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Marriage Contract

Colossians 3:18 - 19
18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love
your wives and do not be harsh with them.

We will both love each other until death do us apart
We will need to treat each other kindly
We are going to be married and I will do my best to try my husband as a fitting lord and
to love him with all my heart.
To remain by each others sides even if times are tough
To be faithful and loyal to each other
To protect each other from harm
To have fun together and enjoy our time together

Physiological and Psychological Needs

We need to be close to each other so we can talk about our problems to one another
We will be there for each other when we need help
If someone is making a decision that will affect the marriage it needs to be discussed first
We have to show our affection towards each other
We have be there for emotional support for each other

Interactions Towards Each Other

There will be no secrets between us

We will both be in charge of the house
We will both be responsible for chores around the house
We will both pay for bills
If we will have most things in common and will relate a lot to each other
We will give our children all the attention they need no matter how busy we might be
If we fight in front of the kids we have to assure the kids everything is fine and will have
a calm discussion together

Things That Are Forbidden

No cheating on each other

No physical abuse
Cannot be disrespectful to the children
Cannot abandon me or the children

Separation and Divorce

If we have children we cannot divorce right away and have to try to work everything out
If the problems cannot be solved within a year and we want to divorce we can divorce
only if both people agree on it
We will got to court to get officially divorced
Custody of the children will go to the wife, unless she has done a crime
We will distribute property and things but most of the property will go to the parent with
custody of the children
He will not be allowed to see the children ever again if custody is given to me!
If the contract is ever breach he will have to give me $30,000 every single year for the
rest of my life!

Date __ /__/__
Cinthia Flores

March 26, 2015

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