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Energy Needs

Nigerian people dont need electricity

because the people survive on their land. The

people there farm, fish, make bricks out of
sand and other agriculture money making
businesses .

More Agriculture

Only 36% of Nigeria has electricity but they

dont need it because they survive on


Nigerias Electric Power

Electric prediction is 20.13 billion KWH
Electric consumption 18.14 billion KWH but they dont
export electricity or import it.
Oil production 2.458 million BBI/day and they are ranked
10 In the world comparison.
Oil consumption 279,000 BBI/day.
Oil export 2.102 million BBI/day ranked 8 in the world for
exporting oil.
Oil imported 187,700 BBI/day.
Oil proved reserves 37.2 billion BBI their comparison to
the rest of the world is ranked 1oth.

Oil makes 80% of Nigerias income.
Oil production 2.458 million BBI/day and they are
ranked 10 In the world comparison.
Oil consumption 279,000 BBI/day.
Oil export 2.102 million BBI/day ranked 8 in the
world for exporting oil.
Oil imported 187,700 BBI/day.
Oil proved reserves 37.2 billion BBI their
comparison to the rest of the world is ranked

Natural gas
Natural gas production 23.21 billion CU M compared

to the rest of the world Nigeria is raked 28 th in

natural gas production.
Natural gas consumption 7.216billion CU M raked 52
compared to the rest of the world.
Natural gas explored 15.99 billion CU M raked 15 th in
the world.
Natural gas imported 0.
Natural gas proved reserved 5.292 trillion CU M and
compared of the rest of the world Nigeria is ranked
8th in now much natural gas they have under them

The country of Nigeria is close the ocean and has a
lot of oil so that makes them a exporting country it
also it a bad thing because when they have oil spills
the oil goes in the rivers and the rivers go in to

Nigerias oil helps them make money but it

destroys the land and the way the people live.

Between the years of 1970 and 2000 there
were more than 7,000 oil spills at the rate of
300 every year. The government of Nigeria
does not create new oil pipes or fix the old
ones. Nor do they care about the people in
their country so the people brake the pipes
and sell the oil at the market wile the oil pipes
is spilling oil all over the land.

Shell is one of the oil companies that take oil

form Nigeria but only 36% the rest Nigerias

the NNPC

More Pollution

CIA Fact book

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