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Phatsawan Chaivisetpone (Mild) 11-01

Chanunchida Nimyesuin (Ging) 11-01

Blood Type Testing Lab
Although all blood is made of the same basic elements, not all blood is alike. In fact, there are four
different common blood types, which are determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens. O
positive is the most common blood type. Not all ethnic groups have the same mix of these blood types.
Hispanic people, for example, have a relatively high number of Os, while Asian people have a relatively high
number of Bs.
Human blood type is an example of a multiple alleic trait. It is being controlled by three alleles IA ,IB and
i. IA and IB blood type are co-dominance which means that a person with these two alleles they will have both
traits from these two alleles. The allele IA produces antigen A and Antibody B, IB produces antigen B and
antibody A, while i produces no antigen but produces both antibodies A and B, therefore this would make allele
I is the recessive allele because it produces no antigens. To put this in simple terms, a person blood type is
determined by the type antigens on their blood cells and the type of antibodies they have:
A person with blood type A would have antigen A and antibody B, the possible genotypes of this
person is IAi and IAIA.
A person with blood type B would have antigen B and antibody A, the possible genotypes of this
person is IBi and IBIB.
A person with blood type O would have no antigen and both antibody A and B. There is only
one possible genotype for this person which is ii, since I is the recessive allele and can only be
shown when no dominance allele are present.
A person with blood type AB would have both antigen A and B and no antibody, the opposite of
the person with blood type O and would have only one possible genotype which is IAIB as these
two alleles are co-dominance.
Antigens are proteins on the surface of a particular cell, for blood cells there are two major antigens,
which are antigen A, and B. The type of antigen on each persons blood cell is determine by the type of blood
they have, as stated above. On the other hand, antibodies are immune cells, which is responsible for
recognizing threats that are considered as harmful to the body. They would bind to a specific protein on the
cell to interrupt its function and would eventually cause the death of that cell. Therefore, this is why it is
important to know the blood type of a person before blood transfusion, to prevent antibodies to attack the
newly transfused blood cells.
The purpose of this lab is to determine the blood type of a person by calculating the possibility of
genotypes and phenotypes from their parents as long as using the blood coagulation results from this lab. The
blood testing method we use in this lab is using antibody to determine the antigens contained on that persons
blood cell. If the blood contains a certain antigen then blood would coagulate, or clot. This is because
antibodies would be and able to bind to the blood cells that has that particular antigen; such that Antibody A
would be able to bind to antigen A, which is a protein on the surface of blood cell, causing coagulation to occur.

2 Microscope Slides
Anti-A, -B, -AB
Lacet Device
Cotton Ball
3 toothpicks


Draw two circles of about 1 cm diameter on each slides.
Mark circle as control, anti-A, anti-B, anti-AB
Wait to get your finger puncture
Drop a single drop of blood of blood on each circle.
Drop one drop of anti-A, -B, -AB
Use toothpicks to mix the blood and the antibody (use different toothpick for each drop of blood).
Wait for ten seconds
Record results for blood clot.
Table 1: Blood Coagulation
State: Coagulation/ No coagulation

No Coagulation


No Coagulation


No Coagulation


No Coagulation

Part 1(Person that did not took the blood test):
Milds blood type is quite simple as on both of my parents are O, which is the reason why my blood type
is also O. The blood type of my both grandparents on my dads side is unknown. However, on my moms side,
my grandmother is O while my grandfather is B. Since my mothers blood type is O and some of her siblings
are B we would be able to determine my grandfather and grandmothers genotype, which is IBi and ii
respectively. If we were to test my blood in this experiment, there would be no coagulation and would come
out as the same as the results for Gings.
Part 2 (Person who did the blood test):
In Gings case her mother has the blood type AB while father has the blood type O. This shows that
her possible blood type would be A or B since she would get one of each alleles from both of her parents.
However, the results from this experiment are all negative. This is because there are no antigens on her red
blood cells, which means that her only possible blood type is O. This is possible because sometimes we can
get unusual blood type results.
Almost like this blood type results, which might not seemed to be possible. When this is the case we
must of course check that there wasnt any lab errors and to make sure that the parents of the blood type
subject are correct. To make sure that there was no egg donation or sperm donation for the subject. Once
everything has been confirmed and the results still seem impossible we must look at other explanations. If the
parents are AB and O then normally it isnt possible for a type O child to be born because each parent gives an
allele. The AB parent gives either A or B allele to the child and the other parent would give two type O alleles.
Type O is recessive so the child will be type A or B. Sometimes mutations occur in blood type alleles. With type
AB one mutation is cis-AB. The A and B producing antigens are inherited on the same allele. The other parent
could also be chimera. Chimerism is when two zygotes merge in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case
one part of the persons cell might have one blood type and the part could have another type. The cells that
are responsible for producing sperm or ovaries would depend on alleles available for the child.
In addition, the results from this experiment would allow us to determine the genotype of Ging and her
Grandmother (moms side): Bloodtype O
Grandfather (moms side): unknown
Possible Genotype(s): ii (cisAB)
Possible Genotype(s): unknown
Mom: Bloodtype - AB
Dad: Bloodtype O*
Possible Genotype(s): I I (cis AB)
Possible Genotype(s): ii
Ging: Bloodtype O
Possible Genotype(s): ii (cis AB)
* both grandparents on Dads side are unknown

In conclusion, we have concluded that Gings blood type is O, since there is no coagulation in any of
the antibodies. However, her blood type inheritance is very unusual since her mother is AB and her dad is O.
Since we have been learning from mendels law of inheritance that we would get one allele each from our
parents, therefore, Gings blood type should either be A or B. This is because has a rare gene called cis-AB,
which allows an O blood type mother to give birth to an AB child and an AB blood type to give birth to an O
child, all of this has happened from mutation. In some point of the inheritance line on Gings mother side, there
has to be mutation occurring from unequal crossing over in mitosis I. Judging from the inheritance data in the
discussion section, we can see that this mutation have not just occurred, but it might have occurred in a few
generations before her grandparents.

One possible thing we can do is to look over our experiment and making sure that there are no
mistakes in it. Then is there are no mistake than we would look over and check Gings parents blood type
once more. We would then construct a pedigree and study it again carefully to make sure that this gene is
really a cis-AB gene.
History of Paternity Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2015, from
Dye, N. (n.d.). Understanding Genetics. Retrieved March 18, 2015, from
Antigen Recognition by T-cells (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015 from Campbell Biology 10th Edition

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