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NARISYA MANDA L (14221448)



: Excuse me,this is company representative, are you mobile enterprise

: Yes, of course can I help you?

: We would like to offer cooperation for the maintenance of the website

: oh ,coincidence we are looking for website maintenance. Lets talk about the
time for setting up the website.

: with three year contract, we will increase revenue and best service.

: Three year? It is too long. How about one year? Well see the results of your
performance and if satisfactory well extend the contract.

: Mmm.. ok no problems we can begin within one year contract.

: We also want maintenance performed every 3 month for maintenance costs

as low as possible and we would like to receive the weekly maintenance

: Ok.. but our company only do maintenance every month, to reduce

inconvenience for customers, but we can give you a check every week ?

: I agree to that

: If there are problems you can contact us via email for 24 hours

: Via email often impeded by network. What if we contact you via telephone,
we also want to solving the problem resolved within 2 hours

: We can not be in contact by phone because we do not want to abuse the

procedures of the company but we will try to resolve the problem within 2
hours. If have to finish in 2 hours may we ask for extra pay?

: ok I will give you bonus

: thanks you, glad to work with you

: youre welcome

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