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Creativity Skeleton Outline

Hook: Picture a normal classroom; the teacher lecturing, the children

attempting to stay awake, and the droll sound of pencils regurgitating
notes onto papers. Now, is this what it really means to learn?
Thesis: Although teaching creativity is important, it should not be done
in a separate class but rather embedded within the curriculums of
other classes
Topic Sentence 1: Before employing lessons that teach children how to
be creative, creativity itself must be defined.
Einstein defines creativity as seeing what everyone else has seen, and
thinking what no one else has thought..the ability to look at the world in
the same way as everyone else but have a different understanding of it.

Creativity can be defined arbitrarily as uniqueness; whether it be

in science or math or art or music, creativity is the product of a
novel approach.
Picasso, Darwin, Beethoven, Mark Zuckerburg, all share this trait;
they put forth revolutionary forms of interpreting the world, not
just conforming to the times in which they live
Topic Sentence 2: Creativity should not be taught separately because
success requires the application of creative thinking to other subject
Where would Darwin be without his understanding of biology and
his observations of the Galapagos islands? Picasso without his art
instruction? Beethoven without knowledge of music?
Creativity is like the brush of a painter; it is useless unless it can
be applied to a reservoir of knowledge; but once this reservoir is
held, the painter is free to do as he pleases
Teaching creativity separately would insinuate that creativity
should be thought of as separate from real subject matter,
when in actuality, both must be simultaneously applied to
achieve success.
Topic Sentence 3: Lessons that emphasize creativity should be inlayed
into class curriculums.
It is important to be able to approach problems from different
approaches. Like the visual/auditory forms of teaching, unique
activities could help change the perspectives of the kids

This form of teaching would be important to tackling some of the

worlds problems that originate from trying to improve previous
ideas. We need novel approaches to face these issues.

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