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‘THE USE OF CORNELL NOTE-TAKING METHOD INDEVELOPING ‘THE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION AT CLASS XHIPA ‘OF MAN I MAKASSAR. (A Pre-Experimental Research) ATHESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammad yah University in partcl fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of education tn English department RYAN JUNIARDI TOSSS 3276 08 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIY AH MAKASSAR_ 2013, UNIVERSIT AS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR_ FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 1 Salae Alauddin No, 259 Telp, (Ol) 865972 Maleavsar 90221 APPROVAL SHEET SKRIFSI Title The Use of Comell Note-Taking Method in Developing ‘Students’ Reading Comprehension at Class XIIPA 1 of MAN I Makassar Name Ryan Juniardi Reg. Number: 10535 3276 68 Program, English Education ‘After being checked and observed this thesis had becn fll qualification tobe examined. Makassar, November 2013 Approved by. ‘Consultan 1 Consultant I Ds. H.Bshrun Amin, M.Hum, Uni Khacrati Sym, SPd. MPA, Dean of FKIP Head of English ‘Unismuh Makassar Education Department br. A. SukriSvamsuri, Mum Erwin Akib, S.Pd,M.Pd, NBM: 80) 934 UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR_ PAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN 5B Sultan Alauddin No, 259 Telp (O41) 865972 Makassar 90221 SURAT PERNVATAAN Name Ryan Juniandi Nim 10835 3276 08 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Program, SL Judul Skripsi Analyzing the Use of Critical Reading Based on Cornell ‘Note-Taking Method in Developing Students’ Reading ‘Comprehension on XTIPA 1 Class at MAN I Makassar Dengan ini menyatakan ‘Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah “hasil karya saya sendiri bukan basil iplakan dan tidtk dibuatkan oleh siapapun™ Demikian pernystaan ini says bust dengan sebenar benamya dan bersodia menerima sanksi spabila dikemudian hati pernyatain ini tidak benar sesasi dengan oturan yang ber. ‘Makasar, November 2013 ‘Yang Membuat Pemyatsan Diketahui Oleh, (Consultan 1 Consultant Id De. H.Bshrun Amin, Mum, Unni Khacrati Svam, SPd, MPA, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIY AH MAKASSAR. FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN J1Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp. (041 1) 866972 Makassar 90221 SURAT PERJANJIAN Name Ryan Juniandi Nim 10835 3276 08 Jurusan Pondidikan Bahasa Inggris Program, SI Judul Skripsi "The Use of Comell Note-Taking Method in Developing Students? Reading Comprehension at Class XIIPA 1 of MAN 1 Makassar’ Dengan ini menyatakam perjanjian shogai bert: 1, Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesainya skripsl saya, saya akan rmeayusun sendiv skips says, dan tidak dibuatkaa oleh siapapun. ‘Dalam penyusunan skripsi saya akan selalu melskukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing 43. Saya tidak akan melakukan peniplakan plagist) dalam penyusunan skripsi int, 4, Apubila saya melanggae perjanjen seperti yang texters pada poin 1,2, dan 3 maka saya bersadia menerima sanksi sexual auuran yang berlaku. Demikian surat perjanjian ini says buat dengan penuh lesadaran dan taxps ‘endensi dari pihak manapun Maleasar, Novernhor 2013 ‘Yang Membuat Perjanjian ‘Ryan Junia iketahui oleh ‘eta Jurusan Bata Inggris MOttO “By Reading, You Recognize the World By Writing, The World Recognize You” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Albimdullilahi Robbil ‘Alamin, frst of all the ceseucher would like to express his deepest praise and gratitude 19 Allsh SWT who ss given him His blessing and merciful to complete this thess. Suslawat and salam are addressed 10 ‘he final chosen rligicus messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW, The researcher realzad that many people had given their helps and useful suggestion for the finishing of this thesis Without the assistance of them. this ‘Thesis would never have existed. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his appreciation and sinoste thanks to L. Dr HL Inwan Ab, MLPA, the rector of University of Mubammadiyah Makassar, Dr- A. Sabri Syamsuri, M. Hum, the dean of teacher taining and education facully 3. Erwin Akib, SPU, M.Pd, dhe head of English Education Department of FRIP UNISMUH Makassar 4. Dr. H. Barun Amin, MLHum., is first consultant who has spent a lot of time 1 give guidance, suggestion and advice in the accomplishment of this thesis ‘and Ummi Khaerati yam, Pd,,M.Pd. his second consultant who has helped him in corecting this thesis. 5. Hic high appreciation and grestor thankful tothe Examiners have given his/her time to examiner him, 6, All English lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH whose name cannot be mentioned ‘one hy one because due to limited space. Thanks for all knowledge and advice that given to him, may Alls SWTT bless you focever. 7. His bdoved parents who have given him support, motivation. prayer and ‘working hard to see their son success 1» finish his study. And his beloved Drothers and sisters who support him in finances during his study in college 4. The headmaster, the teachers, and Class XI IPA 1 of MAN 1 Makassar who hhave helped him to conduct the research in their clas, Finally, forall everybody who gave valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, ant advice to completion this thesis may almighty May Allah SWT always be with us and gives us power and guidance in four life, Aariin Makassar, November 2013 Ryan Juniardi LIST OF CONTENT Page COVER i APPROVAL SHEET i SURAT PERNYATAAN : ui SURAT PERJANJIAN w Morro . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vi LIST OF CONTENT vit LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF GRAPHICS i LIST OF APPENDICES xi ABSTRACT xi (CHAPTER LINTRODUCTION A. Background . 1 B, Problem Statement 2 . Objective of he Research 3 D, Signticance ofthe Research 3 E. Scupe ofthe Reseaveh 4 (CHAPTER REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Provious Related Ressarch Findings. 5 B. Some Pertinent leas. 7 . Conceptual Framework D. Hypothess (CHAPTER IIL RESEARCH METHOD ‘A, Research Design B. Research Vatible . Population andSample D. Rescach Instrument E. Data Collection F, Technique of Dats Analysis, (CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings B. Discussion CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion B. Suggestion BIBLIOGRAPHY. . BIOGRAPHY APENDICES| ES 38 40 40 a a4 4s LIST OF GRAPHICS Graphic 1.The Mean Scere of Students! Reading Comprehension Graphic 2.The Students’ Improvement in Reading Comprehension Page 35 36 ‘Table {The Difference benen Realing and Critical Reading LIST OF TABLES ‘Table 2.The Form of Comell Note-Taking ‘Table 3.Pre-Experimental (One Group Pre-Test Post Test) Design, Table 4.Numberof Population Tab 5.The Percentage of Students’ Score Classification ‘Table 6.The Mean Scove of Students’ Reading Comprehensien ‘Table 7,The Students’ Improvement Reading Comprehension, Table 8.Test of Significant. ” LIST OF APPENDICES Research Instrument z Lesson Plans ‘The Result of Research ‘Template of Cornell Note-Taking Method ABSTRACT Ryan Juniardi, 2013.The English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhmmadiysh University. Thesis: The Use of Cornell Note-Taking Method in Developing Studeas’ Reading Comprehension at Class XEIPA 1 of MAN 1 Makassar. Guided by Babrun Amin and Umm Khaerati Sys, ‘The objectives ofthis research were to identify students" Reading Comprchension before tey ae uglt using Comell Note-Taking Method, students’ Reading ‘Comprehension after they are Laight using Comell Note-Taking Method and the significantdifference before and afer doing treatment ‘This thesis used pre-experimental design, The population ofthe research consisted of 20 students of XIPA of MAN | Makassar it applied purposive sampling ‘echnigue. The instrument was reading test 10 identify the students’ Reading ‘Comprchension Based on the finding, the researcher concusted that class XI IPA | of MAN 1 Makassar could develop their Reading Comprehension by using Comell Note- Taking Metbod by the improvement of the students was 20.84% ‘The result of dua analysis showed that there was 4 significant differance of the sudonts Reading Comprehension towatd the use of Cornell Note-Taking Method. (CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ‘There ae four skills in English which should be mastered, they te reading spsking, listening and witing snd & cannot be denied that reading is one ‘ofthe most important. According to Harmer in The Practice of English Language Testing (1985) “Reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the bra Specifically, Nunan (1985) in bis book also sa that “Realing is @ process of decoding written symbols, working from smell unis (individual Ite) to larger cones (word, clauses and sentensos)” Reading is also something cncisl and indispensable for the students because the sucess ofthe study depends on the greater part of the ability to read students’ reading skills ate poor, itis Very likely wo fll or least they will have Jisfcutis in making progress. Ox the other hand, if the students have good ability in rating, dhey will ave hatter chance to succeed leaming English In reading to comprehend the text the studens should be able 10 organize I. The best way is geting the essence of what the students read systematically dhroug taking notes, Note-taking serves ssa encoding mechs, llowin learner to sore information ina useful way by interpreting muteral and sssosiating with prior experiences. According 19 Binstein etal (1985) Nete- ‘aking appears to help students to pay tention, develop individual ideas, and ‘organize mateial beter ia thet ovo aids, Hereinafter, Rudd (2004) stated tat Notes ate ao an aidle-memoire Material not recorded san be forgotten in «sumprisingly showtime - about cighty event in twenty-four hour, ascending to sone estimates, Many experiments suggest that unless the students mentally rehearse the information receive. itis ‘unkely to retain rin the short-term memory for mote than shout twenty seconds. Hermann Ebbinghaus in Rudd (2004), the German prycholoist who investigated remembering and forgetting, fund that slost half of what poopl have ler is fongottn within an hour. Recently, paychologists carying out experiments similar 1b Ebbinghaus’ confirmed his findings. So, the only sure way 19 overcome fowgeting is by taking ote, then studying and recking hem, Based on the explination and the beaefis above, the xacarcher is intrested to conduct the rescrch enttling: “The Use of Cornell Note-Taking “Method in Developing the Students’ Resding Comprehension at Class XI IPA 1 of MAN 1 Makassar” 1B Problem Statement Based on the background of study above, the researcher formultes the problem satemeat were 1. How are stidens? Reading Comprehension at Class XIIPA 1 of MAN I Makacsar before they were taught using Cornell Note-Taeing Method? 2. How are students’ Reading Comprebension at Cass XL IPA 1 of MAN | Makassar after they wore taightusing Comell Not-Taking Method? 3. How is the significant ference before and after doing weatinent st Class XIIPA 1 of MAN 1 Makassar? (CHAPTER IL RESEARCH METHOD AL Research Design ‘The designs ofthe research used pre-experimental design (One Group Pre ‘est Post test) in which did pretest, sive tteamert,and post st. aimed to know ‘whether thre was sigaiticant developmen: before and after using Corel! Note- ‘Taking Method and wo know whither by using Cornell Note-Taking Method vould develop the stidest’s comprehension in reading, and this could he proseated as follow: ‘Table 3Pre-Experimental (One Group Pre-Test Post-Test) Design [rreTet [Treatment ~~ Post'Tet SSCS jor et, 2000) 1B, Research Variable Researcher used two variables in this research, Comell Note-Taking Method (X) was the independent variable of the research, and student's Reading ‘Comprebension (Y) was the dependent variable. C. Population and Sample 1. Population ‘The population of this research wae XI clase of MAN 1 Makassar in 201-9014 academic year which was totally 120 dtudents ‘Table 4.Number of Population CLASS POPULATION MOWAT 30 SEPAT 19 XS 1 7 NTFS? i XTAGAMAT B XTAGAMAT 0 TOTAL ia (ius Usa MAN Takase 2. Sample “The sample represnted the whale population in this esearch, So, thi research used purposive sampling tha tok XTIPA 1 class D. Research Instrument ‘The lnstrument of this research was test (Multiple Choice). The test iemificd the student's achievement in using Comell Note-Taking Method 49 Jevelop Reading Comprehension. From this test the Researcher got infomation shout she studns’s Reading Comprehension and found the wesless after giving treatment. Trough this test the researcher identified an eor made by the students in eading based on Cemell Note-Taking method. E. Data Collection In collecting data, the ressarcher used some procedures a fellows: 1. Pretest “The researcher gave Les 10 the sample belive applying Comell Nate ‘Taking Method as a pre-test tomeasue the prior kaorledgs of the students 2. Treatment In giving treatment. the researcher carrie aut the cass meeting: The ways ofthe researcher in preseiting the materials inthe elasstoom ineraction were as follows: 18 The researcher explained and applicd Cornell Note-Taking Method in teaching Reading Comprehension bh The wssurcher gave examples and ase the students to use Carnell Note ‘Taking Method after Reading. c. The researcher gave exereises The researcher checked their work and gave feedback, 3. Postiest ‘Afr giving the weatmeat, the studenis were given a Post-Pest sd the sesearcherdisuitaned the posbies wo the sample 4. Comparing the result between pre-test and posttest “The comparison between pre-test and post-test were used to know whether sing Comell Note-Paking metiod was etfectve to develop the studert's comprehension in tesding F, Technique of Data Analysis In analyzing dita collected through the pre-tost snd post-test. The researcher analyzed by using the following procedures: 1. In giving score, the researcher used the fermula: stulentseorrectanser ‘oul number of ems (Sudjana: 1982) 41. Classifying the students score hase on the score standard of evabiation in the fllowinge CLASSIFICATION Excl a5 Vary Goad Te-8S Good we7s Fly God S668 Fair Poor vas Way Poor TDejaliebod tn Mahalo, 2OTOy 3. Calculating the mean score of the students’ answer by using the following formula: =x N Where: F=mem seore ‘EX = the sum of ll scores [= the total aumber of students (Gay, 1981) 4. To find out the standard deviation, the researcher sed following formula: 31 ‘Sd = Standard deviation = Number of students tested = Sum Totat ‘The value wan consulted othe standardization of coelficien reliability Wher NO] CORFFICENT aa ey ea =o Vein Good Relay 7) Goan-CoRs Goal Rei Tae Ta Ray 5) Law han 070 Poo Relbly ‘Soeharion, 19) ‘5. Then, to know the significant difference between the score of the pre-test ‘and post test the researcher calculated the value of thetestby using the following formal D = mean score ED = thesumofall the scores N= thetotal numberof students L = est of significance (Gay. 1981)

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