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Logo: Design is based on a Maori carving design

because it represents the connectivity of this stream
through the ages, the tipuna (ancestors) and tangata
whenua (people of the land) who were the guardians
of the past and those who are the guardians of the
present who pass this responsibility on to the
tamariki (children). The U and W are blue and green
to represent the connectivity of the land and the
water and our Malfroy School colours. The extended
arc beneath the eyes represents the seeing beyond,
the awareness of what the future needs, not just the
present; The alert warrior that must take what action
is required to ensure the health of the stream now for
future generations.

interdependence/connected network of those who
use and are coming together from many groups to
care for and protect the stream. Black and white

because the choice is clear the time to act is now

and black and white are our NZ national colours.

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