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Practical No.

6 (A)
Aim: Server Setup and Configuration.
Title: Setting up an NFS Server
Networking services provide sharing files via NFS in linux. NFS is supported by the
kernel. NFS was developed by sun Microsoft during 1980s. NFS act as a protocol that allows
communication between different computing environment. It is a mechanism for sharing file
system on a network. It is distributed file system that allows users to treat the remotely access file
as if they where local. It allows you to access files and directories that are located on another
system, even in a different city or country by using standard linux commands.

Steps to Configure NFS Server:

1) To Configured a NFS Server to installed the NFS Package by saying
yum install nfs*

Steps for Server Side:

2) Create a Directory which contain two or more files by saying
mkdir /liam
3) Select the File system which has to be exported
4) Open the /etc/exports File to edit the NFS Server Configuration.
5) Add directory which you shared (Shared Directory name and ip address of client)

6) Save the File then restart the Service by giving the Command
service network restart

7) To give the list of exported File system give the following command
exportfs v

Steps for Client Side:

1) Create the Mounting directory in /mnt folder by saying
mkdir /mnt/songs
2) To mount the shared directory into mounting directory by giving command
mount t nfs /mnt/songs
(ip address of the server and shared directory name then mounting directory.
3) Check the contains of the file.

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