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Family Pedigree Project

A pedigree is a family tree that shows the relationships among family members and traces a specific
genetic trait within the family. It is a shorthand way to represent the members of a family.
By following a few guidelines, you can make a pedigree chart for your family. You might even be able to
find a pattern in the way a family characteristic is inherited. *Disclaimer: Many traits in humans are
not just simple dominant or recessive traits. The traits below are not all simple dominant or recessive
traits but for this purpose, we are using them to see how the alleles are passed down. In addition,
there are additional factors that could alter the trait. For example, poor nutrition could cause height
to vary from what the genetic code dictates.
Include the following
1) A legend (use your notes to help you recall how to do this).
2) First names for all members.
3) A title detailing what trait you will explore as well as the family names
Example: Cleft Chins within the Huber - Swift Family
4) Indicate people with the trait, carriers and people without the trait.
5) Indicate whether the trait is dominant or recessive.
6) Create a Punnett square of 2 people with known genotypes.
Answer: What are the possible offsprings genotypes and phenotypes?
7) Indicate the genotype of each person
(If there are several possible genotypes, put a question mark for that allele.)
Example: Tongue roller (T?)



Eye color

Not blue eyes (E)

Blue eyes (e)_

Widows Peak

Widows peak (W)

Straight line (w)


Dimples (D)

No dimples (d)


Freckles (F)

No freckles (f)

Roman Nose

Bent nose (B)

Straight nose (b)

Hand Use

Right handed (R)

Left handed (r)

Cleft chin (aka butt chin)

No cleft chin (C)

Cleft chin (c)


Short (H)
(females: < 57)
(males: < 510)

Tall (h)
(females: 57 or taller)
(males: 510 or taller)

You may want to create a data table and choose several traits to research. Your pedigree must
include people that have the dominant and recessive traits.

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