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PDF vs. Kindle

While the book itself is designed for Amazons Kindle, this PDF preview is intended
for readers who havent used Kindles. If you already have a Kindle, try using the mobi
preview file (here), or look inside the book at (here).
The reading experience can be markedly different. In the first place, what you see on
the PDF is not quite what you will see when you read the book using either a Kindle or a
Kindle-app for the device of your choice.
Will this matter? If you havent used a Kindle yet, and are used to working with PDFs on
a laptop or desktop computer, it might. Consider these comments from two readers of one
of the books in this series:
From a reader who prefers PDFs on a PC:
[It] was not as convenient as a continuous PDF. Normally (as far as possible) it is best to have the
picture and explanation in the same page. So I had to do back and forward many times to read
about the image I see in a page. I saw a lot of white space which I think is better to use in some
way or the other.

From a reader who used the Kindle app on an Android device and on a PC:
I think the Kindle for PC is a little inconvenient since the pics/text are reformatted depending on
the screen size. [F]or instance, if I expand the Highlight/Notes Column at the left side of the
screen, the images would get a little scattered. Looks far better on smaller screens (read the doc on
a 4.3 screen mobile phone, looks great)

This PDF is laid out to resemble what you can expect to see on a Kindle, but does
nothing to reproduce the effect of changing the font size, zooming, etc. that you can do
with Kindle or Kindle-apps on different devices. If you want to experiment with the
Kindle-experience, you can download the relevant software from you do
not need to purchase or own a Kindle.

Prefer a PDF?
We currently sell this book only on the Kindle. If youre interested in another format
(PDF, other eBook, etc.) drop us a line and well see what we can do.

1: Some Definitions
2: Start Abaqus and set the start-in folder
3. The User Interface
4: An Existing Model
5: A "New" Model


Getting Started With Abaqus

Workbook 0
User Interface and Modeling Overview


These Workbooks consist of a series of examples presented as a mixture of text and
images. They're intended to be used along with the "theory" book in this series - Getting
Started with Abaqus - Essential Theory - and are therefore deliberately low on text and
rich on images. The workbooks are self-contained, but you may want to read the "theory"
if you're new to the finite element method itself. The other Workbooks are listed in the
references section at the end of this book.
The general presentation approach I have used is to write a few lines of text then follow
these up with one or more images. This approach works on all Kindles, even the ones
with the smallest black-and-white screens. It certainly looks nicer on color devices (such
as Kindle for PC).
Abaqus' interface, of course, looks best on a large screen - and Kindles, of course, have
small screens. The convenience of buying and reading a book on the Kindle is of no use
if the images are scaled down to the point of illegibility. To get around this, each scaleddown "large image" is immediately followed by a "clipped" image of the highlighted
area. This seems like the best solution to the problem. It does take you an extra click to
move to the next page, but is worth the added legibility.
Why not drop the larger images and retain only the "zoomed in" ones? Remember that if
you're reading this book, you're new to Abaqus/CAE. And one of the problems with using
a new software interface is that you can't always locate that pesky menu. The larger
image, then, serves to show you where the command / menu is located on the overall
screen. The zoomed-in image makes it a little more legible.
In some cases, though, you will find (at least on the 6" Kindles) that you will need to
"zoom-in" even on the zoomed-in image. To do this move the Kindle's cursor to the
image and click on it for the Kindle to rotate the image by 90-degrees. Then use the
Kindle's Back button to restore the earlier view and orientation. I've tried to preempt this
by flipping some images in the book itself, which means you have to rotate either the
Kindle or your neck, but I figured this is easier than the clicks-to-zoom-in-and-back. It's
harder to rotate a desktop or laptop computer, of course, so this does make things a little
worse on those devices.
Finally, the Kindle lets you select your font size. At larger font sizes, the captions for
some images spill over to the next page - and in some cases, are entirely on the next page.
Please keep this in mind when reading the book.
I recommend that you page through the sets of images more than once, then return to the
preceding text and re-read it. This is not a very easy way to read on the Kindle, which is
designed more for sequential paging back and forth. I've used a number of hyperlinks to
make it easier to jump around between pages. You will probably use the Kindle's
"Previous / Next" section controls a lot more than with a "serial" book.
Your goal, of course, is not just to reproduce the illustrated procedures on Abaqus. You
should be able to extend the documented procedures to your own scenarios. Note that all
the examples presented in this series can be worked out using even the student version of
The models used in this book can be downloaded from email
the author if you have any trouble finding the files or using them.

1: Some Definitions
These are intentionally brief, and are included as quick reminders on some common
terms that you'll encounter as you work with Abaqus. If you're new to the finite element
itself, chances are you'll find these terms incomplete. To fill the gap, look up either the
"theory" book that accompanies these Workbooks or one of the references listed at the
end of this book.
The Importance of modeling
Some common state variables
Tensile Stress
Yield Stress
Ultimate Stress
Tensile Strength
Proof Stress
Elasticity vs. Plasticity
Discontinuities in Data and their impact on the FE Solution
Common Errors in FE Models
Consistent Units
The Importance of Modeling

Remember that there are many, many methods to model systems.

Most undergraduate courses do not cover continuum mechanics based approaches.
Coursework usually covers only discrete methods (of force equilibrium) and basic stressstrain equations without covering the differential-equation forms. In order to use Abaqus
documentation, it will help if you draw the equivalence and the difference between the
two: Abaqus documentation uses differential equations extensively.
FEA is a way to construct mathematical models in which differential equations represent
the behavior of the system. To get to grips with analysis, you need to understand at least
some of applied mathematics and computer science, in addition to the relevant
engineering discipline.
The next images show 3 possible models of a typical "framed" structure. The first model
is of the complete frame. The second is of a subsystem a single bar. The third is of the
region around a riveted joint.
Which is correct?

The "system" - the complete frame

A "sub-system" - a single bar

Another "sub-system" - the neighborhood of a riveted joint

The answer of course, is that none of them is correct in the absolute sense. It depends
on what youre interested in.
Next, since we are viewing the FE method as a way to solve differential equations, its
useful to remember (for any given physics) the variables of state, the quantity that is
conserved (the flux), the conservation law and the constitutive (i.e. material behavior)

Equivalence between different "physics"
The next few pages contain some definitions related to stress and strain. The
nomenclature can easily lead to confusion: for instance, what's the difference between
tensile strength, yield strength and ultimate strength? And what in the world is a Proof
If you receive a problem statement in engineering, its a bad idea to work under the
assumption that all parties agree on all nomenclature. Its far better to have your
interpretations of available data confirmed.
Tensile stress: the tensile force per unit area of the original cross section within the
gauge length, carried by the specimen at any given moment.
Remember the difference between true and engineering stress: the former uses the
instantaneous cross-sectional area while the latter uses the initial area.
Subsequently we will see how to convert data into forms that are consistent with Abaqus.

True and Engineering stress-strain curves
Tensile Stress at Yield (Yield Stress): the first stress at which an increase in strain
occurs without an increase in stress

The yield point - yield stress
Tensile Stress at Break (ultimate stress): the tensile stress at which the test specimen

The point of rupture - ultimate stress
Tensile Strength: the maximum tensile stress sustained by the test specimen during a
tensile test

Maximum stress sustained - not the same as the permissible stress!
Tensile Stress at x% strain: the stress at which the strain reaches the specified value x
expressed as a percentage. It may be measured, for example, if the stress-strain curve
does not show a yield point. In this case x must be defined either in the relevant product
standard or as agreed upon by the interested parties

Permissible (or "offset") stress
0.2% proof stress: Not all materials show a definite yield point, so an offset is often
used to define the yield strength. An offset of .2% strain is widely accepted.

"Proof" stress
Now a quick recap of the difference between elastic and plastic materials.
This is the stress-strain curve for a perfectly elastic material:

Perfectly elastic material. Note the absence of a yield point.
Next, look at the curve for a carbon-steel. Only the initial part is close to a perfectly
elastic material.

A more familiar stress-strain curve. Do you think the y-axis is engineering stress or true

Discontinuities in data and their impact on the FE Solution

When we draw free-body diagrams, we frequently use representations without being fully
aware of the implications. For instance, the use of point-loads, step-loads, and sharp
corners is widespread. This can hurt the FE method. Why?
Because discontinuities in functions are inherently troublesome from a calculusperspective (and we have chosen to view FEA from a differential-equation perspective):
such functions may not be defined properly, may not be differentiable, may not be
integrable, etc.
The nomenclature of continuous functions is a subject in its own right: see if youre
interested in this aspect.
Heres the minimum you should know:

A function is continuous at any point if the left limit = right limit = value of
function at that point
A differentiable function is one whose derivative exists (it may, of course, be
differentiable only within a given domain)
Not every continuous function is differentiable, though every differentiable
function is continuous
A functions degree of continuity is Ci if its "i"th derivative can be evaluated
If it is C0, that means the function is continuous
If it is C1 that means the functions derivative is continuous
The Jacobian Matrix is used to represent the partial derivatives of functions that
have more than 1 independent variable - the determinant of the matrix (often
referred to as "the" Jacobian) is used to check whether the function is

If your data is discontinuous, you should view the results in the immediate neighborhood
with some suspicion - and should probably "smear" (or average) the result over the
immediate neighborhood. Unfortunately, there's no ready formula to define the
"immediate neighborhood". Most engineers rely on St.Venant's principle, which is valid
only for linear problems.

Common Errors in FE Models

Before we start on the modeling exercises, remember that your objective is to build an
efficient model. In other words, a high-quality model is one that is "efficient". By this
yardstick, how can you measure the quality of the model?
On the one hand, you want to minimize the time and cost: of building mode and of
evaluating the solution.
On the other hand, you want acceptable accuracy: that is, similarity to the real-world
Also, you want to minimise the sensitivity to errors in data. If you cant do this, you
should at least be able to quantify the sensitivity.
The most common errors in building FE models?

Too many elements = Too much time to solve

Too few elements = Not representative of physics
Wrong elements = Not representative of physics
Wrong elements = Incorrect assemblage of elements, which in turn leads to the
wrong equilibrium
Misrepresentation of conditions on boundary = Wrong loads, restraints, initial

Consistent Units
Finally, Abaqus is units-agnostic. You must ensure that various data are consistent size
of geometry, elastic constants, forces, density, etc.
This is probably the most common error beginners make, and it's pernicious because
problems in dynamics behave differently than problems in statics. We won't go into it
here: the "theory" book contains more details, as does the Workbook on Mode Shapes.
But please do pay attention to this aspect when building models for Abaqus. If it's hard to
teach an old dog new tricks, it's even harder to "unlearn" a bad habit. It's far, far better to
get into the habit, right from the start, of using consistent units consistently.

Some options for consistent units

That's it for this brief review of some concept. For more on theory, see the companion
book Getting Started with Abaqus - Essential Theory or one of the references at the
end of this book.
Now, onto Abaqus/CAE itself.

2: Start Abaqus and set the "start in"

To start Abaqus, use your Start menu. On Windows 7, this is what you should see:

The "start" menu on Windows 7
To change the default folder where Abaqus/CAE stores its various files, right-click on
the shortcut, select its "Properties", and change the Start In folder.
It's a good idea to do this since, as we'll see later, FE analyses can create a pretty large
number of files.

The "start-in" properties of the shortcut
Youll know that Abaqus has started when you see the screen below:

The "splash" screen

3: The User Interface

Create / Retrieve files
The Status bar
The Menu-tree and Modeling contexts
Geometry Creation
Wireframe Geometry / Sketches

The principal objective of these Workbooks is to show how to go from an assembly to the
simulation results.
In this Workbook we will cover the overall modeling procedure and the logical
organization of the user-interface of Abaqus/CAE. In the other Workbooks, we will go
over analysis-specific modeling procedures, review the organization of files, and look at
post-processing and error estimation.
Recall that the steps involved in creating a finite element model are

Specify the region (or domain) of space (and time, if things change with time)
that's of interest
Create an FE model to reflect the behavior of regions in the domain by selecting
appropriate elements, materials and sections
Apply loads and restraints
Interpret and report

Should you do the first task (creation of the domain) within Abaqus/CAE, or create it
using a CAD application?
Thats debatable.
The answer depends on the problem at hand, the other software available to you, the time
available and your skill / comfort with Abaqus/CAE and any other software available.
Depending on the situation, you will have to choose between the following:

create it entirely within Abaqus/CAE

import the final CAD data (i.e. ready to mesh) to Abaqus/CAE
import CAD data and modify in Abaqus/CAE till it's ready-to-mesh

Create / Retrieve files

When Abaqus/CAE starts, the first thing you do is choose whether to create a new file,
open an existing file, or select a recently opened file. Of course, once a file is open
(whether its a new file or an existing file) you can import another file into it if you
The "splash" screen that you see when you start Abaqus, shown in the next image,
contains icons that you can use to either create a new database (i.e. file) or retrieve an
existing one.
As the next close-up image shows, there are other options too - you can run a "script" (a
program that's somewhat like a macro - see the references at the end of this book for
more information on scripts for Abaqus), or you can start doing an "in-built" tutorial.
Note that the create-database option itself is really 2 options: create a file using
Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit, or using Abaqus' CFD capabilities. If you're not
clear which you should use, look up the "theory" book in this series (Getting Started
With Abaqus - Essential Theory) for some guidelines and advice.

Options on the "splash" screen

Close-up image on the next page

To select an option, click on the corresponding icon or link

Close-up of image on the previous page.

A First Course in Finite Elements
J.Fish, T.Belytschko, John Wiley and Sons

This is a comprehensive text-book and is a good addition to your reference-shelf.

Chances are you won't read it completely unless it's a text-book for a course you're doing.
But if you do choose to pursue a career in FEA, chances are very good that you will end
up reading every bit of it sooner, rather than later.
An Analysis of the Finite Element Method
W.G.Strang, G.J.Fix, Wellesley-Cambridge Press

While not directly related to Abaqus, this is an outstanding book by an outstanding

teacher (you can, and should, view Dr.Strang's video lectures off the MIT website).
Immensely readable, invaluable, well worth the price of purchase and the time to read it.
Python Scripts for Abaqus. Learn by Example
G.Puri, Wellesley-Cambridge Press

Considering I'm writing for Abaqus-beginners, why am I recommending a book on

scripting (i.e. customising or programming) Abaqus? The book does require that you
know a fair deal about Abaqus. However, the author has created some nice videos on
some common applications. You could do worse than check these out.
The 3DS "Community" -
Licensed users can access paid support, but how about academic users or others? This is a
recent (June 2011 onwards) attempt by Dassault and / or Simulia to address such needs.
You can use any email address to create an account, then (in theory) tap into the wisdom
of the crowds. Once you login, your browser is redirected (at the time this book was
published) to
There are some tutorials, etc. so perhaps you'll find what you want. But I suspect the
password-protected approach is too heavy-handed for light-fingered internet users
The Yahoo-group for Abaqus
This is a relatively lively (by CAE standards) group, averaging a few posts a day. It
doesn't seem to have any affiliations with Dassault, but does have some pretty erudite
members. However, on the downside, many of the questions tend to be advanced: well
beyond the profile of the intended reader of this book. Also, perhaps because of their
erudition, some of the gurus can be quite acid at times. "Stupid" questions are sometimes
snapped at, sometimes ignored. But if you do your homework and establish this fact
when you ask your question, chances are you'll get an answer.

Finally, there are the other books in this Getting Started With Abaqus series (clicking
on a link takes you to the corresponding Amazon page):

Essential Theory
Workbook 1: Linear Static Analyses and Basic Mesh Generation
Workbook 2: Thermal and Thermo-mechanical Analyses
Workbook 3: Mode Shapes
Workbook 4: Non-linear Analyses
Workbook 5: Explicit Analysis

This book was created by, and is copyright to, KFour Metrics

About the Author

C.Venkatesh lives in Hyderabad, India. His email address is

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