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Quarter 3 Reading Goals: Fluency, Stamina & Variety

Weekly Pages Goal:

165 pgs
Quarterly Pages Goal:
1,485 pgs

Quarter 1-3 Reading Data

How many books did you read?

I read four books and started a new one at the end.
How many books did you abandon?
I did not abandon any books
How many different authors did you read?
I read books by two different authors.
How many different genres did you read?
Mainly one (realistic fiction/fiction) but the Divergent series
was a little bit of Dystopia.
How many total pages did you read?
1,910 pgs

Quarter 3 Reflection
What are you noticing about your weekly pages, book list, and reading data? Did you meet your
quarterly goal? Why or why not?
I noticed that if I compare this weekly pages graph to my previous
ones that they are all about the same which isnt bad, but it would be better if I could have improved
some over the past three quarters. I met my quarterly goal, because I do read most nights, but like I
said I could have read more this past quarter.
How are you doing on your challenge goals? What are you proud of accomplishing? What are you
hoping to improve?
My challenge goals are going good. I have read books for January, February, and
March already. I am very proud of myself for sticking with these challenges so far and I hope that I will
continue to stick with them in the future.

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