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Small but Mighty

Centerville works through small numbers to continuously remain on top

By Ashlan Peterson
Practices have started, students are hard at work on the track and directors are busy
perfecting routines. Its like any other summer for an Indiana State Fair Band Day
participant and Centerville is no exception.
Top finishes and trophies dont come quite as easily for the Centerville High School Blue
Regiment. The band has averaged 55 members over the past 10 years at Music Travel
Consultants State Fair Band Day, making hours of practice necessary to perform a
flawless routine. Other highly regarded bands at Band Day average almost twice as
many members as Centerville, such as Winchester with 86, Muncie Southside with 103
and Richmond with 147.
Charles Roesch, Director of the Centerville Marching Band, explains that fewer numbers
make being a competitive band much harder.
We cant do volume and are more exposed in front of the judges, Roesch said. Larger
bands may be able to hide their weaknesses and we dont have that luxury.
With a smaller band, judges have more of a chance to see each individual student
performing and may be able to sample a student multiple times. Centerville directors
work through this issue by building their concept around the music and providing a
challenge for the students that makes them competitive with other bands, focusing on a
good blend between music and visuals.
Even with this challenge, Centerville never disappoints.
Sweet 16 finishes dating back to 1997 and Class AA Champions 10 of the last 13 years
prove that Centerville is one very hard working band. Even with the long standing
tradition of high rankings, winning isnt what its all about for the Blue Regiment.
I dont dangle trophies in front of my students, said Roesch. I encourage them to
always do the best of their ability and if they do that, we will take whatever comes our
He attributes his past Band Day finishes to great students, parents and supporters. Noting
that summer band is optional at Centerville, all the students that perform do it on a
volunteer basis.
The Centerville High School Marching Band works with the slogan WIN (Whats
Important Now) always in mind. Focusing on the present and not what is in the future.
Roesch challenges his students to take each day one at a time, If we get caught up
looking ahead we will not be where we want to be on August 2.

The Centerville High School Blue Regiment will be bringing a band of 50 members to
the Music Travel Consultants State Fair Band Day this year to perform One Small
Step, a commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of Apollo 11. Dont be surprised if this
small band takes one large step to the top at Band Day again this year.

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