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RAFT: First/Second Grade

Language Arts: Flowers

Row 1

ROLE (student)
A Gardner

Teachers and

Art project

Row 2

A seedling

A small bird that

landed on the
ground near the

An informational

Row 3

A flower

A tree

A comic strip
comparing and
contrasting the two
living things.

Creating the
garden using the
tools learned in
circle time.
You tell the bird
the story about
how you will
someday grow
into a beautiful
sunflower, starting
from when you
were once part of
a sunflower before
you were planted.
An argument
between the
flower and the tree
on who is the
better looking or
resourceful living

Directions/ ISTE Standard:

Row 1:
Materials= paper plate, colored paper, scissors, glue, and sunflower seeds
1. Gather necessary materials. Make sure you get the color you wish the petals to be.
2. Cut petals out and glue to the boarder of the plate.
3. Glue sunflower seeds to the center of the flowers.
4. Cut out the stem and leaf then glue both on the back of the paper.
ISTE Standard: Creativity and Innovation- Use models and stimulations to explore
complex systems and issues
Row 2:
Materials= paper and pencil
1. Brainstorm the cycle of life a flower goes through from seedling to flower.
2. Write down the story from the point of view of the seedling.

ISTE Standard: Creativity and Innovation- Apply existing knowledge to generate new
ideas, products, or processes
Row 3:
Materials= print out of a comic strip, facts about trees and flowers, colored pencils
1. Draw pictures in each comic box depicting the differences and similarities between trees
and flowers
2. Add voice bubbles to show the tree and flower are having a conversation
ISTE Standard: Creativity and Innovation- Create original works as a means of personal
or group expression
Student Resource:
Assessment Criteria: I will assess my students by checking their understanding of the life cycle
of a flower and their ability to incorporate that knowledge using their language arts skills in
different forms such as narrative stories and comics.


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