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Chapter 8 – Cloze Activity – Sections 2 – Pages 269 – 273 (BLUE BOOK) ( 30)


In 509 B.C., the Romans overthrew T_______ the Proud, the Etruscan king, and set up a R________ .
Under this form of government, people e_______ their leaders. Early Romans were divided into two
main classes of citizens, the Patricians (“fathers”) or wealthy l__________. The other group the
p_____________ included small land owners, artisans and shopkeepers. Rich patricians were the only
ones who could hold public office in the g___________. The *c_________known as plebeians (“common
people”), paid taxes and served in the a________. If they fell into debt, they could be sold into
At the head of the Roman government were two c__________ who were chosen each year. Each had the
power to v________, bills or say no to the
acts of the other. They headed the a___________ and ran the government.
Next in importance was the s___________. It was made up of 3____ men called Senators who served
for l_____. The Senate handled the daily problems of R___________, and at first just advised the
c__________. But by 200 B.C. it could also proposed l______, and approved public b__________
Another l_____________ body was the Assembly of the C________ who elected the*_____________
such as consuls, praetors. The p___________ also controlled this body of government.
Another unusual feature of the roman Republic was the office of d___________. This was ruler was
elected during e______________ and had complete control over the Republic. The best known dictator
at this time was C_____________. He was a f__________ who was asked to gather an army and save a
legion. He was called the farmer who saved his country. He ruled for 16 days before he finally went
back to his farm.
Eventually the plebeians took a_________ to have more say in their government by going on
s_________. The plebeians left the city and refused to help the patricians. Through many such strikes
the plebeians gained certain rights such as a new assembly called the c_________ of the P________, two
tribunes which had v________ power like the consuls, and the right to marry patricians.
Roman laws were not written down until 450 B.C. and the plebeians claimed that they were treated
unfairly in the courts. Due to another strike the patricians carved laws on twelve b_______ tablets known
as the t_________ t______________. These tablets were placed in the f_______. They became the
foundation for all future Roman law.

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