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I was a cat, named Henry, that was sleeping in a pile of fresh laundry.

My stoma
ch growled so I stretched and climbed out of the laundry.
Lunchtime! I wonder if Susan has left out any tuna from yesterday. I thoug
ht. I tiptoded down the hall, so my owner Susan, would think that I was still s
leeping. I was about to leap up on the counter when I heard a distant noise. M
y eyes wided and a smirk grew on my face.
That is probably a fat mouse yelling Please end my misery and eat me alrea
dy I thought to myself, the tuna will be my dessert. I ran around the corner and sc
reeched to a halt. There was no mouse, nor rat. It was the VACUUM!!!!!!! It s
tarted to growl. Before I could shriek, it started to come closer to me. If yo
u didnt know what a vacuum was your house or apartment is either dusty or always
clean. A vacuum is a terifflying monster would lurks around the house/apartment
eating any morsel it can find on the floor.(even if it is dog food) I know so
much about the vacuum because I first met it when I was a kitten.
*Flashback* Susan was moving away for collage and decided that I would keep her
company. The new apartment that she moved into was super dusty. There were du
st bunnies everywhere. Susan started to vacuum and I was minding my own buissne
ss(By buissness I mean inspecting the vacuum for deadly wepons)when... Susan ha
d accidentally vacuumed up my tail.
*end of flashback* Now as the vacuum came closer to me I dashed for the invabil
lity curtains. They are really helpful when Susan tries to walk me because she
thinks Im f a t. I sighed in relief because I thought I was finally safe when Su
san picks up the curtains and reveals my hiding spot. What a trader! I was fac
e to face with the vacuum, shaking in fear I dashed away. As I ran across the t
able I knocked over several glasses thinking that they will hurt the vacuum. Ap
partantly not the vacuum just sucked up the broken glass. I screamed in terror
hoping that the vacuum would spare my life.
Then I realized that I could defend myself. I arched my back and slashed my cla
ws at the vacuum, it was no help! The vacuum just growled even louder. I panic
ked and ran the other direction towards the opened window.

I was about to jump when I tripped over a black wire that was connected to the v
acuum. I fell on my stomach and started to slide on the rug because of the fric
tion between my incredilby soft and silky fur coat and the rugged rug. I slamed
into the wall and quickly flipped over on my back. The vacuums red, beady eyes
were now black, and it stopped growling. I jumped up in joy, because I had defe
ated the viscous beast.
Then Susan had brought in another horrible beast THE SWIVELER!

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