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Hunter Somerville

Philosophy of Education

ETEC 524

Spring 2015

Draft 1

As a young learner, I was considered a gifted and talented student that always
made all As. As I got older and moved through life, learning became more
disorganized and more challenging. After returning to college after many years of
working, concentration was difficult and my grades were not what I expected them
to be as compared to my younger years. I went through a process and found out
that I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I couldnt understand how this
could be possible at the age of 37, but it was. After receiving medications, my
grades improved, and I began to think about how I could help others that may have
conditions like me.
I believe that education should be an all-encompassing learning experience for
everyone. My goal is to research and develop programs to assist adult learners that
have learning disorders are successful in the workplace and also those returning to
college. Educators at all age levels should be equipped with the necessary
information to help their students and identify potential learning disorders that may
have been missed or never diagnosed. Equipping these educators with these tools
will help students stay in school and complete their educational goals, find a
meaningful career, and be a productive citizen in their community.

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