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PAPER 1 (By Ankur Verma)
Q1) Definition of file field and record.
A file is a collection of records/all the students names, addresses, phone
numbers and dates of birth
A field is one item of information/name/address/phone number/date of birth
A record is all the information about one student/name, address, phone
number and date of birth of one student
Q2) Difference between RAM and ROM
ROM cannot be changed/RAM can be changed
RAM can be read from and written to
ROM is read only memory and RAM is random access memory
ROM holds instructions that need to be unchanged such as BIOS/program
cycles in a washing machine/program instructions in games
RAM holds the work that is being currently done by the user
ROM is non-volatile/RAM is volatile
Q3) Maintaining Privacy Security Measures
Authentication technique/User ID and Passwords/PIN/memorable data
Only person who knows password can access data
Key logging software can detect key presses/passwords can be intercepted by
expert hackers/user can forget password
Data is scrambled into unreadable form/only person/computer with key can
understand data
Data can still be deleted from system
Only allowed users/computers can access data
It is not necessarily the hacker that is excluded but the computer/hackers might
use an acceptable computer
Digital certificates
Only computer with certificate can access data
Can be expensive to purchase
Anti Spyware
Prevents spyware from invading your computer and gaining personal

Doesnt work for all invasions/needs to be continually updated
Is a double layer of security
PIN can be forgotten/if misused can generate wrong TAN
Q4) What user documentation contains?
How to load software/install/run software
How to save a file
How to search
How to sort
How to print
How to add records
How to delete/edit records
Purpose of the system/program (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Input format or example (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Output format or example (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Hardware requirements (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Software requirements (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Sample runs (only if not mentioned in technical documentation)
Error messages
Error handling
Troubleshooting guide/Contact details/help line/FAQ
Q5) Technical Documentation
Program listing
Programming language
List of variables
File structure
Purpose of the system/program
Input format or example
Output format or example
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Sample runs/test runs
Known bugs/possible errors
Validation rules
Q6) Roles of Proxy Servers in LAn And WaN
Can act as a web server
Can act as a buffer (between internet and LAN)
Server passes on requests to the internet
Passes the requested web pages to individual computers
Can cache/store the webpages
Subsequent requests for that/those web page(s) are responded to more quickly
Can be used to monitor internet usage

Can block certain sites

Q7) normal abnormal and extreme data defined
Normal data data within a (given) range/appropriate for that data type (1)
Abnormal data data outside the range/of the wrong data type (1)
Extreme data data on the boundaries of the range
Q8) Why computer model are used than the real?
Cheaper to make than the real thing
Real thing may represent too large a time scale (genetics etc.)
Real thing may be wasteful of materials
Real thing may be on too vast a scale
Easier to change data/variables
Costs less to change data/variables
The real thing may be impossible to access/create
Q9) Stock reordering
The stock file is searched
Until a match is found with the entered bar code
The number in stock of the matching record is read
One/number purchased is subtracted from the number in stock
The number in stock is compared with the re-order number
If it is equal to/less than the re-order number then more goods are automatically re-ordered
The new value of number in stock is written back to the file
Next bar code is read
Q10) Implementation
Direct changeover new system replaces existing system immediately/overnight
Parallel running new system runs alongside/together with existing system
Phased implementation new system is implemented part by part
Pilot running system is implemented in one branch/one office (at a time)
Q11) OCR/OMR/micr
(a) Two from:
Optical Mark Recognition
Pencil/pen marks are read by scanner/Reader
Position of marks are identified [2]
Exam papers/school registers/lottery/multiple choice questionnaires [1]
(b) Two from:
Optical Character Recognition
Text is read by scanner
image compared with characters stored in computer
Converted to text for use with other software [2]
Utility bill/turnaround documents/word processors/mail/passports/id cards/car number plates
(c) Two from:
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
characters read by magnetic reader
characters compared with characters stored in computer
Converted to text for entry into system [2]

Bank cheques
Q12) Double Entry / Proof Reading
Two from:
Visual verification/checking
Read through data on screen
Compare with source document [2]
Two from:
Double data entry
Data is typed in twice by one typist
Data is typed in by two operators
Computer compares versions
If different freezes/sounds buzzer
Q13) Describe navigation aids that would be part of a well designed on-screen input
Back/previous record button/arrow/facility
Forward/next record button/arrow/facility
New record button/arrow/facility
Submit/save button/facility
First record button/facility
Last record button/facility
Exit button/return to homepage button/facility
Move to top of page if long form
Search facility
Q14) Parallel running/implementation
A Information is not lost/always a second copy/training can be gradual
D Expensive to run two systems together/expense of paying two sets of
Q15) Phased implementation
A Still have most of system if things go wrong/no expense of running two
systems together/no expense of paying two sets of workers/if latest phase
fails only need to go back to that point/training can be gradual
D Lose some data if things go wrong/more expensive than direct as each
phase has to be evaluated before moving to next phase.
Q16) Direct implementation/changeover
A Benefits are immediately available/do not have expense of running two
systems together/less likelihood of errors as system will have been fully
tested/It is the quickest method of implementation
D If things go wrong lose all data/old system is not available/training is more
difficult to organize
Q17) Pilot running
A Still have most of system if things go wrong/no expense of running two
systems together/Can train staff in one area only/have to pay fewer

workers than parallel

D More expensive than direct changeover as more workers are
needed/slower method than direct/takes time to implement for whole
Q18) Give advantages and disadvantages of using a mobile telephone rather than
using a PC to access the internet.
advantages from:
Usually have mobile phone in your possession
Easy to carry/are portable
Can access internet almost anywhere
disadvantages from:
Easily lost
May have poorer signal
Display is smaller/keyboard is smaller
Content is more limited
Can be slower to access internet
Batteries might run out
No mouse so can be more difficult to navigate
Q19) Give advantage and disadvantage of using a Blog.
advantage from:
She can update it more regularly
More personal
Can be used as a diary
More interactive
disadvantage from:
Has to be continually updated
Animation/video/sound more difficult to incorporate
Its possible for people she might not want (e.g. outside school) to see her blog
Not everyone she would want to see it might have the internet
Q20) There are many microprocessor controlled devices in the modern home. Describe
effects of these on peoples lifestyles.
Microprocessor controlled devices do much of housework
Do not need to do many things manually
Do not need to be in the house when food is cooking
Do not need to be in the house when clothes are being washed
Can leave their home to go shopping/work at any time of the day
Greater social interaction/more family time
More time to go out/more leisure time/more time to do other things/work
Are able to do other leisure activities when convenient to them
Can lead to unhealthy eating due to dependency on ready meals
Can lead to laziness/lack of fitness
Can encourage a healthy lifestyle because of smart fridges analyzing food
Microprocessor controlled burglar alarm provides a sense of security
Do not have to leave home to get fit

Manual household skills are lost

Q21) Designing Expert Systems

Data is gathered/collected from experts
Knowledge base is designed/created
A structure to relate each item in the database / knowledge base is created
An interrogation technique to access the data is created
A user interface/method of displaying the results/method of inputting data/ input screen/output
screen is designed/created
The inference engine is designed/created
The rules base is designed/created
The system is tested
Q22) Copying Down a formula
Right clicked on C7 select copy from menu
Selected C8 to C18
Right click and click on paste
Highlight cells C7 to C18
Click on Fill
Click on down
Q23) e-Magzine Vs Manual
Advantages of DTP
Can be sure every local family gets to see it
Not everybody has a computer/internet/modem
Can read it anywhere/not limited to where computer is.
Disadvantages of website
Cant be sure every local family gets to see it
Not everybody has a computer/internet/modem
Cant read it anywhere/ limited to where computer is.
Disadvantages of DTP
Takes time to physically distribute by hand
Might need to pay somebody to distribute by hand
Costs of ink/paper/printing
Not as easy to update
Not interactive/hyperlinks
No animation/video
No sound
Advantages of website
No costs of ink/paper/printing
Easier to update
Q24) Doctors Diagnosing Illnesses

Symptoms are entered using the user interface

User interface displays questions...
...based on previous responses
User answers questions using user interface
inference engine compares symptoms
compares symptoms with those in the knowledge base
compares symptoms using rules base
matches of symptoms are found
User interface/screen displays possible diagnoses/illnesses/probabilities
Q25) A bank uses a chip and PIN system at its ATMs. A customer withdraws cash by
their bank card. Write down the steps involved in the computer processing of the
The customer is asked to type in their PIN
The (ATM) checks to see if the card is valid
The customer is asked which language/currency they require
The bank account details are read from the chip
Customer is asked if they want a receipt
The typed PIN number is compared with that stored in the chip
If they are the same the transaction proceeds
If they are not the same the customer is asked to re-enter PIN
If three failed attempts transaction rejected and card withheld
The customer is asked which service is required
The customer selects required service (cash)
The customer is asked how much money they want to withdraw
The customers account is checked to see if it has sufficient funds
The amount is checked against the card limit
If there are sufficient funds (and the amount is within the card limit) the transaction is
not transaction is rejected
The amount is deducted from the customer account
The bank notes are issued
The card is returned (by the computer)
If required receipt is printed.
Q26) Sensors Recquired in Burglar Systems
Temperature sensor
Infra red sensor/Movement sensor/camera/motion sensor
light sensor
Pressure sensor/pad
Contact switch
Sound sensor/microphone
key pad/touch screen
Biometric devices
Q27) Control of the microprocessor in burglars
Microprocessor checks input from the user is authentic
Microprocessor (continually) monitors sensors.
If light/infra red sensor reading changes

If movement sensor activated...

If contact switch activated...
If pressure greater than pre-set value.....
If sound greater than pre-set value.....
If temperature greater than pre-set value....
Microprocessor sends signal to sound alarm
Microprocessor sends signal to flashing light/house lights.
Microprocessor sends signal automatically to police
Microprocessor automatically sends message/calls/texts owner
Q28) Discuss Validation Verification
Validation is the checking that data is reasonable or acceptable
Verification is checking that data has been accurately copied from one medium to another.
Verification does not check that data is correct
If original data is incorrect it will still be incorrect after it has been copied accurately
Validation does not check that data is correct
If, for example, data is incorrect but within a given range, a range check wont reject it
Validation will pick up errors that verification does not
Verification will pick up errors that validation does not
Verification can sometimes be carried out by the user
Validation is always carried out by the computer
Q29) Spreadsheets are often used to produce computer models.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of computer modeling.
Real thing may be too expensive to build
Real thing requires too large a time scale
Real thing would be too wasteful of materials
Real thing is too vast a scale
Easier to change data/variables
Costs less to change data/variables
The real thing may be impossible to access/create
Real thing may be too dangerous
You can test predictions more easily/model can make predictions more accurately
you can ask many whatif questions which would be impractical in real life
Can never allow for all eventualities
Difficult to exactly recreate a lifelike situation
Hardware and software may be expensive
Workers will need to be trained to use the system
Q30) Green house workings
Computer monitors sensors
Temperature is compared with preset value
If lower than preset value computer switches on heater
If lower than preset value computer shuts windows
If higher than preset value computer switches heater off
If higher than preset value computer switches fan on
If higher than preset value computer opens windows
Humidity is compared with preset value
Moisture level is compared with preset value

If lower than preset value computer switches on sprinkler

If higher than preset value computer switches off sprinkler
Light is compared with preset value
If lower than preset value computer switches on light bulb
If higher than preset value computer switches off light bulb
Q31) Give advantages to the bank of using online banking
Fewer cashiers/security staff needed less spent on wages
Fewer branch offices needed less spent on rates/rent/utilities
Less actual cash handled fewer robberies
Cheaper to advertise
Lower postal charges
Have access to a wider customer
Q32) Give advantages to the customer of using online banking
Less danger of mugging
Dont have to waste time travelling to bank
Dont have to spend money on travelling
Can bank at any time of day or night/can bank when banks are closed
Can use it anywhere if theres an internet connection
Can ask for a loan over the Internet without being embarrassed
Q33) List four items which would need to be included in this design of the file
structure of the new system.
Field name
Field type
Key field
Field length
Validation check/rules
Q34) Advantages of Internet Shopping tp customers
Less danger of mugging
Can shop when shops are closed
Doesn't have to spend time queuing/going around different shops/travelling to shop/can
compare prices at different shops more easily
Can look at wide range of shops
No travelling expenses/dont waste fuel
Easier to search and find what youre looking for
Q35) Disadvantage of Internet Shopping for Customers
Lack of socializing/social contacts
Hackers may intercept data and defraud customer/steal identity
Deprived of personal touch
Phone bills can increase
Without broadband other family members cannot use the phone
Cannot see/feel goods in reality/goods delivered may not be the same standard as those
More vulnerable to phishing/pharming
More vulnerable to viruses

Goods may not be delivered/cant check the standard of goods before buying
May be hidden costs such as delivery charges
Q36) Examples of Other Computer Models
Financial Model
Mathematical models
Scientific models
Civil engineering models
Q37) Give advantages to bank customers of using ATMs rather than going to the bank
withdraw cash.
No embarrassment of not having sufficient funds
Less time spent queuing
Can get money any time of day or night
Own bank may be further to travel to than nearest ATM
Can use most ATMs/does not have to be own bank
Have choice of languages so is easier to understand/be understood
Q38) Give reasons why employeer may not want his workers to access the internet
They may waste time playing games/going on social network sites/updating their blog/ online
They could access undesirable sites
They could download viruses/malware
Could make the company susceptible to hackers

Q39) Give three advantages to the company of internet shopping.

Fewer staff needed less spent on wages
Fewer shops needed less spent on rates/rent/utilities
Less actual cash handled fewer robberies
Less money spent on security staff
Potentially larger customer base
Q40) Give three disadvantages to the company of internet shopping.
Initial cost of hardware/software is expensive
Need to retrain staff
Less customer loyalty/loss of customers/more difficult to sell other services/product due to
lack of personal touch
Costs of system maintenance
Greater costs due to more delivery staff
Q41) Stock Level Re-ordering
Every time a product is bought, number in stock reduces by 1
Number in stock of Kollege Corn Flakes falls to 150
Compare number in stock with Re-order level

Is equal so needs re-ordering

Kollege Corn Flakes now needs re-ordering
Read off re-order quantity (which is 50)
Read off supplier code L93512
Use suppliers database
Lookup supplier code (L93512)
Read off suppliers name, address - Lu Chen, Kinshasa Highway, Box 41324
Print off re-order request
Print off address label
Q42) Reliability of Internet
Internet is not policed so information is not necessarily reliable
Anybody can have a website so information is not necessarily reliable
Anybody can publish their understanding of a topic so information is not necessarily reliable
If site has excessive advertising it could be unreliable
If the advertising is related only to its own products it could be unreliable
The final part of a URL can help to identify reliability
.ac, .gov, .org are usually fairly reliable
Can compare information from sites to see if it is reliable
If site is endorsed by reliable/reputable people/organisations it can be accepted as being reliable
If it has links to other reliable sites it is usually reliable
If it has testimonials it is likely to be reliable
If the authors credentials are good it is likely to be reliable
If information is comparable to information from reliable/authenticated/text books it is likely to be
Reliable/ If the date of the last update was a long time ago it is likely to be unreliable

Laser printer/Inkjet printer higher quality output than Dot matrix printer
Laser printer/Inkjet printer faster output than Dot matrix printer
Laser printer/Inkjet printer are relatively quiet compared to Dot matrix printer
Laser printer has limited sizes of paper available/Inkjet has greater sizes of paper
matrix is unlimited in size in one direction only
Laser printer/Inkjet printer is susceptible to break down in oily/dirty conditions/Dot
matrix printer
less likely to break down in oily/dirty conditions
Laser printer/Inkjet printer more expensive running costs than dot matrix
Laser printer/Inkjet printer cheaper to buy than dot matrix
Inkjet printer cheaper to refill ink than laser/more expensive to refill than dot matrix
Laser printer/Inkjet printer needs regularly refilling with paper/Dot matrix printer has
paper feed available
Dot matrix printer/Laser printer ink needs changing less often than Inkjet printer
Dot matrix printer has fewer colour options than laser printer/Inkjet printer
Dot matrix printer produces instantaneous copies
Noise is not a problem in this environment


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