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March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


The Brewing Storm

BOOM! A heavy, rusted metal door slams shut to the left of the
unconscious girl. The 20 year old Edyn Bowers is jolted awake by the
deafening sound. Panic floods through her like ice as she tries to move her
arms but is stopped by rough, scratchy rope that keeps her trapped against
her will on a hard mattress. A single tear glides down her pale, thin face as
she grasps the reality that she is a prisoner. But to who? Who put her here?
A muffled clicking noise that Edyn identifies as footsteps sounds
outside of the enormous door. Letting her head fall back against the mattress
she squeezes her chocolate brown eyes shut as the footsteps grow louder
until they stop. With a deafening groan the metal door inches open and
someone steps inside the cold musty room. Tilting her head slightly so that
her pin-straight, jet black hair cascades down in front of her face, Edyn peeks
from behind her long locks at the figure standing just inside of the doorway.
Though it is difficult to make out the features of the mysterious figure in the
dimly lit room with no windows, Edyn comes to the conclusion that they are
tall and thin. She stiffens slightly as the person slowly steps towards her.
Something cold and metal clamps tightly around her leg. As the figure comes
to a halt right beside her Edyn glances up to meet a pair of icy blue eyes that
match the cold look they are giving her. The figure is a blonde woman with
her hair pulled back tightly into a ponytail. A large white lab coat swallows
her petite frame making it so that she resembles a slightly squished
marshmallow. Edyn tries to speak to the woman to find out information but

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The Brewing Storm


as she opens her mouth it is as if the dryness in her throat swallows up the
words before they can escape and she utters nothing but a hoarse whisper.
The woman just gives her a blank stare as she flicks a switch to the right of
Edyn and a small buzz emits from the metal band that is positioned on
Edyns thin leg. A numbing terror fills Edyn so that she can barely make
sense of her surroundings. The numbness hides the fact that the woman is
rubbing a cool, wet cloth against her arm from her brain. Only when a
miniscule sharp point jabs into her skin does her brain finally wake up, only
to find that its too late. The object that was inserted into her was a needle
filled with a mysterious, translucent, grey liquid that keeps her paralyzed. As
the buzzing in the band intensifies, Edyns eyes begin to burn from unshed
tears. The marshmallow woman slips behind a hidden plastic cage just a
millisecond before electricity practically explodes from the band and the
room outside of the cage is filled with burning hot sparks. Edyn is submerged
in a white hot fury of pain and she wishes she would just die already.
However the sweet relief of death didnt come. Finally a single tear escapes
Edyns eye and the small thuds of rain drops sound from the roof above her.
As Edyns world of pain vanishes, she is left once again with the dull buzz of
the band. However this time the buzz is not just contained to the band. This
time it is all throughout her body. As she lifts herself from the mattress she
discovers the ropes that previously held her have been burned to a crisp.
Slowly she places her bare feet on the slightly warm, cement floor. Lifting up
her head, her long platinum blonde curls fall over her face. Wait a minute,

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The Brewing Storm


she thinks. Blonde? Curls? Thats impossible. Assuming she must just be
hallucinating from being electrified, she continues to scan the room. Inside of
the plastic cage, the marshmallow woman blabbers rapidly into a
microphone thats connected to a recorder. For the first time since she laid
eyes on her Edyn witnesses emotion on the womans face. It is pure and
utter shock and as she locks eyes with Edyn her as widen to an alarming size
so that they resemble saucers. Rushing out of the cage, she runs and heaves
open the door before dashing out. Edyn glances down at her burnt hospital
gown and scans the room for something alternative she could wear. Noticing
a pile of black and red clothing inside of the open plastic cage, she hurries
over and scoops them up along with a pair of red high heels. Placing the pile
of clothes on the mattress that previously served as her prison, she grabs a
pair of high-waisted black pants. Wriggling them on as fast as she can, she
then grabs the red fitted-shirt and slips it on over her head and tucks it into
the waistline of the tight pants. Finally she jams the shiny shoes onto her
petite feet. Glancing at the single item that is left, a red bandana. She
decides to tie it around her head with her bangs tucked back and a tiny knot
at the top of her head, just above the hairline. Dashing out of the room she
cringes as the metal door slams shut with a thunderous boom. Flying down a
pure white corridor she bolts towards a humungous black door with the word
EXIT spray painted in white across it. As she is about three quarters of the
way to it she is cut off by a giant of a man dressed in a lab coat identical to
the one marshmallow woman wore. Snarling at her he lunges forward to grab

March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


her but she dodges swiftly and speeds off in the other direction. Edyns heart
pounds as she throws herself down a different corridor, only to find that it is
a dead end. Coming to a halt Edyn makes the courageous decision to face
the music. Whirling around she waits for the giant to appear. A slight breeze
blows through her hair as she glares fiercely down the hallway. Swiftly she
scans her surroundings for a vent or fan that could be the source of the
breeze. However there is none to be found.
How odd she mumbles to herself. Smiling at the realization that her
voice has been returned to her once again she squares her shoulders and
focuses her gaze back down the corridor. The heavy footfalls of the man
grow louder as they approach her. Angry swirls inside her and the gentle
breeze intensifies and causes her hair to whip around her as the man
appears around the corner with a cocky smirk. Taking his time he saunters
towards her and the anger intensifies to fury. Scowling, she clenches her fists
and prepares to attack him. This seems to amuse him even more as he
chuckles, causing her fury to spiral out of control. Just as she is about to
lunge for him a hidden door slams open and a powerful gust of wind shoots
from the outdoors behind her and sends the giant soaring onto his back. As
the giant slams to the floor with a loud thump shouts of panic reach Edyns
ears from somewhere inside the maze of a building. Spinning on her heel she
sprints out of the hidden doorway and slams it shut just as a group of
panicked people whip around the corner to investigate.
Edyn begins to calm herself as she steps out into the sunny, windless
area and sets off in search of help. A curious thought tickles her brain as she

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The Brewing Storm


takes in her surroundings. Where did the crazy gust of wind come from?
Shaking her head, she pushes the thought to the back of her mind for the
time being. The building that she escaped appears to be out in the middle of
nowhere so she jogs along a seemingly endless dirt road to start her search
for other humans. Ones who wont electrocute her and experiment on her. As
she jogs all the events that just passed consume her brain as she tries to
decipher how it was possible that a gust of wind could be strong enough to
burst open a door and knock a giant off his feet. It just seems impossible. If
she hadnt seen it she wouldnt believe it either. She slows to a steady walk
as the possibilities tease her brain, each more unbelievable than the next.
Squinting ahead of her, her eyes catch on a tiny flicker of light in the
distance. Rubbing her eyes she shakes her head and peers up again, double
checking to make sure it is not just her imagination. Sure enough, there
appears to be a tiny gas station just a little ways away. Speeding up her
pace, Edyn desperately wills her legs to go faster. The wind picks up once
again as her body fights the exhaustion. It is almost as if the wind is pushing
her along as she it becomes slightly easier to pick up speed. Thinking
nothing of it Edyn continues until she can clearly make out the shape of the
gas station.
Slipping inside the gas station Edyn makes a beeline towards the
restrooms. Once inside the slightly grungy, pink and grey tiled bathroom, she
locks the door and rushes over to the sink. Twisting the tap she lets the water
run through her hands before splashing her face. Cupping her hands
together she lifts her hands towards her face and gulps down a relieving sip

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The Brewing Storm


of water. Lifting her eyes to her reflection she lets out a piercing scream. The
pure silver eyes that stared back at her were not what she was expecting.
Also the blonde curls are still there. Nowhere near a hallucination. Panic
floods throughout her body again. How is this even possible? Staggering
back from the mirror she put her head in her hands in an attempt to block
out the confusing world around her. After a moment Edyn takes a deep
breath and uncovers her face. Stepping out of the filthy little bathroom she
searches for an answer to her current problem. How to get home.
Hopping out of the kind strangers truck, Edyn flashes him a smile with
a quick thank you and heads off towards her home. Sprinting down the
familiar streets of her hometown Ashwood, she pauses at the local notice
board. Right smack dab in the center is a black and white photo of the old
Edyn. The one with pin-straight black hair and chocolate knives. Underneath
the photo is a missing person notice, with her address at the bottom. The
pain of seeing her old self tears through her heart like a knife. More anxious
now than ever to get back home, Edyn turns towards the street on which she
lives and sets off at an almost alarming rate. Coming to a halt she takes a
deep breath followed by others to calm her heart that is pounding like a
drum. The dark street looms in front of her as she peers through the
blackness towards the tiny condo she shares with her 23 year old, best friend
Andrew. Andrew or Andy is the only family she has left since her parents
went missing two years ago. Tears of relief sting her eyes as she rushes up to
the only place in the world where she knows she will be safe. Just as she
reaches the bright red door with multiple chips in the paint a light drizzle

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The Brewing Storm


claims the skies. Knocking lightly against the wood she shivers and
desperately waits for Andrew to answer her silent pleas. With a creak the red
door creeps open and out peeks an olive green eye. It was Andrew. Sighing
with happiness Edyn shoot him a weak smile. Frowning, Andrew opens the
door wider to reveal his black slicked back hair and large leather jacket.
Im sorry Can I help you? He questions with a slightly hopeful
gleam in his eyes.
Andrew? Its me Edyn! her forehead creases with worry as Andrews
face falls.
Thats not funny. Its a cruel joke! I thought you were going to give me
information as to where she is. Andrews disappointed expression slowly
turns to a scowl as he prepares to slam the door in her face.
Wait! Please it really is me! whispering pleadingly as tears roll
steadily down her face Edyn clasps her hands together in a begging fashion.
Behind her a storm begins to brew as the grey clouds surround the skies like
hungry wolves stalking their prey.
Just go home Andrew sighs with impatience.
This is my home! Please I have nowhere else to go! Desperately she
clings to the sleeve of his leather jacket as she tries in vain to convince him.
With an air of pure frustration Andrew tugs off his jacket and shoves it at her.
Fine. He states. Take this for cover and leave. Turning around to
head back inside her glances over his shoulder with a slightly softer
expression and mutter. Be grateful I gave you anything at all after the trick
you tried to play on me. Without another word he whirls back around and
slams the door behind him.
Andy Edyn whispers. With one last longing glance at the place she
once considered to be her home she flees into the eerie storm night with the

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The Brewing Storm


jacket wrapped tightly around her frail shoulders. Knowing that might very
well be the final time she sees the town or Andrew.
Four years after Edyn was reported missing Andrew stumbles out
of his pigsty of a home. Shuffling down the street with a solemn expression
he runs his hand through his messy, uncombed hair and over the tangled
beard that has been growing since the day the mysterious woman with the
alarming silver eyes and impossibly white blonde hair showed up at his
doorstep claiming to be his missing friend. Every moment since then
haunted him. He should have taken her in on that horrible night. Who knows
what could have happened to her. As he approaches the bulletin board the
sorrow in his eyes is evident. Pain strikes his heart as he reaches up to the
picture of his beautiful friend that had been ripped and torn over the years of
being out in the open. Pausing he lets a single teardrop drip down his chin
and disappear into his beard before tearing down the thin paper that failed to
bring the beloved girl back to him. Resting his arm on the board he buries his
face in the crook of his arm. After his moment of mourning he lifts his red
puffy eyes and glances around him. Out of the corner of his eyes his catches
a glimpse of a white blonde head of curls. Whipping around he scans the
busy street but to no avail. The mysterious woman is not there. Shrugging
his shoulders he crumples the paper in his hands and allows his feet to guide
him to the relief of liquor from the bar across the street.
With tears gliding down Edyns soft cheeks she studies her rapidly
aging friend. An arrow pierces her heart as he makes the solemn journey to
the bar. He sure has aged, and he has given up on the search. She ponders

March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


to herself. Shaking her head she scolds herself for coming back to the town
bursting full of memories. It is better this way. She tries to convince herself. It
is good that he has given up! He needs to move on and believe that I am
dead. For the real truth would freak him out way too much. With those not so
comforting words in mind Edyn sneaks backwards, allowing the dark
shadows to wrap themselves around her until she is nothing but a dark
The year is 2015. Edyn leans up against the rough brick wall in the
alleyway hidden in the town of Ashwood. It has been 60 years since she was
experimented on. 64 since she last saw Andrew. 50 since she discovered
what she truly is. Immortal. Lifting her soft, wrinkle-free hand to brush a
white blonde curl from her face she allows the wind to sweep her hair back.
Hiding in dark places is her life now. As many times as she tried she has
never been able to go back to Andrew and explain to him what a mess her
life is. Whenever she tries, the fear of being called a freak and being
experimented on again over powers her. Immortality in not the only thing the
scientists in the white lab coats supposedly gifted her that horrible day.
Manipulating the weather is now a specialty of hers. At first she didnt realize
that her emotions were controlling the weather until she got furious and a
tornado almost tore apart an entire town. Of course that could have been a
simple coincidence except for the fact that there had never been a single
tornado in that part of the USA before and it is the only one ever recorded in
history. After that unfortunate episode Edyn promised to never use her
newfound abilities against another. Clutching the leather jacket to her chest

March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


as she reminisces her life she is suddenly startled out of her thought by a
loud crash and a cry of pain coming from the other end of the alley. Sitting
up to a crouch Edyn peeks over the dumpsters to take a look at the curious
situation. Squinting her eyes she struggles to make sense of what is
happening. Soft murmurs reach her ears as she scoots closer and a group of
three men come into focus. Choking down a gasp as the largest of the three
men strikes the smallest across the head, causing him to crash to the filthy
asphalt. Anger surges through Edyn at the cruel act and she sends a large
gust of wind towards the standing men, just powerful enough for them to
slam against the brick. Hoping to scare them away Edyn holds her breath
and waits for their reactions. Groans of pain and angry mutters sound from
the two goons are all that she hears until one of them growls.
That wasnt no ordinary gust of wind. She is here. His rough voice
sends shivers of fear down her spine and terror floods her mind. Silently she
drops to her stomach and army crawls into the tight space underneath the
disgusting dumpster. How did they know about her? Could they have tracked
her down after all these years? Gagging from the putrid smell wafting down
from above her, Edyn places her hand over her mouth in order to keep quiet
and not throw up. As the two brutes recover from being slammed against the
wall they begin to search for her. Studying the young man that was knocked
unconscious, she chokes back a sob as she catches sight of his face. It is
identical to Andrews. Thats impossible! It cant be her Andy. Confusion and
sorrow fill her to the brim and she struggles to maintain the weather from
reacting to her emotions so it will not give her away. However as she is

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The Brewing Storm


distracted she doesnt notice the goons sudden quietness until it is too late.
Flipping the dumpster over the shorter of the brutes grabs her by the ankle
and slides her closer before whacking her over the head, knocking her out
With a sudden jolt Edyn is awoken in a place that is dreadfully familiar.
Panic and terror overcome her and she screams bloody murder till her throat
cant handle anymore. Allowing her tired body to fall against the hard
mattress she sobs silently. Deciding there is no use in pretending to sleep
this time like the first time she was held captive she stares at the gigantic
metal door. After several minutes she comes to the conclusion that no one is
coming and she struggles against the scratchy rope. Tears of frustration glide
down her cheeks as she takes in her surroundings. It is as if she has been
plucked out of 2015 and thrown back into the 50s. Absolutely everything is
the same except for a small, slightly rusted filing cabinet with two drawers.
The top drawer has the label antidotes. The bottom has the label
patients. Curious, she peers over to get closer look just as the door slams
open with an eardrum shattering crash. Wincing Edyn lays flat on her back
before becoming completely still. Glancing over at the person who burst in so
abruptly she is shocked to see her Andy staring back at her. Wait, not her
Andy. That would be impossible. Its just the Andrew lookalike. Taking in a
sharp breath, she locks eyes with his bright blue, piercing eyes. The only
feature that differs the stranger from her beloved friend is the eyes. Instead
of Andrews calm soothing olive eyes, the young man has eyes that appear
to stare straight through you and into your soul. With a slight smile he puts

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The Brewing Storm


his finger to his lips to sign for her to be quiet. She rolls her eyes and
whispers to him as best she can in her hoarse voice.
I think its a little late for that! I doubt anyone within miles didnt hear
that door slam. Shaking her head she motions for him to help free her.
Whipping a small pocket knife from his pants pocket, he rips the rope from
her wrists and helps her sit up properly. Dizziness overcomes her and she
sinks back down to the mattress. The reality of not having eaten for days hits
her like a bag of bricks. It would be impossible for her to escape in this state.
Determined to get answers she steadies herself into a sitting position and
slowly stands. Shuffling over to the cabinet with the help of the stranger she
motions for him to break the lock off on the top drawer. Perhaps there is a
cure to her condition. With a grunt and a surge of force the stranger breaks
off the lock and Edyn slides the drawer out. Sorting through the bottles of
various materials as quickly as she can, Edyn comes across a bottle with the
date May 16, 1952. The year she was experimented on. Across the cork
stopper the letter E is carved rather roughly into it. Without a doubt in her
mind Edyn picks up the bottle full of baby pink liquid. It must be the antidote
to her condition. Turning a little too quickly towards the stranger, she
stumbles and almost drops the antidote. However the young man has quick
reflexes and steadies her before any damage can be done.
I dont understand Edyn begins How did you escape so easily?
Frowning slightly she looks up at him curiously.
I wasnt tied down like you were and I didnt come across anyone on
the way here. He explains. Im not sure what that means but if we hurry I
think we can make it out of here safely! he states excitedly.

March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


Its too easy! Edyn mutters Why wouldnt they lock you up too?
Just as the man opens his mouth to respond an alarm blares throughout the
room. Oh not this again Edyn groans. Weakly she attempts to run towards
the door but fails as she almost topples over halfway there. Turning towards
the Andrew lookalike she announces I cant make it in this condition!
Sighing the man scoops her up without another word and bolts out the door
despite her protests. Dashing down the freaky white corridors, Edyn
whimpers as she remembers her previous encounters in the confusing
building. History repeats itself as they are trapped in a dead end. Swearing
under his breathe the stranger sets her down and paces up and down. In the
moment Edyn realizes what she must do. Dont worry, they arent after
What are you talking about? Of course they are! Why else would I be
here? The stranger stares at her as if she has grown a second head.
Dont you see? She asks exasperatedly They used you as bait to
bring me here. Its me they want. The stranger frowns.
Why would they use me as bait? Ive never seen you before in my
life! He exclaimed with extreme confusion etched on his face.
That may be, but you resemble someone I used to know who means a
great deal to me. Shaking her head she buries her face in her hands I was
a fool to come back! Why couldnt I have stayed away and left things alone?
groaning she rubs her eyes as the pain of hunger consumes her.
Who is the man that I resemble? he asks with curiosity dripping from
every syllable. Before she can reply the shouts and hollers of the scientists
cut her off and she whips her head towards the direction they are coming
from. Pulling out the cork stopper from the bottle, Edyn waits until the

March 20, 2015

The Brewing Storm


scientist are in sight before lifting the bottle to her lips. Horror fills the crowd
as they watch one of the only successful experiments flush all their hard
work down the toilet. Just before she does the deed she states proudly.
For the last 60 years you have controlled my life! But no more! Im
ending this here and now. With those daring words hanging in the tense air
she tilts her head back and drains the whole thing. As soon as the bottle
leaves her lips her curly white blonde hair straightens and the jet black seeps
through to make her hair return to its natural state. The freaky silver colour
of her eyes is swallowed up until the chocolate brown has taken over
completely. As the old Edyn Bowers is returned to the world the hunger
finally takes over and she collapses before the group of furious scientists.
Scooping up the petite girl the Andrew lookalike notices the gray streaks in
her hair and the lines etched into her once silky and smooth face. Bolting
down a corridor he shoots towards the exit. However no one tries to stop
him. She is nothing to them now but another failed experiment.
Rolling over, Edyn stretches only to find that she aches all over like she
never has before. Lifting her hands to examine them she is horrified to find
them wrinkled with age. After the shock of the change passes a sense of
relief fills her. Finally, she can be a normal person. She never wanted to be
immortal in the first place. Scanning her surroundings, she inhales sharply.
Frowning she tries to sit up but she is too weak and forces her pride to allow
her to lay back down. Wiping a tear from her face as memories come
flooding back to her she smiles. Just to the left of her is a picture from the
1950s of her and Andrew at a carnival. The house she is in is exactly like her

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The Brewing Storm


old home in the 50s. Except the decorations and style have been warped by
time to give the house a more modern look. Turning her head of silver hair to
the doorway she notices a figure watching her. Squinting her eyes she tries
in vain to identify them but her now slightly poor eyesight prevents her.
Stepping out from the shadows, the figure offers her a small smile. It is the
Andrew look alike.
Who are you young man? What is your name? she questions slowly.
Testing out the sound of her new voice that has come with the old age.
My name is Hardy, and I believe there is someone who is anxious to
see you. He states with a slight smile. Grandpa! he shouts. Shes awake
now.Frowning in confusion Edyn stares at the doorway as someone hobbles
towards her. Pulling her old slightly worn leather jacket over her shoulders
Edyn peers at the mysterious person. As they come closer Edyn identifies
them as a man. Grumbling to himself the man comes to a sudden halt and
steps out into the light, staring at Edyn with eyes as wide as saucers. Locking
her chocolate eyes with his olive ones a tear trickles down her soft wrinkly
Andy she whispers. The man limps over to her as fast as he can
with pain evident in his eyes. Choking back a sob he kneels down slowly and
grasps her hand.
Edyn. He gasps. How can you ever forgive me? Wiping a stray tear
from her old friends cheek Edyn sighs I failed to find you and bring you
home. I failed to keep you safe. I failed to help you when you came to my
door and I didnt believe you. Sobbing now he puts his head on her hand.
Can you forgive me? Edyn smiles slightly as her own tears burn her eyes.

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The Brewing Storm


Of course I can! All that doesnt matter now Laying back down she
smiles weakly. All that matters now is that I am home. Relaxing back into
the bright red leather sofa, her tired eyes flutter closed as sleep traps her in
its calming dark arms.

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