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Papua in Education

Education in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia), is a process to change persons or

peoples attitude and behavioral to mature human with teach and coach. In my opinion, education
is how to survive. When we are learning and then knowing something, we will be able to face
problems or something that come in our life. For examples, children in common has learnt how
to speak, but then when they become teenagers they should be able to describe or to present
something with speak skill. So when someone did not learn how to speak while he was child, he
cannot face that problem, to describe or to present something. This problem has been founding in
various corners especially in Papua.

My Essay Outline




Education in KBBI and in Common
The important of Education
Papua as An Examples
A. Papua in Education
B. Educations Problems in Papua
C. The Solutions
Papua Needs Improve The Education System to Face The World.

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