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Television and Violence

Television and Violence


A. Does television cause violence?
1. Discuss research already conducted
2. Discuss problems with television and violence
B. Present both sides of the studies
1. Studies that are for
2. Studies that re against
C. Discuss where you stand on this issue


Research Against


A. Study One
1. How the research was conducted
2. Results of the research
3. Conclusions made and analysis
a. Sample size
b. Accurate setting
c. No generalities made
B. Study two
1. How the research was conducted
2. Results of the research
3. Conclusions made and analysis
a. Large sample size
b. Accurate controls
c. No bias present
Research For
A. Study One
1. How the research was conducted
2. Results of the research
3. Conclusions made and analysis
a. Insufficient data
b. Inaccurate surveys
B. Study Two
1. How the research was conducted
2. Results of the research

3. Conclusions made and analysis

a. Insufficient research completed
b. Poor focus group in the sample
IV. Conclusion
A. Research For does not provide concrete evidence
B. Research Against demonstrates valid, accurate data
C. Conclude through research that TV does NOT cause violence amongst children
D. Evident that more research is needed for conclusive reasoning

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