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Date: Week 5

Level: Year 5

Unit: Humanities and Social Sciences

Time: 40mins

Lesson: #10

(Year Level Statement that this lesson is building towards)
The Australian Colonies
The Year 5 curriculum provides a study of colonial Australia in the 1800s. Students look at the founding of
British colonies and the development of a colony. They learn about what life was like for different groups of
people in the colonial period. They examine significant events and people, political and economic
developments, social structures, and settlement patterns.
The content provides opportunities to develop historical understanding through key concepts
including sources, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy and significance.
These concepts may be investigated within a particular historical context to facilitate an understanding of the
past and to provide a focus for historical inquiries.
The history content at this year level involves two strands: Historical Knowledge and Understanding and
Historical Skills. These strands are interrelated and should be taught in an integrated way; they may be
integrated across learning areas and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts. The order and
detail in which they are taught are programming decisions.

Assessment of Learning
(List all assessment and state if it is formative or summative)
Assessment of learning - Formative
Students present their 2 minute presentation about the daily life experiences of
Colonial Australia
Assessment as learning Reflective
Students go back and reflect on what has happened in the unit and complete the
reflective inquiry sheet

Lesson Objectives:
(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson)

By the end of the lesson students will present their character presentations
Students will also assess their self and peer presentations
In addition, students will look back and reflect upon the topic, completing the
reflective inquiry sheet

Australian Curriculum Content Description


The reasons people migrated to Australia from Europe and Asia, and the experiences and
contributions of aparticular migrant group within a colony. (ACHHK096)
The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping a colony; for example,
explorers, farmers, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, humanitarians, religious and political
leaders, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. (ACHHK097)
Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital
technologies (ACHHS106)

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students have developed and practiced their 2 minute presentation on the life of
Colonial Australia
Students have a general understanding of audience manners


Introduction & Motivation:


Allow students to practice their presentations


Gather students to a suitable spot for students to

present their assessment and watch as an audience.

Teaching Approaches &

Students develop their own
set of rules which is
scaffolded by the teacher

Ask students what their expectations are for the

people watching (set rules for the audience watching)
Provide each student with an assessment rubric
which they developed during the previous lesson and
ask students how do you be a fair marker?


Main Content:

27mins Have two raffle boxes (two different colours) filled

each filled with the students names. Allocate which
box is for assessors and presenters.
Pick a name from the presenters box (they will
present their presentation).
Pick a name from the assessors box (they will assess
the presenter using the presenters rubric).
Teacher keeps a separate rubric to mark.

Teaching Approaches &

Its important that feedback
is positive to reassure and
comfort students which
have finished presenting as
some may not feel
confident with their own
Rubric (See Attached)

After each student finishes presenting, ask students if

they would like to provide some positive feedback.
The assessor hands over the rubric to the presenter
and they assess themselves (how did you think you
went?) then hands the rubric to the teacher.

Support and/or Extension





Let students know how youve felt about this unit and
how well theyve done.

Teaching Approaches &

Reflective inquiry sheet
(see attached)

Provide students the reflective Inquiry sheet and

request them to complete it so the next class which
has it can be even better.
Students hand sheets up to teacher

Did all students present?
Were students engaging as an audience?
Did the students assess fairly?
Was everyone engaged throughout the presentations and reflection?
How could this lesson be improved?

Safety Considerations

Ensure all students are sitting on the floor and are following the audience manner
rules they set themselves
No students should be wandering around the room during the lesson
Any props should meet class safety standards

Reflection Inquiry Sheet

What did you like about this History unit? Why?

Was there a lesson you didnt like? Why?

Was there any lesson which could have been improved? Describe what you
would have changed.

Has your view on this topic changed? Why? Why not?


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