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Even more Awesome Lessons in Entrepreneurship #3

Selfie style video, with Balram walking into his house

Balram: Well, these lessons have skyrocketed in popularity! It appears that people are truly able
to recognize what is worth seeing! After all, I am the tomorrow!
Balram walks to kitchen, gets a drink of water
Balram: So for this rise in views, you can now buy my lessons for only $99.99! And, if you
order now you will receive a free coupon for one of my products!
Balram sits down in his room
Camera switch
Balram holds his phone
Balram: Did you see that switch of cameras? Yea professional editing right there!
Balram: Oh, if my father could see me now!
Balram: An entrepreneur, social white tiger, AND a professional film editor!
Balram: (takes a sip of water) Im awesome
Balram: So for this weeks lesson on
Balram: We are going to continue to look at my interesting life!
Balram: Because it is by far the best example of the path to become an entrepreneur!
Balram: So
Balram: Lets start with a deep question.
Balram: Has anyone ever manipulated you?
Balram: (chuckles) I know its happened to me!
Balram: Well, it has obviously happened to all of us!
Balram: And in some cases, peoples manipulation can change who you are,
Balram: It can corrupt you,
Balram: Which is exactly what happened to Mr. Ashok, my employer

Balram: You see, after Pinky Madam left him,

Balram: Something I was certainly not part of,
Balram: Mr. Ashok met up with this fat politician,
Balram: A huge man with two chins
Balram: Who began to, essentially force Mr. Ashok to do something he didnt want
Balram: In this case, getting a prostitute.
Balram: A blonde one!
Balram: I still have her hair
Balram: Nevertheless, I was shocked by this! The fat man had corrupted him!
Balram: And from the looks of Mr. Ashok, it appeared that he thought it was a big joke or he
was too frightened to intervene.
Balram: My foolish employer
Balram: But just because Mr. Ashok was unable to defend his honor doesnt mean Ill do the
same to him.
Balram: Because after this whole incident, I talked to the city
Balram: Delhi spoke to me; it told me about civil war, about blood on the streets,
Balram: And I made it promise that the fat man would be the first one to taste steel across his
plump neck.
Balram: Looking at the event right now,
Balram: I feel that my conversation with Delhi was just a fabrication of my mind to be able to
manifest my internal struggle between rising out of the Darkness by going against societal
norms, and staying true to the values imposed upon me by remaining in the Dark.
Balram: Damn, I am deep!
Balram: In any case, after this event, nothing much occurred
Balram: Wait, no something did happen
Balram: Aha! I remember! (pause) I cheated my employer.

Balram: Now, this is something I am still embarrassed to admit, after all, I find it quite
dishonorable to siphon his petrol and to use the car as a taxi
Balram: But every time I looked at the money I had made,
Balram: Money I had acquired by cheating on him,
Balram: I felt rage
Balram: The more money I got, the more I realized how much he owed to me
Balram: I felt that I deserved to have more, not to be robbed of what was rightfully mine!
Balram: (chuckles) I guess you could say I finally grew a belly!
Balram: Alas, with this new money I wanted to satisfy my desires
Balram: Which is to say, I wanted to have sexual intercourse!
Balram: Is that what its called in pop culture today?
Balram: (looks at phone) Oh!!
Balram: So I looked for Vitiligo-Lips and asked him for a golden-haired girl!
Balram: He took me to a hotel where the manager directed me to Room 114A
Balram: And there I found an okay looking blonde girl
Balram: Score!
Balram: (looks at phone) Is that how you say it?
Balram: But it didnt take much fiddling to find out that this blonde girl wasnt blonde at all!
Balram: It was all a dye job!
Balram: Now, this obviously infuriated me.
Balram: I slapped the girl and tried to fight the manager
Balram: Harsh actions, but I had bargained for a blonde girl dammit, I deserved a blonde girl!
Balram: Yet another instance in which I get less than what I deserve, all probably because of my
caste; of my fate in the Darkness.
Balram: Needless to say, I was kicked out of the hotel.
Balram: 7000 rupees wasted what a shame.

Balram: Which reminds me,

Balram: I was berated by both Mr. Ashok and the Mongoose for giving a beggar a single rupee
Balram: They found it unacceptable because, well, if we give money away we will have nothing
left to eat!
Balram: The rich will be rich and the poor will become poorer.
Balram: Its the way the world has to be, isnt it?
Balram: Now, before I get too sidetracked, lets take a step back
Balram: But not a literal step back! Otherwise you wont be able to see well!
Balram: Haha Im so funny.
Balram: So Mr. Ashok was in charge of bringing a red bag full of money to various ministers in
Balram: To bribe them of course!
Balram: When the Mongoose left, Mr. Ashok made me in charge of carrying the red bag around
Balram: All it took was one peek to turn that container into the Apple of Eden, temptation taken
Balram: One of the main ingredients required for my freedom lay right before me
Balram: And yet, I was unable to decide
Balram: I knew the consequences of taking the bag to make myself a new and better life
Balram: And I also knew my fate if I were to stand by and do nothing
Balram: So with this inability to decide, the city became alive once more
Balram: My reflection, the citys smog, two puddles of paan, they all spoke to me
Balram: They delineated my internal struggle
Balram: The cognitive dissonance I was suffering from was embodied in the arguments these
fabrications of my mind had with each other
Balram: And every time I looked at them, it reminded me of the decision I would inevitably
have to make.
Balram: With my internal battle, I asked for a day off to Mr. Ashok,

Balram: I gave him the excuse of going to a temple or something

Balram: But actually, I dedicated the day to walking around Old Delhi
Balram: I wanted to look at the place I was supposed to be in,
Balram: I wanted to look at all the things I was trying to get away from
Balram: And in the Darkness capital, I felt the guilt of my indecisiveness
Balram: This guilt, I saw it in a lone water buffalo treading to his destination
Balram: He pulled a cart full of buffalo skulls
Balram: And no one was guiding him, no human was directing him
Balram: I couldnt help but see myself as that buffalo
Balram: A lonely being that guided himself and had to carry the weight of death on his
Balram: This, this water buffalo; it talked to me
Balram: It told me about my family how they had all been killed,
Balram: And then, then the buffalo asked me if that made me happy
Balram: This water buffalo was spouting the consequence of leaving the Darkness right at my
Balram: And yet again, it made me think:
Balram: Is it worth it to escape the Darkness at the expense of my family?
Balram: Does the fact that I will become a wealthy entrepreneur justify the horrors my family
will have to face?
Balram: Does it justify killing the nicest employer in all of India?
Balram: Those thoughts flooded my mind, adding even more pressure to the decision I would
Balram: Thankfully, I didnt have to wait long for the pressure to be relieved
Balram: But that is a story that will only be available in the 4th part of this series!
Balram: So prepare your wallets if you want to continue hearing how to become an

Balram: This white tiger and wealthy entrepreneur says goodbye!

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