radio therapy and
8 months of chemotherapy
The Korean girls were stunned as he had
shown them so much kindness and patience. He
taught them how to use air rifles and had never
mentioned his own need at all. One-by-one, they
began to deeply weep and prayed earnestly.
Later in the week many of the girls surrended their
lives to Jesus, much to the amazement of their
group leader.

Please consider joining us for a week as a

nurse/doctor, leader or kitchen helper.
Autumn Camp (Ages 7-14)

Week 1 Sat 4 Sat 11 April

Week 2 Sat 11 Sat 18 April

Survival Camp (Ages 11-14)

Sat 4 Sat 11 July (one week only)

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Spring Camp

(Ages 7-14)
Week 1 Sat, 26 Sep Sat, 3 Oct
Week 2 Sat 3 Sat 10 Oct
(we are often in need of extra leaders!)

For the way He continues to wonderfully work in many
children lives at our Raglan Camps
For the ongoing work in India, both in 5 day training courses
and in the local work of all four branches
For enthusiastic people attending our Auckland one-day
training events
For Gods provision of computers for the Philippines

Come and celebrate with us the

International work of CBM.
We will also have the graduation
of our students, John and Paul.
Friday, 1st May,
at both 12pm and 7.30pm.
CBM Headquarters
Please RSVP at or 09.630.5271

For the provision of $10,000 so the team can travel to four
countries in Africa to train and equip the local teachers
For Gods clear guidance as the CBM NZ team meet in their
forthcoming staff retreat
For sponsorship of curriculum to be freighted to Africa, and for
the pastors dinner in Congo (Brazzaville)

Easter is just around

the corner !!

The CBM Bookshop has a

great range of Easter books that make simple, but meaningful gifts at
Easter time. Follow this link to see our online selection of CBM Easter
product .
Another great Easter gift is our egg-shaped Hi Bounce Ball that kids
just love! To order online , follow the link above phone your
order to 09 6305271 or e-mail
CBM Details

Childrens Bible Ministries

PO BOX 8774 Symonds Street

Auckland 1150
9 Walters Road
Mt Eden

ph 09.630.5271



Yes ! I w o u l d l i ke t o s u p po r t
C h i l d re n s B i b l e M i n i s t r i es

childrens bible ministries

I am enclosing $_____ for general funds to help the

ongoing work of the team at the NZ HQs in Auckland
Reference GF, A/C 03 0175 0013647 00
I am enclosing $15 (incldg P&P) for the book
CBM: Our Journey of Faith
Reference BK, A/C 03 0175 0013647 00

Childrens Bible Ministries

PO Box 8774, Symonds St, Auckland 1150

Phone: (09) 630 5271 Fax: (09) 630 4373
Email: Website:



For Special Appeal see over

Special Appeal

childrens bible ministries

I am enclosing $_____ to help the team get to

Africa to feed spiritually hungry teachers
Reference Air, A/C 03 0175 0013647 00
I am enclosing $___towards sending
Curriculum to Africa or hosting the Pastors
Dinner in the virgin soil of Congo Republic
Reference Fee CU (curriculum)or PD (pastor's dinner) 12 3016 0551118 01

Childrens Bible Ministries

PO Box 8774, Symonds St, Auckland 1150

Phone: (09) 630 5271 Fax: (09) 630 4373
Email: Website:

Phone #:___________________________

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