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Quarter 3 Reading Goals: Fluency, Stamina & Variety

Weekly Pages Goal: 135

Quarterly Pages Goal:1,215

Quarter 1-3 Reading Data



books did you read? 10 books total.

books did you abandon? I didnt abandon any books this quarter.
different authors did you read? 7 different authors.
different genres did you read? 6 different genres.
total pages did you read? 1,400 pages.

Quarter 3 Reflection
What are you noticing about your weekly pages, book list, and reading data? Did you meet your
quarterly goal? Why or why not?
Now that I lowered my goal for weekly pages I am doing a lot better. I am also really enjoying all the books I
have been reading. I hit my quarterly goal which I dont think I have done yet this year.
How are you doing on your challenge goals? What are you proud of accomplishing? What are you
hoping to improve?
I am doing pretty well on my goals and I am proud of all the reading Im doing. This quarter Ive been hitting
my weekly goals a lot more which is great! Im hoping to improve on... just reading more!

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