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Vulgo duermo ic luz ri caldul

Azrul anki soovan ash gri lazdul

Konsa ki ersat konsa carthasana
La naris rewi lo nethul foala
Yoit ki boru chu yoit gli maz
Richu tercel grilau gra carthasana seaz
Senda opala valra seho
Yoit lego carne ic dim nel bo
Miyas contara ic yoit anki tobenae
Ayala chu lo as iet posle brenae
Orea iksan quiem ic nil aca
Ye imperi caldul oic ye nila
- which, when translated -

Forged in death and bathed in blood

For them slain the armed flood
Control their power, control the world,
All desire answered, all dreams unfurled.
Nine souls bound to nine gems made
Into a crown to hold the world's fate.
When darkness rises with the suns of noon
Nine armies will be destroyed, a young girl doomed
The eons will pass until nine are gathered
Once more to each other that they might be shattered
Their fate to be returned and undone
By royal blood - or else, by none.

Table of Contents
This document is still in revision status, and therefore page numbers are
still in flux. The table of contents is, unfortunately, one of the last things to
be finalized in a book, so at this point only an outline of the document
without page numbers can be provided.
Chapter 1. In the Distant Past of Another World (Introduction)
Chapter 2. Kindred Races







Oyasini (Halflings)
Chapter 3: Classes

Base Classes

New Prestige Classes



Listral's Hand
Death Speaker

Chapter 4: Skills & Feats


Chapter 5: Cosmology


Chapter 6: Magic


New Spell Rules

Chapter 7: Rituals and Incantations

Spell Lists

Spell Descriptions
Chapter 8: Setting Rules
Chapter 9: The West
Appendix I: Sorted Spells of the Core Rules
Appendix II: Advanced Player's Guide
Appendix III: Ultimate Magic

In the Distant Past of Another World

Chapter 1
Welcome to my world traveler. I share some of its many wonders
with you here upon these pages that you might be prepared for the
days to come. If you are wise you will learn. If you are not, you will
still learn, but at a far higher price.
- Telsindria
Hello and welcome to the Dusk setting. In this chapter we will discuss the
culture, society and world of man upon the island of Telzoa.

The Telzoan World

The people of the Dusk setting are known as the Telzoans as they live upon
an island they call Telzoa. The island was named by conquerors from the
south called the Malchani, and in their language the word Telzoa means
Fire Mountain.
The Malchani came to Telzoa some eight-hundred years ago and their
empire has long since fell and faded into memory though some ruins of
the time remain. Many of the nobles of the island trace their lines to the
officers of the Malchani armies. They settled in the east displacing the
native people known as the Cuolshans and also dispersing elves, orcs,
goblins, et al as they settled the coasts and lowlands. After a time they
formed a nation called Dalsundria which controlled the eastern part of the
Telzoa marks the northernmost reach of known human civilization, making
it a frontier region of the world. They call their world Carthasana,
meaning All Earth and Sky. The Telzoans are a xenophobic and troubled
lot, with a history of internal struggles that have left their island scarred.
Understanding the Telzoan peoples involves understanding how those
struggles have shaped their attitudes about the outside world.
As Telzoa enters its fifteenth century since the closing of the great gates to
Selacdrual at Castle Semberholme, the kingdom faces the difficult task of
reuniting itself or, failing that, the dread fate of falling in on itself. Although
the people of Telzoa think of themselves as one to some extent, they've
already begun to form the national identities of their baronies. Even as the
nobility struggle to subjugate one another, the people struggle to continue
their existence on an island as volatile as the tempers of their lords

Life and Death

"Each life a circle. Each existence a chain." - Druidic Teaching.
Life expectation in Telzoa is exceedingly low by our standards, with most
folk dead before the age of thirty. Part of this is due to the infant mortality
rates of the island - only half of all children born see their first birthday.
Half this surviving number die before the age of five. The average woman in
Telzoa will give birth twenty times, but only three of her children will see

over the last hundred years. And the effects of 4 major

earthquakes and one volcanic eruption in the last century cannot
be overlooked in terms of their death toll, which may be as high as
If death is a far more familiar sight in Telzoa, its counterpart - birth
- is as well. With no birth control available beyond the most
primitive of forms, many sexual interludes will lead to pregnancies.
Some Telzoan women bear children quite literally whenever they
can. While this has lead to families numbering with as many as 27
children, it would also explain why so many women die at a young
age of apparently natural causes. Marriage too often occurs very
early noble children have been betrothed at as young as five, but
actual marriage doesn't occur until 9 at the very earliest (Even this
is very rare - 12 is the usual age). Most women don't successfully
bear children until 15 - those that do are often killed by the
Despite all of this, faith remains strong upon the islands in the
gods. Priests remain somewhat detached from the situation, and
even if they can help they often won't, as disease is viewed as a
manifestation of the will of the gods - a punishment for
transgressions either in this life or in another.
The general attitude towards life and death in Telzoa is that it is
part of a never-ending cycle. Telzoans believe in reincarnation
after a time - and that the acts in life are either rewarded in the
paradises of Aborea or Valrea, or punished in the hells of Shuun
and Sodrea. This afterlife lasts, according to most beliefs, for a
century or so, and then most must return to life and begin a new
test. Once all the tests are complete then the soul will reach its
perfection and be allowed to rest for eternity. This belief, which
pervades much of the priestly rhetoric given in the temples, helps
to soothe the heartache of the populace.

Wealth and Trade

"While you can't take it with you, you can enjoy your stay." Timmon
Although the death rates in Telzoa are alarming, her population is
growing. A combination of the censuses taken in 1300 SR place the
number at or around 2,306,000, although this figure doesn't
include demi-human races. Analysis of the Matachan Ruandi
Nombren would indicate that the population in 1360 SR was
around 2,615,000 and currently it is probably somewhere in the
neighborhood of 3,000,000.

Not surprisingly, this mortality rate has an effect on the attitudes of the
people concerning infants. Telzoans regard their very young children much
as we would a family pet with caring and affection, but the expectation
that death may take them at any moment. Grieving is usually short for
those taken at this precarious time. As children age and approach
adulthood though, the attachment afforded them increases and at the age
of fifteen the child is assumed to have reached majority.

The population growth has led to a growth in trade throughout the

island and with its neighbors. Eastern Telzoa's chief products cross
a wide range of goods. The island is rich in iron, gold and copper
ore, so much so that gold has a lesser value as a currency on the
island than elsewhere in Carthasana. Her agricultural products are
dominated by wool, but this is supported by the growth of
potatoes, rye, barley, wheat and oats. Eastern Telzoa also trades a
large amount of finished goods with the nearby nations of
Armandy and Telmandy. These nations, for their part, provide rare
spices from the southlands, silver ores and gems and a trickle of
rare fabrics brought up from the Estarian Empire far to the south.

Several factors conspire to maintain a life expectancy this low - plague and
war chief among them. In the last century alone Telzoan scholars have
estimated that the sporadic warring between the baronies has killed as
many as 100,000. Smallpox and bubonic plagues have also swept the island
several times along with a unique magical disease called Crimson Death.
While priests magically abate the worst of smallpox and bubonic plague, the
last outbreak of Crimson killed as many as 270,000 people. Predatory and
poisonous creatures, most famously dragons, but also ranging from dragons
to humble mountain lions and snakes account for as many as 7,000 deaths

Of the various industries on the island the textile industry is the

fastest growing. Telzoan wool and cloths command high prices in
Estarian markets, and the profit to be made in these ventures has
not escaped the attention of the nobles of the island. As a result,
in the last hundred years there has been a dramatic growth in the
amount of sheep enclosures on the estates of the island. While in
most areas this hasn't caused too much trouble, in some areas it
has caused food shortages. This is particularly true in Alsland,
where commoners sometimes complain of being starved to death

by the sheep. The balance of trade shift this causes is more than a little
dangerous - the fields of Telzoa, what with their rich volcanic soil and fairly
temperate, if geothermically induced weather, is the only favorable area to
grow foodstuffs north of the Calishmere. There is some terrace farming
done in the cliff-lands of Armandy and in Telmandy, but the output of these
farms is barely sufficient to support these nations and can little afford to
export to Telzoa should the increased sheep-herding on that island cause a
shortage of some type in the future.
Within the island trade is mostly dealt with on a barter basis. Nobles
typically tax their charges in terms of a number of foodstuffs, such as
chickens, cattle, vegetables and wood chords. Players be warned that
coinage is not used in most areas, and money holds value equal to its
weight and purity. Most gold pieces are alloyed with silver such that they
only count for half value outside the jurisdiction of their minters. To further
complicate matters, no less than 24 nations and cities are printing money
somewhere on the island. Despite this trade is on the rise, and several
countries have made inroads to attempt to standardize currency.
Dalsundria and Dabrinia have been the most successful in this endeavor.

Nobles & Commoners

"I will never understand why one minority sect of your society treats all the
rest as dogs." - Trishdare, Elven Sorcerer
Telzoans have an interesting sense of what separates the gentle classes
from the rabble, tied mostly to idleness - the ability to pursue earthly
pleasures whilst avoiding earthly work. This is not to say that Telzoans are
lazy, but the noble Lord who does no direct work is held in higher esteem
than the actor who's trade does not require manual labor, but is meager in
its own right. The actor in turn holds more prestige than an artisan such as
a cobbler, who does work with his hands but does not work out of doors.
Those who's lot it is to till the land are held in lowest regard, especially if
their work is indentured for crimes or past debt.
The actual distribution of wealth is indeed stark - 90% of the wealth of the
country is in the hands of 6% of the population. This upper tier of nobles
also control 85% of all the land in Telzoa that is under human control. The
power enjoyed by these families is enormous - and their shifting allegiances
are the principle agency by which the Succession Wars have been
continued, on and off, for the last 200 years. There are only 15 families in
Telzoa with heraldry dating back to the arrival of the Malchani. Beyond this
core are only around 42 more families that have lands and titles granted by
the self-styled kings that control the twelve baronies of the island.
The middle classes are still considered, along with the nobles, to be
"gentlemen." This hodgepodge group also contains the landless nobles who are, as a rule, the second and third born sons of the landed families,
denied lands and titles by the predominate inheritance system of
primogeniture. Knights, priests, scholars, entertainers, lesser government
officials and persons of similar station round out the group. Craftsmen may
or may not be included in this group - blacksmiths certainly aren't, but
whitesmiths (those who work in soft metals, particularly silver and gold)
are. This class holds considerable power in the cities and their wealth has
earned them some begrudging respect from the upper nobles who often
find themselves in need of their services. It can be assumed that most
"adventuring" characters, such as the role the PC's most likely fit, fall into
this social strata and as such are charged with the modes of behavior
appropriate to their station (the details of this are to be detailed further in
the book).
The commonfolk who work the land are not considered gentile in any way,
and are often the butt of jokes and derision of the upper classes. Despite
their lowly stasis though, their role is important enough that they do enjoy
some basic rights under common law.
Telzoa society's classes are fairly locked down, and while movement does
occur through the ranks, it is rarely more than one or two steps in a single
generation. Those who attempt to fight their way up the social ladder are
usually admired by those beneath them; begrudged respect of those who
are their equals, and disrespected by their superiors. The two main
exceptions to this are priests and wizards. Priests have their own hierarchy
based primarily on merit (depending on the temple). Wizards are feared
universally by non-wizards, and they are so lacking in number that they

rarely attempt to striate themselves within their own number (so

far as is known by the commonfolk).
There have been some half-hearted attempts to keep the rabble in
their place, most famous of which are the sumptuary laws. These
laws prohibit the wearing of expensive cloths and jewels by those
of low station. As a rule, these are almost never enforced, and
even when they are such enforcement is by moderate fine. There
are also innumerable loopholes in the law that have found
themselves placed there over time. One of the principle obstacles
to their enforcement is the ready proof of station. Only high
nobles carry badges of heraldry to prove their lineage, and the
sumptuary laws are not so specific as to limit cloths to them. Thus,
in the end, the only effective obstacle in what a character can cloth
himself in is what he can afford - although players should be
warned that bureaucrats are infamous for using little known laws
to advance their cause.

Riot and Disorder

"The peasants are revolting - that much is known at all times. Pray
then that rank alone is their offense, as opposed to arms." - Quip
from the play A Noble Supper
Between the harsh conditions imposed by nature and the harsh
conditions imposed by those in power, it should not be surprising
that several times in Telzoa's history that armed revolt by the
peasantry has occurred. Typically these rebellions are put down in
brutal and sometimes gruesome fashion. That only one rebellion The Merchant's Rebellion in Dabrinia (1343) - has been successful
and hundreds have not hasn't daunted those who would move
against the powers that be. Most of these uprisings have been
pell-mell attacks that collapse on themselves. Most of the
participants are slain, the leaders hunted down and publicly
executed, and then the nobles usually rectify the problem that
caused the uprising in the first place - provided that is convenient.
The afore mentioned Merchant's Rebellion can be measured
successful since it ended King Maidoc of Milicsundria's control of
Dabrinia and established the island nation's independence. Fought
between 1343 and 1345 SR, it took advantage of the fact that
Maidoc had already weakened his resources in a vain attempt to
pursue territorial rights in Telmandy. In its wake Dabrinia has
become on the surface the most forward thinking territory of
Telzoa, although it is rife with political maneuvering between its
powerful merchant families.
Other rebellions have met more ignominious ends. The so-called
Barley Rebellion of 1306 in Dalsundria is a typical case. Provoked
by several bad harvests, a rumor somehow got started that then
Duke Charles Orlanis was stockpiling huge amounts of barley and
grain for export to Hone Rae despite the fact his people were
starving. The two weeks of fighting and insanity ended with the
perpetrators being burned at the stake in the marketplace at Ultan.
Many of the riots that have occurred in Telzoa have shared several
causes. Most of the time a shortage of some type, usually food,
compels the rebellion. At other times festivity simply gets out of
hand and turns ugly. Classic times for this to occur include the
Rizaldi Tunis (Rose festival), the Hula Tunis (Harvest-tide festival)
and the new year's celebrations. These outbreaks are to be
expected and sometimes even go somewhat unpunished depending on how much blood is spilled during the confusion.
More insidious, at least from the noble point of view, are planned
rebellions. Paranoia comes cheap on an island of near constant
civil war, and chief amongst the targets of the fear are adventuring
companies. These well armed groups often gain some amount of
fame from their exploits, and as their popularity grows so too
grows the suspicions of the nobility. Wise kings know to keep very
close tabs on the allegiances of these well armed, well trained, and
often magically adept groups so they do not become a threat - or
can be removed at the first sign of being a threat. Wizards and
sorcerers in particular are kept closely watched - for they had a key

role to play in the Merchant's Rebellion, which was successful - a fact not
lost on anyone holding power in Telzoa. Adventurers are advised to tread
lightly and move often.

Legal Status of Women

"You call me fair, beautiful and super-praise my body. Never forget my wit,
or my power" - Queen Tiliansia
Women are denied many basic rights throughout most of Telzoa, especially
once they consent to be married. Single women are the charges of their
fathers or uncles, but in the absence of each of these they can hold and
inherit property, run a business, sign her name or affix her seal to legal
documents or even sue at court. Most women in this position are widows,
as fathers and uncles usually try to get their unwed daughters and nieces
married as soon as they can afford the dowry and find an appropriate
suitor. Neither men nor women have any legal right to choose their spouses
this is decided by their parents.
Women do not traditionally gain political office unless no men are present
to inherit. Even then it is unclear how far into other family branches one
can go in search of a male heir before a female heir is accepted. This is a
particular point of contention in Dalsundria, where Princess Nelaria Ellery
Tuval is the direct heir to Elgrel's throne, yet her uncles each conspire to
take this from her or at least act as her regent whether she wants this to
occur or not.
There are exceptions to this rule of course, but as mentioned previously
most of those exceptions are widows. The most famous case of this manner
is Teresa Orlanis, Duchess of Dibili and the matriarch of House Orlanis.
Baroness Jalsi and Baroness Mintrube of Ultan are two more examples of
powerful women in Telzoa on the local political scene. On a national scale
one of the most famous figures is Queen Tiliansia of Hone Rae. A highly
intelligent and endlessly crafty individual, this half elf has kept her country
out of many wars through virtue of her unwed status and the manipulation
of powerful suitors, including Prince Parsifal of Poc Sian.
Married women do enjoy some power. She is the primary heir to all his
estates until she bears a male heir. Further, she can legally divorce him, but
by strange quirk of Telzoan law, he cannot divorce her. In the role of wife
many women have mastered the art of husband manipulation in order to
continue to enjoy some freedom and independence.
Within careers women usually advance as their merits allow. This is
particularly true in those priesthoods that admit women, and it should be
noted that there are several priestly sororities - Cuane's priestesses most
famous among them. Women tend to take to the art of magic more readily
than men and there are, as a result, more female wizards than men. Among
the ranks of warriors and knights are women seen least often. Women are
not generally as strong as men, and this, combined with the chauvinistic
nature of most military orders has limited their numbers in this profession.
The parity between male and female rogues is about even - as this is a field
where personal skill and aptitude alone are the keys to both success and

The Telzoans and Others

"Racism exists where understanding does not - the two cannot coexist." Telsindria
Non-human races exist outside of Telzoas social structure, and this presents
numerous problems but also some unique opportunities for members of
these races.
Legally the Telzoans recognize elves, oyasini (halflings), and gnomes as
civilized races. Despite this, they hold almost no legal rights beyond a
right to live and not be killed or robbed without cause. Depending on the
region and relations with races in the area though even these rights can
disappear. This is still better than the situation faced by other races that can
be hunted and killed like animals without legal ramification.
Telzoans have an even dimmer view of half-elves and half-orcs in most
areas. The very existance of each these races drives a cold knife into the
ideas of blood purity and human superiority. Half-orcs are particularly

reviled most circles and in some areas they can be killed like
animals just as their orcish parents can.
Despite all this, the amount of antagonism to be viewed between
the local populace and any of the demihuman races is more likely
than not to be caused by recent events rather than be triggered by
long standing racial prejudices. Since most of the demihuman
races live longer than humans they have learned how to avoid
testing the volatile tempers of humans, especially large groups of
humans. Nevertheless mob attacks on demihumans do occur from
time to time, and anyone not of human race within the cities of
Telzoa is highly advised to observe caution.
Elves have perhaps the easiest time, so long as they can conceal
their racial identity. It is a trivial matter for most elves to pass
them off as adolescent boys or girls in the right costuming, and
most do when traveling outside of their own domains.
Nevertheless elves face some severe prejudicial laws in some
areas. In Altania it is not against the law to kill an elf, regardless of
the circumstances. In most of the other countries of Telzoa elves
cannot testify in human court as they are deemed untrustworthy,
expert liars. Most areas have a bounty out for any elven mage and many an unfortunate elf has been brought in for the bounty
simply because he's able to read.
In other areas elves are more accepted. While the laws in
Dalsundria are still barbaric where elves are concerned, the people
don't seem to notice even openly costumed elves overmuch particularly in the cities. In Hone Rae they are held in the highest
regard - but this is to be expected perhaps in a country with a
populace composed of at least 40% half-elves, and nearly everyone
in the country has an elven parent within 3 generations of
Dwarves can't conceal their identity as easily, but their skill in
"useful" crafts, particularly weapon smithing, has kept them clear
of most admonishment, except from jealous human competitors.
Still, dwarves distrust humankind, especially in light of the
treatment of the elves in recent generations (the Black Week
massacres in Pildania, were as many as 40 elves were rounded up,
drawn and quartered is still spoke of in dwarven and elven circles).
Dwarves want no part in such insanity, and unlike the elves they
see no reason to believe that the Telzoans will change their ways
unless they want something - and then your only safe until they get
what they want. Hence dwarves maintain a cold relationship on
the island with the Telzoans. They also harbor a collective grudge
for the failure of humankind to help them when Kilidzear was
Halflings are the least seen of the "common" demihuman races in
Telzoa. They refer to themselves as Oyasini and most people in
Carthasana follow suit. The halflings native to Telzoa almost
exclusively stay west of the wall, and only the rare few adventurers
come out of those domains to mingle with humankind. Of those
folks who've seen an halfling, the vast majority have only seen the
males, or Oyasoi. Females (oyasi) are too rare and valuable to the
race to be readily found outside their clan-holds, despite the fact
that the females run the society from those clanholds (a concept
that boggles the minds of more than a few knights told of the fact).
Oyasi that do make these sorts of journeys take special care to
conceal their wings from casual observance, as they (rightfully) fear
that the more ignorant members of the Telzoan populace would
accuse them of witchcraft or of being demons.
While individual gnomes often manage to make individual
impressions on Telzoans, as a race they are held as a great
unknown. Few indeed are the humans that can remember seeing a
grouping of gnomes, and some believe that they aren't a race at all,
but aberrant dwarves - a belief dwarves actively deny and gnomes
ignore while they continue to smile and nod. Very much the great
enigma to humans, gnomes would prefer to keep things that way
lest they fall upon the kind of hatreds that humans have espoused
to the other races from time to time.

While humans may dislike elves, distrust dwarves and ignore the small folk,
their feelings for orcs are very plain: hatred. And the feeling is mutual.
However, orcs are pragmatic enough never to pass up on an opportunity to
fight as mercenaries, and as a result most of the fighting that orcs have
been involved in since Hanial's War have been as mercenaries. And while
human lords won't turn orcs loose on any task requiring finesse,
supervision, or non-combat related skills, they will certainly hire them as
ready, and usually willing, cannon fodder. Trick is, human paymasters often
assign the orcs to assignments that virtually assure half of them are killed reducing the actual pay that must be made. In return, orcish chieftains
usually only send good troops to human commanders that have proven
themselves willing to use those troops well. Others are supplied with
inexperienced or outright green troops. This habit has led to the
assumption by many lords that orcs are weak. That is a dangerous
assumption - for the orcs remain some of the best fighters in the region,
and they've repeatedly proven themselves to be among the better soldiers
of the world.
Goblins, on the other hand, mostly deserve their reputation as fierce but
utterly incompetent fighters. Goblins actually perform better than orcs in
small groups though, and orcs recognize this fact and make extensive use of
goblin scouts. Telzoans claim to despise goblins, but most can't tell them
apart from orcs - as indeed the differences between the two races are about
as slight as the differences between elves and humans. Goblins avoid
confronting humans in large numbers, but enjoy preying on individual
travelers and virtually any other target of opportunity they can find. All the
nations of Telzoa have a bounty out goblin scalps, and all goblins realize that
going into a human city is just asking to have that bounty collected.
Kobolds are at once the most dangerous and most maligned of the "goblin"
races, despite being physically the weakest. Kobolds are opportunists like
the goblins, and use highly structured units to make up for their physical
weakness while exploiting such opportunities like the orcs. Kobolds have
become masters of making sure that any misbehavior on their part is
blamed on the goblins. For their effort they are actually able to carry on
trade with the Telzoans of some regions, particularly in Altania, where one
band of kobolds has figured out how to spin spider's silk into cloth and
garments. They have been able to demand and gain very high prices for
these items. While kobolds aren't actively hunted in most regions, they are
still viewed with disdain and fear, and they know it. Kobolds traveling
among humans usually do so in comparatively large robes to conceal their

Magic & Miracles

Outside the council the only known society of wizards are the
Academy in Hone Rae. This organization actively teaches magical
arts to those willing to pay the price of tutelage. As a result the
Academy has become quite wealthy, even if they've demonstrated
a marked willingness to teach almost anyone with either a great
amount of money or a great amount of talent.
Whispers abound of wizardly involvement in history, but outside of
a few isolated episodes there presence can never be proven
conclusively. Why this is remains unclear to outsiders. Perhaps it
is because wizards enjoy the prestige the mystery brings. Or
perhaps something far darker is being hidden by the ancient
As for priests, they and their magic remains quite open and overt.
Most priesthoods will grant a spell boon for sufficient donation and
penance to the temple - and as a result most of the temples have
become quite wealthy. Some of the finest buildings on the islands
are the monasteries, with which few mortal buildings can compare.
Noble trust of the priesthoods has always been uneasy. The
temples have been given roughly 10% of the land in Dalsundria,
and there are more than a few manors ran by this or that abbot.
What worries the nobles most is the sheer power the temples of
the way have over the heart of the people - both through magic
and also through faith. But they dare not move against the priests,
and would instead maneuver the priests against each other, relying
on their historical hatreds of each other to keep their powers in
check and their forces occupied.

While it is possible through the consultation of elves, dragons and
other long lived races to trace the history of Telzoa back a couple
of milenia, this section will only address what the Telzoans know
themselves of their history which is, with the exception of some
scattered legends, limited to the last four-hundred years.
For the most part it is only the nobles and the temples that track
history to any great degree. Commoners rarely worry about events
beyond their own experience and those of their parents
generation. Hence the ongoing war between the nobles is, to the
commonfolk, the only condition theyve ever known. They, sadly,
cannot remember a time when their nation wasnt embroiled in
civil war.

"It never ceases to amaze me what faith and will can conjure." - Telsindria
The role of wizards in the history of Telzoa has been one carried out mostly
in the shadows. These mysterious figures of power are almost universally
feared regardless of race, and male or female they are almost never shown
quarter by their enemies. While there may indeed be five forms of magic,
to the Telzoan commoner there is only one form of magic not granted by
the gods - black. To this end, even when the local government doesn't
sanction it, wizards are persecuted and often hunted, especially when they
are weak in power.
Most priesthoods do little to mitigate the situation. They view wizards at
best as charlatan rivals - persons granted power by the dark gods yet tricked
into believing they wield their power by themselves to fuel their ambition
and arrogance. These factors have conspired to drive wizardry
underground, but not completely from the island, or from history. Such is
magic's lure that no amount of danger or social prejudice can drive
everyone away from its grasp.
Secretly wizards thrive in Telzoa. The most famous of the wizard orders
among the commonfolk are the members of the mysterious Order of
Tanzeos. Allegedly established by the brother of Otal I, Alblasker, the Order
of Tanzeos is said to control those who would assault the crown, or the
nobility with magic. Secretly they keep tabs on any magician of note.
Publicly they register and track the heraldic badges from their offices in
Merryville - and by some twist of fate they have managed to remain the
only national office of Otal's Dalsundria that has not disintegrated with the
breakup of the nation.

Origin of the Peoples

"There are certain things that will never be found. A river without a
source for one." - Telsindria
The peoples who inhabit the island of Telzoa come from four
stocks. The first, and most common, are the Dalsundrians, who
speak the language that serves as a common tongue on the island,
Dalsundrian. They include the nobles who came during the
Malchani conquest of the island. The second group is the Cuolshan
people who are, as far as is known, the original inhabitants of the
island. Intermingling and intermarriage of the Cuolshans with the
Malchani and later the Dalsundrians has led to their near
disappearance from the island. The third group, the Telmish, where
driven onto the island by the same orcs who destroyed the
Malchani empire. They married into the Dalsundrian families and,
with time, have disappeared as a distinct group in Telzoa though
they hold a nation of their own across the Channel of Miandris that
separates the island from the continent. The fourth, and smallest
group, are the Jilini a people from the distant south who
occasionally wander the island in tribal bands. The Jilini are
certainly the most transient, holding no lands and coming and
going from the island on ships.
To the current inhabitants these historical footnotes affect their
language and religion. The Telzoan faith, Telensitary (The Way),
was formed from the merger of at least three distinct religions,
with isolated deities that may have came from a fourth. The

merger of peoples also has affected languages while the people speak
Dalsundrian many of their place names have Cuolshan roots.
The peoples who came to Telzoa settled in over a period of four hundred
years. For a time they were united under the Malchani Empire, but as that
empire collapsed the island split into tribes with incursions of the Telmish.
Telzoan history as a distinct subject usually starts with the collusion of those
tribes, due in large part by the actions of King Mirand. He began his
campaign in earnest around 870 SR and it ended in 986 SR when he
captured and executed his last rival, Elsered.

The High King

"Many men have been a King of Dalsundria. But Dalsundria has only known
one king that was great." - Alblasker
The son of Mirand would be fated to become the most famous of all the
kings of Dalsundria, due in large part to the epic circumstances that erupted
during his reign. Otal was crowned King Otal in 997 SR. He was the eldest
of triplet children - his siblings being Princess Anatole and Prince Alblasker.
He would be on the throne less than a month before he was forced to raise
an army and wage a war of survival against the orcish warlord Tancher.
It is unclear to this day how or why Tancher came to power when he did,
what is clear is that he somehow amassed an orcish army over 20,000
strong. With this army in tow he struck into the southern regions of the
eastern peninsula of Telzoa, in the areas now known as Threndis and Poc
Sian. The conflict between the two armies lasted well over two years, and
ended when Otal managed to isolate Tancher from the rest of his army and
slay him. This having been done, the rest of the army melted away.

While Dalsundria had a regent queen in Alanis a generation before,

many of the nobles balked at the idea of serving a woman.
Nevertheless, Anne was crowned Queen Anne I. Her reign would
last only two months before an assassin shot her in the stomach
with a poisoned crossbow bolt. As she lay in the arms of her
courtiers, who included Erin and Alan Yorick in their number she
uttered a curse and prophecy that has so far went fulfilled - "No
man shall ever unite this country." With those words she died.
Until the orcs were vanquished the rivals for the vacant throne cooperated, but afterwards they fell into infighting, with Erin Tuval,
Alan Yorick, and Stalnin Haskel as the chief rivals for the throne.
Within a couple of generations the territories were further divided
among their sons, with only Erin's line staying relatively intact.

Attempts at Reunification and Conquest

"To give is easier than to take. To give is more rewarding than to
take. So why do men take?" - Princess Anasa Tolie
A great number of skirmishes have been fought between the
kingdoms of eastern Telzoa since the first split in 1180, and in this
introduction it serves little to no purpose to detail them all. Most
of the notable ones are located in the timeline, and in the
descriptions of each individual country the conflicts its citizenry
have become embroiled in are detailed in full. The largest of these
conflicts will be discussed in brief here.

"It is much harder to rule well than to serve well, so why is that one task hardest of all tasks - is the one so many men seek?" - Princess Anasa Tolie,
in her diary

The first real attempt to bring the rebel kings back in line was
launched by Miro IV in 1212 and would continue until 1223.
Known as the Owl Ridge war for the location of a great many of the
battles, neither the Dalsundrians nor the Milicsundrians gained any
real headway unless their goal was to form a lot of bad blood
between each other, bad blood that remains to the present, as
Milicsundria and Dalsundria have fought no less than 8 times in
wars of varying lengths. In the end the war died with its instigator,
Miro IV. His wife, Sarah, sued for peace as soon as she had control
as regent. The country had hardly settled down when Tezolan
broke away from Dalsundria. This time Queen Sarah was not as
pacifistic, and she ordered the rebels caught and beheaded. By the
time she was able to mobilize any real force though, the rebel
nobles had assembled an army of nearly equal size.

The latter half of Otal's reign as well as that of his son Elgrel I are often
considered the golden age of Dalsundria. It was during this time that the
many of the standing roads and major temples of the island were built.
Local trade flourished and the Dalsundrian empire pushed it's holdings
south into neighboring Armandy and east into Telmandy. Yet despite these
glories the kingdom began to decay from within. The nobles became
decadent and the common classes began rioting with increasing frequency
near the end of the 12th century Sealed Reckoning. The fatal blow would
come from without however, not within.

Such was the nature of the fractionation of the country. Alsland

broke up when Alan's son and grandson (through different wives)
decided to peaceably split the country rather than bow to one
another. Milicsundria lost Pildania while weakened from the Owl
Ridge war, and lost Dabrinia when King Maidoc exhausted his
military and economic resources pursuing territorial rights in
Telmandy. Creania broke off from Tezolan when the alliance was
no longer convenient and when the priests of the island all but
eliminated the nobility there.

In the year 1154 an orcish warlord known as Hanial attacked and destroyed
a section of Otal's Wall, and then poured into Dalsundria with an army of
enormous size. Human accounts of the time placed the army's size at
nearly 100,000, but elven records and memories from the period put the
estimate at a more probable 7,000 orcs. Regardless of the size of Hanial's
army, their effect on Dalsundria was immediate, especially once Hanial
successfully surrounded King Alskin I's army and captured him. When
ransom negotiations with the orcish warlord broke down (and when,
according to some records, Alskin slapped or spit on Hanial) Hanial executed
the king and sent his severed body piecemeal back to his queen.

Hone Rae, as is its wont, presented the oddest case of all. During
the reign of Elgrel II the region was established as a protectorate of
the crown in 1107 for, according to the charter, "Persons of elven
descent who are outcast either from their society, or ours." At that
time the region was one of the last stretches of completely
untamed wilderness left east of Otal's Wall. But by the time the
fighting broke out between the would-be kings of Telzoa Hone Rae
had become sizable sub-nation. When the true king became
unclear the council of the country decided to declare their
sovereignty, and did so with little notice from any of the other
nations until well until the late 13th century when Hone Rae's
wealth became readily apparent. Several attempts have since
been made to subjugate the silvan state, but Hone Rae's rulers
have become masters at playing each of the kingdom's rulers off of
one another. It is currently understood by all the rulers in the
region that it is better for Hone Rae to remain independent than
for its libraries and, perhaps more importantly, its mages to come
under the sway of another ruler. To date Hone Rae and its rulers
have done their best to foster this uneasy neutrality, but even
theyve been invaded - most recently by Altania.

The rest of Otal's reign was a period of building. Otal repaired and built
roads throughout the island to encourage it's trade, drove the goblin
species to the west entirely, and built what would eventually become
known as Otal's Wall to mark the western frontier of Dalsundria and guard
it from goblin assault.

Hanials War

Alskin's lack of a male heir did little to slow down the Dalsundrian hunt for
Hanial, which was redoubled after the king's death. Finally, in 1172 Erin
Tuval raided the orcish camp and killed Hanial in his sleep. With their leader
gone the orcs fell into disarray. Eventually they gained new leadership
under Exeter, but he would not prove to be as effective a leader as Hanial,
and his forces were soundly defeated at the Battle of Stone Bluff. After this
victory though, the Dalsundrian forces fell to infighting to determine who
would be the new king.
At first Anne Tuval attempted to take the throne. As Alskin's lone daughter,
she unquestionably had the strongest claim save for one flaw - her sex.

The Rise of Pentalism

Geography & Climate

"One people, One faith." - Priest Colsken, at the execution of several

Pentalist heretics in 1392

"You cannot escape the ground you stand upon." - Meglar,

Dwarven chief

When diplomatic ties were first established with the Estarian Empire by
Dalsundria in mid-1370 a new religion from that distant land found its way
onto the island. Known as Pentalism, or the "Five Paths." this new religion
rebuked the idea that there were several hundred gods and put forth that
their were only five. The religion began around 300 SR in Sandiem with the
teachings of Cleric Gregory. Since then the religion that evolved out of
those teachings has become the state religion in the Estarian Empire, and
bitterly embroiled in war with "The Way" elsewhere. In Telzoa "The Way"
had been unchallenged, but Pentalism is finding fertile soil amongst the
middle class and some of the nobles. It is most popular in Dabrinia, but
nowhere has it managed to debunk the standing religion or even get a
temple built.

Telzoa is a geologically active land with multiple volcanoes,

especially in the west. Everyone on the island has felt a noticible
earthquake at some time, as this occurs at least once every five
years. Highly destructive earthquakes occur on a less frequently
cycle of around 30 to 60 years, and the last one of note was in the
year 1395, so it is unlikely that another will occur soon. When
earthquakes do occur on the island they are usually followed by
tidal waves of varying magnitudes.

The established priestly courts of Telzoa have already begun to move to

snuff out the religion, but unlike those they have fought before this religion
holds equal appeal for the masses and, more dangerously, can't be tracked
down to one point. Having already lost incredible amounts of ground to the
Pentalists elsewhere, the priests of The Way in Telzoa do not wish to lose
the considerable influence they hold now. Their current removal activities
focus priority, naturally, on the Pentalist priests who are capable of magic.
With the country still largely caught up in a political civil war, the leaders of
the country not only would prefer to keep religion out as a side issue, but
quell the priests from dividing precious man power from their own cause.
For the most part, the established Way priests begrudgingly agree, but the
Pentalist are attempting to convert rulers to their cause and make their
attempts to hold their own kingdom, or conquer the others, into a holy
cause. The situation is dire indeed, especially given rumor that King Salsis of
Milicsundria may convert. There is already enough bad blood between
Milicsundria and Dalsundria without the former changing religions and
bringing all that entails into the mix. Yet it would seem that Salsis, who is
known to consider himself abandoned by the gods of The Way, might do
precisely that.

The Natural World

The world around the Telzoans has shaped their culture in many ways.
Telzoa is a harsh land of short summers and bitter winters punctuated by
the occasional earthquake and even volcanic eruptions. These natural
phenomena have given rise to much of Telzoas mythology and religion
though the Telzoans themselves believe fervently that their gods brought
about these changes in the land and that these myths are indeed fact.

The Sky Above

"All things begin in dreams, and dreams begin above - 'tis little wonder then
that the dreamers face the sky." - Telsindria
Carthasanas sky would truly be alien to us. The sun she is in orbit about is
known as Val, the life sun. This star is part of a binary pair, and it's smaller
partner is called Sod, the dead sun. The center point of the pair lies well
outside Carthasana's own orbit, but it is useful in descriptions to think of Val
to be fixed and that Sod completes an orbit once every fifty years. It's
distance fluctuates between 10 and 20 astronomical units - the distance of
earth to the sun and, roughly, the distance of Carthasana to Val.
Because of the distance to Sod, Carthasana receives no appreciable heat
from it, only light. Still, that light is a thousand times as bright as the full
moon, sufficient to turn the sky from midnight black to the dark blue we see
an hour or so after sunset or before sunrise. Hence, for half the year, the
world does not have night as we know it.
Speaking of moons, Carthasana has three. The nearest, Shun, completes an
orbit once every 36 hours, but this causes it to move across the sky
backwards relative to the other two and pass through an entire cycle of
phases while it does so. The second, Balcra, completes an orbit once every
6 days, and the third, Abora, once every 24 days. Their combined mass is
less than the moon, but all are closer in than our moon and occupy roughly
the same amount of space in the sky.

Telzoans have learned over time how to build on such unstable

ground to some degree, and most homes can withstand modest to
strong earthquakes without sustaining enough damage to destroy
them outright. Temples and major structures are built with magical
reinforcement when necessary, or at least under magical guidance
to insure the buildings can withstand the restless earth.
Eruptions are a different matter. Telzoans know the locations of
each of the more powerful volcanoes and fear them. All of them
are basalt volcanoes like Mt. St. Helens or Mt. Vesuvius, meaning
they will explode rather than gently erupt like the Hawaiian
volcanoes. Many local traditions have evolved around the
volcanoes ranging from ritual sacrifices to the mountains of
livestock or, although illegal, fellow humans. Char, the dark god
said to rule the volcanoes is fickle in his behavior, and though his
priests are reviled, they are protected somewhat by the volitale
power wrapped within the mountains.
The weather itself is also harsh and particularly active. Telzoa is a
land surrounded by seas warmed by geothermal activity while Artic
airmasses slam into the island during winter. Rain and snow is
frequent, especially on the islands west face where falls of as
much as 10 (2.1 meters) have been recorded. Winter is
spectacular and fierce lasting three months of the ten-month year.
It is followed by a highly rainy spring which turns into a humid
though somewhat dry summer and late summer. Fall tends to be
dry with only occasional rain, and the threat of forest fires sparked
by dry lightning is ever present.
This weather is reflected in the clothing of the Telzoans. Even in
summer most dress fully as summertime temperatures are only
around the 60s and 70s. At the height of winter temperatures can
drop to 20 and below.

"What we do is part of who we are." - Telsindria
The lives of most Telzoans are punctuated by rituals, of which four
are of keen importance: Birth, Coming of Age, Marriage and Death.

Rites of Birth
The beginning of life holds high significance to nearly all societies
and the Telzoans are no exception to this rule. There are three
ceremonies associated with birth as follows: Asiana, Madriana,
and Nosiana.

The first ceremony formally recognizes and celebrates the
pregnancy. It is a private ceremony that is held at home with only
close friends of the family invited unless the parents to be are high
ranking nobles, in which case the event is occasion to throw a large
celebration, especially if the pregnancy is the first for the marriage.
The involvement of a priest in this ceremony is limited to a blessing
on the expectant mother, and this act may be carried out at a
temple if the priest cannot (or more likely will not) go to the home
of the expectant parents. The first Asiana also finalizes the
consummation of the marriage bed.

The only act of special significance carried out in these quiet ceremonies is
the choosing of the Anglecani, or "Angel Parents." This individual(s) will
serve as the step-parents of the child should death claim the blood parents
at some point in the child's life. Also it is traditional that a male noble child
serve his squire training under his Anglecani should that person be
competent and able to provide such training when the time comes. This
high honor also has political repercussions in the case of royal children.
Should the King and Queen die before the child is of age to take the throne
it is the Anglecani who serves as the Regent to the throne.
Given these facts it's not surprising that an Asiana is an elaborate affair for
the nobility, but then again, aren't all things elaborate when the rich and
powerful become involved. For the poor the Asiana may only involve the
nuclear family but otherwise carry on without to much hoopla. Only the
first or Asiana Primera receive special attention among the poor and there a
couple of reasons for this. For the father the event marks the assurance
that his bloodline will continue in some form, although total assurance
won't be had until the child is proven to be male. For the mother the event
marks the fulfillment of her womanhood. With this event she becomes the
equal of her own mother in a sense, and for this reason the Asiana is a
female dominated celebration where the actual ceremony takes place.
The ceremony, whether at home or in temple, occurs along these lines. The
couple stand before either the altar (in temple) or the hearth (at home)
with the priest before them. He blesses them both, then a second bless is
set upon the mother. Next the parents offer the Anglecan to the individual
they have chosen for the task, and that individual accepts before the priest
and swears to protect both the parents and the child. At this point the
formalities are concluded and what occurs next is largely an issue of
personal taste. As a general rule though the parents ironically separate to
be with their sexual peers - that is the men congratulate the father in one
room while the women congratulate the mother in another. Feasting may
be (and often is) thrown into this mix, but on the whole the evening is
segregated as a rule.

Essentially a Telzoan baby shower, this private occasion is held at about the
middle of the third trimester. A friend of the mother to be or the Anglecani
arranges it if that person is a she. Men do not take part in this ceremony for
the most part, nor are any priests involved. Her friends give gifts to the
mother and they spend part of the evening praying for a safe birth for both
mother and child. In some areas the Madriana is not practiced at all, and in
others it is a more elaborate affair with the whole village involved.

In a sense this ceremony begins with the rigors of birth itself. Once the
birth is complete the child is "set before the eyes of Tean" which is to say he
or she is presented to the suns, then the true name of the child is called out.
Within the next ten days the ceremony of the Nosiana is performed. The
child is brought to a temple of Aurnon and there presents the child before
three priests - one of Cuvanill, one of Tean and one of Matacha. The
mother kneels on her right knee and calls out to the priest, "The one who
speaks for the Mother of Mothers speak, for I seek her guidance."
The reply she receives is "I am here child. Cuvanill guides you."
Her next line is "The one who speaks for the Ever-watching Father speak, for
I seek his protection."
And the reply, "I am here child, Tean protects you."
The two priests receive the child and place it upon the altar. The child is
blessed by each priest which involves marking the forehead in ash powder
and sprinkling holy water upon the child. As this is done the parents speak
the true name of the child when prompted. Then the presiding priest of
Matacha adds what is arguably the most ominous part of the ceremony,
"Mother, speak the name of your child that all may know, that I may record
it herein in this the Roll of Names."
The elaborate reply is, "I call (him/her) (name), and may Oralea bless
(him/her) with many years before (his/her) name is recorded again

Now it should be noted that what transpires above is the

consistent core of the ceremony. Other areas add their own
distinctive touches, as do individual families. A royal Nosiana is a
full day affair, while the poor may barely afford the cost to go to
temple. Regardless of the amount of pomp and circumstance
actually afforded the occasion though, it is an important one in the
lives of all people - it is the beginning.

Rites of Passage
"There is a special time in the lives of all people when the child
without dies and the adult within is born" - Telsindria
Telzoans celebrate four major coming of age ceremonies held at
the ages of 9 and 15. Further the nature of these ceremonies is
highly segregated by sex. The various coming of age ceremonies
are held by many persons in Telzoa as cherished memories.
Further, it is at this time that many Telzoans begin to walk the path
they will follow in adult life.

Untalis Crindal
Translating literally as "First Bleeding," this ceremony is held for
girls after they experience their first menstrual bleeding, at
between the ages of nine to as late as twelve. The ceremony is a
solemn one with no men present, and it is usually held during the
moon festival of Tiania that occurs immediately after the event.
The ceremony is overseen by druids and held within their groves
when possible.
The girl (or girls, for it is not unusual for several to undergo this
ceremony together) that are to undergo the rite are dressed in
brilliant white cotton or linen dresses for the occasion and are
unadorned by makeup, jewelry or the like before the ceremony
begins. All others present at the ceremony are completely nude.
As the ceremony begins they are lead by their mothers and elder
sisters to the center of the grove, and there left while their
relatives join the circle of druids at the grove's edge.
Three matriarchs occupy the space between the girls and the ring
formed by their sisters and mothers. The first represents Cuvanill,
Goddess of Mothers. The second represents Cuane, Goddess of
love. The third, and master of ceremonies is a priestess of Tiania,
Goddess of Nature and Natural cycles. For about an hour hymns
and chants are sung in praise of the three while the girls sit quietly
facing out from the center stone of the grove. As this is concluded
the priests approach the children. The first to speak is the
priestess of Cuvanill.
"I, who speaks for our Mother of Mothers, welcome you children.
Today you pass from Chiantu my daughter's protection unto mine.
Today you celebrate the first step of womanhood. Ayla! " With that
said the children are motioned to stand. The ground beneath their
feet begins to glow.
The priestess of Cuane speaks, "Today thou art fertile. Today thou
may bear children as your mothers, your grandmothers, and all the
generations before. Ayla!! " The ground beneath the feet of the
girls catches fire, but they and the priests next to them are
unharmed by the flame.
The priestess of Tiania speaks, "Today you have completed a circle
of life, yet many circles remain before you. We shall continue to
watch, we shall continue to pray, and we shall continue to guide.
Ayla!!" The flames catch the girl's dresses and begin to burn them
away. Some of the girls flinch in pain, and almost all present begin
to cry.
All the priests and women present begin to chant along with the
girls, "All are born by us! Ayla!! All are nurtured by us! Ayla!! We
are the keepers of the flame! Ayla!! We are the sources of the
river! Ayla!! We are women! We are forever!! Ayla!!! "

The flames subside with a blinding light, and the girls are left as nude as
their mothers and sisters. They are covered in sweat, but unhurt. With this
the ceremony concludes.

The male companion to the Untalis Crindal has no biological signal, so the
tenth birthday is used as the marker to celebrate this transition in life. At
or around this point of the child's life he is taken by his father to the nearest
temple of the branch of faith the father holds trust in. The child is put alone
in a room (or in the center of a grove if druids are involved) and not given
food or water for two days. The location is gradually heated (or exposed if
outdoors). During this the boy is to meditate. Most fail to really do so
during the whole time period, but those that are the most successful in this
task do often garner the attention of the priests. Eventually the boy passes
out and has a vision. The priest interprets the vision and it determines the
vocation of the boy and to whom he is to be apprenticed (In theory. Some
parents and children go against the vision and take up some other task).
After this rather grueling test a feast is held in the child's honor at his home.
The vision, the parents finances, and everyones personal tastes shape the
details of this feast.

Rites of Marriage
"We all live - never truly alone, and never truly together save with one - or
without one." - Alisan, Priestess of Cuane
Marriage is the most important pact a Telzoan will ever make. It forms a
bond of trust and love that is never truly severed without great
consequence. A spouse is seen as such a part of one that cutting them off is
as serious as needing to amputate a hand or foot. Divorce can occur and be
justified, but divorcee's are ostracized in Telzoan society all the same.
The marriage ceremony itself is all that is covered here. Proposals of
marriage and betrothals (in the case of arranged marriages) vary to wildly
for an introduction to handle, but the marriage vows are one of the most
consistent parts of the Telzoan religion. Priests of Cuane and Poen are
preferred when handling a ceremony, but any married couple will do. That
is the one caveat of the Telzoan wedding ceremony - it is not a priest, but
another wed couple that marries one. Further it cannot be your parents.
Since priests of Cuane and Poen invariably intermarry they are often chosen
- further they have access to spells to further sanctify the marriage.
The ceremony begins at dusk of the preceding day. From sunset to the
ceremony itself it is considered bad luck for anyone of the opposite sex to
see either member of the ceremony, and this is often enforced with the
occasional exception given to overly doting parents. At morning the two
are led to opposite sides of the ceremonial grounds in the nude, and then
one at a time they walk to the center of the grounds alone. In the center of
the grounds, also nude, are the priests or presiding couple. To the right of
the priests are the bride's parents, and to their left the grooms - the three
couples form a triangle. Parents may or may not be clothed for the
occasion as determined by age and area. The bride and groom enter the
triangle from the side of their parents. The words of the ceremony are as
Priestess: "Her enchanting lady,"
"And her eternal consort."
"Invest their power in us."
Priestess: "Oralea [fate] has chosen that you to meet."
"And you have chosen to love."
Priestess: "This love has grown."
"Hence you have brought it before us"
Priestess: "For eternal blessed confirmation."
Priests: "Shall we proceed?"
Couple: "Yes"
"Very well, Do you give your heart to this woman, that she shall
never be alone; Do you give your faith, so that she shall never be in want of
trust; Do you give your life, that she shall never fear harm; Do you give her
your love, through which each of you shall be eternally strong."
Groom: "I give my heart, none else can tame it; I give my faith, none else
can claim it as she; I give my life, for none shall shame her while I live; and I
give my love, with no restraint now or ever."

Priestess: "And do you accept what he will give?"

"Yes, I, now and forever, claim his heart, faith, life and
Priestess: "Very well, Do you give your compassion, that he may
never again know sorrow; Do you give your hearth, that his
journeys may always find an end; Do you him give your mercy, so
his wounds might find comfort; Do you give him your love, through
which each of you shall be eternally strong."
"I give my compassion, his tears are mine alone to
weep; I give my hearth, his home is mine alone to keep; I give my
mercy, his joy is mine alone to need; and I give my love, with no
restraint, now or ever."
"And do you accept what she will give?"
Groom: "Yes, I, now and forever, claim her compassion, hearth,
mercy and love!"
Priestess: "Two came unto us,"
"Two as one depart,"
Priestess: "Two shall love forever."
"Two shall ne'er depart."
(The priests give a rose to the couple, and they place it tightly
between their palms and face one another.)
Priestess: "Cuane of the Roses"
"And Poen of Song"
"Bless you, Unite you, and Free you, Two made One."

Rites of Death
"The end which comes once and comes to all is always at hand prepare." - Matachan saying
Much ado is made over the whether or not one will have peace or
torment after they die, or in the cases of some of the evil sects of
Telensitary, whether one receives torment or gets to inflict it.
Hence placating the gods almost always has death in mind anyway.
This said, funerals are for the living and not the dead. It is in these
ceremonies that we remember the ones we loved and lost.
Funerals serve the necessary function of allowing the living to find
closure. As for the dead, they too need closure an unburied or
mistreated member of the deceased can come back to haunt the
living in Telzoa, and some care is taken in Telzoan tradition to
placate the dead.
If one knows they are going to die they will seek the counsel of a
priest of their patron god so that they might confess their sins
before dying. If this is not possible a Matachan priest can take such
a confession, any priest is preferable to none and at the very least
someone should be there. Telzoans hate to die alone.
When someone dies in a character's presence they are expected to
know and to say the decorum or last rite.
Delce de decorum trist
Delce de decorum delenerum torum
Translated this Liternanin phrase means "All are born hence, all are
fated to die someday."
The preparation of the body for burial takes only a few hours and if
a priest is involved it will include castings of bless and gentle
repose. The rich often have elaborate costumes prepared for their
death, and the body is cleaned for its journey, but left undressed.
Naked we enter the world, so too do the Telzoans deliver the
bodies of the dead to their rest.
Burial ceremonies begin at dawn when the body is set out for
visitation. The friends and relatives of the deceased remain on the
premises. Two hours before nightfall the body is taken to the local
temple and the Incardra is performed by the priests of Matacha.
During this ceremony the body lies just before the altar and the
immediate children of the deceased form a semicircle around the
casket. They are arranged from eldest to youngest from the right
to the left of the body if it were to stand and face them. If the

parents or spouse of the deceased survive they stand on the rightmost hand
before the children, although this is a rare occurrence, it is not unheard of.
Behind them in a second row are any grandchildren. In the third circle
come all other relatives, and these relatives make a full circle around body
and altar if there enough of them. They are arranged starting directly in
front of the altar and progress clockwise around the body in this order
siblings, uncles & aunts, cousins. A fourth ring is composed of all other
friends to the deceased in the case of royal or high noble funerals this ring
will be arranged by pecking order and a fifth ring will be formed of the non
nobles present.
There will be one or two presiding priests the first is always of Matacha.
The second is determined by whether or not the deceased had a patron god
(most do). In this case the god of the priest will be the same as the patron.
The Matachan priest begins the Incardra by repeating the decorum. The
second priest then recounts the deeds of the deceased, and this may take
around a half hour. The Matachan priest then calls out to the spirit to
behold those who have come to bid them farewell. Each person present
then says their last words to the priest and concludes with, I, [Name] bid

thee farewell. It is customary to keep this last farewell under a

minute or so, depending on how many folk must say their last
farewell. In the case of very large ceremonies only the inner two
circles perform this process. After each person says their farewell
they turn away from body, and light a candle.
When all have turned away the Matachan priest opens a copy of
the Ruandi Nombren and sets it upon the altar, and then enters the
name of the deceased into the book. He says what he writes
aloud. The song of the Ruandi Nombren is sung afterward, and
when this song is completed the Matachan priest slams the book
shut. With this cue all present snuff their candle, and hold the wick
as long as they can even if it burns them.
All present bow their head as eight Death Speakers enter the
ceremony room (or grounds) from behind the altar. They close and
take up the casket, and deliver it to the burial grounds. After they
leave the survivors are free to go. Some accompany the body to
its burial grounds. In some areas the body is cremated on the

The Kindred Races

Chapter 2
Once we were all the same, before the first rebirth, before the
schism. At that time the only peoples of the world where the Tal
There was a wizard-king, whose name was Mariel. He desired more
than earthly power, and made war upon the heavens. He gathered
his finest armies and laid siege to the plains of Valrea. And so
enraged where the gods at his audacity that each army was
changed to hate the others. So arose the goblins, the orcs, the
bugbears and their lot.
There were those who did not follow Mariel into the ther, but
when his forces returned they began their assault. The remaining
peoples where scattered by this blight to the four corners of the
world. The survivors where blessed with powers of their own to
stand off the assaults of the goblin races. So arose the elves from
the forests, the men from the plains, the oyasi of the islands, the
dwarves of the mountains and the gnomes of the swamps.
Of the Tal Isan, only a few remained, and their numbers have since
dwindled in the succeeding wars to but five. I suppose if you asked
one of them, you would learn if this story is true after all, each
race has their own version where they get to play the hero. Who
knows what the truth is? It, like this summary, probably lies
somewhere in the middle.
- Teresa, Human Wizard
The first chapter exhaustively detailed the world of men, for like most
campaign worlds Carthasana is unquestionably human-centric. This chapter
details the so called kindred races - those races which humans most
frequently consort peacefully and which are introduced in the core rules.

"Beware a cheery dwarf."
- Berondibas, gnome wizard
Denizens of the deep mountains, dwarves throw themselves passionately
into any and every task they engage in. Producers of some of the finest arts
or all types in the realm of Carthasana, dwarves are greatly honored by all
races for their skills even though their temperaments can sometimes make
them very difficult to get along with.
Physiology: The differences between dwarves and humans run far deeper
than a difference in stature. Despite their height dwarves weigh as much or
more than humans on average. They also are have a wider stance than
humans, which exagerrates their short, squat appearance.
Longevity: Dwarves of Carthasana dont live appreciably longer than
humans. Their lifespans typically run into the 75 to 100 year range
(remember that humans on Carthasana rarely live past 30) with some
venerable dwarves reaching 125.
Senses: Dwarves are best known for the extraordinary ability of darkvision.
This ability allows a dwarf to see the reflections of the light of his own aura
though such light is weak, hence the limited range of this ability. A dwarfs
normal vision is roughly as good as a humans though the race has a much
higher occurance of near-sightedness.
Dwarven hearing, touch and smell are roughly equivalent to a humans, but
their sense of taste is decidedly poor. Dwarves ironically love spicy foods
though, but as a result of their poor taste they often spice their food to the
point nearly overpowering.
Physical Build: Dwarves are more dense than other races. While physically
smaller than humans they weigh the same and are equally strong despite

their size. Dwarven bones are massive and, ironically, dwarven

thighbones are a favorite club among orcs.
Dwarves have exaggerated livers, spleens, appendices and kidneys.
Their bodies are far more efficient at dealing with and removing
poisons from their system. Dwarves are also outright immune to
several substances that can slowly kill humans outright not the
least of which is lead. Dwarves use lead in almost all their utensils
yet it has no effect whatsoever upon them. Thanks to divinations
other races are aware of the slow danger lead poses on
Carthasana, though dwarves brag it is just weakness. Mineral
poisons have next to no effect on dwarves in general, though
natural and synthetic poisons can affect them normally.
These abilities are the reason for the +2 racial bonus dwarves have
to their constitution scores.
Birth & Childhood: Dwarves develop slower than humans, due
largely to their massive bones. They dont stop growing until age
30, and childhood is generally regarded to last until the same.
Dwarven pregnancies last 11 months.
Personality: Carthasnas dwarves are not dour and taciturn, but
rather bombastic and overbearing to an extreme that is equally
annoying. A dwarf says what he thinks before taking any time to
ponder how others may react. This extreme lack of tact is why
dwarves, as a race, have a -2 charisma penalty.
Description & Clothing: Dwarves make and wear clothing wed
describe as Scottish, with elaborate patterns throughout. Dwarves
decorate all their tools and often fashion their hair and beards into
knot work patterns. The attitude of most is that if something is
worth making its worth making well.
Relations: Dwarves are extremely warm and friendly with their
family and clan and equally guarded in their dealings with
strangers. They prefer to keep other races at arms reach but
especially men. Several times in the last two centuries has one or
more Telzoan king tried to claim the mountains for their own, only
to be beaten back by the dwarves.
Marriage & Family: Family is at the core of dwarven life, though
dwarves dont tend to keep large clanholds on Carthasana like they
do in other worlds. Instead, clans loosely ally into councils which
meet only to drink and argue, rarely deciding on anything unless an
urgent need presents itself.
Dwarven females have far more parity with their male
counterparts than human women. Unlike human females dwarven
females do not tend to be any frailer or less aggressive. Indeed,
their willingness to be beligerent often catches humans off guard.
Dwarven Lands: Dwarves typical lord over freeholds in narrow
mountain valleys that are both mineral rich but also afford them
the ability to grow what food. Dwarves prefer to be self-sufficient
and will avoid lands that cannot produce all their needs.
Dwarven cities can grow quite large, but grow organically with little
planning. Since most are primarily underground it is possible to
become lost for days or weeks in the mazelike passages.
Religion: Dwarves engage in what is essentially an elaborate form
of ancestor worship. Each clan, during ceremonies, recites the
names of all the members passed and sings the tales of their glory.
At the head of the ancestry are three powers presiding over the
cycle of life in this world most commonly called Freyalis, Dulthos
and Nalru. However, most clans have a local deity and it is not
unknown for the names of principle deities to be changed from
stronghold to stronghold.

Alignment: Most dwarves live in mountainous lands that are associated

with Shunra, but despite this the race trends towards a Valran mindset. The
bonds of community and clan are instilled in dwarves from a very young
age. This said, some dwarves rebel from the expectations of their peers.
Language: Dwarves speak a tongue they call Kilrasic, and it is essentially the
same as the tongue used by gnomes. This probably owes to the fact that
gnomes move in and among dwarven settlements as much as halflings
move among the humans of other worlds (though halflings do not mingle
with humans often in Carthasana). The language has an alphabet known as
the Smarskritic and that alphabet is often co-opted by goblinkin when they
have cause to write something down (which is rare).
Dwarven is a very harsh and guttural tongue. Elves sometimes jokingly refer
to it as growling earth speak.
Names: Dwarves tend to be proud and yet secretive about names. They
proudly vant out their clan names and work to honor their clan. Further,
most go by their clan name when working with outsiders (even dwarves
from other strongholds). Personal names are kept relatively secret, and true
names are given out only rarely and it is a mark of high trust.
Adventurers: Most dwarven adventurers are out for a thrill and a fight not
necessarily in that order. That they might profit during the struggle is often
only secondary to enjoying themselves in the process.

Galrinican (Mountain Dwarves)

Most dwarves encountered in Carthasana are Gerinisan dwarves, or "Hill
Dwarves". These are the dwarves we've discussed so far, and they match
the dwarves of the Core Rulebook. Mountain dwarves are somewhat
uncommon by comparison - while their society is very similar to their
cousins their physiology is a bit more exotic.

+2 Strength, +2 Consititution, -2 Dexterity: Galrincican are very

durable and powerful, but not especially quick or manuverable.

Galrinican dwarves are physically denser than water. They cannot

swim and cannot take ranks in the swim skill

Mountaineer: A Galrincan dwarf is immune to altitude sickness and

doesn't lose his Dexterity bonus to AC when making climb or
acrobatics checks. This ability replaces stability.

Extreme Toughness: Galrinican dwarven toughness is legendary, even

among dwarves. The character uses the next higher die size for hit
point rolls and if the character class has a d12 hit die they gain a +2
bonus to the hit die roll.

"So Teresa," Trishdare began, "How do humans view elves?"
"As the fern envies the oak," she replied smoothly.
Elves are the most prominent of the sylvan races of Carthasana. Humans
often see them as ideal versions of themselves, yet the free spirit of the
elves has grated on the nerves of more than one human king and emperor.
While elves are willing to be allies, they are not willing to be servants.
Physiology: While physically closer to humans than any other race on
Carthasana, the elves are upon close examination more alien than any other
race. While grotesque in visage, goblins, orcs, ogres and the like share
humanitys frailties of disease and mortality. Elves are free of these
concerns, and this freedom shapes their very psychology.
Longevity: The most dramatic difference between elves and humans is
longevity. Elves live to approximately 300 years, though individuals over
400 years old arent unknown. In addition to a naturally long lifespan elves
are immune to almost all diseases that affect humans. Elves however do
have to contend to diseases unique to their species most of which are at
least partially magical and difficult to treat. They also are in danger of dying
from an ailment called the ashtasila sundre, or weary death where an elf
becomes so depressed from his memories and experiences that he goes
into a catatonic state and starves.

Senses: The elven eye is about twice as sensitive to light as a

humans having a far more dense concentration of rods than a
humans. It is also about a quarter size larger than a human eye.
Elven eyes have a much more reflective tympanic membrane
behind the retina that reflects unabsorbed light back to the retina
for a second try at absorption. Some of this light escapes though so
an elfs eye shines in the dark just as a cat or dogs will. This visual
acuity comes at some price. The muscles that move the eye are
less developed in an elf than in a human. This means that an elf
cannot look out of the corner of their eyes or cast a sidelong glance
at someone. To follow most objects an elf must move her entire
head just an owl does (which cant move its eyes at all). Elves also
have a far greater likelihood of being born colorblind than humans.
Elves have a functioning and transparent third eyelid that protects
the eye from flashblindness (the lack of this third eyelid by
goblinoids is why they are vulnerable to flash blindness and elves
are not).
Elves have a more sensitive and higher hearing range than humans.
An elf can hear a dog whistle and it isnt uncommon for elven
scouting parties to use such whistles as signals their foes cant
intercept. Despite this advantage, elves are no better at discerning
the direction of a sound than humans are.
Elves have about the same sense of smell and taste as humans, and
their sense of touch is actually weaker at picking up temperature
changes than humans.
Extrasensory: Elves have an almost instinctual sense when it comes
to magic. Even those with no training whatsoever can feel the
presence of a spell if they enter its area of effect (and with most
spells by then, its too late).
Elves also have the ability to feel the emotions of those they touch.
Two elves holding hands know the emotions of the other and they,
as a rule, find physical contact more desirable at all times than
humans. Elves like to touch and be touched and they dont
discriminate sexually in this regard. A typical elf would prefer to
have someone else groom them or to groom another than to
groom themselves. So great is this need for contact that those who
capture elves frequently have learned that solitary confinement
works wondered on the elven resolve.
Physical Build: Elves have a much less dense bone structure than
humans. Though their bones are about the same size, they are
more hollow. Major bones such as the femur (legbone) and hip
have strips of cartilage intermingled with true bone to give added
flexibility. This comes at a price, elven bones break easier than
human ones though usually they will bend first.
Elves do not weigh and indeed cannot weigh as much as humans
their skeletons would collapse under the weight. Elven muscle
tissue is stronger per pound than human muscles, but there is less
of it in most individuals adding to their frail look. These highly
dense but light muscles take a long time to grow, adding the
immature period most elves undergo.
Elves therefore have much more flexible bodies on average than
humans, but at a price of being more easily injured hence their -2
adjustment to constitution.
Reverie: It is well known that elves not only dont sleep, but cant.
Their minds are always active on some level and they are always
aware of their surroundings. However, elves do have to enter a
state called the reverie. While in many respects this is an
advantage, sometimes it can be a weakness. During reverie the
elven mind accomplishes what the human mind does with sleep
discarding unneeded memories and strengthing those that are
desired. However, for an elf this is largely a conscious process.
Elves need to spend at least four hours a day in this state though
they can spend more. Elves who fail to reverie the proper amount
of time dont suffer the same kind of fatigue as humans, though
the game effects are the same. As the period between reveries

increases the elven mind becomes increasingly disoriented until finally it

collapses in on itself and the elf enters a coma. These comatose episodes
are about the only time an elf experiences unconsciousness and it is
frightening to them in the extreme despite the fact that it is in this state
that most elven infants linger in on and off until their minds are developed
enough to begin to reverie.

takes twenty years. At this point the care of the children is passed
from parent to maschadri, which is an elven term roughly
equivalent to god parent. It is this individual, who is almost always
male and usually the father (or assumed father), that trains the
child in whatever art they've chosen. This training in turn tends to
last twenty years as well.

Birth & Childhood: Elven females, unlike their human counterparts, are only
capacle of becoming pregnant once a year. This phenomena is known as an
eustral cycle and is seen in deer and other prey animals. Even when the
chance of pregnancy is present it is fairly rare most elves only successfully
get pregnant five or six times in their lifetimes. Since elven females need not
fear unwanted pregnancies as often they tend to be more promicscuous
than human females, and elven society is certainly more tolerant and
unstructured where sex is concerned.

Elven families are traced by via matriarchy, though elves do not

value long term family heritage in the manner of the other races.
They are also aloof and cold when they observe such ties among
humans and have no understanding of it whatsoever in the
extreme that dwarves take it. The affection afforded between
mother and child is extremely strong, though all other bonds are
missing. Elves, for their own part, see no problem with this, and
tend to explore love (or as observing races put it, lust) in as many
ways possible. Indeed, in this one respect elves show no signs of
their age. Their love burns hot, but it burns briefly.

When an elf does become pregnant she undergoes a year long pregnancy
that delivers up two infants of three to four lbs. In almost all instances one
of the infants is stillborn and it isnt unusual for both to be. Elven infants are
born even less developed than human babes with their eyes closed. They
will not open their eyes at all until around six months old. They also have no
hair at all and lack fingernails and toenails.
The babes must suckle for the first year, their digestive system being unable
to handle anything more complicated than mothers milk. Elven milk isnt
especially nourishing either, but it is reflective of the slow developing
process that is the racial achillies heel of elves.
Another elven weakness from a physiological standpoint is that once an
elven female has bore a child successfully or not it will be some ten to as
long as twenty years before she can bear another. During this time her body
doesnt ovulate at all.
Elves take around 24 years to reach physical maturity, and around
considered adult until 30 years. Human musing of elves requiring a hundred
years to reach adulthood are largely false though elven society doesnt
confer full adult rights to anyone less than a century in age.
Personality: Elves delight in the world around them as theyve always
known it as a culture. Their personalities can be warm, passionate or
reserved, but they often give off a feeling of reserve. Elves can live a long,
long time, and most arent willing to risk that longevity to rash dangerous
actions, yet at the same time they speak with their hearts as well as their
mind when asked.
Description & Clothing: Frail and thin, elves epitomize beauty to the eyes of
many humans. Their clothes are long and flowing, but cut with comfort
instead of modesty in mind. Since they arent bothered as much by
temperatures as humans they tend to dress lightly, and they have no
qualms about not dressing at all when among their own kind, though they
find that is best to be appear to be modest when dealing with humans.
Elven weaving processes take a long time to perform by tradition, and these
items are never rushed. Their fabrics are highly prized and very durable.
Elves tend to use forest colors with all their fabrics be that green in spring
and summer, or stark whites for winter and oranges and golds in fall.
Relations: Elves prefer to remain aloof in their dealings with the members
of other races. Part of this is again due to the differences in lifespans
individuals of other races dont live anywhere near long enough to honor
what elves would perceive as a long-term commitment. This non-commital
stance is very off-putting to Carthasanas dwarves, though humans dont
like it either. This same attitude actually helps them get along with gnomes
and oyasini, each of which tend to want to tinker with things more than
elves like.
Marriage & Family: Since elven females do not run a risk of pregnancy for
most of the year they have a reputation (largely deserved) of being
promiscuous. Despite their long life spans elves rarely enter into long term
commitments (although this is a relative thing - a commitment of 40 years is
hardly long term to them) as they see it as wearing to their souls. Love is
one such aspect that elves hold a much different view upon than humans do
- elves do not marry in the human sense, and fathers are never really
involved in the lives of their very young children even if they do know which
child is theirs. Women raise their children one at a time, a process that

Elven Lands: Elven domains are fairly ambiguous in boundary as

elves make no attempt to divide the land as other races do. Nor do
elves answer to a common elven king (though in their negotiations
a local clan leader may say hes king to placate human needs to
speak to an authority figure). This lack of a marking on their
territories make it possible to enter and leave elven villages and
cities, often without even knowing you were there.
Elves dislike artificial and unnecessary changes to the land. Hence
elven homes and cities blend into the landscape and wildlife is
welcome to move within their villages. Elves do not establish large
cities because of the damage such establishments can do to the
environment. Several large tracts of apparent wilderness in
Carthasana, such as the Calishmere and the Voolrean Forests, are
elven nations.
Unlike the elves of other worlds, Carthasanan elves are not
especially capacle craftsmen of metals or magical devices. They
also prefer magic drawn from the land or from the self and study
magic in an introspective pattern as opposed to book learning of
the art as elves of other worlds do.
Religion: Elven religion is centered around the dichotomy of the
Seelie and Unseelie courts. There are five deities in each court and
they are held to each rule half the year. Every elf is said to have an
unseelie side which must be suppressed Like so many other
aspects of elven life, religion is a personal pursuit that each
individual must walk for themselves. Elves do not congregate
except on the turns of the seasons, and the religious focus of those
celebrations tends to be overshadowed by reveling.
Outside of these ceremonies elven priests contemplatively follow
the path set before them by life. They make themselves available
to council those elves who request it, and they maintain shrines
and holy sites for the benefit of their communities, but on the
whole religion and religious observance does not dominate elven
life in the way it dominates humans.
Alignment: Elves are rightfully associated with Abora, and it
unusual to find an elf that has entirely forsaken this alignment,
though many elves have double alignments due to their long
lifespans and the varied experiences those lifespans bring.
Language: The elven tongue is more or less uniform throughout
the race unlike the human tongues, though it has regional dialects.
These dialects can be so contorted that they should be treated as
separate languages except that, once written down, they can be
read readily.
Elven writing is an artform in and of itself, and it is very important
to them. An elfs memory of event specifics is no better than a
humans, so without writings to remind them theyd forget their
childhoods and young adulthood by the time they become
Names: Elves purport to hold little meaning in names and change
them frequently. Unlike most races, they rarely have or go by

family names if asked for a last name most will give their mothers name.
Elves, like other races, have a true name, but most elves rarely know their
true name having never been told it by their parents.
Adventurers: Elves adventure primarily out of curiousity, or for many of the
same reasons as humans do except that they rarely attempt to amass
wealth or property. Most adventuring elves are still fairly young, as elder
elves tend to settle down and enjoy finer and more peaceful pursuits.

Kimpoutani (Exalted Elves)

The elves so far described are known as the Silvani - the seasonal or the
common elves. Kimpoutani elves are fairly rare among elves in the north
with their only family enclaves found scattered about the elven kingdoms.
Kimpoutani are ever so slightly stockier than the Silvani and their
complextions tend towards stark white or pastels. Blonde and red are the
only two hair colors known to them, and their hair is very fine and worn
long. Most Kimpoutani are found in the distant south.

Kimpoutani have a +2 to their starting wisdom score instead of a +2 to


Arcane Focus: Kimpoutani are more interested in the arcane arts than
in weaponcraft, which they consider crude and primitive. They have a
+2 racial bonus to concentration checks to cast arcane spells
defensively. This ability replaces weapon familiarity.

Urbanite: Kimpoutani are more tuned in to the social interactions than

the rules of the forest. They have a +2 racial bonus to diplomacy
checks made to gather information and sense motive checks rolled in
social situations. This ability replaces keen senses.

"Seen one gnome, seen them all," Timmon quipped.
"You only see what we wish you to see boy." Johan sternly corrected.
Of the major races, gnomes are the most reclusive and secretive. Often
confused for dwarves and sometimes even for halflings, gnomes prefer to
keep to themselves and have no dealings with others as a race. The ones
which adventure are more outgoing than this, but they have a (mostly
deserved) reputation for scamming those they encounter as they try to get
ahead in the game of life.
Physiology: Gnomes of Carthasana stand around 3 feet tall, and would
easily pass for halflings where it not for their facial hair and enlarged noses.
Gnomes have a superb sense of smell and enjoy particularly strong odors of
all types the same way that other races revel in strong colors. Like dwarves
they have darkvision and they share the dwarven ability to injest materials
that could easily kill most men.
Gnomes can live for up to 150 years, making them the second longest lived
race in Carthasana after the elves.
Personality: Carthasanas gnomes tend to be self-centered in one or more
ways. Even the more gregarious ones tend to deal with others in terms of
what they stand to gain or lose. They love to tinker with people as much as
things, and often push buttons until someone explodes. Of course, the
amount of malice in such acts depends on the individual gnome. Gnomes
are very fast to shoot off insults, and one can rarely be sure if those insults
are meant in jest or not.
Description and Clothing: Gnomes, like dwarves, do not delight themselves
in exceptionally fine garments. They hold functionality over beauty in most
respects, however gnomes love to encrust their garments and tools with
polished stones of various values. No race can begin to compare with
gnomes in the arts of jewel crafting and white smithing (working precious
metals). Gnomes use lame (metallic cloth) more often than other races, and
often they embroider precious cloths gained from other races in trade.
Gnomic dress resembles dwarves in that males do wear kilts - however their
designs are always solid or two color designs, unlike dwarven weaves which
may use up to 15 different color threads. Gnomes also love hats - it is rare

to find a gnome without a hat, and many individuals feel naked

without them. Among their own kind gnomes where a conical hat
known as a cycla, but in the company of humans they prefer to use
hats that don't label them as readily as gnomes.
Gnomic female dress is virtually identical to male dress save that
skirts stand in for kilts. Women sometimes forgo a hat for a
headscarf, but like the gentlemen they rarely go without wearing
something on their head. Like dwarves, all male gnomes wear
beards, although unlike dwarves, gnomes find some of the most
outlandish ways to style their beards, from goatees to sideburns.
Relations: Gnomes get along acceptably with all races, though
humans and elves tend to suspect their motives. Gnomes lack the
physical strength to hold and maintain kingdoms of their own, so
they mesh into other socities and exploit gaps they leave behind.
Unfortunately, gnomes often get blamed for catastrophes and the
like, and mobs have more than once sent all the gnomes in one
kingdom packing and leaving for the next.
Marriage & Family: Gnomes marry, and marry for life. Divorce is a
completely alien concept to them, and if a spouse should befall
misfortune it is uncannily rare for a gnome to remarry. Despite this
stability within the marriage, family takes a back seat to guilds in
gnomic life. Gnomes usually marry within their guild, and their
children join a guild at adolescence and the bond they forge with
the guild quickly eclipses their family. Why this is so is something
of a mystery to outside races, but gnomes view it as a practical
issue. The trades of the community must be passed on, and the
guilds do that more efficiently than the family.
This is not to say that family has no place to gnomes. Even when
they enter a different guild, gnomes retain tight ties to their family.
Also, for many gnomes guild and family are one and the same - but
if an individual wants to leave one family and its trade for another
than there is no fuss involved in that at all.
Gnomic Lands: Gnomes tend to settle into enclaves within
kingdoms ran by larger races and hold no lands of their own, at
least in the vicinity of Telzoa. Theyre willing to at least pay lip
service to the ruling races customs, but if they become
overbearing gnomes will simply leave.
Religion: Gnomes participate in a religion ruled by four deities
one for each season. A gnomes patron is as much a function of his
age as it is his beliefs. But gnomes arent a particularly devout folk
and to outsiders they often seem to have no faith at all. Even
clerics rarely mention their deities to non-gnomes. To further
confuse matters gnomic religious observances, when held, are
more accurately described as festivals festivals known to often
get quite out of hand.
Alignment: Gnomes trend to Sodra as a race. They value individual
freedoms more than family ties, and explore the world on their
own terms rather than seeking to do so in groups. If an individual
gnome decides to pick up a trade or hobby non of his fellows have
done before none of his peers will find that especially unusual.
Gnomes also have a mostly deserved reputation as a group for
being greedy. While dwarves want fair compensation for work,
they will provide help freely. Meanwhile there are tales of gnomes
bickering over the price of water with a man dying of thirst.
Language: The gnomes dont have a tongue of their own but have
co-opted the language of the dwarves. This, along with other
similarities, has lead sages to suppose the two races are actually
one a theory both races deny.
Names: Gnomes use names as a matter of convenience and switch
them so often that most respond to hey gnome faster than
whatever name they happen to be using at the moment. Gnomes
do not readily share their given name (let alone true name) to nongnomes. Instead they use nicknames, particular ones that are
difficult to say.

Adventurers: Gnomes adventure in search of one or more of three things

fun, trouble or profit. Adventuring is one of the few activities that provide a
lot of all three.

Oyasini (Halflings)


The halflings of Carthasana call themselves the "oyasini." They lie

between the world of elves and pixies, similar to each race but
directly tied to neither.

Just as Trishdare and Teresa began to kiss Timmon merrily piped in from the
other side of the campfire, "Now, now you two - the world has enough
mongrels such as I."
Dwelling in the gap between two cultures with a great deal of animosity and
prejudice for one another, the life of a half-elf is a precarious one at best,
and a dismal one at worst. For bigots in both camps their very existence
brings up the specter of miscegenation - that elves nor humans are as
separate from each other as some would rather believe.
Half elves usually favor the elven parent in bone structure, and their human
parent in hair and eye color, but this is by no means constant. In all but an
extraordinarily few cases half elves are raised by their mother and almost
never know their father. Be they born of love or hate, theirs is the lot
despised by those who should call them kindred. Half elves get along best
with half orcs, who like they are despised by the races of their parents.
The abilities of half elves are not variant with their elven parent, although
the exact subrace of elf that was a parent will be noticeable in the features
of the individual. This can lead to additional racism on the part of both
elves and humans.
The half elves do have one place to call home and a people who will call
them friend. The Kingdom of Hone Rae, and her people accept half-elves,
and many other misfits as well. The reason for this is largely historical - for
the kingdom of Hone Rae was founded as a protectorate for the half-elves
of Telzoa (or more accurately a place to banish them to). Now the people of
that kingdom have strong elven blood in their veins, so much so that their
children occasionally are half-elven even when the parents are not (see
Human, Hone Raean).
Since half-elves have no real culture of their own, refer to the race which
raised your character for details personality quirks, costume and so on.

Hugo tapped on Timmon's shoulder, "Mongrel?" then he snorted in
contempt and left into the darkness.
"I think you hurt his feelings," Teresea snapped at Timmon.
"Feelings? Him? He's part orc.." Trishdare teased. Teresa slapped him hard
and left in the opposite direction.
"Oh well," Johan the gnome giggled, "That'll set you back at least two weeks
As much as orcs and humans hate one another and find each other's
appearance to be repulsive it is not surprising to note that, unlike half-elves,
half orcs are more often than not the unfortunate products of rape. Most
half orcs have human mothers as a result of this awful trend which only
serves to redouble the hatred humans have for any nearby orcs, especially
in the aftermath of any large incursions.
The emotional scars that such an upbringing leaves causes many half orcs to
act as monstrously as their orcish parentage would indicate they should.
Not a few go insane by the incessant emotional, and as often physical
attacks rendered to them by the society they grow up within. Despite all of
this a rare few of them come up civilized, and a rare few of them also come
into power in one of the two races that form their heritage.
Half orcs tend toward sullen, moody and quiet behavior more so than any
other group. All of them have rage pent up inside though, and one should
be very cautious about drawing their ire or wrath.
As with half-elves, half-orcs have no culture or society to call their own,
though more than their half racial kindred they stay to the fringes of society
far more frequently with the exception of especially large and cosmopolitan
cities which tolerate variance more than small villages and hamlets are likely

The world can be a big place for one as small as I, but being small
gives you a proper prespective. - Geldasin

Physiology: Oyasini are the smallest of the kindred races, standing

3 tall at the most with some as short as 2 . Their skin ranges
from chalk white to a light blush hue - their silk fine hair runs the
gamut of red and blond shades, although on rare occasion light
cyan and white are seen among their number. Oyasini eyes are
blue, pink, violet or steel grey.
Like elves, Oyasini have somewhat exaggerated eyes, but they
dont share the larger races inability to move their eyeballs. They
have much the same bone structure as elves, but since they are
smaller they dont suffer the slow growth effects of the larger race.
Oyasi (the females) have a pregnancy of 7 months and childhood
for the oyasini is only 10 years, though many act socially childish
well into their thirties. Player character Oyasi are assumed to be
around 20 at which time theyve developed a bit more common
Oyasini differ from the halflings of other worlds because the
females have wings that, while too small to allow true flight, can
allow them to fall safely from any height. These wings grow out to
6 when extended, but they can retract down and be hidden under
flowing robes and gowns.
Personality: Oyasini are infamous for their senses of curiousity.
Some are all too willing to parrot an near endless series of whys
to anyone foolish enough to answer the question. A popular game
among the oyasini is the question game where every response is
phrased as a question. This said, oyasini are only truly irritating
when they want to be most are wise enough to understand that
the bigger races dont appreciate the endless interrogation.
Still this irritation stems a bit from something deeper. Oyasini
always question things. They are patient to a fault and want to
make sure that they all their options are understood. So despite
their nimble forms, oyasini society and individuals tend to be a bit
plodding when plotting courses of action.
Description & Clothing: Oyasini prefer flowing gowns above all
other types of dress, and both the males and females are unlikely
to be found in any other type of garment while among their own
kind. Their dress is not colorful - usually it is a single white or with
a hint of color. When traveling among humans or elves they favor
the use of cloaks and other garments that break up their outline.
Relations: Oyasini lack the size to easily defend themselves in a
head to head conflict, so they prefer to act as peacemakers,
particularly when travelling in foreign lands. Their easy-going
nature makes them welcome among all of the kindred races,
though their reputation for picking things up or outright stealing
makes sure they are usually well watched.
Marriage & Family: Oyasini practice polyandry - which is to say
that one wife will have multiple husbands. Three is the usual
number, though rich matriarchs with as many as twenty husbands
are not unknown. Part of the reason for this practice is that
females only account for one-sixth the population of race. Males
are expendable - females are not. While matriarchy may tinge
some of the other cultures so far explored in this book, it is firmly
entrenched in Oyasini society and the status quo. Females wield
great political power within the numbers of oyasini. They hold all
the priestly and administrative positions of the clan hold
government and their rule is largely unquestioned.
Oyasini Lands: Oyasini prefer to live near to the sea or in
commerce centers where news travels quickly. Their homelands
are the Great Kristobal Forest in the south of Losineris. There giant

trees hold whole cities miles off the ground. Oyasini, regardless of where
they are, prefer to sleep as far off the ground as practical.

Fetchlings were trapped upon Sodra which is the setting's

equivalent to the shadow plane.

Religion: Oyasini religion is purely monotheistic. They believe that the

goddess Ooyas-shandra created the world for them and then created spirits
to administer her world. Oyasini tend to classify the gods of other religions
as mere spirits that have gone renegade and forgot their true place in the

Gillmen of Carthasana lack the tragic background put forth in

the Advanced Race Guide. They are simply native to the
eastern jungle lands of Kelusi, and of the races described here
they are most familiar with the Catfolk and Gripplis

Names: An oyasi will have 3 main names her own is first, then her
mothers and then her clans. An oyasoi (male) will have 4 as listed above
and his maiden name since lineage in oyasini society is traced by
matriarchy. Among humans oyasini tend to use whatever nicknames their
friends have given them.

Goblins are the most likely candidate for player characters of

the other races in this section. Goblins are frequently held as
slaves in the Estarian empire in particular, and goblin slaves
are a rare though not surprising sight even as far north as
Telzoa. Goblins that come from a line of servitude tend to be
less feral than their free counterparts, but they are no less
dangerous - indeed perhaps they are more so depending on
the individuals disdain for their legal status.

Gripplis are native to the jungles of east Kelusi.

Adventurers: Most oyasini adventure to sate their endless curiosity.

Hobgoblins are most frequently found in the uncivilized

regions between the cities throughout Delcerni.

Oyasi (Female Halflings)

As mentioned above, have wings. The wings are wisp thin, highly fragile and
believed to be semi-magical, and they can be collapsed and hidden under
flowing robes and cloaks. This grants them the ability to glide and they
diverge from Core Rules halfling in the following manners.

Ifrit hail from Shunra and, like the Aasimar, come into the
world in places where the veil between that plane and the
material world are weak.

Kitsune are natively found in the Distant South of Delcerni,

particularly on the island of Dragonelli. The foxfolk however
are very wide ranged and some of the more adventurous of
their number have travelled as far north as Sandiem. Also,
the sitting Grand Druid is a Kitsune.

Kobolds trade more frequently in Carthasana than they do in

other worlds, usually in spider silk which they've discovered
the secret of safely harvesting and tend to jealously guard.

Merfolk are most frequently found in the Malisandan seas,

the island besotted warm waters south Estaria between the
continents of Delcerni and Kelusi.

Nagani are relatively rare in their homelands in the distant

south and the sourthern side of the Blood Sea region. Rarer
still to encounter one in the main area of the Dusk setting
(Losineris and Telzoa)

Orcs serve the same role as they do in other worlds are are
just as much despised by the members of the kindred races.
According to legend, the first orc was the dwarf who
committed the first murder among the people of that race.
Regardless of the truth in this, the emnity between dwarves
and orcs is particularly fierce on Carthasana.

Oreads, like ifrit, are commonly found on Shunra and only

occasionally drift into the material world.

Ratfolk are native to the far southern lands of Dragonelli near

the southern tip of Delcerni (The distant south has much the
same role in this world as the far east has in ours).

Samsarans are native to Abora, and it is verbotten for them

to leave that plane to enter into the material world. On
Abora they are truly imortal - they do not age their and so
their forays into the material world tend to be brief. Any age
infringed upon them by the material world vanishes from
them once they return to Abora.

Strix are found on the western side of Kelusi. Where they are
natively found, their numbers are strong. They are more
likely to come into conflict with catfolk than humans in their
native lands, but as humanity expands into the east this may

Sulis, like the jann, are native to Abora, though like the jann
they are likely to wander between the five outer planes for
reasons of their own. When found on the material plane it is
usually because they are on their way from one land to

Language: The oyasini language is similar in most respects to elven (silvani)

save that it contains plosive sounds. Oyasini use a modified version of the
elven alphabet for their writings.

Oyasi do not tend to get into as much trouble as the Oyasoi (males)
and so don't have the +1 luck bonus on their saving throws.

Oyasi receive a +2 to Wisdom instead of Charisma.

Gliding Wings. The wings of an Oyasi are too weak to allow actual
flying but they do allow them to fall at a safe, controlled pace. She
safe fall any distance on a DC 15 fly check as if using feather fall. While
doing so she can make an additional DC 15 fly check to glide, moving 5'
laterally for every 20' fallen. This ability replaces sure footed

Other Races
While the kindred races account for the majority of the sentient beings on
Carthasana, especially in the area of Telzoa, there are species from other
planes and lands that the party may encounter and, with the GM's
permission, may be player characters. A number of these are presented in
the Advanced Race Guide. Here are the setting specific notes for the races
found in that book.

Aasimar come from the plane of Valra. There are multiple places
where the veil between Valra and the material world is weak enough
to simply walk across, and there are individual members of the race
which have crossed that barrier to find themselves in Carthasana.
Aasimar do not speak celestial as that language is not present in the
setting - in its place they speak Valran common.
Catfolk: These creatures are native to the continent of Kelusi, on the
far side of the Asidian Ocean from the Eastarian empire. This
continent is dominated vast savannahs and jungles from which
members of this race arise.

Changelings can be found upon Carthasana though they are so rare

that a player character of this race may go their entire life without
encountering another of their kind at all.

Dhampirs: Biologically impossible on Carthasana, no canon mention of

them will be made in any of the Dusk setting books.

Drow are known as Durani elves in Carthasna. Unlike other worlds,

they have not been driven underground, instead ruling vast kingdoms
to the south of the Estarian Empire in an area known as Sulenia.

Duergar rule the Sulonic mountain region to the west of the Drow
held lands. Their domains are among the highest in the world and
they are unaffected by thin air which will fatigue any characters forced
to move about in it for any length of time.

Svirfneblin are the only race known to stay to the deep world on
Carthasana. Why they choose to dwell in the night below is a mystery,
but to hear them speak of it they seem to fear something in the
waking world far more than what they face in the depths.

Sylphs are native to Balcra, and like their Shunra equivalents the Ifrit
and Oreads, they enter into this world in places where the veil
between the planes are weak.

Tengus are from the far western Voolrean plains region of Carthasana.

Tieflings are native to the plane of Sodra, unlike the fletchings whose
ancestors where trapped there and later adapted. They begin play
with Sodran common instead of infernal.

Vanaras are found both in the jungle regions of east Kelusi but also
further south in Dragonelli and nearby regions of Delcerni.

Vishkanyas are a created race when found in Carthasana,

something akin to a golem. The only land where they are
found in notable numbers is the distant south.

Udines are native to the plane of Balcra as the Sylphs are,

though they tend to stay to the great depths of that plane
rather than its skies.

Wayangs are found in Sodra where it parrallels the Distant

south. Native to that plane, they are loathe to leave it to
enter into the material plane.

Character Classes
Chapter 3
Each member of a well honed organization has a purpose, and each
member is expected to serve their purpose. If they dont, their
organization will fail. I do not accept failure gentleman am I
- Travis Triel
One of the first decisions youll probably make (after determining your
ability stats) is which class? Class defines your role in the party more than
any other choice youll make about your character. This chapter presents
the changes to the core classes and the new prestige classes of the setting.

Core Classes
The eleven core classes represent the most commonly encountered roles
that occur within the setting.

Barbarians are primal warriors who tap into their inner fury of their hearts
to drive themselves into rages that are terrifying for opponents to behold.
Though usually from lands outside Telzoa, they quickly find acceptance in a
land in search of powerful warriors.
Adventures: Barbarians typically either adventure to find new lands for
their people, or when their people have been driven from their homes by
more powerful monsters. Even things other characters accept as mundane
are often wondrous to a barbarian.
Characteristics: Barbarians are best known for their ability to fly into a
powerful fury which increases their strength and endurance for a time.
Barbarians are also masters of survival in wilderness environments.
Religion: Barbarians who find themselves in Telzoa more readily accept and
are accepted by Court Rizaldi and Court Shadrea, depending on the
alignment of the individual. Terix and his priesthood in particular enjoy
having barbarians around - they make ideal (if somewhat dangerous) straitmen for pranks. More traditional barbarians will follow the teachings of the
druidic courts. Tiania figures most prominently in the lives of these
individuals. In the teachings of war Sana and her wild (if evil) ways appeal
more to barbarians than the slow, prodding defensive teachings of the
priests of Cuvanill.
Background: As mentioned above, most barbarians are outsiders. As such
they usually speak the local tongue with a halting, heavy accent, as befits
both the individual's intelligence and willingness to be accepted. Barbarians
from closer to Telzoa are likely to be half-orcs who have left their violent
orcish parentage to seek out a new, hopefully better life.
Races: Barbarians are rarely from any of the established human cultures
save the Cuolshites, which have a large number of barbarians in their midst.

Game Mechanic Changes

Alignment: Barbarians must have a dominant Shunrian (red)

alignment, which they use to tap the primal fury of their rage.

The most famous bards of Telzoa hail from the land of Hone Rae. These
people are largely descended from half-elven stock, and their love of music,
lore and dance is unparalleled on the island, such that members of that
culture consider the bard their favored multiclass. But music is not the
property of the Hone Raeans alone - bards can be found among all of the
peoples of Telzoa bringing cheer, or at least some mystery to the locales
they visit.
Adventures: Bards travel to gather and spread tales. Stricken with an
incurable wanderlust, a bard adventures for the sake of adventurering

Characteristics: Bard dabble in multiple areas. They are Jacks of

many trades, and masters of none save one they are the
entertainers and inspirations of many an army.
Religion: Most, if not all bards follow Court Rizaldi. The College of
the Rose is devoted to this group of deities and is the largest bardic
college native to the island. Within the court Poen, Lord of Music
and God of Love is the most popular of the deities. More than a
few legends relate that it was Poen who invented the Methods of
Loom which are used by bards to cast their spells. Terix the
prankster is also a popular choice, and evil aligned bards
sometimes swear fealty to Narisane.
Background: Any given bard's background is guaranteed to be at
least as colorful as he. Some bards are simply born to the music
and ply their trade for years before being accepted into one of the
colleges or societies. Others work as apprentices to the masters
and already have considerable prestige as they begin their careers.
Still others are independents, owing no allegiances.
Races: All races have bards, though the musical style of a
particular bard will be largely shaped by his racial heritage. Human
bards are the most diverse both in styles, aims and goals. Dwarven
bards are famous for their abilities in freeform percussion. Elven
and half-elven bards are masters of the stringed instruments,
whilst Oyasini bards are among the best at the wind instruments.
Beyond this each race has its own ideas on what is beautiful in
music - for even the best dwarven music is classified by elves to be

Game Mechanic Changes

Alignment: Bards must have a Shunrian alignment, which

allows them to tap into the passion required for music, dance
and art.

Rose Bards
A rose bard is a priest of Poen, Patron of Bards and Lord of songs.
This variant class has the following changes from the base bard.

Divine Caster: A rose bard is a divine caster. As with all divine

casters he does not have spell failure chance due to armor
worn, but can lose his magic if he offends his patron.

Domain Magic: A rose bard selects one of the following cleric

domains: Air, Charm, Guardian, Liberation, or Protection. He
gains the granted powers of the chosen domain. This ability
replaces Bardic Knowledge.

Clerics are the best known practioners of mana de invocia, or
Magic by divine will. Their spells usually come from established
deities, but almost any outsider can grant a cleric some magical
power and clerics which worship demons and devils instead of
gods are not unknown though they are rare.
Adventures: Clerics most frequently adventure to proactively seek
out and destroy enemies of the faith.
Characteristics: Clerics are devout and fanatical followers of
whatever deities they serve. This can make them valuable allies to
some and determined foes to others.
Religion: Clerics come from almost any religion given to actively
fighting others (which is most of them).

Table 3-1: Cleric Domains & Deities

Game Mechanic Changes

The table below lists domains, and the deities that grant them. Domains
missing from this list have no deity that grants spells from them in the
setting. Domains in bold text are new to this book.

Alignment: Deities have only one or two alignments. A cleric's

starting alignment must match one of them. As the character
progresses most deities will allow a cleric to stray so long as
his strongest alignment matches one of the deity's
alignments, but a few deities are intolerant of deviation.
Check with your GM.

Spell Access: The base spell list of a cleric depends on his

religion, and modified by his deity, as detailed in Chapter X. A
cleric that doesn't have a deity has access to the spells in the
Core Rulebook so long as they are not in the
Evocation(Invocation) subschool (such spells require a deity
to be used. A cleric can learn rites for other spells outside his
base list through research or acquiring prayer books that
include those spells. Unlike a wizard, once a cleric has found a
rite for a spell and learned it he doesn't need to keep the
book available for further reference.

Spontaneous Spells: A cleric which channels positive energy

spontaneously casts cure wounds, a new spell with a level of
X. A cleric which channels negative energy spontaneously
casts inflict wounds, another spell of a level of X.

Languages: Clerics do not gain any access to the bonus

languages in the Players Handbook - specifically Celestial,
Abyssmal and Infernal. They instead gain Liternanin, the
language of the Malchani Empire and the only surviving
written language in Telzoa (When something needs to be
written in the other human languages Liternanin is pressed
into service just as English uses Latin letters).




Indralia, Tean, Matacha, Cuvanill, Gintuse, Rosalynn,

Poen, Char, Paltos, Sanshan
Freyalis, Nalru
Tala, Januel, Fas
Cuane, Poen, Narisane, Landala, Trishdare, Belandra
Cuvanill, Cuane, Indralia, Freyalis, Ooyashandra
Senda, Kepho, Narisane, Sana, Char, Belandra, Lirashnal
Balaxa, Calruldal
Senda, Sadier, Imlocrin, Trishdare, Lirashnal,
Belandra,Grimwall, Nalru, Elrico
Sekoon, Kepho, Tharpoen, Senda, Sadier, Nalru, Elrico
Sekoon, Char, Sadier, Imlocrin, Nalru, Elrico
Berenash, Senda
Freylais, Dulthos, Nalru
Berenash, Landala, Dulthos, Nalru, Fas, Ooysashandra
Januel, Alisar, Panial, Frey, Warrick, Imlocrin, Trishdare,
Lirashnal, Belandra, Grimwall
Cuvanill, Cuane, Tala, Januel, Freyalis, Sanshan, Ooyashandra
Sekoon, Char, Landala, Imlocrin, Calruldal, Ooyashandra
Matacha, Poen, Tala, Grimwall, Freyalis, Ooyashandra
Sanshan, Calruldal, Fas, Elrico
Sekoon, Tela, Tharpoen, Apenca, Berenash, Belandra
Rosalynn, Indralia, Alisar, Freyalis, Sanshan
Gintuse, Balaxa, Alisar, Calruldal
Cuane, Poen, Balaxa, Terix, Seloku, Sadier, Panial
Terix, Landala, Trishdare, Panial
Tela, Terix
Paltos, Alisar, Fas
Balaxa, Sana, Dulthos
Tala, Januel, Fas
Matacha, Poen, Indralia, Warrick, Dulthos, Ooyashandra
Tean, Matacha, Cuvanill, Gintuse, Rosalynn, Ooyashandra
Matacha, Frey
Tean, Apenca, Sana, Landala, Grimwall
Cuane, Frey
Cuvanill, Apenca, Sana, Grimwall, Warrick, Dulthos
Tean, Januel, Alisar, Panial, Frey, Warrick, Calruldal
Seloku, Paltos
Terix, Tela, Senda, Narisane, Paltos, Panial, Trishdare,
Beranash, Sekoon
Kepho, Sadier, Nalru
Cuvanill, Sekoon, Sana, Warrick, Dulthos
Cuane, Paltos, Frey, Elrico, Ooyashandra
Char, Tala, Imlocrin, Ooyashandra


Cleric Domains
Listed below are the new domains used by the deities of
Carthasana. The deities that grant spells from the existing domains
are listed on the table to the left. Spells in bold are new to this

Deities: Rosalynn, Indralia
Granted Powers: You take upon yourself the burdens and
sufferings of others that you might aid and comfort them.
Burden Bearer: Choose a penalty on your saving throws up to your
wisdom modifier. Your allies within 30' gain a holy bonus of the
Burden Taker: Beginning at 6th level you may touch a creature to
remove a status effect from them. You make a fortitude save
against the effect (whether it granted one originally or not) and if
successful the effect is neutralized. Otherwise it is removed from
the creature you touch and you suffer it until its duration runs out
or 24 hours, whichever is less.
Domain Spells: 1st - aid, 2nd shield other, 3rd - spirit link, 4th revive, 5th - rejuvenate, 6th - aether slide, 7th - refuge, 8th greater restoration, 9th - circle of hands

Background: Many of the priests which later become clerics are the second
and third born sons and daughters of the nobility. As primogency is the
primary scheme of inheritance, these individuals have little to gain in
remaining with their families and can become a financial burden to the
smaller houses. As a result, many of them are given over to the various
temples at a very young age. Also, many of the good aligned temples run
orphanages and will train orphans with talent to further their cause (and
even some of the evil aligned temples have been known to do this).
Races: Religion is the most divisive factor in Telzoa. Though a character of
any race can be a cleric, he must follow a god of his race's pantheon. Clerics
who follow gods not of their race are practically unheard of.

Deities: Freyalis, Nalru

Granted Power: You call upon the spirits of your ancestors for
most of your guidance and spirtual power.
Spirit Guide: You have an ancestral spirit guide whom you can
summon a number of times each day equal to your wisdom
modifier. The spirt can advise you for a minute during each

Spirit Sense: At 9th level you can use true seeing for a number of rounds
equal to you class level. The rounds need not be consecutive.

Granted Power: You draw power from the dwarven gods

Great Endurance: Your hit die for this class is d10

Domain Spells: 1st - detect undead, 2nd - augury, 3rd - speak with dead, 4th
- divination, 5th - atonement, 6th - quest, 7th - legend lore, 8th - prophecy,
9th - moment of precience.

Resistance of Stone: At 10th level you gain spell resistance of 10 +

your wisdom modifier.

Cavern Domain

Domain Spells: 1st - magic weapon, 2nd - endurance, 3rd - glyph of

warding, 4th - greater magic weapon, 5th - fabricate, 6th - stone
tell, 7th - dictum, 8th - protection from spells, 9th - elemental
swarm (earth or fire)

Deities: Dulthos
Granted Power: You draw power from the deep places of the world.
Knowledge dungeoneering is a class skill for you.

Elf Domain

Ways Beneath: When underground, you always know where you are in
relation to the surface, what paths lead out and which lead deeper, and
how far you are beneath the ground. You also have a +2 insight bonus to all
skills used underground.

Deities: Januel, Alisar, Panial, Frey, Warrick, Imlocrin, Trishdare,

Lirashnal, Belandra, Grimwall

Burrowing: At 8th level you can burrow for a number of rounds equal to
your caster level. These rounds need not be consecutive.

Divine Archery: You may place a spell with a range of touch onto an
arrow and have that spell affect the target of the arrow. This power
may be used a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier
each day.

Domain Spells: 1st - detect secret doors, 2nd - darkness, 3rd - meld into
stone, 4th - mage's secure shelter, 5th - passwall, 6th - find the path, 7th maw of stone, 8th - earthquake, 9th - imprisonment

Corruption Domain
Deities: Senda, Kepho, Narisane, Sana, Char, Belandra, Lirashnal
Granted Power: You are devoted to the defilement and corruption of the
world and draw power from that act. The granted powers of this domain
are identical to the evil domain.
Domain Spells: 1st - afflict, 2nd - duress, 3rd - contagion, 4th - poison, 5th brittle bone curse, 6 - diseased weapon, 7th - befoul, 8th - terror, 9th - drain

Creation Domain
Deities: Balaxa, Calruldal
Granted Power: You are gifted and craft and creation, and the spells that
aid the same.
Artisan's Gift: You are considered trained in all craft skills, even those you
have no rank in. You have a +3 sacred bonus to the use of these skills. The
items you do have craft ranks in can be made masterwork at half normal
cost and time.
Enduring Creation: Double the duration of the spells minor creation and
major creation whenever they are cast.
Domain Spells: 1st - create water, 2nd - minor image, 3rd - create food and
water, 4th - minor creation, 5th - major creation, 6th - heroes feast, 7th permanent image, 8th - prismatic wall, 9th -refuge

Granted Power: You draw your power from the elven gods.

Gifts of Elvenkind: At 8th level you are blessed with the secrets of
the manufacture of the elven racial equipment. Further, any
masterwork cloak and boots you wear will behave as cloaks of
elvenkind and boots of elvenkind respectively.
Domain Spells: 1st - true strike, 2nd - cat's grace, 3rd - snare, 4th tree stride, 5th - commune with nature, 6th - find the path, 7th liveoak, 8th - sunburst, 9th - antipathy

Family Domain
Deities: Cuvanill, Cuane, Tala, Januel, Freyalis, Sanshan,
Granted Power: Your powers are granted to shelter, norish and
bolster those you love.
Hero's Guard: Once per round, as an immediate action, you may
trade spaces with an adjacent ally and any attack against them
becomes aimed at you.
Shelter the Kindred: Beginning at 6th level you may as a swift action
you may protect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum one creature) with a +4 holy bonus to AC. This
supernatural ability lasts 1 round per level, and any affected
creature loses this bonus if they move more than 20 away from
you. You may affect yourself with this ability. The rounds of effect
of this ability need not be consecutive.
Domain Spells: 1st - shield other, 2nd - sheltering branches, 3rd helping hand, 4th - imbue with spell ability, 5th - forbid, 6th - mass
shield other, 7th - dispelling screen, 8th - protection from spells, 9th
- prismatic sphere

Discord Domain
Deities: Berenash, Senda
Granted Power: You are charged with sowing discontent and discord among
the people of the world and thrive on the strife they show.
Shadow of Paranoia: Diplomacy and sense motive checks done with 60' of
you suffer a -2 penalty.
Paranoia's Gaze: At 8th level you can inflict paranoia as a gaze attack, with a
save DC of 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your wisdom modifier. You can use
this power a number of times each day equal to your wisdom modifier.
Domain Spells: 1st - command, 2nd - paranoia, 3rd - ??, 4th - dissension in
the ranks, 5th - gratuitous violence, 6th - ??, 7th - eyebite, 8th - antipathy,
9th - ???

Dwarf Domain
Deities: Freyalis, Dulthos, Nalru

Fate Domain
Deities: Matacha
Granted Power: You sense the coming and goings of the world of
spirits, the fates of the living and the destinies of the dead.
Blessed by Fate: Once per day per wisdom modifier you may roll
two dice when making a saving throw and take the better of the
two dice.
Curse of Fate: Beginning at 8th level you may force an opponent to
roll twice against a spell or effect as an immediate action, and take
the worst of the two results.
Domain Spells: 1st - true strike, 2nd - augury, 3rd - second chance,
4th status, 5th - aether slide, 6th - quest, 7th - vision, 8th prophecy, 9th - foresight

Guardian Domain
Deities: Matacha, Poen, Tala, Grimwall, Freyalis, Ooysashandra
Granted Power: You are appointed with the role of guardian and keeper of
your people. Perception is a class skill for you.
Hero's Guard: Once per round, as an immediate action, you may trade
spaces with an adjacent ally and any attack against them becomes aimed at

Tean's Grace: You have divine grace as per the paladin ability
against Sodrean spells.
Holy Lance: As per the ability outlined for the Good domain, but
instead of affecting evil characters holy weapons affect Shunran
and Sodran aligned foes in this setting.
Domain Spell: 1st - zone of truth, 2nd - prayer, 3rd - mark of
justice, 4th - compulsion, 5th - limited resources, 6th - quest, 7th absolute law, 8th - absolute grace, 9th - manifest probability

Vigilance: At eighth level you no longer need to sleep that you might keep
vigilance at all times. You become immune to spells which induce sleep.
Finally, when you stand upon hallowed ground you may stand sentinel as
per the spell without casting it.

Metal Domain

Domain Spells: 1st - alarm, 2nd - vigilance, 3rd - obscure object, 4th sentinel, 5th - dismissal, 6th - forbiddance, 7th - guards & wards, 8th dimensional lock, 9th - inviolability

Granted Power: You are a forger of tools, weapons, and armors to

the glory of your patron. You have a +2 on appraise and spellcraft
checks with items primarily composed of metal.

Gnome Domain

Safeguard: Items in your possession have a +4 bonus to their item

saving throws.

Deities: Sanshan, Calruldal, Fas, Elrico

Deities: Balaxa, Sana, Dulthos

Compelling illusions: The DC of your illusions has a +1 sacred bonus.

Metal's Truth: At 8th level you can bestow the metalic property of
your choice for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level.
During this time the weapon bypasses damage reduction of the
appropriate type. You can use this ability once at 8th level and an
additional time for each 4 levels afterward.

Fade out: At 6th level you may turn invisible as a free action anytime you
are struck. You have a number of rounds of invisibility in this manner equal
to your cleric level and wisdom modifier.

Domain Spells: 1st - magic weapon, 2nd - heat metal/chill metal,

3rd - keen edge, 4th - rusting grasp, 5th - wall of iron, 6th - blade
barrier, 7th - rusting ray, 8th - iron body, 9th - blade storm

Granted Power: You draw power from the deities of the gnomish people.
Bluff is a class skill for you.

Domain Spells: 1st - silent image, 2nd - invisibility, 3rd - minor image, 4th minor creation, 5th - hallucinatory terrain, 6th - mislead, 7th - screen, 8th irresistible dance, 9th - freedom

Halfling Domain
Deity: Ooysashandra
Granted Power: You worship the goddess of all the oyasini and receive
power from her. You have the lightning reflexes feat, and the skills stealth
and sleight of hand are class skills for you.
Halfling Luck: At 6th level or higher you may reroll any failed saving throw
with a +2 bonus to the second roll. You gain an additional use of this ability
at every 3rd level thereafter.
Domain Spells: 1st - magic stone, 2nd - cat's grace, 3rd - flying, 4th freedom of movement, 5th - confusion, 6th - heroes' feast, 7th - refuge, 8th ethereal jaunt, 9th - moment of prescience

Hate Domain

Pain Domain
Deities: Tela
Granted Power: You delight in causing pain and misery in others
and follow Tela the Bitch Queen. Intimidate is a class skill for you.
Displine of Pain. You are immune to a pain touch spell cast by a
character of lower level than you.
Sharing of Pain. At 8th level whenever an opponent strikes you
with a melee attack you may as an immediate action share the pain
with them. They take the same damage you did, fortitude save for
half against a DC set by your cleric level + your wisdom modifier.
You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and an additional
time per day for every 4 levels thereafter, but a given opponent
may only be targetted once a day by this ability.
Domain Spell: Pain Touch. This is an X level spell spanning 1st to
9th level on its own. See Chapter 6 for information on this sort of

Deities: Sekoon, Tela, Tharpoen, Apenca, Berenash, Belandra

Purity Domain

Granted Power: You channel the power of deities of hate and spite, seeking
ill for all who oppose you and even some who don't.

Deities: Tean, Matacha, Cuvanill, Gintuse, Rosalynn, Ooysashandra

Touch of Spite: You can touch a creater a standard action and grant it a
profane bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving rolls
equal to half your cleric level (minimum 1) for one round. You can use this
ability a number of times a day equal to 3 + your wisdom modifier.
Sadistic Glee: Beginning at 6th level you gain a bonus to attack and damage
rolls equal to the number of foes you've slain, up to your cleric level. The
bonus lasts until you spend more than a minute out of combat.
Domain Spells: 1st - doom, 2nd - scare, 3rd - hatred, 4th - bestow curse, 5th
- exsanguination, 6th - wasting curse, 7th - wilting curse, 8th - antipathy,
9th - wail of the banshee

Justice Domain
Deities: Tean
Granted Power: You an adjudicator and bringer of justice to a world filled
with injustice.

Granted Power: You are charged with the eradication of evil in the
world, insofar as your deity interprets such. To this end you have
the ability to destroy the spells and effects which corrupt the
common people.
Oathsworn: As with the members of the paladin class, you are
oathsworn against one of two alignments - Sodra or Shunra. You
cannot choose an alignment your deity has (so a cleric of Matacha
must choose Shunra since Matacha is Valra/Sodra). Against spells
of that alignment you may add your charisma bonus to your saving
Bursting Smite: Beginning at 8th level you may use two uses of
your channel energy ability to harm creatures possessing your
oathsword alignment.
Domain Spells: 1st - sanctuary, 2nd - pacifism, 3rd - remove
disease, 4th - dissmissal, 5th - break enchantment , 6th purge, 7th humble, 8th - purify, 9th - holy.

Retribution Domain


Deities: Tean, Apenca, Sana, Landala, Grimwall

Granted Power: You have the power to strike with vengeance against your

Animists (called druids in other worlds) are the guardians of the

most sacred woods and places throughout Carthasana. They
couple magical power with the ability to shapeshift into the forms
of the creatures of the world.

Strike of Vengeance: If you have been harmed by someone in combat you

may make a strike of vengeance with a melee or ranged weapon against
that individual. If the attack hits you deal maximum damage. This is a
supernatural ability usable 3 times per day + 1 time per wisdom modifier
you have.

Adventures: When animists adventure it is often to learn more

about themselves or about the forces which threaten the lands
they hold sacred. Some adventure to explore new vistas they
havent seen.

Domain Spells: 1st - shield of faith, 2nd - endurance, 3rd - reflect gaze, 4th shout, 5th - baleful polymorph, 6th - banishment, 7th - spell turning, 8th final punishment, 9th - storm of vengeance.

Sea Domain
Deities: Cuane, Frey
Granted Power: You are blessed with the power of the sea.
Water breathing: For a total time per day of 1 minute per cleric level you
possess you breathe underwater as if under a water breathing spell. This
effect occurs automatically as soon as it is needed and lasts until it runs out
or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times each day up to the
total daily limit of minutes. This granted power is a supernatural ability. At
8th level you can instead confer this ability to someone else and for you it
becomes permanent.
Domain Spells: 1st - buoy, 2nd - clearsight, 3rd - water breathing, 4th - deep
water, 5th - force hull, 6th - freezing sphere, 7th - control weather (double
duration, but only at sea), 8th - capsize, 9th - elemental swarm (water only)

Characteristics: Animists are the servants of Tiania, the goddess

the woodlands and natural cycles. While not as militaristic as
clerics, they are more powerful and more dangerous as
Religion: Animists are the servants of the religion of Siliani,
practiced principly by the Cuolshan tribes which occupied Telzoa
before the coming of the Dalsundrians.
Background: Animists are very much on the fringe of Telzoan
society. While the clerics of Telensiarty begrudgingly acknowledge
the role of the deities of Siliani, they have all worked to undermine
the role of the animists in Telzoan society. Clerics of Pentalism do
not even begin to acknowledge animists as divine spellcasters in
any form.
Individual animists are usually the children of animists themselves,
and those that are not are all but adopted by their mentors at a
very young age.
Races: Like barbarians, animists tend to hail from primitive
societies with a more primal tie to nature.

Game Mechanics
Tyranny Domain

Alignment: Animists must maintain strong ties to nature and

hold an Aborean alignment.

Granted Power: You follow an ancient power bent on the enslavement of

all beings to its will, and desire to be higher on the pecking order than the

Summon Creature: Animists spontaneously cast summon

creature which replaces the nine summon nature's ally spells.

Serpent's Gaze: Once each day you can force any creature that meets your
gaze to keep it's eyes locked with yours. In this state it suffers a -2 penalty
to attacks and a -4 to all other checks, but so do you (unless you attack the
creature you are gazing at). A will saving throw negates this effect. You can
maintain the gaze for 3 rounds + your wisdom modifier in rounds.


Deities: Berenash, Sekoon

Suggestion: At 6th level you can make a suggestion as per the spell. You can
do this once per day at 6th level, and an additional time for each three
levels thereafter.
Domain Spells: 1st - command, 2nd - entrall, 3rd - discern lies, 4th - fear, 5th
- greater command, 6th - quest, 7th - grasping hand, 8th - mass charm, 9th dominate monster

Undead Domain
Deities: Kepho, Sadier, Nalru
Granted Power: You draw power from the forces of shadow, darkness and
Touch of undeath: Your lifesigns are especially weak and with some effort
you conceal them further to conceal your lifeforce from the undead. This
allows you to become invisible to undead, per the spell, for 3 rounds + your
wisdom modifier.
Bolstered undead: The undead you create have two extra hit dice.
Bonus Spells: 1st - detect undead, 2nd - bloodpet, 3rd - animate dead, 4th no rest for the wicked, 5th - corpse control, 6th - create undead, 7th - control
undead, 8th - create greater undead, 9th - Ciranu's foul transformation.

While war persists there will always be men and women to fight
those wars. A fighter may be short on many things, but work is
rarely one of them. Few also are the fighters that need to worry
about a retirement plan, for their lives tend to be nasty, brutish
and short.
Adventures: There are as many reasons for fighters to adventure
as there are men and women who take up the sword. Some fight
for a cause, others fight for themselves. Some fight to amass glory,
and other fight to amass wealth.
Characteristics: Fighters are the undisputed masters of combat,
melee or otherwise. While a barbarian can come close while in a
rage, he doesnt even come close without it.
Religion: Two deities are likely to figure prominently in a fighter's
life - Sana, Goddess of Aggressive War and Slaughter; and Cuvanill,
Goddess of Defensive War and Protection. Between these two
most fighters make a choice. Then again, fighters tend to be
among the more free of classes where religion is concerned, and
there are many fighters who fight for no deity whatsoever. Also,
many folks with strong religious beliefs tend to become paladins or
Background: Fighters tend to hail from military backgrounds.
Many have already served in one or more wars, proven
themselves, and become decorated. Some have found they have a
real knack for it and would rather test their skills and courage
becoming a legend. After all, it beats the hell out of simply
guarding some fat lord's castle.


Oathsworn Alignment: A paladin not only has to stay true to

the edicts of the Valran alignment, he must choose which of
its two enemies he is oathsworn to seek out and destroy. The
members of these alignments must be reformed or
vanquished regardless of whatever other views they hold.
The abilites of the paladin which are attuned to spells and
creatures of a certain alignment instead affect spells and
creatures with those alignments. Certain spells, such as bless
weapon, affect only the this opposed alignment.

Divine Sponsorship Required: As outlined for the cleric class.

Monks in the Dusk setting are members of the relatively young, widely
feared and misunderstood religious sect known as the Listralans. Founded
c. 1000 SR by Tia Listral, in the years since the establishment of her order,
the Listralans have become the hated targets of nearly all the priesthoods of
Religion: Monks teach and believe that the gods, all of them, are nothing
more than ascended mortals themselves, that there is divinity locked in
every soul and one can, with patience and practice, tap into that divinity.
The path one follows on the way to such enlightenment is bent towards
focusing mind, body and spirit into a cohesive whole.
Background: The Listralan Way has its roots in the western section of the
Estarian Empire, but its followers have been driven from that area through
the persecution of the Pentalist League. Scattered to the four winds, it is
possible to find a Listralan anywhere, though if they still maintain
monasteries these structures have been well hidden from the outside world
indeed. And as the years of persecution have forced the Listralans to hone
their combat skill (particularly unarmed combat skill since carrying weapons
attracts unwanted attention), it would be a formidable and deadly task to
try to destroy one of those monasteries.
Races: Humans are the only race known to espouse the Listralan Way. A PC
of any other race is allowed, but such an individual would be a unique

Game Mechanic Changes

Alignment: Monks must have a Valrean (White) alignment. They seek

perfect order within and without themselves, a philosophy that is only
compatible with the Valrean alignment.
Weapons: As there arent any oriental weapons in the Dusk setting
monks are allowed to use any simple weapon they choose. They are
also proficient in light and one handed martial weapons.

Champions of good and purity, paladins are the rarest of all warriors in
Telzoa. As agents of Aurnon, they are called upon to deal with the worst of
dangers to the faith.
Adventures: Paladins serve Tean, lord of the twin suns. All adventures and
actions they undertake in the name of their lord.
Characteristics: The paladin is a holy warrior with supernatural abilities and
spells which augment his combat prowess.
Religion: Paladins serve Court Aurnon, and in particular Tean, God of the
Twin Suns. They are directly responsible to the priests of Tean, then to the
priests of Court Aurnon.

Guardians of the woodlands, or at least exploiters thereunto,
rangers act as civilizations vanguard against the wilderness.
Adventures: Rangers typically act as guides and guardians in the
wilderness, though just as often they act as trackers seeking to
trace down those who would use the wild to hide.
Characteristics: Rangers make excellent and highly mobile skirmers
in combat. They can strike a foe hard and out of nowhere, then
disappear as quickly as they appeared.
Religion: Rangers of Telzoa follow Court Siliani in preference to
any other set of gods. They are closely aligned with the druids of
that court, though unlike paladins they are under no compulsion to
follow the orders of the druids. They often do anyway. Rangers
receive their spell abilities from Tiania, so they will at least revere
the Mother of Cycles.
Background: Rangers are loosely organized in Telzoa, with such
organization aided partly by the druids. They are either born to the
wilderness or sought it out in preference to the civilization they hail
from. All rangers tend to be solitary, coming into towns and
villages only rarely to pick up what few supplies they cannot
manufacture on their own. More so than any other class a ranger
is likely to learn a wide variety of crafts in order to be completely
Races: The most famous rangers are elven, and the most common
ones are Cuolshite. Cuolshite rangers get along better with druids
than any other group, as it is believed that the Cuolshite people are
somehow linked to that mysterious religion.

Game Mechanics

Alignment: Rangers must maintain strong ties to nature and

hold an Aborean alignment.


Background: Paladins are called. The when, the why, and even the how is a
personal experience unique to each paladin, but after the call comes the
Test of Purity. This test occurs just before the paladin reaches first level.
The player and the DM are encouraged to detail the events of the test, as
they can be life shaking. The test shakes the character's wisdom,
constitution and charisma - the character must successfully roll an ability
check for each of these during the test. The wisdom test is one of insight the character must solve a moral dilemma. The constitution test is one of
sheer endurance of pain to see whether the character can maintain his faith
through physical adversity. The third test, of charisma, pits the character
against his worst fear. The nature of each test is customized to the wouldbe paladin.

Thieves, scoundrels, rapscallions, bandits, charlatans, the list of

names go on, and all of them describe rogues. As long as there are
things of value to take, there will be folks out to take them, be it
simple gold or trust.

Races: Historically paladins have always been members of the Human and
Half-elven race, but who knows what the future holds.

Religion: Rogues tend to follow chaotic deities - Terix is the

current favorite, but Narisane, Poen, Cuane, and Tharpoen rank
right up there. Many rogues are at least slightly altruistic in their
religious life - willing to convert at lightning speed if it will save
their bacon.

Game Mechanic Changes

Alignment: Paladins must have a Valran alignment. They are the

defenders of the order the tenents of this alignment holds so dear.

Adventures: To a rogue, life is often one adventure after another,

as most of them have a penchant for getting into a lot of trouble
one way or another.
Characteristics: Rogues rely on their skills more than other
characters do. This makes them one of the most flexiable groups
since their role in a party often changes depending on the role they
take on.

Background: Rogues come from all backgrounds - this is as true of

Telzoa as it is true of anywhere else in the D&D game.



In Telzoa, and throughout Carthasana, sorcerers are members of clans. The

bonds of blood encourage them to act in concert, choosing different spells
to complement each other, and making them very dangerous as a group.

In the World of Carthasana it is far more common to encounter

wizards which study magic according to its alignment instead of its
school. These wizards are known as magi.

Adventures: Sorcerers adventure to explore themselves and unlock the

latent power locked within themselves. Their comrades find their
devestating powers to be a boon on almost any situation.

Unlike schools, each alignment of magic is intrinsicly opposed to

two others - you can't choose your opposition alignments. Further,
your character's personal alignment must match his spells.

Characteristic: In terms of sure magical potential, the sorcerer is easily the

most powerful of the spellcasters, although he isnt the most flexiable.

A magi cannot prepare spells of his opposition alignments at all. In

exchange for this restriction he can prepare spells that are of his
alignment regardless of the class the spell normally belongs to
without needing a divine focus (though other components must be
met and certain spells have components that cannot be met
without multiclassing, like the song component of some bard
spells). These spells occupy two spell slots instead of one. For
example, a Valran magi can prepare cure wounds or perform the
raise dead ritual, but fireball is forever barred to him because it is a
Shunran spell.

Religion: A very few sorcerers worship Pektos, God of Magic, but the vast
majority follow the principles of the Listralan Way. This rebellious sect
teaches that one can become a god by perfecting one's abilities and uniting
the mind, body and soul. This sits well with sorcerers who, as a group, tend
to rank among the more vainglorious and egotistical individuals of the land.
True devotees of the Listralan Way become monks however.
Background: Sorcerers are their family. Outsiders believe that a sorcerer's
spells are predestined by his family in the same way as hair or eye color.
This isn't true, but sorcerers play up that belief - further it is a well-known
fact that certain clans have trademark spells.
Races: Any member of any race may potentially become a sorcerer. The
gift does run down family lines though, even among barbaric races such as
orcs, and it is uncannily rare for a sorcerer to manifest in families with no
history of such an ability. When this happens the fledgling is often sought
out by the established societies as it helps relieve their lines from excessive

While there are many users of magic, there exists only one group that
studies magic. Wizards not only personify magic and possibility, but they
alone study it's laws and structure exhaustively. They are the only class in
Carthasana that is free to create any new spell they desire, on any whim
that may occur to them. Sorcerers rarely really understand what they are
doing, and usually do not care about arcane formulae enough to actually
explore them to the degree that wizards do. Wizards are the only class that,
in theory, can learn all the spells in the game. They are the innovators and
tinkers of the world of magic.
Adventures: Wizards adventure in search of lore to add to their scroll
collections. It is extremely rare to see a wizard travel without one or more
well armed companions in case her spells should prove useless.
Characteristics: If sorcerers are the most powerful spellcasters, wizards are
easily the most flexiable. Wizards are the only spellcasting class to pass
down their knowledge of the art through spellscrolls (books havent been
invented yet in Telzoa so most wizards use vellum scrolls).
Religion: Pektos, God of Magic, figures most prominently in a Telzoan
wizard's life if he is at all religious, although he grants no prayers and has no
(known) priests, so how one is to worship the "Keeper of Mysteries" is very
much in the air. Some wizards follow other deities of course, though their
devotions are as unique as each individual.
Background: Most wizards in Telzoa are taught by the time-honored
method of apprenticeship. Among elves this is the only accepted method of
teaching - elves believe in the principle of one master, one apprentice in all
tasks. Humans are more pragmatic, but it is rare to see a master with more
than one apprentice. There is a college of wizardry in Merryville, and a
much larger academy in far off Sandiem, but aside from those two locations
there are no schools that teach the craft as one might learn physics in a
college today.
Races: Dwarves who learn magic face being ostracized by their clan hold and that fact is a serious deterrent to insure that dwarves who learn magic
are very rare. If a dwarf can endure such a fate (most can't) he can become
a wizard - and every generation or two it does occur. Oyasini are inclined
towards conjuration and gnomes towards illusion - neither race is
stigmatized for choosing other schools or none at all. Wizardry requires
writing - and very few cultures and races have developed this art.

As with school specialization, each alignment gives the character a

number of powers gained as the character advances. Also, the
character receives a bonus spell slot to prepare spells of their own
alignment in - and this slot can hold an out of class spell by itself
instead of requiring a second slot.

The spells of nature and growth, Aboran magic heavily overlaps
with the druid and ranger spell lists. These wizards are unable to
use Balcran or Sodran magic. The most painful spell lost is dispel
magic and similar effects, and while most all necromancies are also
lost characters of this order wouldn't be likely to use such spells
Wild Empathy: Aboran wizards share this trait with druids and
rangers. Survival is a class skill for wizards of them.
Nature's Boon: You can bolster the attack strength of an willing
creature you touch, or yourself, to deal extra damage equal to your
level. The boon persists for 1 minute or until the attack lands.
Wild Shape: At 8th level you may assume wild shapes as a druid
four levels lower than you.

Wizards of this alignment are master diviners and illusionists and
understand the workings of magic perhaps better than any other
character. Balcran wizards do not have access to the fiery magic of
Shunra which contains most of the overt naked force spells in
wizardry. They also have no recourse to Aboran magic which holds
enhancement and bolstering effects. However, their own magic is
notorious in its subtlety and powerful ability to dispel magic or
counter it.
Vast Knowledge: Like bards, Balcran mages horde knowledge.
While the bent of their knowledge is likely to be more scholastic
than personal experience or story based, the end result is the same
- these wizards can attempt any knowledge check untrained and
add half their level to all their knowledge checks.
Spell Breaker: You can counter any spell with any spell that
matches the target spell in school or descriptor and is the same
level or higher.
Spell duel Mastery: Beginning at 8th level You may use an
immediate action in response to an immediate action, usually to
counter a counterspell. (It is well known that a spell duel with a
Balcran mage is usually a losing proposition).

Few wizards are a chaotic or trigger happy as Shunran Magi. Even
evokers tend to be taken aback at their aggression and power. This

comes at a cost - without Valran and Balcran spells these magi have next to
no wards or dispel abilities to speak of.
Intensified magic: The damage dice your spells employ increases a step magic missiles using d6's, fireballs with d8's, and so on.
Energy bolts: You may evoke bolts of fire, ice, electricity or force and propel
them at foes as a touch attack. If they hit they deal 1d6 damage + your
intelligence modifier. The bolts fly out to medium range. You have a base
attack bonus with these bolts equal to a fighter of your level, and throw
multiple bolts if you have multiple attacks. This ability is useable at will.
Greater Pyroclastic Burst: At eight level you can convert any spell
preparation you have into a fireball that deals 2d6 damage per level of the
spell and takes an energy form of fire, ice, or electricity.

Sodra is the magic of the self and the concerns of the self. It's practioners
are most notorious for necromancy, but they also have considerable skill
with mental compulsion. The are unable to use Valran and Aboran magic,
but since many of those spells are druidic and clerical respectively that
doesn't represent a significant change to the selection of spells the
character has as some of the other magi posess.
Life Magic: Sodran magi often resort to using their own life force to bolster
their spells. For every 4 points of damage they are willing to take they can
apply one level worth of a metamagic feat to a spell. Damage taken this way
can't be healed magically for 24 hours.
Inflict Wounds: Sodran wizards can spontaneously cast inflict wounds at any
of its levels.
Puppet Strings: At 8th level you can animate any corpse or skeleton with
temporary necromatic energy as a standard action and direct its actions. It
falls disanimate when you cease directing it. You can perform this action
any number of times during the day. Every four levels past 8th you can
direct an additional corpse in this manner.

Valran magi have a great deal of overlap with the spell selection of clerics,
without the bother of being answerable to a god, but without the benefit of
armor or weapons. Worse, the better wizard offensive spells are forever
denied to them.
Increased Vigor: Your hit die is a d8.
Common Cause: Allies within 20' of you that share your alignment gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls, skill checks and saves. This bonus increases to +2 at
4th level and again each 4 levels thereafter to a maximum of +5.
Warding Circle: At 8th level you can create a magic circle of protection
around yourself that lasts a number of rounds equal to your level and your
intelligence modifier. Raising the circle is a swift action. The rounds of
protection need not be consecutive.

Other Classes
The various Pathfinder supplements have introduced a number of new
classes. More than a few of these classes won't be found in Telzoa but may
show up in the far corners of the world.


Characteristics: Alchemists are viewed as dangerous eccentrics at

best, and foolhardy maniacs by most. Their potions and
extractions, while useful, are rarely stable or dependable. Unlike
wizards, alchemists do not have established guilds or societies
within Estaria, though a few individuals are looking to remedy this
in Sandiem.
Religion: Alchemists have no rhyme or reason to their choices of
religion, and the few that are well known seem to be apathetic to
the topic as it is a distraction from the study of the chemical
interactions that make up the world.
Background: Alchemists are an independent lot, and trend
towards Sodra, Shunra and Balcra for their alignments. Most come
from the merchant class, and many are apothecaries who have
stumbled upon the magic inherent in certain material
Races: Gnomes are the only race with a notable number of
alchemists in their population. Perhaps this shouldn't be too
surprising, as a race gnomes love embracing the latest discoveries
and technologies.

To the south of Telzoa lies the Estarian Empire and the Faith of the
Pentalist League. The Grand Order of the Inquisition is feared
throughout the empire and the members of this class are the
agents of that inquisition. Inquisitors rarely range as far north as
Telzoa, as the habit of the Pentalist Order of executing clerics from
other religions has led to retribution in kind - should a cleric in
Telzoa learn someone is an inquisitor they are likely to kill them
even if their goals are otherwise compatible, for the emnity
between Telensitary and Pentalism runs violent and deep.
Adventures: The life of an inquisitor is an adventure. They are the
field agents and foot soldiers of Pentalism, charged with locating
threats, both percieved and real, to their faith. The order is viewed
with suspicion by outsiders at best, and fear and loathing is the
usual reaction of someone upon learning they are dealing with an
Religion: Inquisitors serve one of the five gods of Pentalism. No
other faith counts members of this class in their order.
Background: Most inquisitors are like the clerics of Estaria - nobles
who are the second or especially third or fourth born children of
their parents - and sent into the religious orders so that they might
not inherit and cause the estate of their families to be divided upon
their parent's death. The particularly zealous and violent ones are
the ones that take to the inquisitor path.
Races: Pentalism accepts converts from all races, but non-human
priests of any type are rare.

Game Mechanic Changes

Judgement: The bonuses of judgements are always sacred, at

least from the point of view of the inquisitor wielding the
power. Mechanically the bonuses have the alignment of the
inquisitor. The smiting abilities of the inquisitor are aimed at
one of the two antithetic alignments to the inquisitor's own,
but not at the same time.

Alchemy and its practitioners are found throughout the Estarian Empire,
particularly near Sandiem and Ilstag. Then again, you're likely to find
anything in Sandiem itself. Still, the strong trade networks upon which these
cities sit as a hub means that practitioners of the alchemist's art are usually
not in want for most of the substances they use to make their extracts

Prestige Classes

Adventures: Alchemists adventure for many of the same reasons as wizards

and sorcerers do, though admittedly they are better trained for the
situations one tends to encounter in the murky depths than their arcane
counterparts are.


The following prestige classes are present in the Dusk campaign


The arcanist is an unusual and powerful spellcaster who takes the

inborn talents of the sorcerer and applies the study of wizardry to

them. The result is a spellcaster with an awesome range of spells and the
ability to cast them spontaneously.

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int Modifier / level

The purpose of this prestige class is to reward the usually unwieldy

sorcerer/wizard multiclass, although it is possible to combine the wizard
and bard classes with some loss in effectiveness.

Class Features

Hit Dice: d6

All of the following are the abilities of the arcanist.

Spells per Day: When an arcanist level is gained the character

gains new spells per day as if she'd also gained a level in both
the prepared and spontaneous spellcasting classes she
belonged to previously. No other benefits of those classes
are gained. If a character has more than one arcane class of
either type the player must choose which class the arcanist
levels will apply to for purposes of spells per day.

Arcane Mastery: At first level an arcanist can spontaneously

cast prepared cantrips as if they where permanently known
to the character. At each level of the class the maximum
level the character can perform this feat increases by one, to
a maximum of 9th level as a tenth level arcanist.

All of the following are requirements to become an arcanist.

Spellcasting: Ability to prepare 2nd level arcane spells and the ability
to spontaneously cast 3 2nd arcane spells / day.

Feats: Any three metamagic feats

Class Skills
The arcanist's class skills are Appraise(Int), Bluff(Cha), Craft(Int), Fly(Dex),
Knowledge(all)(Int), Linguistics(Int), Profession(Wis), and Spellcraft(Int)

Table 3-2: The Arcanist






Spells / day





Arcane Mastery - cantrips





Arcane Mastery - 1st level spells





Arcane Mastery - 2nd level spells





Arcane Mastery - 3rd level spells





Arcane Mastery - 4th level spells





Arcane Mastery - 5th level spells





Arcane Mastery - 6th level spells





Arcane Mastery - 7th level spells





Arcane Mastery - 8th level spells






Arcane Mastery - 9th level spells

+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class

+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing spontaneous arcane spellcasting class
+1 level existing prepared arcane spellcasting class

Table 3-3: The Death Speaker








Spells / day




Holy Blast +1d6, Matacha's Will

Holy Blast +1d6,
Holy Blast +1d6, Matacha's Touch
Holy Blast +1d6,
Holy Blast +1d6, Matacha's Rest
Holy Blast +1d6
Holy Blast +1d6, Matacha's Awe
Holy Blast +1d6
Holy Blast +1d6
Holy Blast +1d6, Matacha's Ward

+1 level existing divine spellcasting class

+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class
+1 level existing divine spellcasting class

Table 3-4: Listral's Hand








Spells / day




+1 level Monk Abilities, Magic Fist, Expanded Ki

+1 level Monk Abilities, permanent spell (1st)

+1 level existing class

+1 level existing class






+1 level Monk Abilities, Enchanted Touch

+1 level Monk Abilities, permanent spell (2nd)
+1 level Monk Abilities, Ray Touch
+1 level Monk Abilities, permanent spell (3rd)
+1 level Monk Abilities, Diamond Soul
+1 level Monk Abilities, permanent spell (4th)
+1 level Monk Abilities, Arcane Replenishment
+1 level Monk Abilities, permanent spell (5th)

+1 level existing class

+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class
+1 level existing class

Ex-Death Speaker

Death Speakers
Death speakers are the servants of the Matacha, the Goddess of Natural
Death and the Dead. Unlike many deities controlling this portfolio, Matacha
is good aligned and her priests are charged with the task of maintaining the
sanctity of death. Part of this charge is the duty to destroy any and all
undead they encounter as she considers undeath to be a direct mockery of
her. Most death speakers are clerics in service to Matacha before they enter
this prestige class, but this isnt mandatory.
Hit Die: d8

To become a Death Speaker, a character must fulfill the following.

Deity: Matacha

Spells: The character must be able to cast 4th level Valran spells.

Feats: Extra Turning

Skills: 8 ranks Knowledge (Necrology)

Class Skills
The Death Speakers Class skills and the key ability for each are
Concetnration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana)(Int), Knowledge (Necrology)(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry
(Int), and Spellcraft (Int)
Skill Points at each level: 2+Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are the abilities of the death speakers

Spells per day/Spells Known: When a death speaker level is gained

the character gains new spells for the day as if he had also gained a
level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige
class. He does not however gain other benefits of that class not
directly related to spellcasting (spells / day, spells known if
spontaneous, increased effective level of casting). If a character has
more than one spellcasting class he or she must choose which class
the deathspeaker level will stack upon.

Holy Blast: When turning the undead the death speaker adds 1d6 /
level to their channel energy damage. They do not add this damage to
uses any other uses of channel energy.

Matacha's Will: A death speaker adds their death speaker level to

their charisma score when calculating their effect on any charisma
based power or skill used against undead except Matacha's Awe (see
below), including and especially channel energy.

Matacha's Touch: The death speaker gains the ability to unerringly

attack incorporeal foes. His attacks gain the ghost touch property. This
is a supernatural ability.

Matacha's Rest: Foes slain by a death speaker may not be returned to

life or unlife except by a spell effect with a caster level four higher
than the death speaker's. This ability will counter the death avoidance
abilities of certain undead, notably liches (a lich slain by a death
speaker will be permanently slain unless it is four levels higher than
the death speaker).

Matacha's Awe: Undead may not approach within 30' of a death

speaker unless they save at a willpower save DC 10 + death speaker
level + charisma bonus (not including the Matacha's Will ability ). In all
other regards this ability works like frightful presence except that it
only affects the undead despite the fact those creatures are normally
immune to frightful presence. This is a supernatural ability.

Matacha's Ward: The death speaker becomes immune to level

draining and death spells and effects as per the death ward spell. This
is a supernatural ability.

A death speaker displeases the goddess Matacha loses all spell

abilities and granted abilities of this class until she returns to her

Listrals Hand
"The fool looks without for support. The weak stand upon the backs
of tools The wise knows that true strength and purity comes from
within. Only by purifying oneself can one begin to be whole, divine,
and great." -Tia Listral, 987 SR.
Since their inception during the latter half of the Orgstal Wars in
what is now the Estarian Empire, the teachings of Tia Listral have
earned the persecution of any and all priests they encounter. For
she taught that the gods where nothing more than ascended
mortals - great in power yes, capacle of granting spells, certainly,
but the cosmos was not their plaything, and that they were no
better than the mortals that served them and that they once
where. She also taught that if one worked hard enough they could
awaken the divinity inherent in all souls - a divinity that gods
harvested through worship and a power that was not rightfully
theirs, but only rightfully belonging to each soul that possessed it.
Despite persecution, the Listralan way has spread - especially
among individuals already given to a certain degree of meglomania
such as wizards and sorcerers.
Hit Die: d8

To qualify for the ranks of Listral's Hand requires special
dedication. The following requirements must be met.

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Alignment: Dominant Valrean

Special: Evasion, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Attack, Ability to

spontaneously cast 2nd level arcane spells. The character
cannot have a familiar.

Class Skills
The class skills of the monks of Listrals Hand and the key ability for
each skill are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim
(Str), and Tumble (Dex)
Skill Points at each level: 2+INT Modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are the abilities of the monks of Listrals Hand.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Members of Listral's hand

gain no proficiency with weapons or armor.

Spells per Day: When a new Listral's Hand level is gained, the
character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a
level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the
prestige class. She does not, however, gain other benefits a
character of that class would have gained, except for
additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a
spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of
spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a member of Listral's Hand, she must
decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of
determining spells per day.

Monk Abilities: Certain monk abilities continue to progress

for members of this class. Specifically, add your levels in this
prestige levels with any levels you have in the monk class to
determine your unarmed damage, AC bonus and unarmored

speed abilities. You may total you base attack bonus from your
spellcasting class, Listral's Hand and Monk classes to determine your
flurry of blows attack.

Expanded Ki: The members of Listral's hand have tapped deeper into
their innate magic abilities than other monks. Their ki uses are equal
to their combined monk and Listral's Hand levels + spellcasting ability
modifier instead of wisdom. The character gains additional ki stroke
and ki pool abilities as a monk of his level + his Listral's Hand level.

Magic Fist: You combine your arcane spellcaster levels, monk levels
and levels in this prestige class when determining how many times you
may use the stunning attack ability. While you can still opt to stun
opponents, you also can embed any spell you know with a range of
"touch" into the attack instead of the stunning effect. The spell so
embedded is cast as a free action as part of the attack, and unlike a
normal use of the touch spell you will lose the spell if you miss. Spells
embedded this way have an effect calculated from the levels of all
classes mentioned above.

Permanent Spell: The character may choose a spell of the given level
or lower to become permanent on themselves. See the permanency
spell for list of spells that can be made permanent by default. The GM
may allow other spells at his or her discretion.

Enchanted Touch: You may cast a spell that normally targets

touched weapons upon your fists.

Diamond Soul: As per the monk ability - the level of

resistance is the character monk and Listral's Hand level. If
the character has this ability from the monk class alone then
the character also adds his caster ability modifier to the

Arcane Replenishment: The character may divert magical

energy to restore his body. The character may use any spell
slot of 1st level or higher to heal for 1d8 hit points / level of
the spell.

Skills and Feats

Chapter 4
"Talent is a rare thing, training rarer still, and rarest is talent refined
by training.

Calligraphy: Calligraphy is the art of writing, or more precisely

illumination of scripts that involves painting them and
applying gold leaf to some of the more valuable pages.

Carpentry: Carpenters are all woodworkers, and more than

any other craft this one has numerous specialists in its various
areas that the character can emphasize in. These include
cabinet and furniture makers, wheelwrights, shipwrights,
structural carpenters, roofers and woodcarvers.

Cartography: This is the art of map making. Cartographers

are highly prized in maritime communities and their charts,
which reveal favorable winds and treacherous currents are
jealously guarded. A skilled cartographer can make an
accurate map given time and tools, though any literate
person can read one, any navigator can navigate with one
and so on.

Cobbler: The cobbler, or shoemaker's trade is primarily a

marriage of carpentry and leatherworking.

Fur Curing: Individuals that prepare furs for use in clothing

are known as furriers. This is a close cousin to
leatherworking, although the goal is to cure the hide so the
fur will remain on the skin, which requires a different process
than leatherworking.

Jeweler: Jewelers cut and fix gems. The process has not
changed remarkably since ancient times to today.

Heraldry: Any scholar can recognize coats of arms with the

correct knowledge skills (esp. Knowledge Nobility). The
craft of heraldry is concerned with the creation of heraldic
signs following a strict code known as the laws of tincture.
Learning the heralds art is highly prestigious in typical
medieval societies.

Instrumentcraft (Specific): You know how to make musical

instrument (choose one).

Leatherworking: A leatherworker crafts with hard or soft

leather. Hard-boiled leather is used for leather armor and
saddles. Soft leather is used for book covers, backpacks and
the like.

- Lord Travis Triel.

This chapter contains campaign specific notes about skills as well as new

The following listings either expand on their entries in the core rules. Skills
with no changes arent listed.

Many artisans place maker's marks onto an item that reveals information
about the item including who made it and where, and often the date of
manufacture can be reasonably inferred by noticing variations in the mark
that change over time. Not all this information will be on every item but
will usually be present on items the characters might care about the value

Especially crafty NPC's may pretend to believe the bluff. Since you want to
believe you will succeed on your checks this counterbluff has a +5 bonus.

If you have a craft skill you begin play with membership in a guild of
craftsman. Membership dues and privileges vary by region, but at a
minimum if your dues are current you will have some amount of
professional contacts and will be able to secure legal help and backing as
long as you are in good standing - however the guild will expect your
support in return.
A craftsman may appraise the goods of his craft using his craft skill instead
of the appraise skill.
The following are the craft skills most frequently found within Telzoa.

Alchemy: Alchemists combine strange ingredients in secret ways to

make marvelous substances.

Architect/Engineer: The architect's craft is the design of buildings,

although understandably it takes lot of people to carry out the plans of
a single architect. Architecture is not merely a factor of determining
what can be done with building materials, but why. As an example,
architects who work closely with priests often design a building with
religious symbols placed directly into the structure.

Metalworking: This skill involves the working with soft metals

- primarily with pewter but also silver, gold, tin and copper.

Painting: In its own way, painting is a perform skill, and a

favorite past time of many bards. A painter can emphasize
on a specific medium such as fresco, mosaic, oil or water

Armorsmith: The armorer, or armor smith, makes armor and shields.

Blacksmith: Blacksmiths work with iron and typically fashion

horseshoes and the like.

Plumbing: Plumbing is the ancient art of getting water to

move where desired. Most piping is made of tin or ceramic and such is usually found only in the wealthiest of homes.

Bowyer/Fletcher: This is the art of bow and arrow manufacture. Such

a character does not necessarily know how to make new arrowheads,
but since these often survive a battle where the arrow does not this
isn't a problem.

Pottery: This is the art of making ceramic objects, usually

bowls, jars and lids for the same.

Sculpting: While most think of stone when sculpting is

brought up, sculpture can also be done in wax and then cast
into bronze (which involves this skill and metalworking to do).

Stonemasonry: Masons work in conjunction with architects

to realize their plans, building wall, hewing passages and
performing other works with stone.

Trapmaking: From animal snares to deadfalls, this craftsman

concentrates on the manufacture of traps. The DC of the

Brewing: The character is a student of the manufacture of alcoholic

beverages. There are three areas to this art - brewing grains (which
yields beers), fermentation of fruits (wine-making) and hard distilling

check is the same as the disable DC of the trap. On a critical failure

the trap maker springs the trap on himself.

Weaponsmithing: In a world fraught with peril and filled with armies

to equip, the weaponsmith is rarely in need of work.

Weaving: Weavers manufacture cloths or carpets. A weavers check

result determines the price the item commands once completed. A
weaver with a handloom can make about 1 square yard of material
every three days.

The most common languages are listed below. Some languages are
grouped. Once you learn one language in the group, you can learn
others in the group that are commonly spoken for 2 per rank (So
you can learn 3 languages in a group by buying 2 ranks in
linguistics. However, this rule does not apply to ancient languages only one of these may be acquired at each rank.

Wickercraft: The character can weave baskets and other objects of

wicker, including privacy screens, wicker throw rugs, chairs, certain
tables and even scabbards and some adventurers gear.

You can attempt to hide among the people, using the sheer number of
people in a settlement or crowd to conceal you from those who would find
you. This task works in opposition to Diplomacy (long term) or spot (quickly
'hiding' within a crowd).

You can use a heal check to attempt to determine a non-obvious cause of
death and its time.

A character can research a question in a library or book. These items have
ranks in knowledge skills just like characters do. The more ranks a library or
book has, the harder any given bit of information will be to find.

Cuolshan: The language of the native peoples of Telzoa

present before the Dalsun peoples arrived. Words borrowed
from this tongue crop up frequently in Telzoan place names
(e.g. Hone Rae means "Meadow Glorious" in East Cuolshan)

East Cuolshan: The language spoken in the eastern end

of Telzoa.

Central Cuolshan: The language spoken in the lands

around the great crater and in the mountains to the
north. Where it is spoken it is far more common as the
Dalsundrians never ventured into this region.

Western Cuolshan, or Isladri: The language spoken most

frequently among humans of Isladria, an island to
Telzoa's east.

Dulsandan: Dulsandan includes the default "common"

tongue of most games in the Dusk setting - Dalsundrian. but
also includes the divergent and emerging tongues of Tennen
and Milisal. The ancient languages of Dalzendri and Dulsand
help to round out the family within the isle of Telzoa.
Telmandan and Armandan, each of which are spoken by
Telzoa's neighbors, are descendants of Dulsand and are
considered members of the Dulsandan language group.

Dalsundrian: On the island of Telzoa this is the de facto

standard language. In reality a hodgepodge mix of
languages with Dalzendri as the backbone, Dalsundrian
is a language lacking respect among the learned as a
crude commoners language. Nevertheless its
usefulness as a language nearly everyone can speak is
undisputed. There is no formal written form of
Dalsundrian, though Liternanin characters can be used
to represent its words.

Tennen is dominate on the southwestern side of the

island of Telzoa.

Milisal has taken root in Milicsundria and Dabrinia.

Dalzendri (Ancient): This is the language lying at the root

of Dalsundrian, Tennen and Milisal and was at it's height
four hundred years ago - so short a time that many
elder elves still know the language and could speak it
fluently if they desired. Sorting for most modern
speakers through this tongue is akin to an English
speaker trying to sort through Chauncer's Middle
English - it's very difficult but possible. Very few texts
exist in Dalzendri, and the language uses a variant of the
Liternanin alphabet when notes upon it are found.

Dulsandan (Ancient): This language dates back six to

seven hundred years from the current campaign date.
Knowledge of its distant descendants is of little use to
those attempting to understand this language. Indeed,
most of what is known about the language is through
study of its descendant tongues, elven memories, and
the occasional passage describing it's words in
Liternanin. To it's credit many of the more obscure
place names in Telzoa, such as Dalze (from Dulzhe
meaning "cove"), Ultan (Yuultain, meaning "river
bends") and Paldace (Poldacei, meaning "harbor with
rocks" ) are Dulsandan in origin. The peoples who spoke
this language where also the practitioners of what
would later become courts Aurnon and Damosi, and
again the names of many of these gods have their roots

The fields of knowledge in the setting are the same as in the Core Rulebook,
with these additions:

Astrology (Clr): The character uses the stars to predict the future
based on myths and legends surrounding them. Knowledge of the
myths and legends within astrology is a simple knowledge check. A
second task of this skill is prediction.

Law (Pal, Clr) The character is familiar with the written law of a
country. This is specific detailed knowledge of the law, not the cursory
knowledge of laws one might have from Knowledge - Local.

Philosophy: Philosophy is a search for wisdom that is, for the most
part, divorced from religion. Its study includes the study of logic and
the rules of argument and grammar. It is a discipline few understand
and fewer still truly appreciate.

You may attempt to create a code to secure your messages. Attempts to
decipher your code are an opposed linguistics check between you and the
person that intercepted your coded message. They have a -10 penalty if
they don't know the language you wrote the code in.

A character is either fluent in a language, or functional with it. A character
is automatically fluent with only one tongue no matter how many languages
he automatically starts with. To be fluent in any other language the
character must double purchase it. Functional command of a language is all
that is required to understand it and speak that language. Fluency removes
any trace of an accent, but is more a matter of taste than restriction, though
certain NPC's may be impressed by your possession of it and it is critical to
maintaining certain disguises.
Literacy: Characters aren't automatically literate. Only the cleric and wizard
class automatically begin play fluent in a written language (Liternanin).
Other characters must learn such a tongue that includes an alphabet before
they can read. Some languages survive only in their written form, so while a
character may know how to read and write them, they won't recognize
them when they hear them spoken.

in this language (Tean comes from Tei Ayn, meaning "Two Eyes.")

Liternanin: The Liternanin language has many

descendants despite the fact that the language itself is
still alive and well as the standard of communication
between the literate souls of the world. Speaking
Liternanin is almost equivalent to being literate - for this
language's 51 letter alphabet is borrowed by most of
the human tongues we will be discussing for purposes
of writing. Since the process of writing is embedded
into the teaching of Liternanin a speaker of this
language can write it - further they may use its letters to
phonetically encode most other languages they know.

Malchani: The lords who conquered the island between

200 and 400 SR never completely abandoned their own
tongue, since it gave them a way to give each other's
council in the present of the rabble. That language is
largely lost elsewhere. The common folk and many
demihumans often derisively call this language noblespeak. All the same the nobles semi-fiercely guard this
language, as fluency in it is a mark of culture and
refinement. There is a written variant of Malchani,
though the alphabet is descended from Liternanin

Estarian: The language of the people of the Estarian

Empire, this tongue is dates back to the days of
Sandielansta and may be older than Liternanin (it is
unclear as to which is the older). There is an alphabet
to this tongue, but it has fell out of use and will not be
known to characters who do not deliberately set out to
learn it (which costs a skill point).

Dulshadral: This group of tongues includes dwarven, orcish, goblin and

gnomic, and any of the four races tend to smack scholars for this
classification. Nevertheless it cannot be denied that there are many,
many identical root words in these tongues, pointing to a dark episode
in the history of dwarves and gnomes indeed if there is any truth
behind the hints the etymology is providing.
Kilrasic (colloquially, Dwarven) is the only language of these four
with an alphabet. The others use this alphabet, because according to dwarves - "they're too damn lazy to invent their
own." Dwarven characters look very wedge-like to human eyes.
They are simple, to the point, and very easily carved into stone.
Indeed, dwarves rarely if ever write anything down - they carve
it. "If it isn't worthy of stone it isn't worthy of recording." goes
one dwarven saying.

Knorasi (colloquially, Gnomish) sounds gentler than dwarven,

and it is perhaps the least abrasive to the ears of the four. The
gnomes also have a considerable number of borrowed elven
words in their tongue.

Kort (colloquially, Orcish) sounds like a dwarf with rabies. It is

filled with vicious guttural snarls, whoops and growls.

Junri (colloquially, Goblin) isn't much better, but has a much

shorter range of words and applications.

Elven: The most ancient of languages of Carthasana are naturally the

property of her most ancient people. Elven is curious for it's tendency
to use intonation to disguise the nature of the message being given,
and this carries across to their writing. Elven is known simply as elven
by outsiders. Some scholars in search of a better name call it Tel'Ank,
or "The Tongue" in elven. Elves name their language Silvani.

Honial is the only language that is related to elven, yet not elven.
This language is largely a cross between Dalzendri and elven,
with a healthy dose of Cuolshite and Liternanin thrown in for
good measure. This befits it's nature perhaps - for Honial is the
official language of the half-elven peoples of the tiny principality
of Hone Rae - a nation founded for and by half-elves who found
themselves to be outcasts elsewhere.
Oyasi is a distant cousin to elven, and can barely be considered
to be in the same language family. This language is a bridge of
sorts to the other fairy languages from elven. Oyasi has it's own
alphabet that is similar at a glance to the elven, but it only has
150 characters to elven count of 900.

Silvani: The language of most elves born in the northern

hemisphere to the extent of the former Malchani Empire.

Voolrea: West Elvish is spoken to the far west

Arcical: The elven of the distant north.

Kilanri: The elven of the Blood Sea and central regions

Padrisilv: The elven of the Padriac region.

Liternanin: This family includes Liternanin and its descendant

tongues. It is one of the most widespread tongues in the
world of Carthasana.

Armandan: The Armandal peoples inhabit the lands southwest

of Telzoa on the far shore of the Channel of Miandris. Their
tongue bears more dwarven marks than does Telzoan proper,
but theirs is a tongue both more tuned to the sea (They have 26
different words to describe a wave) and with a tendency to
borrow other tongues.

Rosalynn Sign: Developed by Priests of Rosalynn who have taken a

vow of silence within their temples and monasteries, this language is
automatically obtained by the priests devoted to her.

Telmandan: The language of the Telmish is on the southeast side

of the channel from Telzoa and follows a different evolutionary
path. This language lacks many of the Elven and Cuolshite
borrowed words which dot the landscape of Dalsundrian. A
more guttural language, Telmandan borrows far more words
from the orcish peoples whom the Telmish compete with for
space to this day.

Draconic Tongues: The tongues of dragons are surprisingly

varied given the number of dragons in the world.

Kolric: The language of the of kobolds is very interesting

to scholars, if for no other reason than the sheer
number of words it shares with the dragon tongues,
enough to be considered a sister tongue to them. What
this says of the relation of these diminutive creatures to
dragons is hard to say.

Jarsi: This is the common tongue of the "metallic"

dragon races.

Auresi: The language of gold dragons

Argenti: The language of silver dragons

Aesenti: The language of bronze dragons

Cuprumi: The language of copper dragons

Orichalci: The language of brass dragons

Croshan: The language of chromatic dragons

Negrishal: The language of black dragons

Rohentishal: The language of red dragons

Blanshal: The language of white dragons

Azushal: The language of blue dragons

Verdeshal: The language of green dragons

Eldicori (Ancient): The language of the elder wyrms.

Aborani: These are the languages that seem to originate from

the outer plane of Aborea. Note that many of these tongues
only appear on the material plane now as the creatures that
speak them have long since been separated from the home

Druidic: The druid tongue is a member of this group. Although

non-druids cannot learn this language, speakers of the sister
tongues might be able to pick out certain words from it. More
importantly, druids may learn the languages of this group on a
two for one basis.

Faenori (or Sylvan): This is the world name of Sylvan, which is a

common tongue among sylvan creatures.

Pichanese: Pixies, Nixies and diminutive fae speak this tongue.

Phillipi: The language of centaurs and similar creatures.

Taurni: The language of minotaurs.

Rumbas: The plant language of the treants. This language is

physically impossible for most humanoids to speak without
magic but it can be heard and understood.

Gnashacri: The language of gnolls.

Aboria: The planar common of Aborea.

In particularly noisy situations you can use a performance check to
project your voice over the ambient noise. You also use a perform
check to draw attention to yourself.

Professions are service careers, as opposed to crafts which create
objects. They often combine knowledge in numerous small tasks.
Most professions arent worth detailing here as their name makes
it pretty self evident as to what they do. A few have game effects
though that characters might want to use.

Boat Pilot: The character knows how to pilot boats and ships.

Cook: A skilled cook can not only make a wonderful food but
can on a DC 15 check ascertain whether food has spoiled or
not. A check can also be made to determine whether
something is edible this check is between DC 15 and 20
depending on how exotic the item. This check cannot be
done untrained. Finally a character can make a check to
prepare food. A check result of 5 or less indicates the cook
has contaminated the food through incompetence. All who
eat it will be food poisoned on the next day and must make a
fortitude save DC 10 or lose 1d4 points of constitution for one

Navigator: The character knows how to navigate using tools

such as a compass, sextant and astrolabe. Without these
tools this skill is useless.

Shunra: These are the languages that appear to originate from the
plane of Shunri.

Gigas: The common tongue among the giants.

Monsodri: The language of mountain and hill giants.

Caemendri: The language of stone giants

Tempestri: The language of storm giants

Ingantidri: The language of fire giants, and fairly widespread

among fire creatures of other lineages.

Daodoni: The language of the earthen elementals

Shunria: The planar common of Shunra.

Sodra: The languages that originate from the plane of Sodra


Diablona (Infernal): The language of the diabolic races, the


Abytor (Abyssal): The language of the demonic races.

Crysondal (Undercommon): The language of the underworld or

cavern races.

Dalshite: The language of the dark elves, or drow.

Sodria: The planar common language of Sodra.

There are two forms of spellcraft, arcane and divine. A character is
presumed to study spellcraft according to the type of magic their
class uses. The only time the type of spellcraft a character knows
matters is when the character attempts to use a ritual. Characters
wishing to use rituals not belonging to their class (a wizard using
cleric rituals) must take spellcraft as a skill twice, and when using
rituals not belonging to their class they are treated as a nonspellcaster.

The following feats join the list of available feats from the
Pathfinder Core Rules.

Balcra: The languages that originate from the plane of Balcra


Assanti (Auran): The language of air creatures

Meran: The language of merfolk

Oceani (Aquan): The language of deep ones below.

Balcria: The planar common of Balcra.

Valra: The languages that originate from the plane of Valra


Saboan (Celestial): The language of angels.

Crysali: The language of Eldarin

Valrani: The planar common of Valra.

A perception check uses Intelligence when the character is actively trying to
find something. The difficulty of the task is influenced by how accurately
you can describe what you are doing to accomplish the task. For example
searching a room for secret doors in general has a much higher DC than
searching a bookshelf for a hidden switch to open a secret door.
If a character might notice something, the check uses wisdom.

You are attractive.
Prerequisite: CHR 13+
Benefit: Gain a +2 competence bonus on all charisma skills
checked against creatures subject to your allure (usually members
of your race and opposite sex). Note that for purposes of this feat
elves, half elves, and humans are the same race.
Special: This feat is only available to 1st level characters.

Augmented Creation
You create stronger undead than normal
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Benefit: The undead you create have 2 extra hit points per hit die.

Brew Elixer

You can prepare two spells in the same spell slot.

[Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Split Spell

You can create especially strong potions.

Benefit: This feat lets you put two spells into one slot and either
cast both simultaneously or one at a time. The spells occupy a slot
half the level of the lower higher than the highest level spell of the
two, round up. (e.g. An entwined 1st and 3rd level spell occupy a
4th level slot, entwined 3rd level spells occupy a 5th level slot).

Prerequisite: Brew Potion

Benefit: As brew potion, except the maximum spell level is 5th.

Brutal Hit
You land brutal critical hits upon foes.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon
Specialization, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Base
Attack Bonus +10
Benefit: The critical multiplier is increased by 1 (x2 becomes a x3). If you roll
a natural 20 you threaten a brutal hit instead of a critical hit which deals
weapon damage multiplier +2 (So a x2 becomes x4).

You have learned an arcane cantrip.
Prerequisite: Charisma 10+
Benefit: Choose any cantrip from the sorcerer spell list. You may cast it
sorcerer of half your character level (minimum 1). Normal Arcane spell
failure chances still apply for characters that wear armor.

Combat Archery
You keep your wits about you while using a bow.
Prerequisites: Point Black shot, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, Dodge,
Mobility, Dex 13+, Base Attack +8
Benefit: You can use a projectile weapon while threatened without
provoking an attack of opportunity. You can fire a bow at a foe who
threatens you without penalty.
Normal: Normally using a projectile weapon in melee provokes an attack of


You use agility rather than strength to move.
Benefit: You use dexterity instead of strength for the climb and
acrobatics skills if you are unencumbered and wear an armor that
has no armor check penalty.
Special: The DM may still rule strength necessary in exceptional
circumstances despite your possession of this feat.

Immediate Spell
You can cast a spell out of turn as a free action.
Prerequisite: Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell
Benefit: The casting time of the metamagicked spell is changed to 1
immediate action so long as its normal casting time is one standard
action. Immediate actions can be taken any time youre not flatfooted. The spell occupies a slot six levels higher than normal.

Improved Eschew Materials

You can cast spells without material components.
Prerequisite: Eschew Materials.
Benefit: You may cast spells with a material component costing up
to 10 gold without a material component. You may prepare a spell
at one level higher to avoid a material component cost of up to 50
gold; two levels higher to avoid a material component costing 100
gold; three levels higher to avoid 500 gold; four levels higher to
avoid 1000 gold, and for each 1000 gold cost you wish to avoid
further, the spell slot must be raised by one (A spell with a material
component costing 5000 gold must be prepared 8 levels higher
than normal to be eschewed of its material component).

You can replace unused preparations freely.

Improved Heighten Spell

Benefit: Whenever you prepare spells unused spell preparations count as

unused spell slots.


Elven Blood

Prerequisite: Heighten Spell, Empower Spell

You have significant, though minor, elven blood. Most characters with this
feat are the children of half-elves.
Prerequisite: Human race
Benefit: The character has a +1 on saves vs. enchantments and a +4 on
saves vs. the sleep spell. The character also has low-light vision as a half-elf

You can heighten the effects of a spell.

Benefit: This feat works like heighten spell except you that in
addition to increasing the spells level, you increase your caster
level for that spell by the same amount. For example, if you
heighten a magic missile to 3rd level you will increase your
effective level by +2. If you are 5th level, you will be considered
7th level when you cast the spell.

Improved Mastery

Special: This feat is only available to 1st level characters.

Your mastery of a spell has improved.


Prerequisite: Spell Mastery

Benefit: Choose a spell you have spell mastery in. You may cast it


Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat
you must choose a different spell for it to affect.

You can make a lunging attack

Improved Move Adjustment

Benefit: A lunge is a short-range charge in which you move less

than 10 feet. If you lunge you will still suffer the penalties for

You can move short distances with blinding speed.

Normal: You normally need 10' of room to charge.

Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 8 ranks

Noble Blood

Benefit: You can move 10 as a free action instead of 5. This move is

identical to the 5 free action move in all respects except the distance


Improved Repeating Magic

You can cast a spell once a round.
Prerequisite: Repeating Magic
Benefit: You may prepare a spell that can be used every round. If you are a
sorcerer, the spell slot used for the spell is returned to you on the next
round. An improved repeating magic spell takes a slot six levels higher than
Normal: Spell slots may only be used once a day.

Improved Sneak Attack

You can deal devastating blows to unprepared foes.
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack, Base Attack Bonus +8, Improved Critical
Benefit: Use d8's for sneak attack damage. When you land a critical hit your
sneak attack dice are maximized.

Improved Spell Resistance


You are a member of the nobility

Benefits: You are a member of a noble house. Work out your
precise rank and attendant repsonsibilities with your GM but at a
minimum you will have the rights and priviledges due members of
the nobility, you will know Malchani as a bonus language and have
Knowledge (Nobility) and Knowledge (Local) as class skills. You gain
a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against the
commoners of your society. You will have the service of one to
three retainers loyal to your house that will perform menial tasks
for you and their salaries are ultimately paid by your family. They
will not willingly enter into harms way and will abandon you if
Special: This feat is only available to 1st level characters.

Poison Immunity
You have developed a very high resistance to a specific poison.
Note that this isnt a total immunity, and particularly massive doses
could still kill you.
Prerequisite: Great Fortitude
Benefit: Name a poison. Against that poison you apply a +20
circumstance bonus to your fortitude saving throws. If the poison
in question doesnt normally allow a saving throw then you are
entitled to a saving throw without a bonus from this feat.

You resist spells especially well.


Prerequisite: Spell Resistance


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your spell resistance.

You can pounce upon a foe with a full attack with a favored

Special: This feat does not grant spell resistance, it improves it. A character
who takes this feat must already have spell resistance through another
source, such as a monks diamond soul class ability.

You learn quickly.
Prerequisite: INT 13+

Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Expertise, Bounding,

Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Razor Run, Weapon Focus,
Weapon Specialization*, Base Attack Bonus +11
Benefit: You can take a half move and make a full attack. You
must have weapon focus and specialization in any and all weapons
you use in this attack unless you are a monk, in which case you
may forgo weapon specialization if you are making an unarmed
attack. If you do this you take a 2 penalty to your AC as if you had
charged until your next turn.

Benefit: Gain 4 skill points at 1st level and an extra skill point each level
thereafter, as if you were human. If you are human, gain 8 skill points at 1st
level and an extra 2 skill points thereafter instead.

Normal: If you move beyond a fee action step you cannot perform
a full attack option.

Luck of Heroes

Quicken Metamagic



You avoid mishap readily

You can quickly prepare a spell with a metamagic feat on the fly.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws.

Benefit: You may cast a spell with a metamagic feat without

increasing its casting time so long as the greater spell focus applies
to it.

Normal: Sorcerers, bards and other spontaneous spell casters increase

their casting times by one round when they choose to use a metamagic

You avoid oblique attacks with grace and ease.

Razor Run
You can strike all foes along a single straight-line path.
Prerequisite: INT 13+, Expertise, DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Base attack
bonus +8 or higher, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack.
Benefit: You may move half your speed in a straight line and attack all foes
adjoining your path. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity during this
movement. You may not attack a foe more than once per use of this ability.

Repeating Magic

Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility

Benefit: Whenever the opponent who youve selected to receive a
+1 dodge bonus to your AC against takes an attack option that
provokes an attack of opportunity (q.v. bull rush) you may forgo
the attack of opportunity and take a 5 step. If you do you have a
+20 dodge bonus to your AC against that attack. An opponent who
attempted a bull rush and misses moves into the square behind
your previous position or strikes the wall if there was a wall behind
you unless they succeed at a reflex save higher than their own
attack roll. (If they fail and move off a cliff edge, thats their


Split Spell

You can repeat a spell.


Benefit: When you prepare a repeating spell, it can be used once every ten
minutes (roughly, once per encounter). If you are a sorcerer the spell slot
you use for the spell is returned to you after ten minutes. The spell
occupies a slot four levels higher than normal

You can prepare two spells in one slot.

Normal: Spell slots may only be used once a day.

Reversing Magic

Prerequisite: Ability to prepare spells.

Benefit: You prepare two spells in one slot and can cast either
spell from that slot. Prepare the spells in a slot one level higher
than the highest level one.


You can reverse your spells

Benefit: You can cast the reverse of any spell you know or have prepared as
long as it is on your spell list. A spells reverse is one whose effect is
diametrically opposed to it and the two spells will be listed as countering
each other. Examples include: haste and slow; enlarge and reduce.

You and another character are twins and there exists between you
a mystic tie.
Prerequisite: Two characters must take this feat together.


Benefit: As twins you have an empathic link that is identical in all

respects to the empathic link that exists between a sorcerer and
his familiar (see pg. 51 of The PHB). Because of the higher
intelligence of both characters this link is far more useful then that
with a familiar.

You can strike opponents who make lousy attacks against you.

Special: A character may only take this feat at 1st level.


Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes

Benefit: You may make attacks of opportunity against foes who miss all
their attacks on you.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as a fighter bonus feat.

Shield Deflection
You are especially skilled at blocking ranged weapons with a shield.
Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Shield Proficiency.
Benefit: You may use a shield rather than your bare hands to deflect
arrows. This works identically to the deflect arrows feat though larger
shields are more effective than arrows. A small shield grants a +1 to your
reflex save and a large shield grants a +2 to your reflex save. If the shield
has a magical bonus, apply that bonus to your reflex save.
Note: While this seems more powerful than the deflect arrows feat,
remember that the classes that use shields routinely do not favor reflex
saves as monks do. The bonus the shield gives, particularly if it is magical,
offsets this lack of concentration in reflex saves.

Twin Share Spell

You can share spells with your twin as a sorcerer can with his
Prerequisite: Twins feat
Benefit: You can share spells with your twin as long as you remain
on an adjoining square with (and therefore within 5 of) her.
Additionally you can cast a spell with a range of you as a touch
range spell on your twin.
Your twin can also deliver touch spells for you. When you cast a
touch range spell you can designate your twin to be the toucher
(You and your twin must be in contact at the time of casting). Your
twin can then deliver the touch spell just as you could. As normal,
if you cast another spell before the touch spell is delivered, it

Chapter 5
At the beginning of all things there was the One, and there was
Void. Into the void the One poured forth his thoughts, dreams,
emotions and will. Chaos formed and grew, but the One was not
happy, and willed order into the chaos. Time passed, and the
essences began to take form.
Opening of the Tedisa
The world of Carthasana is transfixed at the overlap of five outer planes. In
brief, events on the material plane are important to outsiders, because their
homes and worlds are reflections of the goings on of the material plane.
These planes touch upon nearly everything about the setting. In this
chapter we will look at the two ways they are most immediate to the setting
- alignments and deities.

The Verdant Mystery
I am the silence of the vale and the music
of the stream
I am found in all things but nothing.
I am life itself and in all living things even
those who forget me
For though all living things end, life has no end.
Principle Concerns: Eternal Cycles
Sympathetic To: Valra (Interdependence), Shunra (Instinct).
Antithetic To: Sodra (Mortality), Balcra (The World as it Could Be).

The largest single departure of the Dusk setting from Pathfinder core and
other d20 rule systems is that it uses a different alignment system that is
both more forgiving than the classical system and yet more pervasive
throughout the setting and its spells. There are two key differences
between this system and the classic law/chaos, good/evil alignment system.
First, where the classic system is exclusive, this system is inclusive. What
that means is in the classic system your character must be lawful or chaotic
- he can't be both. In this new system characters can hold opposed
alignments just as in real life (what psychologists refer to a cognitive
dissonance). Second, this alignment system doesn't describe good and evil.
All five alignments can be good or evil depending on what they do. Morality
is only slightly touched on - each alignment sees its values as moral, its
enemy alignments as immormal, and it is apathetic or amoral towards the
values of its allied aligments.
The five alignments are in brief:

Abora represents the natural world and its eternal cycles. Its
adherents see themselves as stewards of those cycles and act
according to what their instinct tells them is best. At its best Abora is a
calming and introspective ethos that sees how the world is
interconnected, at its worst it is unthinking and instinctual in its
responses to those things it sees as a threat to nature.
Balcra is the ethos of thinkers, philosophers and dreamers. It is the
ethos of those driven to learn everything they can no matter the
consequence imposed by acquiring that knowledge. At its best Balcra
is curious, creative and clever. At its worst Balcra is stoic, cold and
dispassionate, not caring in the least about how its actions hurt people
and their feelings.
Shunra is the ethos of passion and emotion. Its adherents do not think
they feel. The do not ponder, they act. Theirs is a world where
emotion holds more sway than logic. At their best Shunras adherents
are loving, passionate and free spirited. At their worst they are
thoughtlessly destructive in their unchecked rage.
Sodra is the ethos of the individual and self. Its adherents believe that
everyone should be free to find their own path without restriction. At
its best Sodra is driven, independent and resourceful. At its worst
Sodra is selfish and paranoid.
Valra is the ethos of community and the laws, moral and ethical
systems which keep them bound together with the goal of creating a
world where everyone lives together in peace. At its best Valra is fair,
just and kind. At its worst Valra is tyrannical and oppressive destroying
the lives of the individuals of its community in the greater interest of
the community.

Abora is the alignment associated with life itself, the natural world,
and eternal cycles. The world, as it is in all it's glory and beauty is
the most important thing, and care must be taken to preserve and
protect it.
Abora believes itself to be good because it cares about all of the
world - not just parts of it as the other alignments do. No one part
of the world is more important than any other.
The enemies of Abora see it as an obstacle to progress and,
sometimes, a harm to the needs of those things they value more
than the world as a whole. Abora becomes truly evil in their eyes
when it destroys the property of others in the name of natural
Valra is allied to Abora because it understands and appreciates the
natural cycles - although Abora wishes Valra would understand
them for their own sake and not just for better farming. Valra
appreciates Shunra's love of instinct but disagrees about Shunra's
wish to have no restraint on itself. Sentient creatures have an
obligation to self control for the sake of the environment.
Abora sees Balcra's quest for knowledge and Sodra's quest for self
empowerment in the same light - these paths lead then to harm
the world around them which Abora cannot tolerate.Alignment in

The Sapphire Way
I am the wind which carries the truth
I am the sea which bears the traveller
Knowledge is the one true treasure
To truly live is to forever thirst to know.
Principle Concerns: Patience, Intellect, The World as it Could Be
Sympathetic To: Valra (Dispassion), Sodra (Artifice).
Antithetic To: Shunra (Impulsiveness), Abora (The World as it Is)
Balcra is the alignment of thought and knowledge and its
adherents hold that learning is more important than all other
concerns. Curiosity drives this alignment of inquiring minds who
need to know.
Balcra believes it is good because it sets the individual on the path
to enlightenment and knowledge and instills within one the values
of foresight and patience. There is no secret that, once unveiled,
does not better the world they say.

The enemies of this alignment hold the opposite view - some things aren't
meant to be known. Sometimes the act of discovery destroys that which is
discovered or, at the least changes it forever and not always for the better.
They are also often critical of Balcra's tendency to plan endlessly without
actually doing anything. Balcra becomes truly evil in their eyes when it
resorts to theft or destruction to sate its endless curiousity.
In the Valran alignment Balcra sees a viewpoint that shares logical thought,
methodical planning and decision making without allowing emotion to have
any role in the process. But Valra loves precedent much more than Balcra
and Balcra doesn't understand its inherent resistance to change.
Balcra allies with Sodra because they each love secrets and neither one pass
any moral judgments on knowledge. However, Balcra does apply judgments
on the application of knowledge where Sodra holds that morals have no
meaning anyway so why bother with them.

Balcra is opposed to Shunra in many ways. Balcra thinks, Shunra

acts, Balcra is logical, Shunra is emotional. If Balcra is to be able to
think and plan clearly the pollution and chaos of the mind Shunra
represents must be driven out.
Abora is a stick in the mud as far as Balcra is concerned - often
literally. Abora insists that the world is more than the sum of its
parts - Balcra wants to analyze the parts and worry about the sum
later. Balcra is the dreamer, and if it must oppose the natural
reality Abora represents, so be it.

The Red Journey
I am the eternal flame of the heart
I am the well of passion from which all flows
Life is composed of moments like notes in song
To truly live it one must be wholly within each one.

Valra presents a world of lies as far as Sodra is concerned. Society,

morals, codes, laws, these are all constructs for feeble minds.
Community is important only if it serves its people, or failing that at
least serves the Sodran.
Abora's outlook is focused entirely on things Sodra finds
unimportant - nature, spiritual realms, eternity. Sodra understands
that our time is already limited, so why waste it on such concerns
especially since they claim to be able to care for themselves.

Principle Concerns: Impulsiveness, Passion, Chaos

Sympathetic To: Sodra (Freedom), Abora (Instinct).


Antithetic To: Valra (Order), Balcra (Patience).

The Golden Road

Freedom, Passion, Emotion, and the fire within - this is Shunra. This is the 'in
the moment' alignment, the alignment that sees no value in long term plans
or goals. The mind will lead you astray - think with your heart, not your
head. Shunra doesn't think, it feels.

I am the light that turns darkness aside.

I am the truth that cannot be hidden.
In service to many are all born
To truly live one must die to self.

Shunra believes it is good because it is freedom embodied. It does not

control anyone or anything - including and perhaps especially itself.
Shunra's adherents are fickle and flighty - but passionate in all things they
do. They are the poets and dreamers of the world.

Principle Concerns: Community, Order, Subservience

The enemies of Shunra see it as a disruption and a distraction. Lack of self

control brings with it strife and the darker emotions of anger and hate. It's
better to be rid of all of these nonsensical things and stick to logic and truth.
They call Shunra evil because they feel it will not temper itself to protect

Valra is dedicated primarily to communities and those things which

hold communities together and allow them to prosper - law, peace,
order, tradition. An individual of this alignment believes that the
community is worth more than all other considerations, and that
one lives by serving others.

Shunra is allied with Sodra as both value the individual, though Shunra feels
that Sodra takes selfishness a bit too far sometimes. Abora is valued as a
friend by Shunra because both embrace instinct, but the two disagree on
how much restraint should be exercised.

Valra believes it is good because it is compassionate and cares for

the needs of others. It is a protector of the weak and guardian of
even the least of its number. Valra seeks to impose law and order
upon a chaotic world in order to bring peace and happiness to the
community and eliminate strife.

Balcra is opposed by Shunra mainly because Balcra makes Shunra's brain

hurt. That and the alignment embraces almost everything Shunra hates.
Valra represents order, and Shunra views Valra and its laws like a cage it
does not want to be contained by.

The Silver Path
I am my only true friend
I am my only justification
Life is experienced by one alone,
True life is to embrace all experience.
Principle Concerns: Independence, Mortality, The Self

Sympathetic To: Abora (Interdependence), Balcra (Dispassion).

Antithetic To: Sodra (Self), Shunra (Chaos)

The enemies of Valra believe it is evil because it stifles free will and
free determination in the name of the community. Valra they say
will provide everything for you by taking everything from you.
While it may have noble intentions, they hold it is a path to tyranny
and oppression.
In Balcra the ethos of Valra sees a fellow ethos which values
knowledge, learning and order. If only Balcra where more
discerning in the knowledge it pursues.
With Abora the ethos of Valra shares a common love of life and
growth. If only Abora would be less tolerant of violence among
living things and think with its head more often than by its instinct.

Antithetic To: Valra (Community), Abora (Eternity)

Valra despises Sodra because it sees a selfish alignment bent on

upending social order. Self interest and individual liberties are a
threat to the communal order and harmony Valra wishes to

The individual is the chief concern of Sodra. Individual rights, responsibility,

accountability, strength and power are the most important things in the
world to them. Sodra sees itself as the champion of individual rights and
seeks to limit the encroachment of groups and states upon those rights.

Shunra is shunned by Valra because that alignment relishes in the

chaotic aspects of the heart emotion, passion, spontaneity and
the violence and heartache that come from being ruled by these.
While feelings have a place, that place is not in decision making.

Sympathetic To: Balcra (Artifice), Shunra (Freedom).

Sodra views itself as good because it understands that, ultimately, the world
is composed of individuals and for prosperity to occur for all then all must
be free. Sodra resents traditions, laws and codes that restrict individual
rights. To Sodra there is no evil in allowing greed to run its course since the
pursuit of wealth by individuals creates more wealth for all.
Sodra is viewed as evil because it is selfish, acquisitive and all to often not
concerned with problems that do not affect the individual. Valra in
particular does not abide by the Sodran doctrine that individuals are of
more worth than the communities they create.
Sodra sees in Balcra a fellow alignment that loves knowledge and
uncovering secrets. If only Balcra would stop planning and start acting. In
Shunra there is a shared love of freedom, but Sodra finds the impulsiveness
of Shunra amusing at best and annoying at worst.

Alignment in Play
Players begin play with one declared alignment. As time progresses
their attunement to that alignment either grows stronger or they
branch out and develop multiple alignments. Repeated use of
spells of a given color can also taint a character's alignment. There
is no harm in having multiple colors of alignment in and of itself,
just be aware that your character counts for all the alignment
colors he has. Some classes require that a character have a certain
alignment be dominant in other words most of the character's
alignment history must fall in line with that of the class. The
paladin class however requires its members to be purely Valran
with no deviation.
Alignments never disappear from a character unless purged away
with an atonement spell.


Landrasindrel. His armor, when he chooses to wear such, is made

of pure gold.

All serve someone, whether they are aware of it or not. - Ciranul

Religion plays a significant role in the lives of the Telzoan people. Both gods
and priests are quite active and demonstrate their power on a regular basis.
The humans of Telzoa practice a faith knowns as Telensitary, meaning
The Way, though a new religion Pentalism, has begun to enter the
region. On top of this each of the major races has deities dedicated to
themselves. This book will therefore only detail those deities that player
characters are likely to follow.
For the benefit of GM's who wish to continue using the classic
law/chaos/evil/good alignment system, those alignments are included in
the descriptions.


The Ethos
Tean's faithful are ethically and morally irreproachable, save for
those who resent its purity. His priests teach that the light of the
soul can shine from within if the mind and the body are kept pure.
Justice is achieved through obedience to authority, and all just
authority is divine in nature so to defy a king is to defy Tean
The Clergy
Priests of Tean are found in the larger cities of Telzoa acting as
emissaries and advisors to the noble rulers of the island. Paladins
act as direct agents for these priests as they are bound by code to
defer to these priests before any others.

While strongest on the Isle of Telzoa itself, Telensitary is found throughout

Losineris and northern Delcerni in one form or another. In many regions
though some deities disappear from the canon of legends and tales, and
others move in to take their place.

Ceremonial vestments of the priests are white with red skullcaps.

Higher priests use gold embroidery of varying degrees of
complexity - the degree of which is determined by the rank of the

Telensitary is divided into five courts, four of which are opposed along lines
of alignment. While general clerics owe fealty to no court or power in
particular, neither do they hold any real influence in the temple hierarchies.
They do however serve a vital role as go betweens and messengers
between the various courts, and their importance has risen significantly
since the beginning of the Pentalist incursions (See Pentalism). Clerics can
be found in the service of all courts save Siliani, which exclusively has druids
in its service.

History & Relationships

The faith of Tean predates most of the other deities of the
pantheon except for Senda, goddess of the night and the principle
nemesis to the lord of the twin suns. Tean rules over Court Aurnon
with mostly unquestioned authority (Matacha is the most likely to
disobey, and then only rarely).

Behold the light of truth, hear the chorus of justice, and obey - The Tedisa,
Book I, Canto 30
The court of Aurnon and its deities have a well-deserved reputation for
conservatism and reactionary behavior. Of the five courts of Telzoa, Aurnon
is the most vehement in its persecution of Pentalist priests regardless of the
aims they may profess unto. Aurnon is without doubt the most politically
powerful court, with many kings and nobles professing faith in Tean and
placing large donations into the court. Enemies of the court snidely remark
that the priests have duty first to their earthly patrons before higher
matters are concerned. Aurnon views its detractors as simply another
burden to bear.
Militarily Aurnon is stronger than the other courts combined. Fortunately
for the others the large court can never seem to bring it's might to bear.
Also Aurnon has considerable resources tied up in the attempt to quell the
now 200-year-old war of succession in Telzoa. Despite these problems no
one questions the virtue of the temples, or of its champions the paladins
(All paladins of Telzoa serve court Aurnon).

The Watching One, Lord of Burning Eyes
Symbol: A sunburst
Alignment: Valra (LG)
Portfolio: Justice, Duty, Honor, Chivalry
Domains: Glory, Justice, Purity, Renewal, Retribution, Sun
Favored Weapon: The Longsword
The Power
Tean is the Lord of Justice, the final judge of the dead that are brought
before him by Matacha and Kepho, whose actions he weighs before turning
them over to one of those two to do with as they please. He is the patron
of duty, honor and chivalry, and the precepts of these have said to have
been passed down to mortals from his hand.
Tean is depicted as a young man with fire red hair, glowing all white eyes
which project beams of light which can part any shadow. His skin is white
yet glows with a golden hue. He wields a longsword named in legend as

Tean particularly hates individuals who are unwilling to be open

and honest in their affairs with others and deities that espouse
secrecy in any form for any reason draw his ire. This causes
occasional friction with Matacha as she is a guardian of the secrets
of the dead that went with them to the grave. Tean however
loathes the entire Shadrean court more strongly than any other
deity of his own court and most of his efforts and those of his
priests remain focused on thwarting the aims of Senda and her

The Shepherdess, Lady of Regret
Symbol: The Crow
Alignment: Valra and Sodra (NG)
Portfolio: Death
Domains: Fate, Guardian, Protection, Purity, Rest
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
The Power
As one of the two Gods of Death and the Dead, Matacha and those
who worship her are most curious individuals indeed. The general
populace of Telzoa fear her, for Tean's wrath has been expressed
through her, and many in the whole island remember her visitation
on the night of the first anniversary of the destruction of Castle
Maldanca by the Milicsundrians when 112 noble children died in
their sleep - the same as the number of priests murdered one year
before by King Salsis. Normally though Matacha's purpose is
guardian of natural death. She abhors the existence of the undead
and charges her priests with the task of destroying all such
creatures they encounter.
Matacha is depicted as a middle aged woman who, while certainly
not young, has yet to really show her age. Her visage exudes a
silent strength to it, yet the weariness of age. Her eyes and hair
are raven black. She is always dressed with a black cloak and a
white gown. She is also said to be able to shape change into a
crow at will, and superstition holds that she takes this form when
she ferries dead souls to the beyond.

The Ethos
The teachings of the priesthood are dominated by warnings of the dangers
to come if one leads an evil life. This life is but a test meant to earn the
right to paradise in the beyond - those who succeed are fated to be
rewarded by Matacha (or their patron god in the case of priests). Those
who fail are to be turned over to Kepho to be punished and tortured as he
The Clergy
Priests of Matacha wander the island with copies of the enigmatic Ruandi
Nombren, a roll containing the names of all souls born and died in this
world. It is said that when a name is recorded into a priest's Ruandi
Nombren, it appears in the copy held by Matacha herself and used as a
ledger to track the movement of souls.
Ceremonial garments are deep black gowns and cloaks with hoods drawn
over the head. Priests where thin veils which force anyone to be very close
to them to actually recognize them. As this dress is very similar to Senda's
priests many of the priests of Matacha accent their garb with a bright white
History & Relationships
The sister of Kepho in life, Matachas hatred of the god of the damned runs
as deep as the betrayal between the two. According to legend the prior god
of the dead, Sekoon had promised all of his power to Kepho and that
Matacha had interrupted the ritual meant to bring about the transfer of
that power. In response Sekoon chose to split his powers between the two
and be content to see them both tormented for eternity while torturing one
another. Sekoons priests still teach that one day their dark lord shall tire of
this game and take back what is his. Whatever truths lie behind the legends
lie deep though and are largely lost to time.
Matacha remains Aurnons most mercurial deity given to boughts of rage
particularly when her plans are thwarted, but despite her temper she has a
heart of gold and is deeply caring for all she calls friends. She is however
one of the more dangerous deities to call an enemy.

The Mother of Mothers, Lady of the Shield
Symbol: A Gold Shield
Alignment: Valra and Shunra (LG)
Portfolio: Defensive War, Mothers, Protection
Domains: Community, Family, Purity, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Longspear
The Power
She of the shield, Cuvanill is stubborn and resolute goddess of defense and
protection. She is the sworn enemy of Sana, the Goddess of Aggressive War
and Slaughter. While a skilled warrior, Cuvanill hates war craft and battle
and prefers the ways of peace. But she and her followers recognize the
inevitability of war as long as evil hearts exist in the world and the necessity
of preparing to combat them and drive them back into the darkness from
which they came.
Cuvanill is depicted as matronly figure in full plate armor and a full body
shield of light in her left hand. In her right hand she holds a halberd which is
her weapon of choice. She is also often depicted without any arms and in
the company of children - for she is patron of motherhood. Just as their is
no end to a mother's love and willingness to protect her children, so too
does Cuvanill show no lack of compassion or love as she smites those who
would harm her priests or children.
The Ethos
War is evil - yet it must be fought when brought unto you. There is no
honor in surrendering to oppression, no good in allowing the wicked to rule
the virtuous. One prepared for war does not invite attack, and if vigilance
and preparation prevents war so much the better. The strong must protect
the weak.

The Clergy
Cuvanill's priests guard the temple establishments of Aurnon and
defend them without question, to the bitter end. If assigned to
protect someone a priest of Cuvanill will not live to see them
harmed. The stalwart reputation of the priests proceed them, and
their enemies loathe having to fight them. Cuvanill's priests are
often assigned the duty of protecting key positions in a fight - and
as such when they see fighting, they find themselves in the thick of
Outside of combat the clerics were simple white robes with a red
sash and a polished gold-tinted wooden shield. These ceremonial
shields are rarely, if ever actually used in combat.
History & Relationships
Mother of Chiantu, demi-goddess of children, Cuvanill is one of the
more popular deities throughout Telzoa. She is also one of the
more fickle deities of Aurnon as one might suppose from her
white/red alignment. Her principle enemy is Sana, the goddess of
aggression and aggressive war. While the methods of the two
deities are very similar, their aims could not be more different.
Cuvanill uses the tools of chaos to try to insure order remains
preeminate while Sana uses carefully planned strategy and order
in an attempt to bring about the chaos of total unending war. Few
deities in the Telensia tary religion are more diametrically opposed
than these two.

The Martyred One, Lady of Sorrow
Symbol: A Crying Eye
Alignment: Valra and Abora (LG)
Portfolio: Suffering, Matyrs
Domains: Aid, Healing, Purity
Favored Weapon: None
Bonus Language: Rosalynn Sign
The Power
Known as the "Martyred Goddess," Rosalynn is one of two deities
in the pantheon held to have ascended from a mortal state after
giving up her life to protect her people from the tyranny of her
father. Though the circumstances of her death and the heroism of
her actions change from telling to telling of the story, Rosalynn's
actions are always seen as pivotal in saving her people from
darkness. The truth of the matter is itself lost to time.
Today Rosalynn is seen as the willing sufferer, the one who takes
mantle of other's burden's upon themselves. Hers is not a popular
faith to follow, although the line of persons willing to take
advantage of the charity of her priests remains long.
Rosalynn's avatar is said to be that she had just after death - a girl
of fourteen years whose throat has been cut open with a knife.
Due to this injury she cannot speak, and her priests similarly do not
speak in their temples and only very rarely will they quietly speak
outside such circumstances. In order to communicate despite this
practice the priests have developed an elaborate sign language.
The Ethos
Humble thyself not only before the gods, but also before your
fellow man. Nothing in the world is as worthless as empty pride.
The next greatest virtue to a priest of Rosalynn is patience, and
both combined give dignity to the individual - which is a very
different thing from pride. Most Rosalynn followers are quiet
introverts preferring to demonstrate their teachings through

The Clergy
The worshippers of Rosalynn are very few in number, but their impact can
be great. All the other priests of Aurnon have a grave amount of respect for
the priests who take, embrace and endure what is sometimes called the
"quiet path."
The ceremonial vestments of the Rosalites are black but often tattered, for
these priests own only their priestly habits and forsake many other
possessions. They also tie a red necklace of woven hemp about their necks
to symbolize their matron's death wound.
History & Relationships
The name of the goddess Rosalynn changes more frequently from land to
land than any other. Of the deites, she and her father Berenash are the
most recently ascended mortals of the pantheon. Where most ascended
deities work to hide their mortal lives, Rosalynn embraces it and critics say
embellishes it.
In life she was a princess of an empire most say the Malchani, but since
she was a goddess during the time of this empire it is more likely that she
ascended prior to this empires rise. She foiled a plot by her father by
destroying an artifact he had used to become a god. In so doing she
ascended herself and was placed in a position to administer and see to
those afflicted by her father and his agents.
Rosalynns faith is not a popular one, but it given a silent honor and prestige
by most other priests and the allied priests of Aurnon will fight to protect
the priests of Rosalynn regardless of their ability to defend themselves.
Cuvanill and her priests are particularly protective of Rosalynn as the
goddess Cuvanill sees Rosalynn as an adopted daughter of sorts, and some
speculate Rosalynn worshipped Cuvanill while she was mortal.

The Scribe of Law, Keeper of the Tomes

with this accusation on her followers. The rivalry is not heated

though, as each group recognizes the needs of the others role - but
they are at ends with each other when trying to influence the other
History & Relationships
Gintuse is a great fan of the status quo and in any meeting among
the deities he is always the voice advocating caution and
deliberation before action, even to the point of annoying his allies.
Gintuse counts deities with no regard for law as his most bitter
enemies, and his relationship with the frolicking court of Rizaldi is
worse than any other member of Aurnon.

A passionate heart knows more than all the libraries of the world.
- Alisiana of Cuane
The popular Court of Roses is as chaotic as Aurnon is lawful, and
while Aurnon follows a doctrine of spiritual fulfillment, Rizaldi
espouses a philosophy of earthly pursuit and hedonistic pleasure.
Rizaldan priests indulge themselves to the brink of hedonism and
sometimes beyond. Though none of them would ever intentionally
harm someone else, they occasionally do so by accident and a good
deal of the court's time is spent redressing lapses in better
Ever since Rizaldi and Aurnon came to a tenuous peace some 270
years ago the two sub-religions have had a strained history. More
than once individual priests have come to blows, and while the two
courts do not officially war, they do keep their fences hedged high
and try to stay away from each other's affairs. Most of the
arguments between the two arise when they attempt to

Symbol: A scroll
Alignment: Valra and Balcra (LN)
Portfolio: Literature, Law, Knowledge Known
Domains: Knowledge, Purity, Scribe
Favored Weapon: Staff

Rizaldi espouses the virtue of freedom and its priests argue against
any strictures to it save one - freedom must be given to all, and any
act that restricts the freedom of another cannot be taken.
Rizaldans often recklessly exploit their own freedom, to the point
of disgusting outsiders. For example Rizaldans usually walk nude
within the confines of their own temples, for why conceal the
bodies the gods have so perfectly made?

The Power
Gintuse is the Lord of Scribes, Law and all knowledge known to man. It is he
that is charged with the guarding and protection of the written word - and
to his eyes all literature, for good or ill, must be preserved. While not
charged with the interpretation of the law (a function of Tean's power and
position) Gintuse often throws himself willingly into the role of devil's
advocate in the debates of the court.

Rizaldi is unique among the four courts for its lack of hierarchy. A
Rizaldan temple has a floor plan that lacks procession or altar. The
temples are laid out in radial around the deity statue and no one
person has status over the others. While there are certainly priests
that maintain and guard the structure and fight to defend the faith,
they take no prominence in prayer. All are equal before His
Enchanting Lady and Her Eternal Consort.

Gintuse is depicted as a scholar - strong and robust for such an individual,

but a scholar all the same. Most paintings and statuary paint him as balding
with the hair on the back of his head and his beard both flowing to his
waist. He usually carries a book or scroll and the more tedious, realistic
renderings of him stain his fingertips with ink ever so slightly to signify his
roll as scribe of the gods.
The Ethos
Knowledge must be preserved - to be preserved it must be written - and
once written it must be guarded. This applies equally to evil as well as to
good knowledge, although those things man is not meant to know must be
sealed away and left only as a weapon to combat it should that knowledge
be rediscovered by the wicked.
The Clergy
The most pedantic members of Aurnon, the priests and devotees of Gintuse
urge caution to the point that caution itself becomes risky. As a result of
this tendency priests of Gintuse are more sedentary and don't range far
Gintuse's priests have a bit of a rivalry with Matacha and her brood despite
the two being allies. Gintuse is somewhat critical of Matacha for often
thinking with her heart instead of her head, and his priests follow through

Of the Waves, Lady of Dance.
Symbol: Right half of a heart in the shape of a face.
Alignment: Shunra and Balcra (CG)
Portfolio: Love, The Sea, Feminine Beauty, Dance
Domains: Charm, Community, Family, Liberation, Sea, Water
Favored Weapon: The Bow
The Power
His Enchanting Lady of the Roses, of the waves, of the dances, of
charm - Cuane has many titles that Rizaldans use in front of
outsiders, but among them she is simply "Cu." Her name comes
from the Liternanin Cu for "Love" and Anne meaning "Grace,"
hence "Beloved Grace." Cuane rules over the sea - and like it she
can be beautiful in her calm and terrible when enraged. Her
depictions are impossibly beautiful - for she is the Goddess of
Feminine Beauty. And with the waves it is said that she invented
and is the Patroness of Dance.

The Ethos
Love. Do whatever the hell you want, but love. Insure freedom for all and
love. Bring beauty to world, and do it with love. You must learn to love
yourself to truly know how to love anyone else, including His Enchanting
Lady - with that lesson in hand teach love to all.
The Clergy
Cuane's personal following is a sorority - there are no men in her following contrawise women do not follow Poen her husband. There is a duality
between these two orders, and many of the priests and priestesses are
married. Marriage is not a contract between Rizaldans as it is between
dedicates of Aurnon. It is a spiritual bond. Neither is sexual contact
exclusive to the marriage, although it is still somewhat taboo there are
justifications. Adultery does not carry the connotations of betrayal among
the Rizaldans that it does in our culture or the followers of Aurnon. This
"free love" principle is one of the strongest points of contention between
the courts.
Priestly vestments are bright pink and blue ribbons that barely conceal the
wearer's modesty. Rose and flower garlands complete the outfit and have
given rise to the nickname "flower-children." Cuane's priests find the
nickname amusing, but far from formal. Outside their temples the
priestesses dress to allure, but within the constraints of the local culture
and law.
History & Relationships
For as long as anyone can remember the god and goddess of love have been
tied together in the Rizaldian mythos. To speak of one without mentioning
the other is largely pointless for the two remain as inseparable as they teach
their priests to be. Cuane is the more vocal of the pair in most tales, and she
isnt shy about who she considers friend or foe.

Of the Skies, Lord of Song
Symbol: Left half of a heart in the shape of a face.
Alignment: Shunra and Balcra (CG)
Portfolio: Love, The Sky, Bards, Masculine Beauty, Music
Domains: Air, Charm, Guardian, Liberation, Protection
Favored Weapon: Bow
The Power
Her Enchanting Consort is the title by which Poen (Liternanin meaning,
"Guards") is usually addressed, and it implies that his is a secondary role in
the pantheon. This is partially true - Cuane does most of the speaking for
the two, but his role is quite strong. All the waters of the world flow into
the sea, and all those waters come from the sky - just as the waters of a
man flow into his spouse to plant the seed of new life. Such sexual
metaphors are constant within Rizaldan doctrine. Woman may hold the
waters from which new life springs, but man is required to protect her
especially when she bears such burdens. Some sects also hold that while a
woman must give birth to the body of a child her husband must mediate at
the same time in order to give birth to the soul.
Poen rules all things that flow into the sea from the sky. He is therefore
Lord of the Sky, though things within the sky are the properties of other
deities. He rules the rivers and streams that flow to the sea. The sound of
their flowing gives rise to the first music, and he is the Patron of Music.
Dance without Music is not whole, and neither is Music without dance
whole. Two make one.
Poen is depicted as an impossibly handsome man as befits his status as Lord
of Masculine Beauty. He is robust and well formed, but not overly so. He is
usually depicted as clean-shaven, though some areas give him a beard. It is
rare to see him or Cuane depicted alone - they are almost always together.
The Ethos
Love. Essentially the same as Cuane's ethos - love others, but Poen also
teaches faith. One should not spend their seed upon those whose potential
children you cannot care for or protect. Life is sacred. It is the duty of
women to create it, men to protect it, and of both to serve it. Poen's priests

are the most forward thinking on the island where women's rights
are concerned.
The Clergy
Poen is followed by a fraternity - no women are in his direct
following just as no men follow his wife Cuane. Priestly vestments
are scarlet and deep blue and are everybit as skimpy (often
moreso) as the garments worn by Cuane's following.
History & Relationships
There are those who underestimate the lord of bards severly since
he allows Cuane to speak for him most of the time. However, he
does speak on his own behalf when necessary, though he has
never been known to publically break with Cuane. He keeps the
same list of enemies as she, and Sekoon God of Hate and Strife is
nearly always at the top of that list.

Of the Smith, Lord of Craft
Symbol: A workman's hammer
Alignment: Shunra and Valra (CG)
Portfolio: Crafts, Invention
Domains: Artifice, Creation, Knowledge, Liberation, Metal
Favored Weapon: The Warhammer
The Power
The Lord of Artifice, Balaxa is the craftman of the gods. He is at
least partially responsible for the creation of many of the artifacts
wielded by his fellow powers, and his priests have likewise created
many of the magic items that exist in Telzoa. Balaxa rules over the
creative arts and the products of those arts are highly sought by
mortals and occasionally even the gods.
Balaxa is depicted as an incredibly well muscled blacksmith or
weapon smith, although occasionally he is depicted as a painter or
sculptor. He always has a thick beard, piercing blue eyes and a
powerful figure.
The Ethos
Within the act of creation lies the renewal of the world. When a
new invention or item is first used the world changes. As an
artisan, you are responsible to see to it that such changes are for
the good of all mankind.
The Clergy
Balaxa is followed by artisans of all callings and many of his clergy
members are likewise skilled artisans. His priests regularly create
magic items of varying degrees of power - and those who would
seek to buy a magic item know that these priests are often the first
group to contact.
Priestly vestments are simple brown tunics over white breeches
and undertunics. Most priests wear a belt that holds the tools of
their favorite craft.
History & Relationships
Balaxa is interested solely in creative tasks and counts as his enemy
those who destroy his creations. This puts him in a bit of a bind
when devices of war are pitted against devices of peace. Balaxa
rarely chooses to take sides instead providing arms to all sides of a
conflict so long as they do not engage in destruction for its own

Of the Merchants, Lord of Coins
Symbol: A coin
Alignment: Shunra and Sodra (NG)
Portfolio: Commerce, Travel and Messengers.
Domains: Liberation, Trade, Travel
Favored Weapon: The Mace
The Power
Seloku is the known as the Lord of Coins. Within his purview are all matter
of exchanges made with the aim of profit by one or both parties so long as
they are done in good faith. Seloku is a guardian of travelers and roads. He
is the sworn enemy of Tharpoen, thieves and all who would disrupt free
Seloku is depicted in much the same way as any merchant except that his
wealth abounds about him - coins are often stacked all the way to the
ceiling in most paintings depicting him. He has shoulder length black hair
and is usually mustachioed.
The Ethos
Wealth promotes wealth. Gold should not be horded - it should be invested
in ventures to gain ever more gold. Wealth is not a matter of one person
ending up with everything - wealth creates more wealth for everyone, but
especially for those who promote it's acquisition. A coin in the pocket is as
worthless as the lint - to have value it must be used in trade.
The Clergy
Seloku's priests rank among the wealthiest individuals on the islands. He
actually has temples of his own separate from the rest of Rizaldi, and these
establishments function much as banks do in our own world. Some of the
priests have even begun the practice of insuring goods - though the profit in
this is as yet unproven.
In ceremony the clergy wear as much gold as they can afford in jewelery
and other nick nacks. The main fabric of their costumes are plain white with
gold thread coin designs upon them. High priests tend to wear silk instead
of cotton.
History & Relationships
Perhaps one of the more pragmatic deities of the Telzoan faith, Seloku has
no qualms about whom he deals with so long as the basic needs of
commerce are served. Seloku tries to remain neutral as possible in conflicts
for while conflicts may disrupt trade they also make an arms merchants
living. Unlike most of the deities who have decided enemies Seloku is at
least on icy terms even with deities such as Sekoon. As such he is usually
chosen to be Rizaldis ambassador to the other courts whether he wants to
be or not.

Of the Laughter, Lord Fool
Symbol: An unmarked Die
Alignment: Shunra (CN)
Portfolio: Luck, Chaos, Rogues, Madness, Trickery
Domains: Liberation, Luck, Trickery
Favored Weapon: The Blackjack.
The Power
Terix is depicted as a young child of indeterminate sex with an ever-present
smile crawling across his face. Everything is a delight to him, and his eyes
are in constant wonder. Perhaps this is the reason why he is constantly
getting into trouble. More likely it's because he lacks any sense of control.
The Ethos
Have fun at any cost. Push life to it's limits. Living without pleasure is not
living at all. Bring humor to the world and spread joy and laughter - even if
this means making some self-righteous boob the butt of one or more jokes.
Never let an ego go by unscatched - teach the arrogant the true value of

humility through humiliation. But in all this wildness, don't kill or

seriously injure anyone - you can't play anymore pranks on them if
that happens.
The Clergy
Many whisper that all of Terix's clergy are insane - and while many
of his devotees are, not all of them could be certainly. Can they?
Terix's priests often serve as jesters, entertainers and other neverdo-wells. Bards that entertain by means other than music often
swear fealty to Terix. Terix's clergy rarely gather in ceremonies
exclusive to themselves, and beyond the carrying of the holy
symbol of the order an unmarked die - they do not have anything
approaching an organized set of clerical vestments.
History & Relationships
Mad Terix is at the center of many a bard's tale by fireside.
Accounts of his chicanery upon the other figures of the pantheon,
and even within his own court are legendary and grow with each
telling. One tale recalls how he, spurned by Cuane, cut off her hair
and presented it to the other gods, much to her embarrassment.
Almost all the other gods have at least one run in with Terix, and all
of them tend to keep him at arms reach least they become the
target of his next prank.
Despite his happy go lucky nature Terix does have some confirmed
enemies. His hatred for Sekoon and his allies is complete since
they were responsible for the death of Terix's mother, Tersha,
within the last century.

Love is ephemeral. Hatred is forever. - Griselda the Shaded
The Court of Hatred reviles everyone and everything around it, and
has a knack for receiving much the same treatment. Damosi has a
tenuous alliance with Shadrea insomuch as the two courts avoid
getting in each other's way and occasionally they will work
together to keep the Aurnon / Rizaldi alliance from wiping them
both from the landscape of the Telzoan island.
While the precious few priests of this order worry about this
constantly, the gods of this court seem to thrive with
comparatively little direct prayer or worship. If a god's power is
based on the number of people that acknowledge their existence
though it is easy to see why this court's deities continue to thrive
even as their followers flounder and rarely mount any serious
offensive against their sworn enemies which include, incidently,
just about everyone, even their "ally" Shadrea.
The Damosin doctrine is one of rule by oppression, fear and malice.
Theirs is an organized evil - rarely overt, but dangerous
nonetheless. And while there are few professed clerics of the
various Damosin orders, there are more than enough Rogues and
Blackguards about whom through the forwarding of their own
agendas further the agenda of the Court of Hate.
By necessity Damosi is more or less underground. As the
traditional enemy of the Rizaldan court it was drawn into
Telensitary's networks of myths. If there was a deal cut by the
deities involved at this time no mortal is privy to it.
Damosi is not as underground as Court Shadrea though. In strife
torn areas temples to Apenca are frequently seen, and the other
four deities are never far behind. Most Damosin sacred sites are
privately owned - for instance no assassin's guild is complete
without a small shrine to Tharpoen.

The Black, Lord of Hate
Symbol: A black flame on a red field
Alignment: Sodra and Shunra (LE)
Portfolio: Fire, Hate, Strife
Domains: Death, Destruction, Fire, Hate, Infliction, Tyranny, War
Favored Weapon: Spear
The Power
No deity in the Telensitaran pantheon is capable of eliciting as strong a set
of reactions as Sekoon. While his power as the god of fire is undeniable and
his sway over dark thoughts is irrefutable, Sekoon is still rarely mentioned,
and then either in contempt or fear, and often both. Sekoon has few
clerics, but many men swear by his name when cursing their enemies.
Occasionally, it is whispered, the Lord of Hate answers their call.
Long ago it is said Sekoon had the ability to take on a handsome young man
who could beguile anyone and turn the hearts of men against each other at
a glance. While the legends conflict as to why, it is known that currently
Sekoon cannot take any form that is pleasing to the eye - outside of that
restriction he can (and does) take any form he wishes. His favored form is a
pillar of black fire. He is not known to take any remotely human looking
form, neither is he depicted in such forms in temple art.
The Ethos
Love is a lie. Dreams are a lie. The truth is to be found in the cold reality of
hatred. Hatred is a fire that can burn away all weakness and temper the
soul. Only a coward forgives, only a fool sets his differences behind. If
someone offends you, then they are your enemy. Enemies are to be hated
until the day they die - and it is your duty to hasten the arrival of that
moment if you can without compromising greater goals.
The Clergy
Faith in Sekoon is rarely open. His priests usually dodge the question when
asked about the source of their powers, or feign being wizards and save
their healing magics for themselves. Then there are those few clerics that
are powerful enough to not give a damn about who knows if they are a
cleric of the Black Lord.
In ceremony the clerics of Sekoon wear dark grey robes trimmed in bright
red fire patterns.
History & Relationships
Sekoon rules Damosi by fear alone. Only his daughter Tela is remotely close
to him, and his other children Sana, Char, and Tharpoen stay apart from
him much of the time two even going so far as to join other courts.
Sekoon has also had liasons with numerous demons and devils and is the
father of several major demon and devil lords, some of which aspire to
become gods in their own right.

The Bitch, Lady of Pain
Symbol: A barbed whip
Alignment: Sodra (LE)
Portfolio: Torture, Agony, Contempt
Domains: Fury, Hate, Infliction, Pain, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Whip
The Power
Tela has earned the tile of "Bitch Among the Gods," by alienating virtually
everyone around her except her father, Sekoon, and her few priests.
Paranoid and prone to lash out at anyone, including her own faithful at the
slightest provocation, Tela represents all that is ugly in human nature. She
and her clerics share a love in inflicting pain and agony upon others
frequently. Whatever hatreds, contempts and fustrations cannot be taken
out on the source are usually taken out on hapless victims.

Tela is depicted as a beautiful young woman with a narrow scar

that runs down her right cheek - a wound given to her by her sister
Sana whom she tried to usurp with her father's help. Sana has
since migrated to Court Shadrea. Tela is usually to be found
carrying one or more instruments of torture, and her face is usually
in glee from inflicting pain, or a horrible scowl.
The Ethos
Do unto others before they do unto you. Strike them and hurt
them both physically and emotionally - let them know that they
live only by your grace - a grace you will dismiss at the slightest
provocation or failure on their part. As to those you cannot control
- kill them.
The Clergy
As with Sekoon, Tela's following is sparse at best. The priests do
keep in fairly good contact with each other, but range far afield lest
they get on each other's nerves, with usually fatal consequences.
In ceremony the priests wear maroon robes with black trim.
History & Relationships
Telas most prominent enemy is Rosalynn who represents
resistance to her attacks and teachings of brutality. That said, few if
any deities call her friend. As permiscuous as her father, Tela has
birthed several fiends of the lower planes personally and has set
them out to torment the world of Carthasana and others.

The Fallen, Lord Strife
Symbol: A broken crown
Alignment: Sodra and Valra (LE)
Portfolio: Tyranny, Slavery, Oppression
Domains: Discord, Earth, Hate, Nobility, Tyrrany
Favored Weapon: The Partisan
The Power
Legend holds that Berenash once controlled an empire of
unimaginable power in the centuries preceding even the Malchani
Empire (Though many scribes believe this to be a boast). Through
treachery or, some say, his own will his empire fell apart and
Berenash was taken into the depths by Sekoon himself to serve at
the Black Lord's right hand. Whatever the case, few doubt
Berenash's qualifications for the post.
The Lord of Tyranny, Berenash is depicted in temple art as a
resplendent king to whom all bow. Those who oppose him are
depicted as being tortured, already slain, or enslaved.
The Ethos
The weak exist only to serve the strong. If something is weak you
either control it or kill it - anything else grants it more honor than it
deserves. Rule by fear - for no other form of rule is consistent or
strong. Show no weakness - or be prepared to fall as a
consequence of that weakness.
The Clergy
Aside from Apenca, Berenash's clergy are the most visible
members of Damosi. They are always scheming to gain control of
some group or power structure. The ongoing Succession War has
given them many opportunities to thrive. In ceremony Berenash's
priests wear white robes with silver trim.
History & Relationships
Father of Rosalynn, priests of Berenash hunt the priests of his
daughter with great vigor in vengeance for the fall of the deitys
mortal empire. Berenash keeps only allies of convenience and will
betray even long term acquaintences to advance his goals. As such
no deity in the pantheon, even those in court Damosi, trust

Berenash or his following, but this works just fine in the court where none
of the members trust one another.

The Assassin, Lord Murder
Symbol: A dagger sheathed in a vial of poison
Alignment: Sodra and Balcra (NE)
Portfolio: Conspiracy, Intrigue, Murder
Domains: Death, Hate, Stealth
Favored Weapon: Dagger
The Power
Tharpoen is rarely mentioned directly in any temple's literature, but he and
his agents are never far from the mind of any deity or priest. Numerous
times in the past he has assassinated his fellow gods, most recently Tersha the former Goddess of Luck and Insanity (portfolios that fell to her son
Terix). His priests likewise tend to dispose of their enemies quietly.
Tharpoen is the known as The Assassin, a title that fits him well since he is
also Lord of Conspiracies and Intrigues. The two go well together, especially
when coupled with his control of murder.
When Tharpoen is depicted at all in temple art it is a shadowy, vaguely
human form with, occasionally, a dagger visible.
The Ethos
The foolish advertise their strength. The wise strike silently from the
shadows, leaving no survivor and no clue as to the identidy, let alone the
strength of the attacker. Let others take risks for you, then reap the
rewards through their elimination while they are yet weak.
The Clergy
Most of Tharpoen's followers are assassins, and his clerics make especially
potent members of that class once they reach the requisite level to enter it.
History & Relationships
Son of Tersha, the former goddess of luck, and Sekoon, half-brother to
Terix, Tharpoen has at least a macabre sense of humor as befits his
maternal lineage, and his priests share this insofar as to make sure that the
assassinations they perform have some ironic humor to the victims death
though this isnt required. So while an assassin may poison food, an assassin
of Tharpoen would go to some pain to make sure it was the victims favorite
food that contained the fatal poison.
Both Tharpoen and his priests are fairly insular available for hire but rarely
making any long lasting agreements.

The Black Hand, Lady of Vengeance
Symbol: A coiled black viper
Alignment: Sodra and Abora (LN)
Portfolio: Retribution, Revenge
Domains: Hate, Retribution, Strength
Favorite Weapon: Hand Ax
The Power
Known among detractors as Her Lady of the Eternal Grudge, Apenca has a
long list of enemies befitting one known to never forgive. This attitude of
hers falls through to her priests, many of whom would be otherwise good
souls were it not for a persecution complex so deeply rooted in their
psyches that they lash out at any they perceive to be wronging them.
Apenca rules over this hatred in all mens hearts the third for revenge
regardless of its justification and regardless of the slight.
Apenca is depicted as a ravenhaired lady clad in full plate and holding an ax
legends call Milcarda. She has recently been depicted more and more often
with Sekoon, and some legends hold that the two have married.

The Power
Trust no one. Trust nothing. Everyone has an agenda that is to
pursued at your expense. No one is truly benevolent - they always
have altruistic motives. Hurt those that wrong you. Slay those
who threaten your life. Punish the crime before it can be done
for thought alone is guilt enough.
The Clergy
Apencas role in Damosi is a very uneasy one for her clerics, then
again they are a group that has enough trouble cooperating with
each other let alone with the other clerics in this court, and given
their choice of allies even a paladin can understand their sense of
paranoia. There is a great deal of distrust between Apencas flock
and Tharpoens, and the two keep apart as much as possible.
The clerical vestments of these priests are emerald green with
yellow accents.
History & Relationships
She of the eternal everlasting grudge has very few friends. Apenca
was Sekoons first wife, though most of his children are bastard
children born to Tersha before she was ultimately destroyed by
Sekoon. Apenca has slowly begun drifting away from Sekoons
influence since being betrayed.
Historically Apenca was a much more powerful deity than she is
now, but Sekoon managed to pull much of her portfolios away and
grant them to his children. While Apenca still works with Sekoon,
she hates him deeply and above all.

Shadows know the one secret the light shall never pierce though it
shall always foolishly believe Purity is a lie. - Kerith
The enigmatic Court of Shadow, Shadrea and its agents are feared
by all other courts. Little is known of the court by outsiders
beyond the identidy of the deities which grant their spells and
answer their prayers. Their agendas, motives, powers, resources
and number are all secret, and numerous murders of spies and
would be traitors have worked to insure it will remain so.
Shadrea is sometimes known as the Court of Whispering Death.
Where Damosi destroys, Shadrea corrupts, and for this reason
more than any other all four other courts have a healthy fear of
Shadrea, its lure and its power.
While the clergy of Shadrea may be quite underground, its deities
are not. Indeed, three members of the court Senda, Char and
Kepho have at their disposal some of the most powerful portfolios
for havoc and destruction. More often then not they obliquely
employ these powers. Why then the clergy is underground is not
understood unless one considers that they may be pursuing a
darker agenda still.
Shadrean doctrine is one of corruption. Divide and conquer is a
classic theme, and more than one conflict between Aurnon and
Rizaldi can be laid at the feet of a Shadrean agent. Their world of
secrecy is necessary to protect them not only from their enemies,
but also from each other. Although Shadrea puts up a unified face,
they have a tendency to turn on each other far more often than
the other courts.

Of the Night, Lady Black

it. Volcanoes, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Gales, Blizzards, and

natural disasters of all other kinds can be blamed solely on Char,
and he relishes in it with great intensity.

Symbol: A near black disk with solid black eyes.

Alignment: Sodra (CE)
Portfolio: Darkness, Shadow, Night, Corruption, Lies
Domains: Corruption, Darkness, Death, Discord, Infliction, Shadow, Trickery
Favored Weapon: The Net

Char is depicted as the legendary Tarrasque, for it is said this beast

is his avatar and true form an unstoppable engine of destruction
with nothing but malevolence for the world. He holds tornadoes of
pure fire in his hands and breaths lightning bolts out of his mouth.
Fortunately he has not been seen in this form for centuries.

The Power
Lady Black has been Teans mortal enemy since the beginning of time. The
Goddess of Darkness, Shadow and Night holds great power, or at least fear
throughout the land, but her hold is never complete banished completely
by day and weakened at night by Carthasanas three moons. All the same,
Telzoans have a great deal to fear her and the malice that is born within her

The Ethos
Destroy. Any way. Any means. It matters not. The world was
created so it could be destroyed. The mountains where raised up
to be broke down. The seas where laid down to be evaporated
away. Nothing is eternal, so gain power in the destruction of all


Senda is depicted as a completely near black shadowy form, sometimes

humanoid, more often amorphous, with two eyes that are even blacker
than the rest of her black form. If she is capacle of other forms she has yet
to adopt them. She rarely speaks aloud, but her voice can be heard as a
whisper in the mind, the little voice that encourages us all to do the wrong
thing is said to be of Sendas design.
The Ethos
The weak are those which foolishly believe that the world is clear and
crystal if only the light can be brought upon it. It is the light that is the lie,
the truth lies in darkness, and it is far more frightening than any fool can
comprehend. Side with the darkness and Senda will embrace and protect
you. Fight the darkness and eventually it will consume and destroy you.
There is no light that does not know the touch of shadow. Everything is or
can be corrupted it is only a matter of time until this shall occur. Time
itself began in darkness, and it shall end that way.
The Clergy
Sendites are known to produce robes which act as cloaks of elvenkind in any
amount of darkness, and they wear these at all times. They are a very
secretive lot and tend to pose as priests of other gods intentionally, that
they might more easily corrupt the foolish followers of other gods. The
faith is organized tightly despite being mostly chaotic. Priests belong to
circles of two to twelve individuals, and the number in any circle is always
History & Relationships
Senda is one of the oldest powers in the pantheon along with her natural
nemesis Tean. The creation story told in most areas of the world involves
these two powers. Though through the years many powerful beings have
arose, few can move the people for good or ill quite as much as the god of
light and the goddess of the night.

Of Violence, Lord of Storms
Symbol: A lightning bolt afore a tornado.
Alignment: Sodra and Abora (CE)
Portfolio: Destruction, Storms, Malice, Violence
Domains: Air, Corruption, Destruction, Fire, Storm
Favored Weapon: The Hammer.
The Power
Char. The very name can send shivers of dread and fear up the spine of the
most stalwart paladin. The only deity of Shadrea that does not know the
meaning of the word subtle, while he may be the most visible of the
Shadrean powers, his priests have to be as secretive as possible to survive
the wrath of the many whove lost lost loved ones to Chars tremendous
and near continual wrath.
Char could probably count his active worshippers on one hand. That
matters little to him, cause nearly no one on the island doesnt
acknowledge his existence and power, and he constantly reminds them of

The Clergy
A character wishing to become one of Chars five or so priests has
his work cut out for him in gaining followers, or staying alive but
it does happen on occasion. There is one village in Creania that has
a priest and a following to Char the villagers struggling to
appease the god and his priest lest the volcano less than two miles
away erupts killing them all.
History & Relationships
Another of Sekoon and Tershas violent bastard children, Char has
proven to be far too uncontrollable for Sekoons taste and he has
been cast out of his court. Senda has embraced him and not only
allowed him to do as he wishes but actively aided and magnified
his power by adding storms to his initial powers over volcanism.
Char for the most part serves as a distraction for the forces of good
the more attention his destruction garners the easier a time
Senda has in more subversive destruction.

Of the Bleeding Field, Lady of the Sword
Symbol: A greatsword soaked in blood.
Alignment: Sodra and Valra (CE)
Portfolios: Aggressive War, Conquest, Slaughter
Domains: Corruption, Metal, Retribution, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: The Greatsword
The Power
Goddess of Attack and Slaughter, Sana appears as an impossibly
beautiful woman in full plate but wearing no helmet, with blood
red hair and eyes. Despite her lithe form she is incredibly strong
and more than a match for any who would fight her.
The Ethos
War is the means by which the strong cull out the weak. It is to be
encouraged, for the survivors are always stronger because of it.
Peace is nothing more than a time of rest between conflicts, and a
rest that need not be lengthy. War is truth of the hatred of man
unabashed, honest and pure. Peace is a lie in its horrible light.
The Clergy
Sanas following is large, as befits a nation at war. She may not be
personally popular, but many of the champions of her order have
gained great popularity. Her priests wear a red bandana into battle
to symbolize Sanas blood red hair and wear no helmet. They
charge furiously into battle for it is a great honor to gain the first
kill in any battle.
History & Relationships
Sana is the daughter of Sekoon and was in Damosi until he aided
Tela in an attempt to kill her. Though Sana was victorious, she has
become alienated to her father and sister. Her hatred for them is

hotter than for any good aligned entity. Cuvanill, the Goddess of Defense, is
Sanas usual antagonist.

Of the Depths. Lord Doom
Symbol: A blackened skull
Alignment: Sodra and Balcra (NE)
Porfolio: Undeath, Disease, Pestilence, Evil Souls.
Domains: Corruption, Death, Undead
Favored Weapon: Scythe
The Power
Death is always feared, and that can be seen merely by how much
Matachas priests unnerve folks in their travels. But if Matachas good
aligned followers unnerve, Kephos following tends to scare the hell out the
Kepho is the God of Unkind Death. When one dies to pestilence or disease
Kepho is held to blame. His priests lurk in the shadows, waiting to torture
the souls of the innocent even further by animating their remains and
forcing them into a slavery beyond the grave. Kepho is depicted as a
powerful lich wielding a scythe who is willing to torture any and all who
would so much as annoy him. The bodies of the dead and dying each grasp
at his tattered robes, and decay abounds everywhere in his presence.
The Ethos
Decay is the natural order of things. Death is a release to be given only after
the cleansing torture of torment by disease and pestilence. Cling to your
gods, for if thou art false Kepho shall have your very soul to torment for

The Clergy
Most followers of Narisane are prostitutes. While Telzoa has not
historically had that much of a taboo associated with this
profession, the fall of Narisane to darkness and the changes it has
incurred in her following has begun to darken the reputations of
the Ladies of the Night.
History & Relationships
Self destructive and self serving to a fault, Narisane is the twin
sister of Arisane the Queen of the Nymphs. Jealous of her sister she
concocted a means to scar her permanently believing Cuane her
mother would be forced to make Narisane queen since Arisanes
beauty would no longer be unearthly. Her plan backfired and her
parents expelled her from the court until she repented. Instead she
has fell into Sendas fold to become more powerful still and a
dangerous corrupting force against the power of love.

The final court of Telensitary is Siliani, the druidic court.
Concerned with the maintanence of the natural world, the five
deities of this court remain somewhat aloof and removed from the
machinizations and plots of the other four members of the court.
Its deities also remain the most popular with the country folk that
are far more dependent on their whims.
As its nickname implies, only druids act within Siliani. There are no
clerics in this court, so there is no need to detail the domains
granted by the deities of this court.

The Lord of the West Wind

The Clergy
The silent deathbringers that form Kephos following are rarely seen, but
said to haunt graveyards looking for likely victims for use in their nefarious
schemes of torture and revilement. They, like most of Sendas following,
wear solid black robes with no adornment.
History & Relationships
One of the few ascended mortals in the Telzoan pantheon, Kepho is the
brother of Matacha and became a god as a result of her interference with
his attempt at merely becoming a lich. Kepho is somewhat bemused at
the situation and does what he can to further his power and further
torment his sister. Kepho sees himself as the lord of undeath, that his
powers can bring death to the living is a mere convenient annoyance to his
sister and many of his enemies.

The Whore, Lady Seduction
Symbol: A black heart
Alignment: Shunra and Sodra (CN)
Portfolio: Lust, Seduction, Coercion
Domains: Charm, Corruption, Trickery
Favored Weapon: The whip
The Power
Narisane is the Goddess of Lust, seduction and coercion. Secrets whispered
atop pillows over liquored minds are hers to know and she is the guardian
of all who use sex in any means to control or profit over others. She is the
power over sex for its own sake and more darkly, sex without love but for
selfish pleasure alone. Though she holds an attractive lure, she is indeed
dark and due to her nature she may be the most dangerous deity in the
Shadrean host, although she is not the most powerful.
The Ethos
Lust is the truest weakness of the human soul, and like all weaknesses it
exists to be exploited. Pleasure is found in exploitation and controlling
others through their emotions, thoughts, fears and dreams. Satisfy the dark
urgings of others, but leave them hungry for still more at all times.

Symbol: A brown disk with a withered leaf.

Alignment: Abora and Shunra (LN)
Portfolio: Autumn, The West Wind, Drought.
Favored Weapon: The Staff.
Lord Basia rules the chaotic withering touch of drought that usually
comes during the early fall preceeding the harvest. His time is one
of great splendor, especially of color. Basia is sometimes depicted
as a mad painter as a result of the turning leaf colors. More often
he is shown as an emancipated old man with badly chapped lips
and the symptoms of dehydration.

The Lord of the East Wind
Symbol: A blue disk with a green leaf
Alignment: Abora and Balcra (NG)
Portfolio: Spring, The East Wind, Mysts, Renewal
Favored Weapon: The Dart.
The Springlord is one of the most popular of the deities of
Telensiarty. He is considered a god of hope and birth as well as his
official positions of Spring and Renewal. Damnisus rise in power
has, it is rumored, led to some clerics following him in addition to
druids, but as of yet such individuals have yet to be found. For now
the druids themselves are quiet on the issue, though there are
many druids that are unduly loyal to the myst lord.

The Lord of the South Wind
Symbol: A black disk with a rain drop.
Alignment: Abora and Valra (CN)
Portfolio: Summer, The North Wind, Rain
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
The Summerlord has become progressively weaker both in
following and in power in the last century. Char is suspected to be
the culprit, as the portfolios of the two have left them in great

conflict since the Siliani entered Telensitary. If Tethas does fall he would
not be the first deity to do so over time.


All the same, Tethas is the ruler of the south winds and the rain that comes
on them. At one time the violence of the summer thunderstorms was his to
claim, but Char has since subsumed that identidy in the pantheon.

Alignment: Abora, Balcra, Shunra, Sodra and Valra (N)

Portfolio: Magic, Knowledge Unknown, The Supernatural.

The Lady of the North Wind
Symbol: A white disk with a snow flake
Alignment: Abora and Sodra (NE)
Portfolio: Winter, The North Wind, Cold
Favored Weapon: The Mace
Lady Sere is known in most of Telzoa as the Bitch Queen of the North. Easily
the most well known of the druid deities even among those who do not
worship her directly, Sere has managed to defend her portfolio against
Chars incursions into natural calamities far better than her counterpart
Tethas has. This may be due to the fact that she is easily as ruthless as Char
when driven to rage, and she is far more patient. The wrath of Sere is
something that no Telzoan jokes about, for snowfalls on the island of up to
a foot are not unknown and the past few winters have been especially harsh
and viscious.

Her Lady of the Eternal Circle
Symbol: An unadorned disk
Alignment: Abora (N)
Portfolio: Cycles, The Natural World.
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Known as the Silent Mother, Tiania is the most powerful deity in Court
Siliani and one of the most powerful deities in the whole pantheon. Yet she
is quiet. Beyond granting spells to druids she does not communicate to the
outside world at all. Auguries and other divinations done by druids are
always answered by one of the four gods of the winds Tiania herself never
speaks. All the same the belief in her existence remains strong, and some
druids maintain that she does speak if you know how to listen to the
world all around you.

Lord Mage

While Pektos claims no titles, he holds many names in the

references of wizards and other spellcasters everywhere. He is
known as the Master of the Craft, Lord of Wizards and to a few as
the One True Spell. The scope of his powers is known to none, and
it is said that mystery lies at the core of his being and that of magic
so much so that if magic where ever fully understood, Pektos
would be destroyed. Whatever truth or fiction lies in this witticism,
it is known that Pektos is the most secretive of the deities of
Telensitary. He seems unconcerned with the activities of all the
other deities. Perhaps he shouldnt be as he commands the very
energies they use to garner worship.
Pektos has no known priest at all, which makes him the only power
in Carthasana that is completely removed from the restriction of
belief. Or perhaps it is the belief in magic itself that makes it
possible for Pektos to exist without any priesthood whatsoever.

The religion of Pentalism, in contrast to Telensitary, has only five
deities of roughly equal powers. Pentalism is a highly aggressive
religion, with its roots in the Estarian Empire. Founded by Gregory
the Clark c. 300 SR, it has since grown to become the state religion
of that empire.

Landala: Goddess of Fire and Law, Landala is known as the

Light of Truth. Her priests are referred to as Heresy
Examiners, and they have a great deal of power and influence
in the Estarian Empire, where they all but control the courts.
Landalas alignment is white / red grants spells from the
domains of Charm, Earth, Fire, Luck, and Retribution. Her
favored weapon is the morningstar.

Indralia: Indralia rules the soothing winds and air. She is also
the manifest power behind those forces when they show her
rage, which is rare but awful to behold. Seen as a healer and
teacher, it is the priests of Indralia which are most likely to be
found in Telzoa - acting as the vanguard of the Pentalist
teachings. They have been met in Telzoa with suspicion and
hatred by the native priests, even to the point of being
executed by Aurnonian priests. She is aligned white / green
and her favored weapon is the quarterstaff. She grants
domain spells from Aid, Air, Community, Healing, Protection,
and Renewal.

Tala: The Pentalist Goddess of Water and Chaos, Tala is the

trickster but also the warrior of the pantheon. She is blue /
white in alignment and her favored weapon is the longsword.
She grants domain spells of Animal, Family, Guardian, Plant,
Storm and Water.

Sadier: Sadier is the God of Earth and the dead in Pentalist

lore. He rules over all of the fallen souls of the world (so the
Pentalist say) and punishes heretics above all others. He is
black / white in alignment and his favored weapon is the
Scythe. He gives domain spells from Darkness, Death,
Destruction, Liberation, and Undead.

Paltos: The Mediating One, Paltos is the deity that keeps the
other four focused on their common goal of destroying all
competing religions. Paltos is Blue aligned only and grants
spells from the domains Air, Magic, Travel, Trickery, and

Fate & Magic

Two of Telensitarys deities arent associated with a court. Each of them
rules powerful portfolios that require their utmost neutrality in the affairs of
mortals. Although clerics and the common folk refer to them often and
sometimes beseech their favor, they each lack a following in the sense that
the other deities have priesthoods. Indeed, each of them has only one
priest each, individuals so unique that the details of their prestige classes
are detailed with them.

The Seer, Fate
Alignment: Balcra (N)
Portfolio: Time, Fate, Prophecy.
As goddess of time, at least as mortals understand the concept, Oralea is a
goddess apart from all the others. She is alone among the gods in being
able to see the future perfectly, or rather she sees all futures that might
occur. She holds in her hands the fate of all mortals and, some whisper, all
gods as well. All the other gods respect her if not fear her outright, and
even the likes of Char and Sekoon have never dared reproach her, even for
a moment.
Oralea is served by The Oracle, a prophetess who holds court in the Valley
of the Gods far to the west of Dalsundria proper on the side of Mt. Calnis,
the highest mountain on the island. This area is known to be inhabited by
some of the most treacherous creatures in the world, and many
adventurerers who have sought out The Oracle, whoever and whatever she
is, have never returned.

Courts of Night & Day

Lirashnal is the thief. The exploiter of the weak and

defenseless, usually by treachery and always by some form of
trickery. He keeps the followers of Panial at particular unease
since he and his followers love to imitate and implicate Panial
in their schemes. His favored weapon is the dagger. He is
Blue/Black aligned and grants spells from the Corruption,
Darkness, Elf, Shadow, and Stealth domains.

Belandra the Bitch Queen is the seductress who lures elves to

embrace their seelie natures with a promise of an eternity in
this realm. Elven player characters are more likely to come
into conflict with priests of this deity than any other. She is
black aligned and her favored weapon is the sickle. She
grants spells from the domains Charm, Corruption, Darkness,
Elf, and Hate.

Grimwall is the Unseelie aspect of Warrick. Where Warrick

and his following engage in chivalrous warfare, Grimwall has
a take-no-prisoners anything goes approach. His only
redeeming quality is said to be his lack of subtlety once he is
striking. Before he strikes is the problem - Grimwall is a
master of ambush. He is red/green aligned and He favors the
longbow. He grants spells from the domains of Darkness, Elf,
Guardian, Retribution, and Strength.

Elves follow a faith hinged on the passage of power between the Seelie and
Unseelie courts. Each court has five members.
According to the Elven faith there was once only five deities, but during an
ancient battle with the goblins the carnage was so great that madness
consumed the elven gods. To save their sanities each of them split in half.
In the interceding years each of these deities have become more polarized
from their counterpart. Elven priests warn of the danger of forgetting
either side of their nature altogether, and it is often during the equinox
festivals that elves will indulge their "darker selves" (or lighter selves as the
case may be). During such times elven priests and other oath-bound
characters are often set free from normal obligations - and many tales are
whispered of dark elven revenges taken on these nights, known as Samial,
which is in the spring, and Dramial, which is in the fall.
Elven seelie deities grant spells from the green, white and red alignments.
Unseelie deities grant spells from the black, red and green alignments.

The Seelie Court

Januel the Guardian. His people are the green elves. He oversees the
cycles of the world and this includes the transition of his court's power
to that of the Unseelie court during the Dramial. He rules all three
moons, and in artistry these globes circle his head as ioun stones. His
favored weapon is the longsword. He is green aligned and grants
spells from the domains Animal, Elf, Family, Plant, and Sun.
Alsiar the Keeper of the Tomes. His people are the Kindani. He
guards the elven peoples and bids his people do the same. A scholar,
historian and warrior, Alsiar is a strong proponent of applying the
lessons of the past towards the future. His favored weapon is the
spear. He is green/blue anligned grants spells from the domains of Elf,
Healing, Knowledge, Magic, and Sun.
Panial is the trickster and rapscallion of the seelie court. His people
are the Crystali. Nothing is certain about this deity, even its sex.
Laughter, song and dance - the frolic for which all elves are so well
known are his province. His favored weapon is the staff. He is
red/green aligned and has the domains Elf, Liberation, Luck, Sun, and
Frey is the captain of the grey fleet which takes the souls of the elves
to their heavenly rewards. His people are those rare few Duransi who
have chosen to shun their Unseelie ways. A somber deity, he speaks
only in whispers, as do most of his priests His favored weapon is the
long sword. He green/white aligned and grants spells from the
domains of Elf, Rest, Sea, Sun, Water.

The Glory of Ancestors

Dwarves engage in what is essentially an elaborate form of
ancestor worship. Each clan, during ceremonies, recites the names
of all the members passed and sings the tales of their glory. At the
head of the ancestry are three powers presiding over the cycle of
life in this world.

Freyalis is the eternal mother, with power over birth and

renewal. When forced to protect her children she relies on
the mace. She is green and white in alignment. She grants
spells from the domains Ancestor, Community, Dwarf, Family,
Guardian, Healing, and Renewal. She is the mother of the
following two deities.

Dulthos is the keeper of the secrets under the mountain and

the protector of the dwarven race. He is a warrior first and
foremost, and distrustful of all other races and their gods. He
is also somewhat implacable and plodding. His favored
weapon is the dwarven waraxe and he is aligned red, green
and white. He grants spells of the Cavern, Dwarf, Earth,
Metal, Protection, Strength, and War domains.

Nalru is the slayer, the lord of greed. Sometimes known as

the dark twin of Freyalis, he rules over death and his touch is
feared by all dwarves. His favored weapon is the spear and
he aligned red, black and blue. He grants spells of the
Ancestor, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Dwarf, Earth, and
Undead domains. Nalru, in practice, has almost no priests,
but dwarves constantly try to appease him and pray that he
gives the souls of their loved ones a safe journey to the

Warrick is the violent elven god of war. Overly jolly in the face of the
slaughter of the field, Warrick is said by his detractors to represent the
worst of a people - their capacity to destroy sentient life. Warrick's
priests often retort, "since when did goblins count as sentient?"
Warrick favors the great sword (The better to dice orcs with). He is
red/green aligned and grants spells from the domains of Elf,
Protection, Strength, Sun, and War

The Unseelie Court

Imlocrin the Disruptor. He who brings about the end of all things.
Imlocrin, and most of the rest of the Unseelie court have no real claim
to any of the elven races, but he is most strongly opposed to Januel.
He oversees the activities of the Unseelie Court and begrudgingly
surrenders its authority during the Samial. He is Black/Red aligned
and grants spells from the domains Darkness, Destruction, Elf, Fire,
and Storm.

Trishdare is the liar. He is seeks to destroy the world's knowledge and

bring ignorance to the world. He is Black/Green aligned and favors the
longsword and grants spells from the domains of Charm, Darkness, Elf,
Luck, and Trickery.

Dance of Seasons
Gnomes have a set of four deities, each which rules a season.
Gnomes are curious in that they do not maintain set holy days
based on any pattern humans recognize. However, most of the
time this is due to the fact that the gnomish calendar is insanely
complex - taking 250 human years to complete a cycle.

Sanshan is the Goddess of the Spring. She rules the Air and
the breeze. Depicted as a beautiful little girl gnome, Sanshan
is sometimes called the giggler by outsiders. She favors the
staff as a weapon and she is aligned black / green. She grants
spells from the domains of Air, Family, Gnome, Healing, and

Calruldal rules Summer and the Sun. He is a golden colored gnome

who, during the night, works long hours in his shop working on gizmos
and gimcracks. He thus embodies the well known (and occasionally
feared) spirit of gnomish inventiveness. His favored weapon is the
crossbow and he grants spells in the domains of Gnome, Knowledge,
Creation, Fire, Sun. He is aligned black / white.

Fas is the Goddess of Autumn. Depicted as a mad painter, Fas loves to

display her abstract brilliance in the leaves of the world. Despite the
chaotic appearance of her works though, she is very methodical. She
is aligned black / red and she favors the dagger. She grants spells of
the domains of Animal, Earth, Gnome, Magic, and Plant.

Elrico is the Keeper of Winter. The Gnomic God of Endings is despised

by the race that believes in him, but his position in the pantheon is
unquestioned. He is aligned black / blue and favors the dagger. The

Gnomes who follow him are granted spells from the domains
of Darkness, Death, Destruction, Gnome, and Water.

The Spirit Mother

Oyasini follow an entity known as Ooyas-shandra, who is there sole
deity. They view the rest of the gods of the world as mere spirits
that have gotten full of themselves in asking for worship.
Ooysashandra embodies all five colors of magic she grants spells
from the domains: Air, Community, Earth, Family, Fire, Halfling,
Protection, Purity, and Water.

Art of Magic
Chapter 6
When it began none can say. Since the dawn of dragons has magic
flowed through the veins of this world, and it will continue long
after the elves are gone and men are nothing more than creatures
of fable in books written by rabbits. Empires rise and fall. Races
come and go. Gods ascend and then are forgotten. Magic stays.
Magic is.
The study of magic, in all of its forms and ways is as ancient as
writing and thought itself. It drives us to do that which is
impossible. It, like us, changes. It, like us, evolves slowly over time.
So it is that magic in the means and ways that it is studied has come
to its current form by a slow and painful process.
Magic is belief. As such it is subject to the whims of the collective
unconscious body of all the souls who wield it and those who fear it.
It is not enough to study what magic can do, it is not even enough
to study what magic should do. One must study what magic might
do. One must open their very souls to possibility - and thereupon is
the single truth that cuts the line between the master and the
Magic is majesty and destitution. It is in the singing of our music
and the whispers of our secrets. It is the aspiration of greatness and
the stooping to low folly. It is the king's wish and the wizard's
destiny. It is the truth and the lie. It is all that is good, but also all
of evil. It is in the light and dark. It is found in love and hatred. It
begins in thought and ends in action. It lies in instinct and resolves
in a strike. It is the everything - it is the nothing. It is the realization
and reality of our very dreams. That is the danger - for with dreams
must follow nightmares.
In this chapter we will explore and expand the magic system of Pathfinder
to present how spells are used in the World of Carthasana. On the surface
magic in the Dusk campaign works much like any other Pathfinder setting
wizards and clerics prepare spells and cast them while sorcerers and bards
spontaneously cast from fixed lists. However, spells are resorted in this
book and the rules that are based upon spell types are expanded and
Throughout this chapter spells from the Core Rulebook are in italics and
spells which appear for the first time in this book are in bold italics. Spells
appearing in the Advanced Player's Guide have the superscript APG next to
their name, and UC is used for Ultimate Combat, UM for Ultimate Magic,
and ARG for the Advanced Race Guide.

Incantations and Rituals

This book introduces the concept of incantations and rituals, which divides
spells broadly between the sorts of magic that get used in combat, and the
sorts of spells that are used during exploration and between adventures by
the characters. The spell entries in this book cleanly label each ritual by
calling them such on the line after the spell's name, "Ritual Aboran
Transmutation" or "Ritual Sodran Necromancy". If a spell isn't a ritual it's an
Rituals from other Pathfinder books are easy enough to spot - they take one
minute or longer to cast. What makes this distinction special in the Dusk
setting is that rituals are never prepared. That is, wizards cast rituals directly
from their spellbook, Sorcerers must also use a scroll or spellbook to work
with these spells, Clerics and oracles must refer to a prayerbook and so on.
Rituals simply take too long to memorize any significant part of them, and
the longest rituals can take many hours to cast. For this reason, they are
never prepared and then completed later.

The oracle and sorcerer classes are the most affected by this rule
change. Spells like scrying and sending are now available to them
without occupying one of their precious spells known slots.
A character can perform any number of rituals so long as their spell
levels do not exceed her character level. So a 9th level character
can perform a 5th level ritual and a 4th level ritual in the same day,
or a 4th level ritual and 5 1st level rituals in one day, and so on.
Non-spellcasters may also attempt rituals if they have the spellcraft
skill. They may perform a ritual if they have more ranks in
spellcraft than twice the spell's level (a 5th level spell takes 10
ranks in spellcraft to cast). The combined level of the rituals
performed cannot exceed half the character's ranks in spellcraft.
Hence a 10th level fighter with 10 ranks in spellcraft can perform
one 5th level ritual. For purposes of this rule divine and arcane
spellcraft are separate skills. The character's caster level is their
ranks in spellcraft.
Some new incantations from this book can be cast as rituals for
greater effect, usually in terms of their duration. When this is the
case the spell description will have notes for its use as a ritual.
When a spellcaster has an incantation prepared or knows it as a
spell they may choose to use the spell slot to cast the ritual instead
of having it count against their rituals limit for the day.

Universal Spells
The handful of spells that are "universal" have no alignment, no
school, and usually have no descriptors. They are limited to the
sorts of magic that no spellcaster should be denied - essential
magics if you will such as detect magic, but also powerful spells
that defy any classification such as wish.
arcane mark, detect magic, limited wish, mage hand, open/close,
permanency, prestidigitation, read magic, reckless dweomer, wish

Alignments of Magic
In Carthasana Magic is aligned and bent towards a purpose.
Almost all spells in the setting belong to one of five alignments, the
same five alignments that characters can have that where
described in the previous chapter. In the listing of a spell from this
book a spell's alignment will appear before the school as in "Valran
Transmutation" or "Sodran Necromancy".
While there are no global governing rules concerning spells
because of their alignments, the alignment of a spell is a clue to its
perceived purpose and how its use is received in the world. Most
of the society of man in Carthasana is Valran aligned, and so
Shunran and especially Sodran spells have a nasty reputation
(though considering what that magic is capable of, perhaps it is

Aboran or green spells are concerned
with driving the forces of natural growth.
Commoners often beseech druids and
other casters of this magic to use their
powers to insure a good harvest or to
stave off natures wrath. However Abora
can also invoke such wrath and will often do so to destroy the
forces it views as enemies. Aboran philosophy is concerned with
birth, growth, and renewal, and as such most of the spells that
enhance living creatures belong to it.



acute senses , adoration , age resistance (greater) , age

resistance (lesser) , age resistance , alacrity, allegro ,



allfood , alluring scent, alter self, animal aspect (greater) , animal aspect
, animal growth, animal magnetism, animal messenger, animal scouts,
animal shapes, animal trance, animate plants, ant haul (communal) , ant
haul , anthropomorphic animal , anticipate peril , arboreal hammer
, aspect of the bear , aspect of the falcon , aspect of the stag ,
aspect of the wolf , atavism (mass) , atavism , awaken, badger's
ferocity , banish seeming , barkskin, bear's endurance (mass) , bear's
endurance, beast shape I, beast shape II, beast shape III, beast shape IV,
bestow trick, blend , blessing of the mole , bloodhound , bow spirit ,
break slumber, bristle , bull's strength (mass) , bull's strength, burst of
speed , call animal , calm animals, cape of wasps , carapace, cat's
grace (mass) , cat's grace, certain grip , chameleon stride , changestaff,
charm animal, charm monster (mass) charm monster, charm person, chill
metal, choking vines, circle of clarity , cloak of shade , cocoon,
command plants, commune with nature, companion mind link , control
plants, control weather, corroding burst, creeping doom, creeping mold,
crumble, deadeye's lore , death from below , decompose corpse ,
delay poison (communal) , delay poison, detect animals or plants, detect
poison, detect snares and pits, diagnose disease , divine pursuit ,
dominate animal, eagle aerie , eagle's splendor (mass) , eagle's splendor,
early harvest, echolocation , elemental infusion, enlarge person (mass) ,
enlarge person, entangle, escaping ward , accelerated decay, euphoric
tranquility , evolution surge (greater) , evolution surge (lesser) ,
evolution surge , expeditious retreat, feather step (mass) , feather
step , find quarry , fog cloud, follow aura , forest friend , forest maze,
forest's eyes, form lock, fox's cunning (mass) , fox's cunning, fumbletongue
, giant vermin, goodberry, gravity bow , grove of respite , harden
snow, hide from animals, hold animal, hollow tree, hunter's eye , insect
plague, instant enemy , invigorate (mass) , invigorate , joyful rapture
, jump, keen senses , lay of the land, life bubble , life conduit (greater)
, life conduit (improved) , life conduit , lily pad stride , litany of sight
, liveoak, locate creature, lockjaw , longshot , longstrider, lycanthropic
curse, mad monkeys , mage's faithful hound, magic fang (greater) magic
fang, magnify sight, major creation, mark to the maker, minor creation,
monstrous physique I , monstrous physique II , monstrous physique III ,
monstrous physique IV , moonstruck , mount (communal) , mount, nap
stack , natural rhythm , nature's exile , negate aroma , neutralize
poison, obscuring mist, one with nature, owl's wisdom (mass), owl's
wisdom, pass without trace, perceive cues , pied piping , plant growth,
plant shape I, plant shape II, plant shape III, poison, polymorph (greater) ,
polymorph, primal scream , pup shape , rampage, reduce animal, reduce
person (mass) , reduce person, regenerate, reincarnate, rejuvenate eidolon
(greater) , rejuvenate eidolon (lesser) , rejuvenate eidolon ,
rejuvenate, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, remove paralysis,
remove sickness , residual tracking , resinous skin , restful sleep ,
restore eidolon (lesser) , restore eidolon , resurgent transformation ,
root, rusting grasp, rusting ray, savage maw , scent trail , scent,
seclude, secure shelter, see invisibility, sepia snake sigil, shambler,
shapechange, share senses , sheltering branches, shillelagh, siege of trees
(greater) , siege of trees , snake staff , snare, snow walk, solid fog,
song of charm, sound shell, speak with animals, speak with plants, spider
climb (communal) , spider climb, spike growth, strong jaw , stumble
gap , summon eidolon , summon swarm, surge, swarmform, symbol of
revelation , tendril walker, terrain bond , thorn body , threefold
aspect , tireless pursuers , tireless pursuit , transmogrify , transmute
metal to wood, transport via plants, tree shape, tree stride, true form ,
unfetter , vermin shape I vermin shape II , viper bomb admixture , wall
of thorns, ward of the season , warp wood, web shelter , web,
whispering lore , wilderness soldiers , wood shape, wooden phalanx ,
youthful appearance

Balcran magic doesnt commonly enter the
thoughts of the commonfolk, for it is the magic of
thought and possibility and with that comes
illusions, divinations and other highly subtle spells.
If this was all Balcran magic could do it would
quickly fall behind the other types in power, but
oddly a Balcran wizard is the one all others are loathe to fight a spell duel
with for this philosophy has the some of the most powerful metamagic
spells at its disposal giving it the ability to quickly adapt its already flexible

spell selection to the needs at hand. It is also readily able to dispel

or counterspell the threats opponents raise against it.



absorbing touch , adjuring step , air bubble , air walk

(communal) , air walk, alchemical allocation , alter winds ,
amplify elixer , analyze dweomer, animate objects, animate rope,
aqueous orb , arcana theft , arcane concordance , arcane
eye, arcane sight (greater) , arcane sight, astral projection (lesser)
, astral projection, attunement, augury, baleful polymorph,
bard's escape , blink, blur, borrow skill , brief reprieve, brilliant
inspiration , bungle , buoy, call construct , catalogue, chain
contingency, chaos in the mind's eye, chill, circumvent,
clairaudience / clairvoyance, clear mind, clearsight, cloak of
dreams , cloak of winds , color spray, compulsion, concentrate,
confiscate, contingency, control construct , control water, control
winds, counterspell, countless eyes , crafter's fortune , create
water, damp powder , daze (mass) , daze monster, daze, deep
slumber, deep water, deflection, delay, delayed consumption ,
delude divination, demand, demystify, detect aberration , detect
scrying, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, detect undead,
dimension door, discern location, discombobulate, discovery torch
, disguise other , disguise self, dispel magic (greater) , dispel
magic, displace perspective, displacement, dissipate, divine edict,
donate, douse, dream, eagle eye , elemental body I, elemental
body II, elemental body III, elemental body IV, elude time , enter
image , ethereal jaunt, etherealness, expend , exquisite
accompaniment , fabricate, false vision, fearsome duplicate ,
feather fall, fickle winds , find the path, find traps, fluid form ,
fly (mass) , fly, forbid, force void, forced quiet , foresight,
frostbite , frozen note , gallant inspiration , gaseous form,
getaway , geyser , ghost sound, ghostly disguise , glibness,
glide , glitterdust, guiding star , gust of wind, heroic finale ,
hidden speech , hide campsite , hideous laughter, hostile
juxtaposition (greater) , hostile juxtaposition , hostile levitation
, hydraulic push , hydraulic torrent , hypnotic pattern,
hypnotism, ice body , ice crystal teleport , icy prison (mass) ,
icy prison , identify, illusion of calm , illusory script, illusory wall,
imaginary pet, imbue with spell ability, instant summons,
intangibility, interplanetary teleport , invisibility (greater) ,
invisibility (mass) , invisibility sphere, invisibility, irresistable dance,
jester's jaunt , jibber jabba, jitterbugs , jury-rig , knock, know
direction, legend lore, levitate, litany of escape , loathsome veil ,
locate object, lullaby, mage's disjunction, mage's guess, mage's
lucubration, mage's magnificent mansion, mage's private sanctum,
magic aura, magic mouth, magnetism, major image, major
phantom object , make whole, malfunction , mask dweomer
(communal) , mask dweomer , mask, masterwork
transformation , mending, message, mind fog, minor dream ,
minor image, minor phantom object , mirage arcana, mirror
image, mirror strike , misdirection, mishap shield, mislead,
mnemonic absorption, mnuemonic enhancer, modify memory,
moment of prescience, mutagenic touch , nondetection
(communal) , nondetection, obscure object, Old Salt's curse ,
oppressive boredom , oracle's vessel , overland flight, passwall,
permanent image, persistent image, phantom chariot , phantom
driver , phantom steed (communal) , phantom steed, phase
door, pilfering hand , polymorph any object, possess object ,
power sink, programmed image, prophecy, prying eyes, prying
eyes, greater, qualm , quench, rainbow pattern, rapid repair ,
recharge innate magic , refuge, refutation, reverse gravity, ride
the waves , river of wind , rope trick, sands of time ,
scintillating pattern, screen, scrying (greater), scrying, sculpt
simulacrum , sculpt sound, seamantle , second chance, secret
chest, secret page, see alignment , seek thoughts , seeming,
sending, sequester, Serrin's phantasm, Serrin's theft, share
language (communal) , share language , share memory ,
shrink item, sift , silence, silent image, sleep, sleight of mind,
slipstream , slow, solid note , solipsist disillusionment, soothe
construct , spell turning, spellstaff, still touch, subjectional
gravity, suggestion (mass), suggestion, summon froghemoth ,
summon instrument, switch costumes, symbol of mirroring ,
symbol of scrying , symbol of slowing , tactical acumen ,



telekinesis, telekinetic assembly , telekinetic charge , telekinetic sphere,

telepathic bond, teleport (greater), teleport object, teleport, teleportation
circle, temporal stasis, Terix's blessing the road left untaken, time spiral,
time stop, time twister, time walk, time warp, timely inspiration , tiny
hut, touch of the sea , treasure stitching , true seeing, tsunami , twin
form , twincast, twisted space , unbreakable construct , understand
unorthodoxy, undetectable alignment, universal formula , unprepared
combatant , unseen servant, vanish , veil, ventriloquism, village veil ,
virtuoso performance , vision, vocal alteration , vortex , walk through
space , wandering star motes , water breathing, water walk (communal)
, water walk, weird, whirlwind, whispering wind, wind walk, wind wall,
winds of vengeance , witness , word of recall, world wave , zone of

The often fiery magics of Shunra are known as
red magic. Among commoners these spells rank
right up with violet magic as being the most feared
of spells. While Shunra is denounced as a magic of
destruction, it is reality a magic of unbridled
passion. It is active, energetic, primal and when
need be it is furious. Easily the most offensive minded of the alignments
when it comes to spell application, Shunran magic isn't especially good at
protection or dispelling threats.

abundant ammunition , ther flash, aggravated assault, arcane cannon

, arrow eruption , ball lightning , battle trance , blade barrier, blade
storm, blessing of the salamander , blistering invective , blood mist ,
bloodlust, boiling blood , bomber's eye , borrow fortune , break ,
brute resolve, burning gaze , burning hands, burrow , burst bonds ,
caging bomb admixture , calcific touch , call lightning storm, call
lightning, campfire wall , chain lightning, chaos ball, chaos bolt, chaos
sphere, chord of shards , clashing rocks , clenched fist, cold ice strike ,
concussive fireball, cone of cold, confusion (lesser) , confusion, contagious
flame , continual flame, control revocation, control summoned creature
, corrosive weapon, create pit , crushing hand, cup of dust , dance of
a hundred cuts , dance of a thousand cuts , deadly finale , deafening
song bolt , defensive shock , delayed blast fireball, destabilize powder ,
detonate , devestation, discordant blast , disintegrate, dissention in the
ranks, distracting cacophony , draconic reservoir , dragon's breath ,
dry, dust form , ear-piercing scream , earthquake, elemental aura ,
elemental body I, elemental body II, elemental body III, elemental body IV,
elemental infusion, elemental touch , enemy hammer , energy siege
shot (greater) , energy siege shot , entropic burst, entropic shield,
entropic wave, expeditious excavation , explosive runes, fabricate bullets
, fanning the flames, fiery body , fiery shuriken , fire breath , fire
seeds, fire shield, fire snake , fire storm, fire trap, fireball, firebrand ,
firefall , fissure, flame arrow, flame blade, flame guide, flame strike,
flames of the faithful , flaming sphere, flaring pain, flash fire , flesh to
stone, focus of hatred, fool's forbiddance , force hook charge , force
punch , form of the dragon I, form of the dragon II, form of the dragon III,
freedom, freezing sphere, frigid touch , frost fall , gate, geyser , giant
form I, giant form II, grasping hand, gratuitous violence, groundswell ,
half-blood extraction , haste, heat metal, horn of pursuit , ice storm,
icicle dagger , incendiary cloud, incinerate, interposing hand, iron body,
ironbeard , ironwood, jolting portent , keen edge, ki arrow , ki shout
, lead blades , lightning arc , lightning bolt, lightning lash bomb
admixture , linebreaker , litany of madness , litany of thunder , locate
weakness , mage's sword, magic missile, magic siege engine (greater) ,
magic siege engine , magic weapon (greater) , magic weapon, malicious
spite , meld into stone, meltdown, meteor swarm, mind burn, move earth,
named bullet (greater) , named bullet , obsidian flow , parch, pellet
blast , play instrument , polar ray, power wave, price of progress,
prismatic spray, produce flame, pyroclastic burst, pyroclastic flow,
pyrotechnics, quick, radiate, rage, rampart , ray of frost, reaching
weapon, reckless infatuation , recoil fire , reloading hands , resonating
word , retribution, returning weapon (communal) , returning weapon ,
ricochet shot , ride the lightning , rolling thunder, scorching ray, scouring
winds , searing light, shared wrath , shatter, shattering pulse, shifting
sand , shock shield , shock, shocking grasp, shocking image ,
shockwave, shout (greater), shout, shower of coals, silk to steel ,



sirocco , sleet storm, smug narcissism , snapdragon fireworks

, soften earth and stone, song of chaos, sonic thrust , sound
burst, spark , spike stones, spiked pit , spirtual weapon,
spontaneous immolation , statue, stone call , stone fist , stone
grasp, stone shape, stone tell, stone to flesh, stoneskin (communal)
, stoneskin, storm of vengeance, stormbolts , summon elder
worm , sun metal , symbol of strife , sympathetic vibration,
tar ball , tar pool , targeted bomb admixture , terrible remorse
, thunder fire , thundering drums , transformation, transmute
mud to rock, transmute rock to lava, transmute rock to mud, true
strike, unadulterated loathing , unerring weapon , unnatural
lust , vengeful outrage , versatile weapon , volcanic storm ,
volley of boulders, wall of fire, wall of force, wall of ice, wall of
iron, wall of lava , wall of lightning, wall of sound , wall of
stone, waves of ecstacy , wildfire, wildstroke, word of chaos,
world wave , wrath , wreath of blades , zap

Sodra's magic is the most feared since it is
the magic of death, fear and darkness.
While Sodran philosophy is centered
around the individual, the magic of Sodra
consists of the very forces which
constrain an individual and forces to
transcend them, such as the magic of undeath. Many claim Sodra's
spells are inherently evil and cannot be used for good, but the
proponents of the philosophy have never been ones to concern
themselves with such outmoded concepts as good and evil.

abandon hope, absorb toxicity , acid arrow, acid fog, acid rain,
acid splash, acidic spray , addle, afflict, agonize , agonizing
memories, animate dead (lesser) , animate dead, antilife shell,
ash storm , aura of doom , bane, befoul, bestow curse, black
mark , black tentacles, blade of dark triumph , blasphemy,
bleed, blight, blindness/deafness, blood crow strike , blood pet,
blood transcription , bloodcurdling scream, brittlebone curse,
brow gasher , buried alive, burst of nettles , cackling skull ,
cause fear, caustic eruption , chain of perdition , Chaldulsul's
hex, chill touch, Ciranu's deathgate, Ciranu's foul transformation,
Ciranu's impenetrable darkness, Ciranu's spite, circle of death,
cloak undead, clone, cloudkill, clutch of undeath, command
undead, conjure black pudding , contagion, contagion, greater ,
control undead, corporeal instability, corpse control, corrosive
consumption , corrosive touch , create greater undead, create
undead, crushing despair, curse (major) , curse item, curse of
disgust , curse of magic negation , curse water, cursed earth ,
dark fate dark ritual, darkness, darkvision (communal) ,
darkvision (greater) , darkvision, deadly juggernaut , death
burst, death knell, death stroke, deepen shadows, deeper
darkness, delay pain , delusional pride , despondency,
destruction, diminish plants, discordant dirge, diseased weapon,
disfiguring touch , distressing tone , doom, drain life, dread
bolt , dregs of sorrow, duress, eldritch fever , energy drain,
enervation, envious urge , epidemic , eruptive pustules ,
excruciating deformation , exsanguination, eyebite, false life
(greater) , false life, familiar melding , fear, feeblemind, final
punishment, finger of death, fleshworm infestation , forgetful
slumber , foul presence, frightful aspect , fungal infestation ,
ghost wolf , ghoul touch, grasping shadows, grease, harm,
hatred, haunted fey aspect , haunting choir , haunting mists ,
healing thief , horrid wilting, howling agony , implosion,
infliction, insanity, instrument of agony , interrogation (greater)
, interrogation , ki leech , languid bomb admixture , litany
of vengeance , litany of weakness , lock gaze , lunar veil ,
mad hallucination , magic jar, marionette possession ,
murderous command , negative reaction , nightmare,
nightshroud, no rest for the wicked, orb of the void ,
overwhelming grief , pain touch, paranoia, pernicious poison ,
persuasive goad , pestilence, phantasmal killer, piercing shriek
, plague carrier , plague storm , polar midnight , power
word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prediction of failure




, project image, protective penumbra , rain of frogs , ray of

enfeeblement, ray of exhaustion, ray of sickening , recurring nightmare,
repel death, restore corpse , scare, Serrin's shadow spy, shades, shadow
bomb admixture , shadow conjuration (greater) , shadow conjuration,
shadow evocation (greater) , shadow evocation, shadow killer, shadow step
, shadow walk, shadow weapon , shadowbard , simulacrum (lesser)
, simulacrum, skinsend , slay living, smother, song of discord, soul bind,
soul exchange, speak with dead, spectral hand, spit venom , spreading
plague, steal voice , stinking cloud, strangling hair , summoner condiut
, symbol of death, symbol of fear, symbol of insanity, symbol of pain,
symbol of striking , symbol of vulnerability , symbol of weakness, tainted
ther, terror, touch injection , touch of fatigue, touch of idiocy, touch of
slime , toxic gift , transmute blood to acid , transmute water to acid,
trap the soul, undead anatomy I , undead anatomy II , undead anatomy
III , undead anatomy IV , unshakable chill , utter contempt , vampiric
touch, vile consumption, vision of hell , vitriolic mist , wail of the
banshee, wasting curse, waves of exhaustion, waves of fatigue, weakness,
wilting curse

The philosophy of Valra, that community is preeminent, shines through in its magic with an
abundant selection of spells to ward and heal
members of the community. Spells which invoke
the wills of the deities worshiped in the
community tend also to be Valran. Valran magic is
sometimes called yellow or gold magic.

abeyance, ablative barrier , absolutism, ther slide, aid, alarm, aligned

spell resistance, antimagic field, antipathy, antiplant shell, arcane lock,
archon's aura , arrow of law , atonement, aura of greater courage ,
banishment, battlemind link , beguiling gift , bestow grace of the
champion , bestow grace , bestow insight , bestow weapon
proficiency , binding, blade of bright victory , blaze of glory , bless
water, bless weapon, bless, blessing of courage and life , blessing of
fervor , blessing of luck and resolve (mass) , blessing of luck and resolve
, blinding light, bowstaff , break enchantment, breath of life, bright
circle, bullet shield , calm emotions, cast out , castigate (mass) ,
castigate , challenge evil , circle of hands, cleanse , command
(greater), command, compassionate ally , compel hostility , comprehend
languages, confess , conviction, coordinated effort , corruption
resistance , coward's lament , create demiplane (greater) , create
demiplane (lesser) , create demiplane , create food and water, cure
wounds, cushioning bands , dampening field, dancing lantern , dancing
lights, daybreak arrow , daylight, death ward, death watch, debilitating
portent , decree, deflection , dictum, dimensional anchor, dimensional
lock, disanimation, discern lies, disempower, disenchant, dismissal,
dispelling screen, disrupt undead, disrupting weapon, divine arrow , divine
favor, divine power, divine transfer , dominate monster, dominate person,
effortless armor , endure elements (communal) , endure elements,
energy field, enlighten, enthrall, erase, eternal respite, faerie fire, fire of
entanglement , fire of judgment , fire of vengeance , flare burst ,
flare, flickering ward, floating disk, focus, foe to friend , forbid action
(greater) , forbid action , forbiddance, force cage, forced repentance ,
forceful hand, freedom of movement, gate, geas (lesser), geas/quest, gentle
repose, globe of invulnerability (lesser) , globe of invulnerability, glyph of
warding (lesser) , glyph of warding, good hope, grace , groom, guards and
wards, guidance, halt undead, halt, heal (mass) , heal mount, heal, helping
hand, heroes' feast, heroic invocation , heroism (greater) , heroism, hero's
defiance , hex ward , hide from undead, hold monster (mass) , hold
monster, hold person (mass) , hold person, hold portal, holy aura, holy ice ,
holy shield , holy smite, holy sword, holy whisper , holy word, holy,
honeyed tongue , humble, imbue with aura , imprisonment,
innocence , instant armor , inviolability, invisibility purge, judgment
light , kinetic reverberation , king's castle , knight's calling , know the
enemy , last breath, leashed shackles , lend judgment (greater) , lend
judgment , liberating command , light lance , light of day, light,
limited resources, litany of defense , litany of eloquence , litany of
entanglement , litany of righteousness , litany of sloth , litany of
warding , mage armor, magic missive, magic stone, magic vestment,
manifest probability, mark of justice, marks of forbiddance , Matacha's


edict, maze, mind blank, mind blank, communal , miracle,

miserable pity , moment of greatness , oath of peace ,
oathbind, overwhelming presence , pacifism, paladin's
sacrifice , paragon surge , peacebond , pillar of life , planar
collapse, prayer, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, protection from
arrows (communal) , protection from arrows, protection from
energy (communal) , protection from energy, protection from
spells, protective spirit , protective ward, purge, purging
finale , purified calling , purify food and drink, purify, raise
animal companion , raise dead, rally point , ray of command,
reflect gaze, reinforce armaments (communal) ,
reinforce armaments , remove curse, remove fear, repel metal or
stone, repel vermin, repel wood, replenish, reprobation ,
repulsion, resilient reservoir , resilient sphere, resist energy
(communal) , resist energy, resistance, resounding blow ,
ressurection, rest eternal , restoration (greater) , restoration
(lesser) , restoration, retribution , reverse damage, revive,
reviving finale , righteous might, righteous vigor , sacred
bond , sacrifical oath , sactify corpse , saddle surge ,
sanctify armor , sanctuary, saving finale , seal fate, sentinel,
serenity , shield other, shield, song of freedom, song of holding,
spear of purity , spell immunity (communal) , spell immunity
(greater communal) , spell immunity (greater) , spell immunity,
spell lodestone, spell resistance, spiritual ally , stabilize powder
, stabilize, status, stay the hand , sunbeam, sunburst,
surgeshield, surmount affliction , symbol of healing , symbol of
persuassion, symbol of sealing , symbol of stunning, sympathy,
Telsindria's invulnerable globe, Telsindria's radiance, Telsindria's
spell immunity, toilsome chant , tongues (communal) ,
tongues, true resurrection, undeath to death, urban grace , veil
of positive energy , vestment of the champion , vigilance,
virtue, wake of light , wall of suppression , ward the faithful ,
warding weapon , wartrain mount , weaken powder , weapon
of awe , word of resolve , wrathful mantle , zone of truth

Some spells occur in sets of five across all
alignments. For each spell entry there
exists five versions of the spell - one for
each alignment. Most of these spells are
concerned with drawing energy or
creatures directly from an outer plane of
existence, so each spell only draws from one outer plane. This isn't
the same as being a universal and therefore an unaligned spell. For
example, a hallow spell from Valra might be referred to as
unhallow by Sodran or Shunran casters since, from their point of
view, the spell embodies values and edicts they find repulsive. As in
our world, in Carthasana what is and is not "holy" depends on the
speaker as much as the object in question.
align weapon, commune, consecrate, contact other plane,
desecrate, divine rebuke, gate, hallow, holy smite, planar
adaptation (mass) , planar adaptation , planar ally (greater) ,
planar ally (lesser) , planar ally, planar binding (greater) , planar
binding (lesser) , planar binding, plane shift, polypurpose panacea
, summon creature

Schools of Magic
The eight schools of magic and their subschools are the second
most important facet of a spell's description and will be the second
word that appears to describe them. The rules governing the
schools do not change for the Dusk setting, but there are new subschools and with them new rules that govern their use.
Schools of magic describe how a spell works and what it is doing,
where the alignment of a spell is its general intent.

Abjurations are protective spells. They work by
warding an area or dispelling a hostile magical
effect. In Dusk the school of abjuration is cleanly
divided into the sub-schools of dispel and ward.

Abjuration (Dispel) effects break up magical effects and magically conjured
conditions of all types. The iconic spell of this group is dispel magic. Most,

though not all, dispel effects require a dispel check to be

performed against the caster of the effect you wish to dispel.


arcana theft , atonement, banish seeming , break

enchantment, break slumber, cast out , circumvent,
counterspell, demystify, disempower, disenchant, dismissal, dispel
magic (greater) , dispel magic, dispelling screen, dissipate, divine
edict, erase, expend , freedom, mage's disjunction, power sink,
primal scream , purify, refutation, rejuvenate, remove curse,
remove fear, Serrin's theft, shattering pulse, song of freedom,
soothe construct , true form , word of resolve

Wards are magical barriers that prevent the passage of certain creatures or
respond to their passage by creating an effect. Most wards are centered
upon their caster and move with her, others are centered upon another
creature usually one the caster has touched. Still others dont move at all
once created.
Wards that overlap create a resonance immediately but function normally
unless their effects are similar or opposed. If they are similar then one of
the effects may be subdued this is usually the case with wards that
enhance a creature. For example: two different spells that provide armor
bonuses dont stack.
Opposed wards react far more violently than other wards when they touch.
As soon as the effects are within 10 of each other each field will begin to
shimmer and glow. Wards of opposite alignments will keep out each other
just like they keep out creatures a protective ward from Valra holds at bay
a creature warded by a protective ward itself since that spell is Valran.
Spells do not ward off themselves though. If the two wards are brought
near each other discernable pressure will be felt by the owners of both
wards. If forced against each other (see below) then both of them are
subject to being dispelled immediately each caster makes a dispel check.
If both win or lose both wards are destroyed. If there is only one winner his
ward stays in place and the others ward is destroyed.
Many wards create barriers that are impassable to certain creatures. You
cannot use these wards to directly force a creatures retreat by pushing
them (You can indirectly herd them if they are afraid of contacting the ward
and retreat of their own volition). As with spells, approaching such a
creature creates discernable pressure against the ward that you can feel. If
you continue to force the barrier against the creature you will break the
spell. Wards that create barriers to creatures extend their effects onto the
ther plane.

absolutism, adjuring step , ther flash, alarm, aligned spell resistance,

antilife shell, antimagic field, antiplant shell, arcane lock, armor of thorns,
aura of greater courage , banishment, bright circle, bullet shield , circle
of clarity , cloak of shade , cloak of winds , control revocation,
corruption resistance , curse of magic negation , dampening field, death
from below , defile armor , deflection , delude divination,
dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, dispelling screen, divine edict,
endure elements (communal) , endure elements, energy field, entropic
shield, escaping ward , explosive runes, fire trap, flaring pain, flickering
ward, fool's forbiddance , forbid, forbiddance, force void, forest friend ,
freedom of movement, globe of invulnerability (lesser) , globe of
invulnerability, glyph of warding (lesser) , glyph of warding, grace , guards
and wards, hex ward , hide from animals, hide from undead, hold portal,
holy aura, holy shield , imprisonment, inviolability, life bubble , limited
resources, mage's private sanctum, marks of forbiddance , mind blank
(communal) , mind blank, miserable pit y , mishap shield, nondetection
(communal) , nondetection, obscure object, paladin's sacrifice ,
peacebond , prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, protection from arrows
(communal) , protection from arrows, protection from energy (communal)
, protection from energy, protection from spells, protective ward, reflect
gaze, repel metal or stone, repel vermin, repulsion, resist energy
(communal) , resist energy, resistance, retribution, sacrifical oath ,
sanctify armor , sanctuary, seclude, sequester, shield other, shield, shock
shield , sound shell, spell immunity (communal) , spell immunity (greater
communal) , spell immunity (greater) , spell immunity, spell resistance,
spell turning, spite , stoneskin (communal) , stoneskin, surgeshield,
surmount affliction , symbol of sealing , symbol of vulnerability ,
tainted ther, Telsindria's invulnerable globe, Telsindria's radiance,
Telsindria's spell immunity, unbreakable construct , undetectable
alignment, veil of positive energy , vestment of the champion , wall of
suppression , ward of the season , warding weapon , wreath of blades

Each conjuration spell belongs to one of
five sub-schools: Summoning, which
brings manifestations of objects, creatures
or certain types of energy to you for a

limited time; Calling, which brings actual creatures from another

plane to your own; Teleportation, which physically transports you
and/or others from one place to another, even across planes at the
higher levels; Healing, which recover loses in hit points, abilities,
levels or removes negative statuses such as blindness and even
death; and Creation, which actually produces materials from
nothing for you to employ.
Creatures you conjure will usually (but not always) obey your
commands. Whether called or summoned they appear within the
spells range but are not obliged to remain therein. A conjured
creature or object cant appear within living things, nor can they
appear within an area at least 90% enclosed by living creatures
(such as a wizards tower with ivy vines on the outside). The object
or creature must appear on an open surface capable of supporting
its weight unless it can fly and aquatic creatures must be conjured
in water.

Calling spells bring actual creatures to you from other planes of
existence. The spell also grants the creature a one-time ability to
return home although the spell may limit the circumstances under
which this is possible. Calling spells conjure the actual creature
not a manifestation of it. Hence a called creature can actually die
when killed it doesnt disappear and reform at a later time as a
summoned creature does. Calling spells are instantaneous so they
cant be dispelled, but the creatures are still subject to banishment
and dismissal.
Calling spells have all the descriptors appropriate to the planes
they connect to i.e. a calling spell connecting to Sodrea is Sodran.
An area encased in gold of any thickness is warded from all violet
calling spells and Sodran creatures cant appear in such an area.
Lead has a similar effect on gold callings and Valran creatures,
silver bars red callings and Shunran creatures, copper blocks blue
callings and Balcran creatures and iron wards out green callings
and Aboran creatures.
Although actually present on the plane called creatures are still
warded by protective ward and similar spells and they cant appear
inside such a ward unless it is focused inward instead they appear
at the closest point they can outside the ward.

gate, litany of entanglement , planar ally (greater), planar ally

(lesser) , planar ally, planar binding (greater) ,planar binding
(lesser) , planar binding

Creation spells manipulate or conjure matter to create an object or
creature in the place the caster designates (subject to the
limitations of the spell and those outlined above). If the spell
description lists a duration other than instantaneous the object is
held together by magic and vanishes without a trace when the spell
ends; otherwise the created item is merely assembled by magic
and cannot be dispelled. It will last indefinitely though it is still
subject to the ravages of time and tide.


ablative barrier , acid arrow, acid fog, acid pit , acid rain, acid
splash, acidic spray , air bubble , aqueous orb , arrow
eruption , ash storm , black tentacles, blood mist , bow
spirit , burst of nettles , caustic eruption , clashing rocks ,
cloudkill, corrosive consumption , corrosive touch , create
demiplane (greater) , create demiplane (lesser) , create
demiplane , create food and water, create pit , create water,
cushioning bands , dust of twilight , fiery shuriken , fire seeds,
fog cloud, gate, geyser , ghost wolf , glitterdust, grease, grove
of respite , heroes' feast, hungry pit , icicle dagger ,
incendiary cloud, instant armor , mage armor, mage's faithful
hound, mage's magnificent mansion, major creation, minor
creation, obscuring mist, pellet blast , phantom chariot ,
phantom driver , phantom steed (communal) , phantom steed,
phase door, protective spirit , pyroclastic flow, rampart ,



reloading hands , seamantle , secure shelter, sepia snake sigil, shadow

bomb admixture , shambler, sleet storm, slipstream , solid fog, solid
note , spiked pit , stinking cloud, stone call , stumble gap , tar ball
, touch of slime , tsunami , unseen servant, viper bomb admixture ,
wall of iron, wall of lava , wall of stone, wall of thorns, web shelter ,
web, wooden phalanx

These spells restore life energy to the subject restoring hit points and
even bringing back the dead. Unlike other conjurations most of them can
be cast under any circumstances a non-conjuration can be cast. The
exceptions are raise dead and its related spells that must call back the soul
of the departed these spells wont function where calling spells cant
Healing spells are imbued with positive energy. They will inflict damage to
undead creatures, usually acting as their reverse when used upon the


blessing of courage and life , breath of life, cleanse , cocoon, crumble,

cure wounds, delay poison (communal) , delay poison, heal (mass) , heal
mount, heal, hero's defiance , joyful rapture , life conduit (greater) , life
conduit (improved) , life conduit , neatralize poison, pillar of life ,
purging finale , purified calling , raise animal companion , raise dead,
regeneration, rejuvenate eidolon (greater) , rejuvenate eidolon (lesser) ,
rejuvenate eidolon , remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, remove
paralysis, remove sickness , ressurection, restoration (greater) ,
restoration (lesser) , restoration, restore eidolon (lesser) , restore eidolon
, resurgent transformation , reverse damage, revive, reviving finale ,
sacred bond , stabilize, symbol of healing , true resurrection

Summoning spells instantly bring a creature or object to a place you
designate within the guidelines set forth above. When the spell ends or is
dispelled a summoned creature is instantly sent back to where it came
from, but a summoned object is not sent back unless the spell description
specifically indicates this.
Summoned creatures are magical replicas of the actual creature so its fate
while summoned has no bearing on the creatures actual existence. If it is
killed by being reduced to 0 hit points or less the replica is destroyed but
the creature is unharmed. However, that specific summoned creature cant
be summoned for 24 hours afterward.
As with callings special materials can ward out summoned creatures (see
the entry for calling).
When the spell that summoned a creature ends and the creature
disappears, all the spells it has expire. A summoned creature cannot use
any innate summoning abilities it may have, and it refuses to cast any spells
that would cost it XP, or to use any spell like abilities that would cost XP if
they where spells.


abundant ammunition , cape of wasps , choking vines, conjure black

pudding , corrosive consumption , creeping doom, creeping mold, eagle
aerie , fleshworm infestation , insect plague, instant summons, mad
monkeys , mount (communal) , mount, rain of frogs , secret chest,
storm of vengeance, summon creature, summon eidolon , summon elder
worm , summon froghemoth , summon instrument, summon minor ally
, summon minor monster , summon swarm, trap the soul, vomit

These spells transport creatures and objects across great distances. The
most powerful of these spells can cross planar boundaries. Unlike
summoning spells, the transportation is (unless otherwise noted) one-way
and cannot be dispelled. Teleportation is instantaneous travel via the ther
Ten feet of stone, 1 foot of lead mortared brick, lead, or gold in any
thickness presents a barrier to teleportation, as do force spells (particularly
forcecage and wall of force).



bard's escape , brief reprieve, call construct , dimension door,

getaway , hostile juxtaposition (greater) , hostile juxtaposition
, ice crystal teleport , interplanetary teleport , jester's
jaunt , king's castle , litany of escape , maze, planeshift,
refuge, returning weapon (communal) , returning weapon ,
switch costumes, teleport (greater) , teleport object, teleport,
teleportation circle, the road left untaken, transport via plants,
tree stride, walk through space , word of recall

Divination spells allow a spellcaster to see
over the vast distances of both time and
space, or extend the senses of the caster
to see what he otherwise could not. In
Dusk the school of divination is cleanly
divided into three subschools: Insight,
which gives you knowledge about the future, the present, or the
past and allow you to communicate with creatures you normally
cant; Sensory, which allow you to sense (usually see) things you
normally cant; and Scrying, which allows you to spy upon foes at a
Most divinations have a cone shaped area of effect this is the
area you can study on a given round of the spells duration.

The insight spells allow you to see into the future or past directly,
or consult extra-planar creatures with questions. Alternately these
spells will allow you to talk to creatures you normally wouldnt be
able to understand (or grant them the ability to understand you).
Insight also includes those spells which grant insight bonuses for
whatever reason to skills and attack rolls.



anticipate peril , augury, battlemind link , bestow insight ,

blood biography , blood transcription , catalogue, commune
with nature, commune, comprehend languages, contact other
plane, coordinated effort , deadeye's lore , diagnose disease ,
discern lies, find the path, find traps, foresight, gallant
inspiration , guidance, guiding star , hunter's eye , identify,
know direction, know the enemy , legend lore, locate creature,
locate object, locate weakness , mage's guess, moment of
prescience, named bullet (greater) , named bullet , oathbind,
perceive cues , play instrument , prediction of failure ,
prophecy, residual tracking , seek thoughts , share language
(communal) , share language , share memory , sift , speak
with animals, speak with plants, status, stone tell, symbol of
revelation , tactical acumen , telepathic bond, timely
inspiration , tongues (communal) , tongues, true strike,
understand unorthodoxy, vigiliance, vision, whispering lore

Scrying spells create an invisible sensor that sends you information.
Unless noted otherwise, the sensor has the same powers of
sensual acuity that you do. This will usually include spells that
target you, but not spells that emanate from you. The sensor is
treated as a separate, independent sensory organ for you and it
will function even if you are blinded, deafened or suffer some
other sensory impairment. Sensors can be noticed on a scrying
check against DC 20, and this particular check can be made
untrained. The sensor is subject to dispelling once discovered.
arcane eye, clairaudience/clairvoyance, discern location, displace
perspective, eagle eye , enter image , forest's eyes, lay of the
land, mark to the maker, one with nature prying eyes (greater) ,
prying eyes, scrying (greater) , scrying, share senses , symbol of


Sensory spells allow you to sense things you normally cant. Many of them
have 'detect' or 'see' as part of their name. Unless otherwise noted sensory
spells are line of sight effects even if you can see invisibility the affected
creatures can still hide behind a tree.

acute senses , analyze dweomer, arcane sight (greater) , arcane sight,

blessing of the mole , clearsight, darkvision (communal) , darkvision,
darkvision, greater , detect aberration , detect animals or plants, detect
poison, detect scrying, detect secret doors, detect snares and pits, detect
thoughts, detect undead, echolocation , find quarry , follow aura ,
litany of sight , magnify sight, scent, see invisibility, sentinel, true seeing,

The enchantment spells change the mental
qualities and attitudes of their subjects. All
enchantments are mind-affecting spells. The two
sub-schools of enchantment are charm, which
change a creatures disposition and compulsion,
which compel a specific action or course of action.

Charm spells change the subjects perceptions of others. Typically these
spells make the subject see you favorably, but some charms bring about
negative feelings towards the caster or others.
alluring scent, animal magnetism, animal scouts, charm animal, charm
monster (mass) , charm monster, charm person, companion mind link ,
conviction, enthrall, instant enemy , litany of eloquence , litany of
madness , paranoia, song of charm, symbol of persuassion, unwitting

These spells compel a specified course of action or change the way the mind
works. The compulsion can be specific to the spell, free for you to choose,
or the spell may afford you ongoing control over the subject. Other
compulsions increase the combat effectiveness of the creature by removing
negative emotions or increasing their morale.
abandon hope, abeyance, aid, animal messenger, animal trance, antipathy,
bane, battle trance , beguiling gift , bestow trick, bestow weapon
proficiency , binding, bless, blessing of luck and resolve (mass) , blessing
of luck and resolve , bloodlust, bungle , cacophonous call (mass) ,
cacophonous call , call animal , calm animals, calm emotions, castigate
(mass) , castigate , challenge evil , cloak of dreams , command
(greater), command, compassionate ally , compel hostility , compulsion,
confess , confusion (lesser) , confusion, control summoned creature ,
conviction, coward's lament , crushing despair, curse of disgust , daze
(mass) , daze monster, daze, decree, deep slumber, delay pain ,
delusional pride , demand, denounce , dissension in the ranks, dominate
animal, dominate monster, dominate person, dregs of sorrow, envious urge
, euphoric tranquility , feeblemind, foe to friend , forbid action
(greater) , forbid action , forced repentance , forest maze, forgetful
slumber , frozen note , fumbletongue , geas (lesser) , geas/quest,
good hope, greed, heroic finale , heroic invocation , heroism (greater)
heroism, hideous laughter, hold animal, hold monster (mass) , hold monster,
hold person (mass), hold person, hypnotism, ill omen , insanity, irresistable
dance, knight's calling , languid bomb admixture , litany of sloth , lock
gaze , lullaby, magic missive, malicious spite , memory lapse , mind
fog, modify memory, moment of greatness , moonstruck , murderous
command , oppressive boredom , overwhelming grief , overwhelming
presence , pacifism, pied piping , power word blind, power word kill,
power word stun, qualm , rage, rally point , ray of command, reckless
infatuation , righteous vigor , serenity , shared wrath , sleep,
sleepwalk , smug narcissism , song of chaos, song of discord, song of
holding, stay the hand , stunning finale , suggestion (mass) , suggestion,
symbol of insanity, symbol of sleep, symbol of strife , symbol of stunning,
sympathy, terrible remorse , toilsome chant , touch of idiocy,
unadulterated loathing , unnatural lust , unprepared combatant ,


utter contempt , vengeful outrage , wartrain mount

of ecstasy , wrath , zone of truth


, waves

These spells draw and manipulate raw
energies from the planes. They include
some of the most explosive and
spectacular combat spells in the game.


agonize , arcane concordance , ball

lightning , blade barrier, blade storm,
blinding light, blistering invective , blood
crow strike , borrow fortune , brilliant
inspiration , burning gaze , burning hands, caging bomb
admixture , call lightning storm, call lightning, chain contingency,
chain lightning, chain of perdition , chaos ball, chaos bolt, chaos
hammer, chord of shards , Ciranu's spite, clenched fist, cold ice
strike , cone of cold, contingency, continual flame, crushing hand,
dancing lights, darkness, daybreak arrow , daylight, deadly
finale , deafening song bolt , deep water, deeper darkness,
defensive shock , delayed blast fireball, detonate , devestation,
discordant blast , discovery torch , distracting cacophony ,
distressing tone , douse, draconic reservoir , dragon's
breath , ear-piercing scream , earthquake, elemental aura ,
elemental touch , faerie fire, fanning the flames, fire breath ,
fire shield, fire snake , fire storm, fireball, fissure, flame blade,
flame strike, flaming sphere, flare burst , flare, floating disk, force
hook charge , force punch , forcecage, forceful hand, freezing
sphere, frigid touch , frost fall , grasping hand, gust of wind,
holy ice , horn of pursuit , hydraulic push , hydraulic
torrent , ice storm, icy prison (mass) , icy prison , imbue with
spell ability, implosion, interposing hand, invisibility purge, jolting
portent , ki arrow , ki shout , leashed shackles , light
lance , light, lightning arc , lightning bolt, lightning lash bomb
admixture , litany of thunder , mage's sword, magic missile,
meteor swarm, mind burn, nightshroud, parch, piercing shriek ,
pilfering hand , planar collapse, polar ray, power wave, price of
progress, prismatic spray, produce flame, protective penumbra ,
pyroclastic burst, radiate, ray of frost, reaching weapon,
replenish, resilient sphere, resounding blow , ricochet shot , ride
the lightning , river of wind , rolling thunder, saving finale ,
scorching ray, scouring winds , screech , sendingv shatter,
shock, shocking grasp, shockwave, shout (greater) , shout, shower
of coals, snapdragon fireworks , sonic thrust , sound burst,
spark , spiritual weapon, spontaneous immolation ,
stormbolts , sunbeam, sunburst, surge, sympathetic vibration,
telekinetic charge , telekinetic sphere, thundering drums , tiny
hut, twilight knife , twincast, vitriolic mist , volcanic storm ,
vortex , wall of fire, wall of force, wall of ice, wall of lightning,
wall of sound , whirlwind, wildfire, wildstroke, wind wall, winds
of vengeance , wrathful mantle , zap

Invocation is a new subschool, and it is comprised of spells that use
energy that is sourced from a divine power. As such use of these
spells requires the consent of such a power, and all of these spells
are divine. Clerics who worship concepts rather than deities
cannot use invocations. These spells are only rarely committed to
magic items of any form, and when they are their misuse can draw
the attention of the entity from whom the energy is drawn. Many
of these spells where assigned here from other schools, particularly
the overlarge school of transformation.



archon's aura , arrow of law , bestow grace of the champion ,

bestow grace , blade of bright victory , blade of dark triumph
, blasphemy, blaze of glory , bless weapon, blessing of
fervor , burst bonds , consecrate, contagious flame ,
debilitating portent , desecrate, despondency, dictum, divine
arrow , divine favor, divine power, divine rebuke, dread bolt ,
fire of entanglement , fire of judgment , fire of vengeance ,
hallow, hatred, helping hand, holy smite, holy sword, holy




whisper , holy word, holy, instrument of agony , judgement light , lend

judgment (greater) , lend judgment , light of day, Matacha's edict,
miracle, oath of peace , oracle's vessel , prayer, rebuke , reprobation
, righteous might, sanctify corpse , searing light, spear of purity ,
spiritual ally , terrain bond , wake of light , ward the faithful

A glamer changes or conceals a subjects sensory qualities. A
glamer cannot create an illusion out of nothing (that is what a
figment does).

Illusion spells deceive both the senses and minds
of creatures and in one case (sleight of mind)
spells. These spells remain among the hardest in
the game to adjudicate due largely to their
flexibility. Even low-level illusions can create the
appearance of anything. The illusion school is
divided into five subcategories figments,
glamers, patterns, phantasms and shadows.



Figments create false sensations to one or more senses. Observers of a
figment that believe in it observe the same thing, not their own
personalized version of the figment (thats what a phantasm is, see below).
Figments cant directly conceal existing objects (this is what a glamer does),
but they can cover them up. For instance, a chest could be concealed
beneath a heap of illusionary trash or within an illusory rock. If someone
picks up the rock or sifts through the trash the chest will remain where it is
and be quite visible. Figments can create concealment in combat even up
to 100% until they are disbelieved in. For instance, you could create an
illusion of a large oak tree over an archer, and they could fire upon foes
from that spot with near impunity until someone notices the shots are
coming out of the tree, at which point they are entitled to a save against the
Figments have no force component, so they cannot resist real pressure
against them or support real weight. If someone touches an illusion that is
capable of creating tactile sensations they will feel it but if they push
beyond the illusions boundary theyre entitled to a save.
A figment that includes audible effects cant duplicate intelligible speech
unless the spell says it can. If intelligible speech is possible, it must be in a
language you speak. If you try to replicate speech you dont know then the
spell produces gibberish.
For much the same reason, you cannot easily reproduce creatures you
havent encountered or that do not exist. If you create a creature based
solely on your imagination then make a bluff check with a 20 penalty to
set the DC. If you try to mimic a creature you havent seen then observers
gain a +4 circumstance bonus to their saves.
If you attempt to create an illusion of a specific creature your familiarity
with the subject of the illusion and the observers familiarity with the
subject of the illusion will affect the outcome of the spell as if you were
using the disguise skill (see Chapter X).
Because figments are unreal they cant produce real effects the way that
other types of illusions can. They cant deal damage, support weight or
provide protection. They are useful for confounding and delaying foes, but
useless in attacking them directly.
Creatures are inclined to believe what they observe until it contradicts their
prior experience. When creatures interact with an illusion they will usually
gain a save when the illusion fails to behave as expected, but if the
controller of the illusion makes it react then the illusion can be maintained.
(For instance if you make an illusion of a guard and an enemy fights that
guard they will believe in it as long as it dodges, weaves, and reacts when
actually hit).


blend , blur, cackling skull , chameleon stride , cloak undead,

disguise other , disguise self, displacement, false vision, ghostly
disguise , hallucinatory terrain, haunted fey aspect , hide
campsite , intangibility, invisibility (greater), invisibility (mass) ,
invisibility sphere, invisibility, magic aura, magic mouth, mask
dweomer (communal) , mask dweomer , mask, mirage arcana,
misdirection, mislead, negative reaction , phantom trap, screen,
seeming, silence, still touch, vanish , veil, vision of hell , zone of


fearsome duplicate , ghost sound, illusion of calm , illusory wall,

imaginary pet, invigorate (mass) , invigorate , jitterbugs , major
image, major phantom object , minor dream , minor image, minor
phantom object , mirror image, mislead, permanent image, persistent
image, programmed image, shocking image , silent image, symbol of
mirroring , ventriloquism, village veil

Like a figment, a pattern creates an image that others can see, but
a pattern spell creates an image that others can see, but patterns
affect the minds of the observers. All patterns are mind affecting
spells except sleight of mind, which confuses the reasoning
processes of other spells and magic items.

color spray, hypnotic pattern, loathsome veil , rainbow pattern,

scintillating pattern, sleight of mind, wandering star motes

These spells create mental images visible only to their subjects.
These spells can be very dangerous since the mind can become so
scared of what it believes it can cause harm to the body or even
chaos in the mind's eye, dream, illusory script, mad hallucination
, nightmare, phantasmal killer, phantasmal revenge ,
phantasmal web , Serrin's phantasm, terror, weird

Shadow spells employ energy and material from the plane of
shadow. These spells can have quasi-real effects and deal real
damage to foes. Ultimate Magic proposed the concept of making
this subschool a descriptor, but the Dusk campaign reverses this
decision are keeps these spells in their own subschool.

deepen shadows, exquisite accompaniment , grasping shadows,

haunting mists , lunar veil , project image, Serrin's shadow spy,
shades, shadow conjuration (greater) , shadow conjuration,
shadow evocation (greater) , shadow evocation, shadow killer,
shadow projection , shadow step , shadow walk, shadow
weapon , shadowbard , simulacrum (lesser) , simulacrum,
symbol of striking

Necromancies manipulate the life forces present
in creatures usually to do harm or to snuff
them. The creation and bolstering of life forces is
a function of conjuration (healing) spells.

absorb toxicity , afflict, agonizing memories,

animate dead (lesser) , animate dead, astral projection (lesser)
, astral projection, aura of doom , befoul, bestow curse, black
mark , bleed, blight, blindness/deafness, blood pet,
bloodcurdling scream, bloody claws , brand (greater) ,
brand , brittlebone curse, brow gasher , cause fear, Chaldulsul's
hex, chill touch, Ciranu's deathgate, Ciranu's foul transformation,
Ciranu's impenetrable darkness, circle of death, clone, clutch of
undeath, command undead, contagion (greater) , contagion,
control undead, corpse control, create greater undead, create
undead, curse (major) , curse water, cursed earth , dark fate,
dark ritual, deadly juggernaut , death burst, death knell, death
stroke, death ward, death watch, decompose corpse ,
destruction, disanimation, discordant dirge, diseased weapon,


disrupt undead, disrupting weapon, divine transfer , doom, drain life,

eldritch fever , energy drain, enervation, epidemic , eternal respite,
exsanguination, eyebite, false life (greater) , false life, familiar melding ,
fear, fester (mass) , fester , final punishment, finger of death, foul
presence, fungal infestation , gentle repose, ghoul touch, halt undead,
harm, haunting choir , healing thief , horrid wilting, hunter's howl ,
infliction, interrogation (greater) , interrogation , ki leech , last
breath, litany of weakness , magic jar, marionette possession , mark of
justice, nap stack , no rest for the wicked, Old Salt's curse , oracle's
burden , orb of the void , pain strike (mass) , pain strike , pain
touch, pernicious poison , persuasive goad , pestilence, plague carrier
, plague storm , poison, possess object , pox pustules , purge, ray of
enfeeblement, ray of exhaustion, ray of sickening , recurring nightmare,
repel death, rest eternal , restful sleep , restore corpse , retribution ,
sands of time , scare, sculpt corpse , seal fate, skinsend , slay living,
smother, soul bind, soul exchange, speak with dead, spectral hand,
spreading plague, steal voice , suffocation (mass) , suffocation ,
summoner conduit , symbol of death, symbol of fear, symbol of pain,
symbol of weakness, touch of fatigue, toxic gift , undeath to death,
unshakable chill , unwilling shield , vampiric touch, venomous bolt ,
vile consumption, wail of the banshee, wasting curse, waves of exhaustion,
waves of fatigue, weakness, wilting curse

Transmutations effect a change in physical,
temporal or positional state in their targets. With
over 400 spells it is one of the largest and most
varied schools.

absorbing touch , accelerated decay, accellerate

poison , addle, adoration , ther slide, age
resistance (greater) , age resistance (lesser) , age resistance ,
aggravated assault, air walk (communal) , air walk, alacrity, alchemical
allocation , align weapon, allegro , allfood , alter self, alter winds ,
amplify elixer , animal growth, animal shapes, animate objects, animate
plants, animate rope, ant haul (communal) , ant haul , arboreal hammer
, arcane cannon , armor of thorns, atavism (mass) , atavism ,
attunement, awaken, badger's ferocity , barkskin, bear's endurance
(mass) , bear's endurance, bless water, blink, bloodhound , boiling blood
, bomber's eye , borrow skill , bowstaff , break , bristle , brute
resolve, buoy, buried alive, burrow , burst of speed , calcific touch ,
cat's grace (mass) , cat's grace, certain grip , changstaff, chaos sphere,
chill metal, chill, circle of hands, clear mind, command plants, concentrate,
confiscate, control construct , control plants, control water, control
weather, control winds, corroding burst, countless eyes , crafter's curse ,
crafter's fortune , cup of dust , curse item, damp powder , dance of a
hundred cuts , dance of a thousand cuts , dancing lantern , deflection,
delay, delayed consumption , destabilize powder , devolution ,
diminish plants, discombobulate, disfiguring touch , disintregrate, divine
pursuit , donate, dry, duress, eagle's splendor (mass) , eagle's splendor,
early harvest, effortless armor , elemental infusion, elude time , enemy
hammer , energy siege shot (greater) , energy siege shot , enlarge
person (mass) , enlarge person, enlighten, entangle, entropic burst,
entropic wave, eruptive pustules , ethereal jaunt, etherealness, evolution
surge (greater) , evolution surge (lesser) , evolution surge ,
expeditious excavation , expeditious retreat, fabricate bullets , fabricate,
feast of ashes , feather fall, feather step (mass) , feather step , fickle
winds , fiery body , firebrand , firefall , flame arrow, flame guide,
flames of the faithful , flash fire , flesh to stone, fluid form , fly (mass)
, fly, focus of hatred, focus, forced quiet , fox's cunning (mass) , fox's
cunning, frostbite , gaseous form, ghostbane dirge (mass) , ghostbane
dirge , giant vermin, glibness, glide , goodberry, gratuitous violence,
gravity bow , groom, groundswell , halt, harden snow, haste, heat
metal, hidden speech , hollow tree, honeyed tongue , hostile levitation
, ice body , imbue with aura , innocence , iron body, ironbeard ,
ironwood, jibber jabba, jump, jury-rig , keen edge, keen senses , kinetic
reverberation , knock, lead blades , levitate, liberating command , lily
pad stride , linebreaker , litany of defense , litany of vengeance ,
litany of warding , liveoak, lockjaw , longshot , longstrider, mage's
lucubration, magic fang (greater), magic fang, magic siege engine (greater)
, magic siege engine , magic stone, magic vestment, magic weapon

(greater) , magic weapon, magnetism, make whole, malfunction

, manifest probability, masterwork transformation , meld into
stone, meltdown, mending, message, mirror strike , mnemonic
absorption, mnuemonic enhancer, move earth, mutagenic touch ,
natural rhythm , nature's exile , negate aroma , obsidian flow
, overland flight, owl's wisdom (mass) , owl's wisdom, pass
without trace, passwall, planar adaptation (mass) , planar
adaptation , plant growth, polypurpose panacea , purify food
and drink, putrefy food and drink , pyrotechnics, quench, quick,
rampage, rapid repair , recharge innate magic , recoil fire ,
reduce animal, reduce person (mass) , reduce person, reincarnate,
reinforce armaments (communal) , reinforce armaments , repel
wood, resilient reservoir , resinous skin , resonating word ,
reverse gravity, ride the waves , rope trick, rusting grasp, rusting
ray, saddle surge , savage maw , scent trail , sculpt
simulacrum , sculpt sound, second chance, secret page,
sheltering branches, shifting sand , shillelagh, shrink item, siege
of trees (greater) , siege of trees , silk to steel , slow, snake
staff , snare, snow walk, soften earth and stone, solipist
disillusionment, spell lodestone, spider climb, spike growth, spike
stones, spit venom , stabilize powder , statue, stone fist ,
stone grasp, stone shape, stone to flesh, strangling hair , strong
jaw , subjectional gravity, sun metal , swarm skin , symbol of
slowing , tar pool , targeted bomb admixture , telekinesis,
telekinetic assembly , temporal stasis, tendril walker, Terix's
blessing, thorn body , threefold aspect , thunder fire , time
spiral, time stop, time twister, time walk, time warp, tireless
pursuers , tireless pursuit , touch injection , touch of
gracelessness , touch of the sea , transformation,
transmogrify , transmute metal to wood, transmute mud to rock,
transmute potion to poison , transmute rock to lava, transmute
rock to mud, transmute water to acid, treasure stitching , tree
shape, twin form , twisted space , unerring weapon ,
unfetter , universal formula , urban grace , versatile
weapon , virtue, virtuoso performance , vocal alteration ,
volley of boulders, warp wood, water breathing, water walk
(communal) , water walk, weaken powder , weapon of awe ,
whispering wind, wilderness soldiers , wind walk, wood shape,
world of wave

The subschool of polymorph is comprised of those transmutations
that change the shape or the material composition of their subject.
Oozes and plants are immune to polymorphing. Unless otherwise
noted a creature can only benefit (or suffer) from one polymorph
effect at a time.


alter self, animal aspect (greater) , animal aspect , animal

shapes, anthropomorphic animal , aspect of the bear , aspect
of the falcon , aspect of the stag , aspect of the wolf , baleful
polymorph, beast shape I, beast shape II, beast shape III, beast
shape IV, blessing of the salamander , carapace, corporeal
instability, dust form , elemental body I, elemental body II,
elemental body III, elemental body IV, excruciating deformation ,
form lock, form of the dragon I, form of the dragon II, form of the
dragon III, frightful aspect , giant form I, giant form II, half-blood
extraction , lycanthropic curse, monstrous physique I ,
monstrous physique II , monstrous physique III , monstrous
physique IV , paragon surge , plant shape I, plant shape II,
plant shape III, polymorph (greater) , polymorph any object,
polymorph, pup shape , root, shapechange, swarmform, undead
anatomy I , undead anatomy II , undead anatomy III , undead
anatomy IV , vermin shape I , vermin shape II , youthful
appearance , triggered ther flash, ther slide, alarm, Ciranu's
deathgate, contingency, death stroke, dispelling screen, explosive
runes, fire trap, glyph of warding (lesser) , glyph of warding, guards
and wards, illusory script, magic mouth, phantom trap,
programmed image, repel death, retribution, sepia snake sigil,
symbol of death, symbol of fear, symbol of healing , symbol of
insanity, symbol of mirroring , symbol of pain, symbol of
persuasion, symbol of revelation , symbol of scrying , symbol of




sealing , symbol of sleep, symbol of slowing , symbol of strife , symbol

of stunning, symbol of vulnerability , symbol of weakness, tainted ther

Reptiles and other exothermic (cold-blooded) creatures are slowed

as per the spell by cold spells for 1 round / level of the caster
unless they succeed at a fortitude save.

Spell Descriptors

chill metal, cold ice strike , cone of cold, detonate , draconic

reservoir , dragon's breath , elemental aura , elemental
infusion, elemental touch , energy siege shot (greater) , energy
siege shot , fire shield, freezing sphere, frigid touch , frost fall ,
frostbite , harden snow, holy ice , ice body , ice crystal
teleport , ice storm, icicle dagger , icy prison (mass) , icy
prison , polar midnight , polar ray, ray of frost, sleet storm,
unshakable chill , wall of ice


Descriptors appear after the school's name in brackets. In the core rules
descriptors do not have any special rules regarding the spells of the group,
but in the Dusk setting this is not always the case.

The acid descriptor encompasses a fairly small group of spells that create
acid as part of their effect. This acid then rapidly corrodes almost anything
brought into contact with it. Damage dealt by acid spells is acid damage
unless otherwise noted. Acid deals damage over the course of a round. For
ease of play the damage is assessed when the spell is cast as with other
spells, but actions requiring concentration checks taken on the round
following being struck by an acid spell must be made at a penalty equal to
the level of the spell.
Acid stinks. Any acid spell can be clearly smelled even by humans from 30
away, or 120 away by creatures with the scent ability. This stench lingers
for 1 hour / level of the acid spell, and for tracking purposes the scent
remains 1 day / level of the smell to a creature with the scent feat.


Introducted in Ultimate Magic, the spells of the curse descriptor
lay a binding effect on a character that is debilative either at all
times (bestow curse) or when the subject fails to perform certain
acts (geas/quest, mark of justice). Not all curses are evil or Sodran,
but most are.

acid arrow, acid fog, acid pit , acid rain, acid splash, acidic spray , burst
of nettles , caustic eruption , conjure black pudding , corrosive
consumption , corrosive touch , detonate , draconic reservoir ,
dragon's breath , elemental aura , elemental touch , energy siege shot
(greater) , energy siege shot , eruptive pustules , transmute blood to
acid , transmute water to acid

befoul, bestow curse, black mark , blindness/deafness, brand

(greater) , brand , brittlebone curse, chaldulsul's hex, clutch
of undeath, corporeal instability, crafter's curse , cup of dust ,
curse (major) , curse item, curse of disgust , curse of magic
negation , cursed earth , disfiguring touch , eldritch fever ,
feast of ashes , geas (lesser), geas/quest, greed, ill omen ,
lycanthropic curse, mark of justice nature's exile , Old Salt's curse
, oracle's burden , prediction of failure , recurring
nightmare, reprobation , rest eternal , Terix's blessing,
wasting curse, wilting curse



The spells with the air descriptor manipulate air, or conjure it. Also, this
book adds this descriptor to spells like fly that allow creatures to move
within air. Air spells dont typically damage directly, though they can propel
projectiles effectively and blow creatures around against their will.

The darkness descriptor is given to those spells that create magical

darkness. Unless otherwise noted in the specific spell description
normal sight, low light vision and darkvision dont function in these



air walk (communal) , air walk, alter winds , cloak of winds , control
winds, elemental body I, elemental body II, elemental body III, elemental
body IV, feather fall, fickle winds , fly (mass) , fly, gaseous form, gust of
wind, hostile levitation , levitate, overland flight, river of wind , scouring
winds , sirocco , whirlwind, whispering wind, wind walk, wind wall,
winds of vengeance

Also unless otherwise noted a light spell counters any darkness

spell of equal level or less and can be used to dispel any darkness
spell two or more levels lower. Likewise a light spell can be
countered by an equal level darkness spell or one that is a level
higher, and it will not function in areas of darkness created by
spells at least two levels higher than it.


Ciranu's impenetrable darkness, darkness, deepen shadows,

deeper darkness, dust of twilight , lunar veil , nightshroud,
polar darkness , protective penumbra




These spells create intense cold. If the spell deals damage, that damage is
cold damage unless otherwise noted. Creatures with the cold subtype are
immune to the cold damage of a cold spell but are subject to any indirect
effects of the spell and to any other damage types dealt by the spell. For
instance, while an ice mephit is immune to cold damage, he could still be
trapped and harmed by water freezing around him (see below).
Cold can be used to rapidly freeze water. One cubic foot of ice forms for
every 2 points of damage the spell can deal. If the area of the spell is a cone
or line of effect then the ice starts forming as close to the caster as possible,
and if the spell has a defined center point the ice forms as close to this
center as possible. A caster aiming a cold spell at a lake or river can aim the
spell at the surface and form a bridge 6 deep sufficient to cover 1 foot for
each point of damage the spell dealt. Such a bridge can support the weight
of most player characters and even mounts.

Easily one of the most feared groups of spells in the game, the
death spells instantly kill any target that fails a saving throw against
them by snuffing their life force directly. Raise dead cannot restore
victims of a death spell, but resurrection and higher magic will
Not all spells that have a save or die condition count as death
spells. Phantasmal killer and disintegrate both kill instantly, but do
not have the death descriptor and therefore victims of these spells
can be returned by raise dead. Spells with the death descriptor
snuff the life force of their victims directly rather than harm their

Creatures in an area where ice is forming are expelled from the square if
possible even if they are immobile the ice will push them out.

Constructs and Undead are immune to death effects unless

otherwise noted in the spells description.

Water elementals (and similar creatures with both the water and elemental
subtypes) only take subdual damage from cold spells, but if such a spell
reduces them to 0 hit points or less they are frozen solid. The creature
recovers from 1 point of this damage each minute. For instance: a water
elemental at 12 hit points is struck by a cone of cold for 30 points. It will be
frozen solid for 18 minutes.

befoul, Ciranu's deathgate, Ciranu's foul transformation, Ciranu's

spite, circle of death, dark fate, dark ritual, deadly juggernaut ,
death burst, death knell, death stroke, destruction, drain life,
energy drain, enervation, finger of death, hatred, howling agony
, last breath, power word kill, repel death, slay living, symbol of
death, vile consumption, wail of the banshee, wasting curse



Another descriptor introduced in Ultimate Magic, these spells create

diseases. In many cases the disease persists after the spell has ended.

Newly introduced in this book, these spells as a group can be the

most damaging to campaign balance if not managed carefully.
Enhancement spells enhance a creature or object: granting it a
bonus of some type to one or more ability scores; granting a bonus
to attack rolls, saving throws, level checks, etc.; or granting a
creature access to a feat or other ability it would not otherwise



contagion (greater) , contagion, diseased weapon, eldritch fever ,

epidemic , fungal infestation , pestilence, plague carrier , plague
storm , pox pustules , spreading plague, touch of slime

Earth spells manipulate or conjure earth, rock and stone, or they confer the
properties of an earth elemental onto a creature, such as the rock hard skin
of stoneskin.


buried alive, calcific touch , clashing rocks , earthquake, elemental body

I, elemental body II, elemental body III, elemental body IV, expeditious
excavation , flesh to stone, groundswell , meld into stone, move earth,
obsidian flow , rampart , rolling thunder, scouring winds , shifting
sand , shower of coals, soften earth and stone, spike stones, statue, stone
call , stone fist , stone grasp, stone shape, stone tell, stone to flesh,
stoneskin, tar pool , transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to lava,
transmute rock to mud, volcanic ash , volley of boulders, wall of lava ,
wall of stone, world wave

Electricity spells produce powerful electrical discharges, almost always for
the purpose of dealing damage to foes. When such a spell deals damage,
that damage is electricity damage unless otherwise noted. Electricity can be
used to start fires, though they arent as reliable in this regard as fire spells.
The discharge of any electricity spell can be clearly heard for 100 / level of
the spell. Further, any listen check made within 10 on the round after a
lightning spell suffers a penalty equal to the spells level, this due mainly to
the ringing of the ears caused by the thunderclap of the spell.
Electricity spells leave behind a faint smell of ozone in their wake. Creatures
within 30 of the location of the discharge can note it for up to 10 minutes
afterward, and creatures with the scent ability may note this at 60 away for
up to half an hour after.

ball lightning , call lightning storm, call lightning, chain lightning,

defensive shock , detonate , draconic reservoir , dragon's breath ,
elemental aura , elemental infusion, elemental touch , energy siege
shot (greater) , energy siege shot , jolting portent , lightning arc ,
lightning bolt, lightning lash bomb admixture , ride the lightning , shock
shield , shock, shocking grasp, shocking image , stormbolts , terror,
wall of lightning, zap

Introduced in Ultimate Magic, emotion spells manipulate the passions and
feelings of the subject. The majority of these spells are Shunran, because
when that alignment isn't busy blowing things up it's being guided by its
heart and not its head. By their nature these spells are all mind affecting.

abandon hope, alluring scent, antipathy, aura of doom , aura of greater

courage , bane, battle trance , blessing of courage and life ,
bloodcurdling scream, bloodlust, calm animals, calm emotions, castigate
(mass) , castigate , cause fear, compassionate ally , crushing despair,
curse of disgust , delay pain , delusional pride , doom, dregs of
sorrow, envious urge , euphoric tranquility , eyebite, fear, focus of
hatred, forced repentance , good hope, greed, hunter's howl , joyful
rapture , malicious spite , miserable pity , moonstruck , oppressive
boredom , overwhelming grief , overwhelming presence , pacifism,
phantasmal killer, phantasmal revenge , rage, rally point , reckless
infatuation , scare, serenity , shared wrath , smug narcissism ,
symbol of fear, sympathy, terrible remorse , unadulterated loathing ,
unnatural lust , unprepared combatant , utter contempt , vengeful
outrage , waves of ecstasy , weapon of awe , weird, wrath

Weapons and items can only have one enhancement spell upon
them at a time, not including the spells that permanently enchant a
magic weapon or item. If multiple enhancements are placed on a
weapon then only the strongest (e.g. highest level) one will be
expressed all the others will be subdued. Note that a monks
unarmed strikes are weapons for purposes of this rule.
aid, align weapon, animal growth, armor of thorns, badger's
ferocity , barkskin, bear's endurance (mass) , bear's endurance,
blade of bright victory , blade of dark triumph , bless weapon,
bless, blessing of courage and life , blessing of fervor ,
bloodhound , bloodlust, brute resolve, bull's strength (mass) ,
bull's strength, carapace, cat's grace (mass) , cat's grace, clutch of
undeath, concussive fireball, dance of a hundred cuts , dance of
a thousand cuts , death ward, diseased weapon, disrupting
weapon, divine favor, divine power, eagle's splendor (mass) ,
eagle's splendor, elemental infusion, expeditious retreat, find
traps, focus, fox's cunning (mass) , fox's cunning, glibness,
gratuitous violence, guidance, heroism (greater) , heroism,
humble, jump, keen edge, litany of defense , mage armor, magic
siege engine (greater) , magic siege engine , magic vestment,
magic weapon (greater) , magic weapon, moment of prescience,
owl's wisdom (mass) , owl's wisdom, rampage, reaching weapon,
resistance, returning weapon (communal) , returning weapon ,
shillelagh, transformation, unerring weapon , versatile
weapon , weapon of awe

These spells inspire fear in the heart and mind of the subject. By
their very nature fear effects are also mind-affecting and emotion
spells. Constructs and undead are immune to fear, and since most
all fear effects are mind-affecting, mindless creatures tend to be
immune to fear as well.


abandon hope, aura of doom , bane, black mark ,

bloodcurdling scream, cackling skull , castigate (mass) ,
castigate , cause fear, doom, fear, haunting mists , hunter's
howl , phantasmal killer, phantasmal revenge , prediction of
failure , scare, symbol of fear, terror, vision of hell , weird

Fire spells remain one of the largest and perhaps the most flexible
group of spells for dealing damage. Unless otherwise noted the
damage dealt by a fire spell is fire damage.
Fire spells are at their most dangerous when they ignite dry brush
and vegetation. When a fire spell is cast upon an area that the DM
deems could have items catch on fire then 1 small fire is produced
per damage die of the spell, and these small fires are spread out
more or less evenly throughout the area of effect. None of them
occur in a square occupied by a creature. As a move equivalent
action a creature can stamp out such a small fire. On the next
round each of these small fires either goes out or balloons into a
5x5 bonfire (50% chance of either).
Once a bonfire occurs characters have a problem. The DM needs
to roll a d10 to determine wind direction and consult grenade like
effects diagram in the DMG (Normally this chart uses a d8 on rolls
of 9 and 10 the wind is calm that round and no spread occurs).
There is a base 50% chance that the fire spreads to all adjoining
squares in the direction of the wind. If the wind is particularly

good (gust of wind spell) the fire spreads 10 in the direction of the wind.


Burning squares remain engulfed for a minute then will start to die unless
they have a tree or other large burn source. Characters caught in a burning
square take 1d6 fire damage.

The spell affects or alters the mind of the subject. Constructs,

oozes, plants, undead and vermin are all immune to mind-affecting
spells; as are any and all other creatures that are mindless (they
will have an intelligence score of 0).




ther flash, ash storm , blistering invective , blood crow strike ,

burning gaze , burning hands, campfire wall , concussive fireball,
contagious flame , dancing lantern , delayed blast fireball, detonate ,
draconic reservoir , dragon's breath , elemental aura , elemental body
I, elemental body II, elemental body III, elemental body IV, elemental
infusion, elemental touch , energy siege shot (greater) , energy siege
shot , fanning the flames, fiery body , fiery shuriken , fire breath , fire
of vengeance , fire seeds, fire shield, fire snake , fire storm, fire trap,
fireball, firebrand , firefall , flame arrow, flame blade, flame guide,
flame strike, flames of the faithful , flaming sphere, geyser , heat metal,
incendiary cloud, incinerate, meltdown, meteor swarm, obsidian flow ,
parch, produce flame, pyroclastic burst, pyroclastic flow, pyrotechnics,
rolling thunder, scorching ray, shower of coals, sirocco , snapdragon
fireworks , spark , spontaneous immolation , sun metal , tar pool ,
transmute rock to lava, volcanic storm , wall of fire, wall of lava ,

These spells create a field of force. They may erect a barrier as is the case
with wall of force, or they might actually be used as an attack form. Force
spells deal bludgeoning damage just like a hammer or club unless otherwise
Unlike most other spells, force effects extend onto the ther plane and can
strike incorporeal targets.


ablative barrier , adjuring step , blade barrier, blade storm, caging bomb
admixture , chain of perdition , chaos bolt, chord of shards , clenched
fist, crushing hand, cushioning bands , deflection , elemental infusion,
energy siege shot (greater) , energy siege shot , explosive runes, fissure,
floating disk, force hook charge , force punch , forcecage, forceful hand,
grasping hand, instant armor , interposing hand, leashed shackles ,
mage armor, mage's sword, magic missile, pilfering hand , power wave,
price of progress, reaching weapon, resilient sphere, sepia snake sigil,
shield, shock shield , spiritual ally , spiritual weapon, symbol of sealing
, telekinetic charge , telekinetic sphere, tiny hut, twilight knife , wall of
force, wrathful mantle

These spells require spoken language to convey orders or other information
between caster and target. These spells typically have both the sonic and
the mind-affecting descriptors. If for any reason the subject cannot hear
the caster the spell will not work, and the spell also will not usually work
when the subject doesn't understand the caster's language.



blistering invective , brilliant inspiration , castigate (mass) ,

castigate , command (greater) , command, confess , denounce ,
enthrall, forbid action (greater) , forbid action , geas (lesser),
geas/quest, hidden speech , litany of eloquence , litany of righteousness
, litany of sloth , litany of thunder , litany of vengeance , litany of
weakness , message, speak with dead, suggestion (mass) , suggestion,
vengeful outrage

abandon hope, abeyance, agonizing memories, aid, animal

magnetism, animal messenger, animal trance, antipathy, aura of
doom , bane, battle trance , battlemind link , beguiling
gift , bestow trick, bestow weapon proficiency , binding, bless,
blessing of luck and resolve (mass) , blessing of luck and resolve
, blistering invective , bloodlust, brute resolve, bungle ,
cackling skull , cacophonous call (mass) , cacophonous call ,
call animal , calm animals, calm emotions, castigate (mass) ,
castigate , cause fear, challenge evil , chaos in the mind's eye,
charm animal, charm monster (mass) , charm monster, charm
person, cloak of dreams , color spray, command (greater) ,
command, companion mind link , compassionate ally , compel
hostility , compulsion, confess , confusion (lesser) , confusion,
conviction, coward's lament , crushing despair, curse of disgust
, daze (mass) , daze monster, daze, decree, deep slumber,
delusional pride , demand, denounce , detect thoughts,
dissension in the ranks, dominate animal, dominate monster,
dominate person, doom, dream, enthrall, envious urge , euphoric
tranquility , fear, feeblemind, foe to friend , forbid action
(greater) , forbid action , forced repentance , forest maze,
forgetful slumber , frozen note , fumbletongue , geas, lesser,
geas/quest, good hope, greed, haunting choir , heroic finale ,
heroic invocation , heroism (greater) , heroism, hideous laughter,
hold animal, hold monster (mass) , hold monster, hold person
(mass) , hold person, humble, hunter's howl , hypnotic pattern,
hypnotism, ill omen , illusory script, insanity, irresistable dance,
jitterbugs , knight's calling , languid bomb admixture , litany
of eloquence , litany of madness , litany of righteousness ,
litany of sloth , loathsome veil , lock gaze , lullaby, magic
missive, major phantom object , malicious spite , marks of
forbiddance , memory lapse , mind fog, minor dream , minor
phantom object , miserable pity , modify memory, moment of
greatness , moonstruck , murderous command , nightmare,
oppressive boredom , overwhelming grief , overwhelming
presence , pacifism, pain touch, paranoia, phantasmal killer,
phantasmal revenge , phantasmal web , pied piping , power
word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prediction of failure
, primal scream , qualm , rage, rainbow pattern, rally
point , ray of command, reckless infatuation , recurring
nightmare, righteous vigor , saving finale , scare, scintillating
pattern, seek thoughts , serenity , Serrin's phantasm, shared
wrath , sleep, sleepwalk , smug narcissism , song of chaos,
song of charm, song of discord, song of freedom, song of holding,
soul exchange, stay the hand , stunning finale , symbol of fear,
symbol of insanity, symbol of persuasion, symbol of sleep, symbol
of strife , symbol of stunning, sympathy, terrible remorsev terror,
toilsome chant , touch of idiocy, unadulterated loathing ,
unnatural lust , unprepared combatant , unwitting ally ,
vengeful outrage , village veil , wandering star motes ,
wartrain mount , waves of ecstasy , weird, wrath , zone of


The spell conjures light. Unless otherwise noted a light spell counters any
darkness spell of equal or lower level less and dispels any darkness spell two
or more levels lower.


campfire wall , continual flame, dancing lantern , dancing lights,

daybreak arrow , daylight, discovery torch , faerie fire, flare burst ,
flare, judgement light , light lance , light of day, light, pillar of life ,
snapdragon fireworks , sunbeam, sunburst, wandering star motes ,
wrathful mantle

This new descriptor is for spells that alter other spells or the
capacity of creatures to use spells not unlike the metamagic
feats. Any spell preparation or addition to a spells known list
created by a spell doesnt count towards your characters normal

addle, adjuring step , agonizing memories, alacrity, alchemical

allocation , amplify elixer , arcane concordance ,
attunement, blood transcription , chain contingency, chaos bolt,
chaos sphere, chill, circle of hands, clear mind, concentrate,
confiscate, contingency, control construct , curse item, dark
ritual, deflection, delay, delayed consumption , discombobulate,

discordant dirge, donate, duress, enlighten, fanning the flames, glyph of

warding (lesser) , glyph of warding, halt, imbue with spell ability, limited
resources, mage's lucubration, mask dweomer (communal) , mask
dweomer , mind burn, mnemonic absorption, mnuemonic enhancer,
radiate, recharge innate magic , replenish, reverse damage, sleight of
mind, spectral hand, spell lodestone, spellstaff, surge, Terix's blessing,
twincast, universal formula , virtuoso performance

From Ultimate Magic, spells with the pain descriptor work by inflicting pain
on the victim. These are the sort of spells used by individuals that want to
spread suffering for its own sake.

Spells with the water descriptor draw energy from the elemental
plane of water or they manipulate water already present upon the
material plane.

aqueous orb , bless water, buoy, control water, create water,

curse water, deep water, douse, elemental body I, elemental body
II, elemental body III, elemental body IV, fluid form , geyser ,
hydraulic push , hydraulic torrent , ride the waves ,
seamantle , slipstream , transmute water to acid, tsunami ,
vortex , water breathing, water walk (communal) , water walk,
world wave

agonize , agonizing memories, brittlebone curse, dark ritual, excruciating

deformation , exsanguination, eyebite, final punishment, haunting choir
, howling agony , infliction, interrogation (greater) , interrogation ,
pain strike (mass) , pain strike , pain touch, persuasive goad , repel
vermin, retribution , smother, symbol of pain, transmute blood to acid



accelerate poison , blood mist , cloudkill, ghoul touch, pernicious poison

, poison, putrefy food and drink , spit poison , stinking cloud, toxic gift
, transmute poition to poison , venomous bolt

brief reprieve, chaos ball, chaos bolt, chaos in the mind's eye,
chaos sphere, corporeal instability, delude divination,
discombobulate, entropic burst, entropic wave, flame guide,
flickering ward, jibber jabba, mage's guess, mishap shield,
reckless dweomer, second chance, solipist disillusionment,
subjectional gravity, surgeshield, Terix's blessing, the road left
untaken, twisted space , understand unorthodoxy, wildstroke


New Spell Effects

The spell employs sound. Either the subjects must hear the spell (as is the
case with many bard spells) or the spell deals damage through vibration.
Spells that deal damage this way have the sonic damage type. Usually sonic
spells dont work in zones of magical silence, although shockwave is an

Some spells in this book have new effects beyond the list given in
the Core Rulebook.

A new descriptor from Ultimate Magic, poison spells manipulate and/or

create poison.




accellerate poison , acid pit , animal trance, blasphemy, blood

biography , bloody claws , brand (greater) , brand , cacophonous
call (mass) , cacophonous call , concussive fireball, crafter's curse ,
create treasure map , deadly finale , deafening song blot ,
denounce , devolution , discordant blast , discordant dirge, distracting
cacophony , distressing tone , divine rebuke, dust of twilight , earUM
piercing scream , echolocation , elemental infusion, energy siege shot
(greater) , energy siege shot , enthrall, feast of ashes , fester (mass) ,
fester , forced quiet , frozen note , ghostbane dirge (mass) ,
ghostbane dirge , horn of pursuit , hungry pit , hunter's howl , ill
omen , ki shout , litany of thunder , lunar veil , memory lapse ,
oracle's burden , pain strike (mass) , pain strike , phantasmal
revenge , phantasmal web , pied piping , piercing shriek , pox
pustules , primal scream , putrefy food and drink , rebuke ,
resonating word , resounding blow , rolling thunder, screech ,
screech , sculpt corpse , shadow projection , shatter, shockwave,
shout (greater) , shout, sleepwalk , song of chaos, song of charm, song of
discord, song of freedom, sonic thrust , sound burst, spite , stunning
finale , suffocation (mass) , suffocation , swarm skin , sympathetic
vibration, thundering drums , touch of gracelessness , transmute potion
to poison , twilight knife , unwilling shield , unwitting ally ,
venomous bolt , vomit swarm , wail of the banshee, wall of sound

While relatively few in number, time spells are some of the most powerful
in Carthasana or any setting since they spell manipulates the flow rate of
time or allow the character to see into the future or past. This descriptor is
newly introduced here.


aggravated assault, alacrity, allegro , elude time , foresight, haste,

legend lore, mirror strike , moment of prescience, quick, sands of time ,
slow, symbol of slowing , temporal stasis, time spiral, time stop, time
twister, time walk, time warp, vision

Wild spells use the uncertainty of chaos to power them. These

spells can cause mishaps when they are used. There are no spells
from this group in the Pathfinder Core rules - all but one ofthem
are new and present in this volume.

Spell Slot Costs

Some spells say that you must expend a spell slot or a preparation
as an additional cost to cast them. These spells are balanced by
this requirement the higher the power level of the slot the more
powerful the spell is (usually).
The preparation contained in the slot (if any) is usually irrelevant,
but if it isnt the word preparation will be used instead of slot.
Note that bards and sorcerers, who dont prepare spells, cant use
the spells requiring specific preparations to be sacrificed.
Some spells require you to choose and expend a spell slot of equal
or higher level than a target spell. You must succeed at a spellcraft
check to learn the level of the spell. If you fail, you can guess, but if
you guess low the spell will be wasted with no effect.
Unlike other costs, spell slots are lost if the spell is countered or
interrupted somehow.

Loss of Spells
Some spells rip spells (or spell potential) away. Spell slots or
preparations lost to an enemy casters spell are gone as if cast. The
next time you can prepare spells the slots (and the spell) will be
restored unless otherwise noted by the spell. If a spell specifies
that it causes the loss of spell preparations then it will not affect
bards or sorcerers they dont normally prepare spells.

Positive and Negative Energy Levels

Certain spells (such as enervation, energy drain or Matachas Edict)
assign positive or negative energy levels to creatures. Negative
energy levels are discussed in the DMG in the glossary under the
heading energy drain and negative levels
Applied to undead creatures, a positive energy level has much the
same effect as a negative energy level. If a living creature receives
a positive energy level then the following effects occur:

+1 bonus to skill checks and ability checks

+1 bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws
+5 temporary hit points
+1 effective level (whenever the creatures level is used in a die roll or
calculation, increase it by one for each positive energy).

electricity to appear, wind to kick up and so on. The still spell

removes the casters need to make exacting motions, but the feat
doesnt affect the visual signatures the spell may produce.

Keep in mind that spells that typically bestow positive energy levels only
affect undead and spells (or abilities) that bestow negative energy levels
only affect the living. When the reverse is true bonuses are received. A
living creature can only benefit from 1 positive level at a time and an
undead creature can only benefit from 1 negative level at a time.

These are physical props your character must possess in order to

cast the spell. Material components are consumed by the act of
casting, while foci survive to be used repeatedly.

Spell Descriptions

Material (M) and Focus (F)

A spell with a tiny material component or focus grants observers a

+2 circumstance bonus on their spot check to notice your casting.
This bonus increases by +2 with each increase in the size of the

Note all the following changes and new entries you will see in the spell
descriptions given in the next chapter.

The feats eschew materials and improved eschew materials let you
dodge material component and focus requirements, depending on

[Ritual] Alignment School (subschool)

You may choose to use exceptional material components with any

spell (even those that dont normally call for material
components). As a general rule these exceptional material
components append metamagic feats to the spell. Finding out
exactly what the component is will require research and it will vary
depending on both the spell and the metamagic feat you wish to

If a spell is always a ritual, it will say so on the same line as the school name
- "Ritual Conjuration (Creation)". Note that some spells can be cast as both
an incantation and a ritual - with these spells the ritual notes are given at
the end of the spell description.

The classes that can use the spell and the levels they use the spell at.

X Level Spells
A spell with a level of X has a scaling effect depending on what level they
where prepared at or cast from. They may or may not have a minimum level
at which they are prepared as noted in their description. Wizards learn
these spells normally, but they take up space in their spell book equal to the
highest level the wizard can cast them at.
When a sorcerer learns an X level spell he chooses a spells known slot for it
and may cast the spell at that level or lower. Whenever he gains a new level
of spells he may promote the X level spell into the recently gained spell
known slot and immediately choose a replacement for it in the slot it
occupied - this is in addition to any spell swaps he may be entitled to
perform at that level.

You must use your bardic music as part of the casting of this spell.
This will expend one or more of your bardic music uses for the day.
All spells with the song component will also carry a verbal (V)
component and have the [sonic] descriptor.

More than a few of the new spells of this book target a spell in
casting. You can't target your own spell casting.

A spells duration tells you how long the spell will last

While Sung

In addition to affecting when you can cast a spell, the verbal and somatic
components affect how easily you can conceal your spell casting and how it
looks to others. New components also appear in this book.

Verbal (V)
Spells with a verbal component have a base listen DC of 0 minus their level.
However, spells of the illusion or enchantment schools have a DC half that
other spells while evocations or conjurations have DCs twice that of the
base. Higher-level spells amplify the casters voice, and high level spells
echo off nearby walls and are nearly impossible to conceal. Think of the
scene where Gandalf raises his voice to Bilbo in The Lord of the Rings: The
Fellowship of the Ring for an example of this effect. The silent spell feat
wont snuff the noise the spell itself makes.
Successfully casting a spell with a verbal component requires the caster to
be able to hear himself. If he can't due to deafness or being in a zone of
magical silence a concentration check is required to cast the spell. Note that
in the case of magical silence, if the spell is sonic it will fail even if
successfully cast.

Somatic (S)
Spells with a somatic component have a base spot DC of 0 minus their level.
However, spells of the illusion or enchantment schools have a DC half that
other spells while evocations or conjurations have DCs twice that of the
base. The higher the spells level the more exaggerated and fast the casters
gestures become. Higher level spells also cause nearby lights to dim, arcs of

Seen on many bard spells with the song component, these spells
require the bard to sing continuously round after round (a move
equivalent action that doesnt provoke an attack of opportunity).
Maintaining a song when struck in combat requires a concentration
Targets of a spell with a duration of while sung are freed from
the spell if the bard moves out of range or they are somehow
rendered unable to hear the spell. If the spell has a duration after
the singing stops this duration continues normally for the subject.

Triggered Discharge (T)

All discharge spells have the triggered descriptor and follow the
rules for triggered spells given earlier in the chapter. This simply
means the spell reacts to some preset circumstance. Some spells
do so repeatedly.

Ritual (R)
Many spells can be ritually cast to increase their duration. These
spells will have an (R) note on their duration line. To make the
spell last for a day / level you must spend an hour casting it and use
material components costing 25gp / level of the spell. You may
spend eight hours casting it and 2500gp / level of the spell to make
the effect permanent. Spells which emenate from you can be fixed
to an area when ritually cast.

Spell Modifiers
The end of many spell descriptions have a list of modifiers. In this book spell
modifiers replace the need to have separate entries for lesser, greater, mass
and communal versions of spells. Each modifier of a spell creates a
different spell when it is applied. Unless otherwise noted you may only
apply each modifier once, and you cannot make the spell higher level than
you could otherwise cast. The number after the name of the modifier
indicates how much the spell's level is adjusted by the modifier.
Spontaneous casters such as sorcerers can apply modifiers freely. Existing
communal, greater, lesser and mass spells are considered modifiers to their
base spell.

Wild Spellcraft
Wild spells use especially chaotic energies and occassionally behave in
unexpected ways. Each time one is used a mishap may occur. When these
spells are cast note the following:

The characters save DC is 1d20+spell level, not 10+spell level. Wild

spellcraft spells vary considerably in their effectiveness.


If the character rolls his level on the d20 when setting his DC, a mishap
occurs with the spell. Epic level characters mishap on a roll of 20.
Mishaps can be baleful or beneficial.

A character can choose to cast spells in this way at all times, not just when
using wild spells. Also, there are areas of the world where magic has
become wild - in these areas casters observe the rules above.

says, Spell DC is at -10, then you still cast a lightning bolt, albeit a
version easier to dodge.

Mishaps that mention you, your, thine, etc. are Personal
mishaps, and they affect you, the caster. If the mishap is caused by
the activation of a magical item, the Personal mishap affects the
activator, not the creator of the item.
Unless the mishap is also a Spell mishap, you can negate the
mishap effect with a successful Will save.

Mishaps that mention a target are Target mishaps, and only have
an effect if the spell that caused the mishap had a specific target. If
the spell that caused the mishap does not have an exact target
(such as with a fireball or commune spell), the Target mishap has
affects the person closest to the center of the area of effect. If
there is no area of effect, there is no result. If the spell had
multiple targets, you choose one that is affected by the mishap.
Spells that create an effect that affect deliberately chosen targets
(like ray spells or magic missile) can cause Target mishaps, but
touch spells cannot.
Unless the mishap is also a Spell mishap, the target can negate the
mishap effect with a successful Will save.

Wild spells work much like any other spells except that they sometimes
mishap with effects that range from colorful and benign to the downright
weird and dangerous. When a mishap is indicated by the DC roll d%, add
the characters spellcaster level and then consult the mishap table.

Types of Mishaps
Mishaps come in four basic formsspell, personal, target, and general
which can overlap. A mishap could, for instance, say, Major Image; you
and target look like each other. In this case it would be a Spell, Personal,
and Target mishap. If a non-Spell mishap grants a saving throw to resist it, it
is a Will save, DC the same as that of the spell that instigated the mishap.
See below for details on saves against Spell mishaps.

If a mishap mentions the spell or gives a spell name (like fireball), it is a
Spell mishap. Instead of using a Will save with the DC of the spell that
caused the mishap, use the saving throw appropriate to the spell as if you
had actually cast the spell.
If the mishap simply says the spell does something, it affects the spell you
were initially trying to cast. If you try to cast a lightning bolt and the mishap

General mishaps are those that are not Personal or Target mishaps.
General mishaps have an effect centered at where the spell that
instigated the mishap was targeted or centered. If the spell that
caused the mishap had no specific target or focus (such as a
commune or locate object spell), the general mishap has no effect.
General mishaps can have a plainly stated effect (like the ground
gets muddy in a 10 foot radius), or can have the same effect as a
normal spell (like grease). In the prior case, any people, and/or
magical items receive a Will save to negate the effect (a magic
items saving throw bonuses are each equal to 2 + one-half its
caster level, or uses the bearers saves, whichever are better). In
the latter case, the General mishap is also a Spell mishap, and uses
those rules for determining the DC.

Undoing the Damage of Mishaps

Unless noted in the mishap description, permanent mishap effects
can be negated with a successful dispel magic, remove curse, or
break enchantment cast against the caster level of the character
whose spell caused the mishap. If the target does not want the
permanent effect to go away, she is allowed a Will save to negate
the dispelling effect. The DC of this Will save is equal to 10 + the
dispellers caster level.

Table 6-1: Mishaps




The spell targets you, or if an area of effect, it centers on you. If it cannot target you or center on you, the spell simply fails.


Wild spell energy deals 1d4 point of damage per spell level to you.


The spell affects a random target or area of effect. The GM should randomly determine a different target from among those in
range of the spell. If the spell has no specified target or area of effect, it simply fails.


A random spell that you have prepared (or a random spell you know if you cast spontaneously) occurs, targeted as close to your
original target as the parameters of the spell allow. The slot of the spell that occurs is expended instead of the one you intended to
cast. It is possible the random spell could be the one you originally intended. The spell that occurs is (1d6: 1-2, one level lower
than; 3-4, the same level as; 5-6, one level higher than) the spell you were originally casting. If you have no spells of this level, the
mishap has no effect.


The spell fails, but its energies manifest as a luck penalty to all your ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, or level
checks for the next minute. This penalty is equal to 1 + the spells level.


Wild spell energy deal 1 point of damage per spell level to any creatures or objects that would have been affected by the spell.


Nothing happens. The spell fails just as if it were disrupted in casting.


Odd sensory elements and bizarre (but harmless) phenomena occur in the area of effect the spell would have affected, lasting as
long as the spells duration would have lasted.


Bestow curse on you.


The spell functions normally, but your next spell automatically mishaps, with a 20 luck penalty to the roll.


The spell fails, but the wild spell energy leaves a permanent change in your body. The change is no more drastic than that which
alter self can achieve.


Nothing happens. The spell does not function, just as if it were never cast, and thus costs the spellcaster no spell slots or material


For as long as the spells duration would have lasted, your appearance changes in moderate ways, such as alteration of the size,
color, or shape of a body part, your facial appearance, or your sex. The change is no more drastic than that which alter self can


The spell functions, but odd sensory elements and bizarre (but harmless) phenomena accompany it for its duration.


Spell appears to function normally, but is only an illusion. Will DC 20 to disbelieve if interacted with. If the spell has no obvious
sensory effects (like a charm person), nothing happens.


The spell functions normally, but your next spell automatically mishaps.


The spell fails, but its energies manifest as a luck bonus to all your ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, or level
checks for the next minute. This bonus is equal to 1 + the spells level.


The spell functions normally, but with subtle changes in its appearance, such as fireballs being green, or a fly spell leaving a trail of


The spell functions normally, but you can cast it again. The spell slot or prepared spell is not expended, nor are any material


The spell functions at full potential, automatically defeating spell resistance and not allowing a saving throw to resist.

Incantations and Rituals

Chapter 7
While the spells herein are included to reinforce the magical sense of place
for the World of Carthasana as distinct from the Forgotten Realms,
Greyhawk or the like, they are still (mostly) generic enough for inclusion in
any setting and their inclusion marks the largest contribution to the d20
game of the setting. They also illustrate the often antagonistic relationship
between the five alignments even more so than the spells of the Core Rules.

Ritually Castable spells

Many existing spells can be ritually cast to increase their duration. These
spells are listed below and new spells with this property will have an (R)
note on their duration line if they function in this manner when cast as a
ritual (a few new ritually castable spells may behave differently as outlined
in their description). To make the spell last for a day / level you must spend
an hour casting it and use material components costing 25gp / level of the
spell. You may spend eight hours casting it and 2500gp / level of the spell to
make the effect permanent.
The existing spells that are ritually castable are as follows: alarm, animate
objects, align weapon, antilife shell, antimagic field, antipathy, antiplant
shell, arcane sight, comprehend languages, dancing lights, darkvision, detect
magic, enlarge person, ghost sound, gust of wind, invisibility, mage armor,
magic fang, magic fang, greater, mage's private sanctum, magic mouth,
phase door, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, read magic, reduce person,
resistance, see invisibility, shrink item, solid fog, stinking cloud, symbol of
death, symbol of fear, symbol of insanity, symbol of pain, symbol of
persuassion, symbol of sleep, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness,
teleportation circle, telepathic bond, tongues, wall of fire, wall of force, web

Bestow Grace

Bestow Grace of the Champion : This spell is divided into

two spells, one for each alignment a paladin can be
oathsworn against. A paladin bestows the grace identical to
his own. A cleric chooses which grace he bestows. Only a
cleric that is purely Valran in alignment may cast this spell.

Blaze of Glory : Replace 'good' with 'Valran', and replace

'evil' with 'creatures of your are oathsworn alignment'. A
creature with both alignments is unaffected.

Bless Weapon: The weapon strikes true against the alignment

of foe the paladin is oathsworn to combat.

Blistering Invective : The demoralizing effect part of the

spell is mind-affecting.

Challenge Evil : You challenge a creature of the alignment

you are oathsworn against.

Create Demiplane, Greater Create Demiplane, Lesser Create

Demiplane : Several changes. First, there is no distinction
between the Ethereal and Astral planes in Carthasana - their
equivilent is known as the ther plane. Alignment traits are
restricted to the alignments of the setting. If you are using
create greater demiplane you may restrict the spells used on
the plane by alignment - for example you could create a plane
where Sodra and Shunra's magic don't exist. The exception
to this are the create demiplane spells themselves and their
antithesis - planar collapse. You may also create a co-extant
plane with any of the three spells. Such a plane has a location
on the material plane but you may influence events within
the area as you choose. A co-extant plane can also be formed
to change its exact location upon the material plane at
random or at regular intervals, and you may choose a
location for it to appear at if you wish. A co-extant plane
however cannot displace a well known geographical location
or feature - instead you may make a cottage that appears
randomly in the wilderness, or a theater that moves from
ghetto to ghetto within the cities of the world and so on.

Deadly Juggernaut : This is most certainly not a paladin

spell. It is both Sodran and a death magic effect, two things
antithetical to the paladin orders.

Death Ward: New modifiers have been added to this spell for
communal, greater and mass modes.

Detect Magic: This spell will reveal the alignment of a

creature since all creatures are aligned just as spells are.

Divine Transfer : The damage resistance is bypassed by the

Valran alignment (the original writeup is nonsensical, an error

Dread Bolt : Replace "good" with "Valran". The spell deals

only half damage to other non Sodran creatures and no
damage to a purely Sodran creature.

Elemental Body I-IV: The fire and earth modes of this spell
are Shunra magic, and the air and water modes are Balcra.
The spell is otherwise unchanged.

Elemental Swarm: The fire and earth modes of this spell are
Shunra magic, and the air and water modes are Balcra. The
spell is otherwise unchanged.

Removed Spells
The following spells are removed from play - typically because they deal
with alignment or they have been replaced (for example: the new spell cure
wounds consolidates the various cure spells into one entry). These spells are
blasphemy, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, cure critical wounds, cure light
wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, detect chaos, detect
evil, detect good, detect law, dictim, dispel chaos, dispel evil, dispel law, holy
aura, holy word, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, inflict moderate
wounds, inflict serious wounds, magic circle against chaos, magic circle
against evil, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, mass inflict
critical wounds, mass inflict light wounds, mass inflict moderate wounds,
mass inflict serious wounds, mass cure critical wounds, mass cure light
wounds, mass cure moderate wounds, mass cure serious wounds, protection
from chaos, protection from evil, protection from good, protection from law,
order's wrath, shield of law, summon monster I-IX, summon nature's ally IAPG
IX, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, word of chaos, defile armor ,
divine vessel , elemental speech , communal protection from chaos ,
communal protection from evil , communal protection from good and
communal protection from law , shards of chaos , temporary
ressurection , unholy ice , unholy sword

Spell Alterations
The following spells have changes as noted below.

Align Weapon: The alignments a weapon may be given must match

those of the setting. The alignment of the spell is the same as the
alignment it is granting.

Arrow of Law : Replace "chaotic" with "creature you are oathsworn

against if you are a paladin, or your choice of Sodran or Shunran
creatures if you are a cleric." The spell deals only half damage to other
non Valran creatures, and no damage to a purely Valran creature.
Atonement: This ritual must be cast on hallowed ground. It can
remove alignments but not grant them.


: You may bestow your grace on Valran









Follow Aura : Your alignment choices are those of the setting. The
alignment of the spell does not change - it remains Abora.

Forced Repentance : The spell can be cast on any creature. For the
duration it recounts any deeds it has made which violate its
alignment(s), starting with the worst from its point of view. Keep in
mind what a Sodran character would view as a sin might seem
virtuous in the eyes of a typical caster.

Spear of Purity: Replace 'evil' with Sodran. The spell deals

half damage to other non-Valran creatures and no damage to
purely Valran creatures.

Wake of Light : Replace 'good' with 'Valran', and replace

'evil' with 'creatures of your are oathsworn alignment'. A
creature with both alignments is unaffected.

Ward of the Season: The season cannot be changed after the

spell is cast. Instead decrease the stated level for the spell for
all classes during the appropriate season, and increase the
stated level by one for the effect of the opposite season. The
season turns on the Tunis festivals of the human calendar at

Word of Recall: The sanctuary you designate must be

hallowed to your god.

World Wave : The water variation of this spell is Balcran,

the earthen one is Shunran. They count as seperate spells.


Hallow: Areas are hallowed to specific alignments depending on which

of the five versions of this spell was used. The magic circle effect is
against the two alignments which oppose the alignment of the hallow.
A Valra hallow (the most common) wards against Shunra and Sodra.

Holy Smite: Each color has two of these spells, one for each enemy
color. For example, A Valran Smite against Sodra.

Holy Sword: There are two versions of this spell, one attuned against
Sodra and the other against Shunra. The version a paladin uses is
based on which of the two he is oathboath to combat.




Holy Whisper : Replace 'good' with 'Valran', and replace 'evil' with
'creatures of your are oathsworn alignment'. A creature with both
alignments is unaffected.

Imbue with Aura : If you are multialigned you may only choose from
the alignments you share with your deity. The other alignments of the
target are suppressed.

Litany of Pain



is not a paladin spell.


Litany of Righteousness : A paladin affects creatures with the

alignment the paladin is oathsworn against. An inquisitor affects
creatures who worship gods which are hostile to his own.

Litany of Thunder

Mage Armor: This spell has additional modifiers for bolstered and
communal modes.

Nightmare: Edict of Grace instead of dispel evil will stun you.

Oath of Peace : The damage resistance is bypassed by Valran

aligned creatures.

Permanency: The presence of inbuilt ritual modes for extended and

permanent spell duration removes the need for this spell to exist.

Play Instrument : You may play one instrument as if you had your
caster level in ranks with the instrument (as written this spell is too
weak to be a cantrip).

Polypurpose Panacea : The different effects have different

alignments so the spell has the alignment of the effect it is creating as
follows: Abora - wakefulness and tenacity; Balcra - lucid dream and
sleep; Shunra - analgesic and clarity; Sodra - hallucinations and
intoxication; Valra - resistance and sobriety. Unlike other polyaligned
spells, this spell isn't divided before casting - a caster has access to all
modes of the spell they are entitled to use, making this spell slightly
less useful in the hands of mages who are unable to use two of the
modes. Instead the double the duration of the spell when they use an
effect from their favored alignment.


is not a paladin spell.



The following lists summarize the new spells in this book according
to the character classes. An or denotes a material component or
focus that is not typically found in the spell component pouch of a
The classes which appear here are those which are canon to the
setting, regardless of commonality. If you choose to play a different
class you must determine on your own which spells are and are not
The alignments of spells are very important, not the least of which
because wizard magi can use spells of their own color regardless of
which class list they are on, and if another class has the spell at a
lower level, the magi can use the more adventageous level. These
glyphs are at a smaller print size than earlier, so for clarification
they are: Abora, Balcra, Shunra, Sodra, Valra.
Polyaligned spells across all five colors are marked with 

Alchemist Spells
X Level Alchemist Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the
core rules with one unified entry.
Dampening Field: Gain damage reduction X+1 / Valra.


1st-level Alchemist Spells


Alluring Scent: Gain a bonus to diplomacy and resistance to

sickening odors.
Buoy: Cause a creature to strongly float, even if in heavy armor.
Clearsight: See through vapors and water clearly.
Magnify Sight: See clearly from a distance like a bird of prey.
Scent: You gain the scent ability.
Snow Walk: Target creature gains the ability to walk on snow
without sinking into it.
Still Touch: Touched creature creates no vibrations and is
invisible to creatures relying on sound to see.
Understand Unorthodoxy: Gain the ability to see patterns in


2nd-level Alchemist Spells


Pup Shape : Change non-evil to non-Sodran.

Rally Point

Sanctify Armor : The damage resistance is bypassed by Valran

aligned creatures.

See Alignment : Creatures and spells of the chosen alignment are

revealed. The alignment choices are those of the setting.

Shield: This spell has an additional greater modifier.

Shield Other: This spell has additional mass and spirit link modifiers.


: This spell affects Valran creatures.

Delude Divination: Divination spells return nonsensical random

Focus: Touched creature gains a +10 enhancement to
Mishap Shield: Counter target mishap targetting you.
Subjectional Gravity: Down for you is the direction of the
surface your feet are touching.

Vigilance: A creature stands vigilance, gaining a +10 bonus to perception


3rd-level Alchemist Spells

Armor of Thorns: As barkskin, plus thorns cover your body dealing
damage to those who attack you.
Flickering Ward: Grant random immunities to spells.
Reflect Gaze: Gaze attacks are turned back on their progenitor.

4th-level Alchemist Spells

Aligned Spell Resistance: Spell resistance against spells of a chosen
Carapace: Cover yourself in the shell of an insect.
Clear Mind: Clear your mind for further spellcasting and preparation.
Sentinel: As vigilance, but the guard doesn't need to sleep and gains a
+20 bonus to perception checks and a +4 holy bonus to saving throws
against mind affecting spells.

5 -level Alchemist Spells

Gratuitous Violence: Target creature deals and recieves critical hits.
Rejuvenate: Dispel all effects which penalize ability scores.
Replenish: Restore all spells you had cast that where dispelled in the last

6th-level Alchemist Spells

ther Slide: Creature can dodge into the ther as a swift action.
Corpse Control: Magic Jar into a corpse and animate it.
Intangibility: Become almost impossible to detect.
Repel Death : Cause someone to die in your place when you would die.
Surgeshield: Create a barrier that makes opponents likely to miss you and
absorbs spells until it is overflowed, at which point it mishaps.

Delude Divination: Divination spells return nonsensical random

Dregs of Sorrow: The target creature loses all morale bonuses
and suffers a -2 moral penalty to attacks, damage rolls, skill checks
and saving throws.
Jibber Jabba: Cloak language in wild spellcraft rendering it
unintelligible to outsiders.
Pacifism: Target creature goes totally defensive and can only
move or speak.
Ray of Command: A single round dominate person effect.
Song of Chaos: Song confuses those hear.
Song of Charm: Song charms those who hear.
Sound Shell: Create a barrier across which sound does not pass.

3rd-level Bard Spells

Compulsion: Compel a creature to perform a move equivalent
action each round.
Dicordant Dirge: Listeners cannot cast spells during this song
and for four rounds after.
Dregs of Sorrow: The target creature loses all morale bonuses
and suffers a -2 moral penalty to attacks, damage rolls, skill checks
and saving throws.
Song of Freedom: Song that dispels mental controls on the
Song of Holding: Song that holds listeners still until the last note.

4th-level Bard Spells

Blinding Light: A more intense daylight spell which dazzles and
blinds those vulnerable to light.
Catalogue: Gain all the knowledge of a library.

5th-level Bard Spells

Bard Spells

Confiscate: Steal a spell ward from another caster.

Disenchant: Dismiss a spell the original caster can dismiss or if it
has the curse descriptor.

X Level Bard Spells

6th-level Bard Spells

Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the core rules
with one unified entry.
Reckless Dweomer: Create a mishap and try to form a spell of level X from
 Summon Creature: This spell combines the summon monster and
summon nature's ally spells.

0 -level Bard Spells

Dry: Drive the water out of an object or creature's clothing.
Groom: Instantly groom yourself, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to
diplomacy and perform checks.
Mage's Guess: Quickly estimate the number of creatures or objects in a

1st-level Bard Spells

Alluring Scent: Gain a bonus to diplomacy and resistance to sickening
Buoy: Cause a creature to strongly float, even if in heavy armor.
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic circle
against evil and all similar spells.
Still Touch: Touched creature creates no vibrations and is invisible to
creatures relying on sound to see.
Switch Costumes : Switch your clothing with clothing you've stored in a
special box.
Understand Unorthodoxy: Gain the ability to see patterns in chaos.

2nd-level Bard Spells

Bloodcurdling Scream: As fear, but costing bardic music ability for each

Back to Basics: Antimagic Field suppressing enhancement spells.

Intangibility: Become almost impossible to detect.
Shattering Pulse: Destroy magic items, destroy magical
constructs with a finger of death like attack.

Cleric Spells
X Level Cleric Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the
core rules with one unified entry.
Dampening Field: Gain damage reduction X+1 / Valra.
Enlighten: Imbue a spellcaster with the ability to use cure
wounds at up to level X.
Foul Presence: Undead gain turn resistance of 2X
Infliction: Replaces the various inflict wounds spells in the core
rules with one unified entry.
Oathbind: Bind two or more parties to an oath. As the level of
this spell ascends so do the penalties for violating the oath.
 Summon Creature: This spell combines the summon monster
and summon nature's ally spells.

1 -level Cleric Spells

Abeyance: Momentarily stop a creature from casting spells.
Dark Ritual: Drain the lifeforce from a victim overnight to bolster
your casting ability for a day.
Eternal Respite: Prevent the raising or animation of a body.

Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a

specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic circle
against evil and all similar spells.

2 -level Cleric Spells

Decree: Readers and listeners permanently remember what is written or
read from an enchanted scroll.
Delude Divination: Divination spells return nonsensical random results.
Halt: As abeyance, but also preventing supernatural abilities, spell-like
abilities and the activation of magic items.
Mishap Shield: Counter target mishap targetting you.
Paranoia: The subject believes everyone is his enemy.
Terix's Blessing: The subject gains the wild spellcaster template.
Vigilance: A creature stands vigilance, gaining a +10 bonus to perception

3rd-level Cleric Spells

Clutch of Undeath: Bolster undead with strength, harm the living by
marking them with the aura of undeath and weakening their strength.
Conviction: As charm person and the target becomes Valran aligned.
Duress: The target can't cast spells from their highest two spell levels.
Elemental Infusion: Make a weapon deal extra elemental damage.
Flickering Ward: Grant random immunities to spells.
Greed: Curse a foe with unreasoning greed.
Hatred: Kill a foe using divinely driven hatred.
Pacifism: Target creature goes totally defensive and can only move or
Reverse Damage: Reverse the damage of a spell so that it heals all it
would have harmed.
Sound Shell: Create a barrier across which sound does not pass.

4th-level Cleric Spells

Blinding Light: A more intense daylight spell which dazzles and blinds
those vulnerable to light.
Bright Circle: Create a barrier impassable to undead.
Despondency: Stricken a foe with divine weakness.
Light of Day: Create a powerful light that drives back the undead.
No Rest for the Wicked: Return to unlife a number of corpses equal to
twice your level.
Pestilence: Creatures in the area of effect are harmed and sickened.
Retribution: Creatures that strike you with a weapon suffer the same
damage they inflict.
Revive: As raise dead, but only upon those slain very recently.
Spell Lodestone: Spells that can target your must target you.
Sentinel: As vigilance, but the guard doesn't need to sleep and gains a
+20 bonus to perception checks and a +4 holy bonus to saving throws
against mind affecting spells.

5th-level Cleric Spells

Agonizing Memories: Cause a foe to recall an agonizing memory
paralying and damaging them.
Disenchant: Dismiss a spell the original caster can dismiss or if it has the
curse descriptor.
Dissension in the Ranks: Compel a creature to attack his allies.
Divine Edict: Replaces dispel evil and similar spells to provide alignment
based dispelling in the setting.
Exsanguination: Double the bleed damage suffered by the target.
Nightshroud: Create an area of darkness that doesn't affect undead.
Recurring Nightmare: Subject is unable to soundly sleep.
Weakness: Target creature's strength is reduced to 1.

7th-level Cleric Spells

Control Revocation: Spell turning against compulsion spells.
 Divine Rebuke: You issue a word holy to your own alignment
which harms listeners who do not share your belief.
Purge: Finger of Death against undead.

8th-level Cleric Spells

Befoul: Curse a creature to become a zombie.
Prophecy: As divination, but months or years in scope.

9 -level Cleric Spells

Absolutism: Antimagic Field against a single alignment.
Blade Storm: Evoke a moving wall of razor sharp blades.
Circle of Hands: Place several protective spells on creatures
joined in a circle of hands with you.
Dispelling Screen: Create a zone which dispels magic brought
into it.
Holy: Blast foes with pure positive energy.
Inviolability: Gain damage resistance 25/Last Breath: Subject becomes a ghost temporarily.
Manifest Probability: Likely outcomes prevail in the area.
Matacha's Edict: Create a positive energy field to harm the
Planar Collapse: Destroy a demiplane created by mortal magic.
Purify: As mage's disjunction but restricted to spells and items
on one creature and its unable to affect artifacts and antimagic

Druid Spells
X Level Druid Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the
core rules with one unified entry.
 Summon Creature: This spell combines the summon monster
and summon nature's ally spells.

1 -level Druid Spells

Bestow Trick: Temporarily teach an animal a trick.
Buoy: Cause a creature to strongly float, even if in heavy armor.
Magnify Sight: See clearly from a distance like a bird of prey.
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic
circle against evil and all similar spells.
Sheltering Branches: A tree rearranges it's branches to provide
shelter from rain and cover.
Snow Walk: Target creature gains the ability to walk on snow
without sinking into it.

2nd-level Druid Spells

Animal Magnetism: Confer your wild empathy on another.
Bloodlust: Make a creature a viscious but stupid combatant.
Break Slumber: Awaken creatures put to sleep magically, and
alleviate natural fatigue.
Harden Snow: Turn snow to slick ice, tripping foes entering the
area and trapping foes in deep enough snow.
Scent: You gain the scent ability.
Stone Grasp: Conjure a stone hand to grapple foes.


6 -level Cleric Spells

Chaos Sphere: Spells cast in the sphere mishap automatically.
Humble: Strip a foe of class ability.
Magic Missive: Place a written suggestion on a surface that affects all
who read it.
Seal Fate: More powerful than eternal respite, only a deity can defy this
spell once applied.

3 -level Druid Spells

Accelerated Decay: Cause corpses and undead to rapidly decay,
dealing 2d8 damage / round to them.
Armor of Thorns: As barkskin, plus thorns cover your body
dealing damage to those who attack you.
Forest's Eyes: See from any tree in a forest.
Root: The feat of target creature transform into roots and hold it
fast to where it was.

Tendril Walker: You gain the ability to strike with non-intelligent plant
vines and branches.
Venomous Vines: As entangle, and the vines secret a sleep poison.

4th-level Druid Spells

Disempower: Dispel an enhancement spell automatically.
Earthbind: Bind a creature to the ground so it cannot fly.
Hollow Tree: Create an extradimensional hollow in a tree to store items.
Seclude: Your location is shielded from observation by fog and the magic
of the spell.

Afflict: Bestow a negative energy level or -4 con temporarily.

Deepen Shadows: Shadows become darker in the area.
Dregs of Sorrow: The target creature loses all morale bonuses
and suffers a -2 moral penalty to attacks, damage rolls, skill checks
and saving throws.
Lay of the Land: Know the type of terrain you will encounter on
a journey to a specified point.
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic
circle against evil and all similar spells.


5 -level Druid Spells

Animal Scouts: As prying eyes, but using animals instead of orbs.
Carapace: Cover yourself in the shell of an insect.
Choking Vines: Entangle, and summon assassin vines.
Corroding Burst: Burst of entropic energy corrodes machines, including
golems, for 1d6 damage / level.
Form Lock: Prevent a shapechanger from changing shape.
Magnetism: Powerful magnetic forces fill the area making the use of
metal weapons and armor infeasable.
Rejuvenate: Dispel all effects which penalize ability scores.

2 -level Inquisitor Spells

Conviction: As charm person and the target becomes Valran
Elemental Infusion: Make a weapon deal extra elemental
Focus: Touched creature gains a +10 enhancement to
Halt: As abeyance, but also preventing supernatural abilities,
spell-like abilities and the activation of magic items.
Paranoia: The subject believes everyone is his enemy.
Vigilance: A creature stands vigilance, gaining a +10 bonus to
perception checks.

6th-level Druid Spells

Chaos Sphere: Spells cast in the sphere mishap automatically.
Crumble: Destroy a magic item and be healed by its residual energy.
Forest Maze: Cause creatures to get hopelessly lost in the wilderness.
Price of Progress: Creature is dealt 1d6 damage for each magic item it
Rusting Ray: As rusting grasp, but ranged.

3rd-level Inquisitor Spells

Buried Alive: Bury a creature alive in the soil.

One with Nature: See and hear from the eyes or ears of any animal in the
spell's range.

Abandon Hope: Cancel all morale bonuses.

Compulsion: Compel a creature to perform a move equivalent
action each round.
Duress: The target can't cast spells from their highest two spell
Flickering Ward: Grant random immunities to spells.
Hatred: Kill a foe using divinely driven hatred.
Light of Day: Create a powerful light that drives back the
Pacifism: Target creature goes totally defensive and can only
move or speak.
Ray of Command: A single round dominate person effect.
Reflect Gaze: Gaze attacks are turned back on their progenitor.
Retribution: Creatures that strike you with a weapon suffer the
same damage they inflict.

9th-level Druid Spells

4th-level Inquisitor Spells

Cocoon: Wrap a creature in a cocoon which heals it.

Creeping Mold: As creeping doom, but with a powerful fungus instead of
Early Harvest : Cause a field to undergo a year's growth in a day.
Fissure: Open a fissure beneath creatures, causing falling damage to
Swarmform: Turn yourself into a swarm of creatures.
Transmute Rock to Lava: Turn rock into lava to great destructive effect.

Aligned Spell Resistance: Spell resistance against spells of a

chosen alignment.
Agonizing Memories: Cause a foe to recall an agonizing memory
paralying and damaging them.
Blinding Light: A more intense daylight spell which dazzles and
blinds those vulnerable to light.
Bright Circle: Create a barrier impassable to undead.
Despondency: Stricken a foe with divine weakness.
Reverse Damage: Reverse the damage of a spell so that it heals
all it would have harmed.
Sentinel: As vigilance, but the guard doesn't need to sleep and
gains a +20 bonus to perception checks and a +4 holy bonus to
saving throws against mind affecting spells.

7th-level Druid Spells

Shattering Pulse: Destroy magic items, destroy magical constructs with a
finger of death like attack.

8th-level Druid Spells

Inquisitor Spells
X Level Inquisitor Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the core rules
with one unified entry.
Dampening Field: Gain damage reduction X+1 / Valra.
Foul Presence: Undead gain turn resistance of 2X
Infliction: Replaces the various inflict wounds spells in the core rules with
one unified entry.
Oathbind: Bind two or more parties to an oath. As the level of this spell
ascends so do the penalties for violating the oath.
Pain Touch: Your touch causes pain to the subject, the intensity of which
is set by the level of the spell.

1st-level Inquisitor Spells

Abeyance: Momentarily stop a creature from casting spells.

5th-level Inquisitor Spells

Death Burst: Victim suffers damage equal to its own hit dice,
fortitude for half.
Death Stroke: Ensorcel a weapon to kill the next battered
creature it scores a critical hit on.
Disenchant: Dismiss a spell the original caster can dismiss or if it
has the curse descriptor.
Divine Edict: Replaces dispel evil and similar spells to provide
alignment based dispelling in the setting.
Exsanguination: Double the bleed damage suffered by the
Form Lock: Prevent a shapechanger from changing shape.

Recurring Nightmare: Subject is unable to soundly sleep.

6th-level Inquisitor Spells

Control Revocation: Spell turning against compulsion spells.
 Divine Rebuke: You issue a word holy to your own alignment which
harms listeners who do not share your belief.
Final Punishment: Target resuffers damage taken on the previous round.
Humble: Strip a foe of class ability.
Intangibility: Become almost impossible to detect.
Purge: Finger of Death against undead.

Magus Spells
X Level Magus Spells
Alacrity: Cast spells of X level or less as a move equivalent action.
Pain Touch: Your touch causes pain to the subject, the intensity of which
is set by the level of the spell.
Reckless Dweomer: Create a mishap and try to form a spell of level X from
Surge: Target spell becomes more powerful, rising in level by X and in
caster level by 2X.

1st-level Magus Spells

Afflict: Bestow a negative energy level or -4 con temporarily.
Buoy: Cause a creature to strongly float, even if in heavy armor.
Deepen Shadows: Shadows become darker in the area.
Pyroclastic Burst: Deal 2d6 damage per level of a spell expended at
casting to creatures in a 10' radius.
Reaching Weapon: Weapon can strike foes from a distance.
Still Touch: Touched creature creates no vibrations and is invisible to
creatures relying on sound to see.

2nd-level Magus Spells

Chaos Bolt: Flood a creature with wild spell energy.
Clutch of Undeath: Bolster undead with strength, harm the living by
marking them with the aura of undeath and weakening their strength.
Dregs of Sorrow: The target creature loses all morale bonuses and suffers
a -2 moral penalty to attacks, damage rolls, skill checks and saving throws.
Elemental Infusion: Make a weapon deal extra elemental damage.
Focus: Touched creature gains a +10 enhancement to concentration.
Mishap Shield: Counter target mishap targetting you.
Subjectional Gravity: Down for you is the direction of the surface your
feet are touching.

3 -level Magus Spells

Aggravated Assault: Target creature gains an action.
Clutch of Undeath: Bolster undead with strength, harm the living by
marking them with the aura of undeath and weakening their strength.
Duress: The target can't cast spells from their highest two spell levels.
Energy Field: Spells deal minimum damage in the area.
Flame Guide: Guide flames from spot to spot, causing fire damage to
those in their path.
Flickering Ward: Grant random immunities to spells.
Grasping Shadows: Cause shadows to cling to foes like web.
Incinerate: Deal 1d6 damage / level to a foe and prevent it from healing.
Meltdown: Reduce a non-magical object to useless slag.
Second Chance: Allow a creature to reroll a saving throw, attack roll or
skill check.

Death Burst: Victim suffers damage equal to its own hit dice,
fortitude for half.
Death Stroke: Ensorcel a weapon to kill the next battered
creature it scores a critical hit on.
Discombobulate: Target spell becomes a mishap.
Earthbind: Bind a creature to the ground so it cannot fly.
Limited Resources: Spells deal minimum damage and have
minimum caster level.
Mind Burn: Deal damage to spellcasters according to their
prepared spells.
Pestilence: Creatures in the area of effect are harmed and
Power Wave: Create a shockwave that damages and knocks foes
Serrin's Phantasm: Create a phantasm in the mind of the subject
that can replicate any vision you desire for them.
Spell Lodestone: Spells that can target your must target you.

5th-level Magus Spells

Chaos Sphere: Spells cast in the sphere mishap automatically.
Concussive Fireball: Fireball with 15d6 damage cap and half
sonic damage. Creatures make an additional reflex save or are
knocked prone.
Confiscate: Steal a spell ward from another caster.
Counterspell: Counter target spell.
Diseased Weapon: Spread contagion through a weapon's attack.
Disenchant: Dismiss a spell the original caster can dismiss or if it
has the curse descriptor.
Entropic Burst: Send forth a burst of entropy to age and decay
living material.
Gratuitous Violence: Target creature deals and recieves critical
Repel Death : Cause someone to die in your place when you
would die.
Rolling Thunder: A pulse of fire and earth strikes foes nearby
you for 1d6 damage / level.
Shower of Coals: Rain fiery coals down on and area, burning and
bashing them for 1d6 damage / level.

6th-level Magus Spells

Brief Reprieve: Teleport away a safe distance for a limited time,
then teleport back.
Crumble: Destroy a magic item and be healed by its residual
Flaring Pain: Antimagic field against conjuration(healing)
Intangibility: Become almost impossible to detect.
Shattering Pulse: Destroy magic items, destroy magical
constructs with a finger of death like attack.
Terror: As phantasmal killer with higher damage and a -4 save
Wall of Lightning: Create a shimmering wall of lightning that
damages those who try to pass through it.
Wildstroke: Strike another creature with a bolt of wild energy.

Paladin Spells
X Level Paladin Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the
core rules with one unified entry.
Oathbind: Bind two or more parties to an oath. As the level of
this spell ascends so do the penalties for violating the oath.

4 -level Magus Spells

Attunement: Rearrange your prepared spells.
Circumvent: Counter target spell on a successful dispel check.
Clear Mind: Clear your mind for further spellcasting and preparation.
Corporeal Instability: Curse a creature to lose control of their form like a
chaos beast.

1st-level Paladin Spells

Decree: Readers and listeners permanently remember what is
written or read from an enchanted scroll.
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic
circle against evil and all similar spells.

Surge: Target spell becomes more powerful, rising in level by X

and in caster level by 2X.
Twincast : Copy target spell and cast the copy.

2nd-level Paladin Spells

Conviction: As charm person and the target becomes Valran aligned.
Elemental Infusion: Make a weapon deal extra elemental damage.

3 -level Paladin Spells

Light of Day: Create a powerful light that drives back the undead.

4th-level Paladin Spells

Spell Lodestone: Spells that can target your must target you.

Ranger Spells
X Level Ranger Spells
Cure Wounds: Replaces the various cure wounds spells in the core rules
with one unified entry.

1st-level Ranger Spells

Animal Magnetism: Confer your wild empathy on another.
Bestow Trick: Temporarily teach an animal a trick.
Harden Snow: Turn snow to slick ice, tripping foes entering the area and
trapping foes in deep enough snow.
Lay of the Land: Know the type of terrain you will encounter on a journey
to a specified point.
Magnify Sight: See clearly from a distance like a bird of prey.
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic circle
against evil and all similar spells.
Scent: You gain the scent ability.
Snow Walk: Target creature gains the ability to walk on snow without
sinking into it.

2nd-level Ranger Spells

Mark to the Maker: Get a visual image of the one who left a track.
Rampage: Favored enemies can't flank you, just make you angrier.

3rd-level Ranger Spells

Venomous Vines: As entangle, and the vines secret a sleep poison.

4th-level Ranger Spells

Carapace: Cover yourself in the shell of an insect.
Focus of Hatred: Total your favored enemy bonuses against one foe.

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Spells in this section marked with
with are sorcerer only.

are wizard only, while those marked

X Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells


Addle : Target spellcaster loses spell preparations of a single alignment

of X level or less.
Alacrity: Cast spells of X level or less as a move equivalent action.
Foul Presence: Undead gain turn resistance of 2X
Mnemonic Absorption : Temporarily learn a spell from a scroll.
Oathbind: Bind two or more parties to an oath. As the level of this spell
ascends so do the penalties for violating the oath.
Pain Touch: Your touch causes pain to the subject, the intensity of which
is set by the level of the spell.
Reckless Dweomer: Create a mishap and try to form a spell of level X from
 Summon Creature: This spell combines the summon monster and
summon nature's ally spells.

0th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Douse: Put out a small fire.
Dry: Drive the water out of an object or creature's clothing.
Mage's Guess: Quickly estimate the number of creatures or
objects in a group.
Mask: Alter the appearance of your face.
Zap: Electric jolt deals 1d6 damage.

1st-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Blood Pet: Create a creature from your own blood to serve you.
Buoy: Cause a creature to strongly float, even if in heavy armor.
Clearsight: See through vapors and water clearly.
Deepen Shadows: Shadows become darker in the area.
Demystify: Dispel spells up to 3rd level.
Displace Perspective: Displace your point of view to any point
within 100'
Protective Ward: Ward a creature from spells and creatures of a
specified alignment. This spell replaces protection from evil, magic
circle against evil and all similar spells.
Quick: Make a creature act immediately.
Understand Unorthodoxy: Gain the ability to see patterns in

2nd-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Afflict: Bestow a negative energy level or -4 con temporarily.
Chaos Bolt: Flood a creature with wild spell energy.
Delude Divination: Divination spells return nonsensical random
Focus: Touched creature gains a +10 enhancement to
Imaginary Pet: Illusionary creature attacks and defends as you
Magnify Sight: See clearly from a distance like a bird of prey.
Mishap Shield: Counter target mishap targetting you.
Parch: As magic missile with double damage to Balcran
Reaching Weapon: Weapon can strike foes from a distance.
Shock: Deal 1d6 electricity damage to one target.
Snow Walk: Target creature gains the ability to walk on snow
without sinking into it.
Still Touch: Touched creature creates no vibrations and is
invisible to creatures relying on sound to see.
Subjectional Gravity: Down for you is the direction of the
surface your feet are touching.
Telsindria's Spell Immunity : Spell immunity against a spell you
have prepared and expend at casting.
Terix's Blessing: The subject gains the wild spellcaster template.

3rd-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Aggravated Assault: Target creature gains an action.
Chaldulsul's Hex: Block a creature from being able to heal.
Chaos Ball: Flamesphere, but with a random damage type.
Chill: Slow the casting of Shunran spells.
Circumvent: Counter target spell on a successful dispel check.
Clutch of Undeath: Bolster undead with strength, harm the
living by marking them with the aura of undeath and weakening
their strength.
Concentrate : Set another spell's duration from concentration to
1 round / level.
Deep Water: Crush foes with the weight of oceans.
Donate : Imbue a spontaneous caster with the ability to use
one of your spell preparations.

Dregs of Sorrow: The target creature loses all morale bonuses and suffers
a -2 moral penalty to attacks, damage rolls, skill checks and saving throws.
Elemental Infusion: Make a weapon deal extra elemental damage.
Energy Field: Spells deal minimum damage in the area.
Flickering Ward: Grant random immunities to spells.
Grasping Shadows: Cause shadows to cling to foes like web.
Greed: Curse a foe with unreasoning greed.
Meltdown: Reduce a non-magical object to useless slag.
Pacifism: Target creature goes totally defensive and can only move or
Ray of Command: A single round dominate person effect.
Reflect Gaze: Gaze attacks are turned back on their progenitor.
Second Chance: Allow a creature to reroll a saving throw, attack roll or
skill check.
Serrin's Shadow Spy: Detatch your shadow and send it out to spy.
Stone Grasp: Conjure a stone hand to grapple foes.

4th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abandon Hope: Cancel all morale bonuses.
Aligned Spell Resistance: Spell resistance against spells of a chosen
Acid Rain: Acid rain falls on foes for 1d6 damage / round.
Attunement : Rearrange your prepared spells.
Blinding Light: A more intense daylight spell which dazzles and blinds
those vulnerable to light.
Brittlebone Curse: Curse a creature to gradually weakening bones and,
eventually, death.
Clear Mind: Clear your mind for further spellcasting and preparation.
Cloak Undead: Mask all signs of undeath on creatures.
Compulsion: Compel a creature to perform a move equivalent action
each round.
Counterspell: Counter target spell.
Curse Item: Bestow a curse on an item.
Discombobulate: Target spell becomes a mishap.
Flame Guide: Guide flames from spot to spot, causing fire damage to
those in their path.
Force Void: Antimagic field against spells with the force descriptor.
Incinerate: Deal 1d6 damage / level to a foe and prevent it from healing.
Limited Resources: Spells deal minimum damage and have minimum
caster level.
Lycanthropic Curse: Bestow the curse of lycanthropy on a creature.
Mind Burn: Deal damage to spellcasters according to their prepared
Pestilence: Creatures in the area of effect are harmed and sickened.
Power Wave: Create a shockwave that damages and knocks foes prone.
Serrin's Phantasm: Create a phantasm in the mind of the subject that can
replicate any vision you desire for them.
Sleight of Mind: Change the properties that magic items and spells "see"
when determining their effect, or chance the descriptors of a spell in
Solipsist Disillusionment: Object fades in and out of existence at random.

5th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Bright Circle: Create a barrier impassable to undead.
Catalogue: Gain all the knowledge of a library.
Chaos Sphere: Spells cast in the sphere mishap automatically.
Concussive Fireball: Fireball with 15d6 damage cap and half sonic
damage. Creatures make an additional reflex save or are knocked prone.
Corporeal Instability: Curse a creature to lose control of their form like a
chaos beast.
Death Burst: Victim suffers damage equal to its own hit dice, fortitude for
Death Stroke: Ensorcel a weapon to kill the next battered creature it
scores a critical hit on.
Delay: Delay the onset of a spell while you concentrate.
Disempower: Dispel an enhancement spell automatically.
Disenchant: Dismiss a spell the original caster can dismiss or if it has the
curse descriptor.
Earthbind: Bind a creature to the ground so it cannot fly.

Entropic Burst: Send forth a burst of entropy to age and decay

living material.
Forbid: Antimagic field against a single spell named at casting.
Gratuitous Violence: Target creature deals and recieves critical
No Rest for the Wicked: Return to unlife a number of corpses
equal to twice your level.
Repel Death : Cause someone to die in your place when you
would die.
Replenish: Restore all spells you had cast that where dispelled in
the last minute.
Rolling Thunder: A pulse of fire and earth strikes foes nearby
you for 1d6 damage / level.
Shower of Coals: Rain fiery coals down on and area, burning and
bashing them for 1d6 damage / level.
Spell Lodestone: Spells that can target your must target you.
Tainted ther: Creatures which teleport into the area gain a
negative level.
Telsindria's Invulnerable Globe: Become invulnerable to spells
of up to the level of a spell you expend at casting.

6th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

ther Flash: Deal 1d6 / caster level to teleporting creatures.
Brief Reprieve: Teleport away a safe distance for a limited time,
then teleport back.
Brute Resolve: Feeblemind, and lost intelligence is gained as a
strength bonus.
Confiscate: Steal a spell ward from another caster.
Corpse Control: Magic Jar into a corpse and animate it.
Diseased Weapon: Spread contagion through a weapon's attack.
Form Lock: Prevent a shapechanger from changing shape.
Intangibility: Become almost impossible to detect.
Power Sink: Counter a spell and render the caster unable to use
Recurring Nightmare: Subject is unable to soundly sleep.
Shockwave: You create a shockwave of sound that damages foes
and dispells silence.
Surgeshield: Create a barrier that makes opponents likely to
miss you and absorbs spells until it is overflowed, at which point it
Time Twister: You phase in and out of time.
Time Walk: You move forward in time up to one day / level.
Wasting Curse: Curse a creature to age a year a day until dead.
Weakness: Target creature's strength is reduced to 1.
Wilting Curse: Curse a creature to lose weight and constitution
until slain.

7 -level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Absolutism: Antimagic Field against a single alignment.
ther Slide: Creature can dodge into the ther as a swift action.
Back to Basics: Antimagic Field suppressing enhancement spells.
Chaos in the Mind's Eye: Nauseate and sicken creatures with
Control Revocation: Spell turning against compulsion spells.
Deflection: Turn a spell against its caster.
Dissipate: Counter a spell and remove the ability to use it.
Fanning the Flames: Magnify, empower and intensify fire spells
in the area of effect.
Final Punishment: Target resuffers damage taken on the
previous round.
Flaring Pain: Antimagic field against conjuration(healing)
Smother: The target creature smothers to death.
Terror: As phantasmal killer with higher damage and a -4 save
The Road Left Untaken: Each round you move down two paths
simualtaneously. The next round you resume from one of the two.
Wall of Lightning: Create a shimmering wall of lightning that
damages those who try to pass through it.
Wildstroke: Strike another creature with a bolt of wild energy.

8th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

4th-level Summoner Spells

Dark Fate: When the target creature is slain the slayer is struck by finger
of death.
Dispelling Screen: Create a zone which dispels magic brought into it.
Shadow Killer: The shadow of a creature attacks its owner, trying to kill
Vile Consumption: Touched creature is affected by finger of death and
you heal damage equal to the hit points lost by the victim.

9th-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Chain Contingency: Link up to three spells to trigger together.
Ciranu's Impenetrable Darkness: Area of darkness drains life from the
living and bolsters the undead.
Ciranu's Deathgate: Ward a portal with finger of death.
Ciranu's Foul Transformation: Instantaneously make a creature a zombie.
Devestation: Release a catastrophic surge of spell energy.
Disanimation: Similar to power word - kill, but affecting undead.
Drain Life: Target creature loses 1d4 hit points / level and you gain the
same. The life loss must be magically healed.
Entropic Wave: Age and decay living and non-living objects.
Planar Collapse: Destroy a demiplane created by mortal magic.
Pyroclastic Flow: Issue forth a cloud of volcanic ash and rock dealing 1d6
/ level to all caught in the area.
Radiate : Copy a spell multiple times to multiple targets.
Refutation: Counter target spell and permanently strip the caster of the
ability to cast it.
Serrin's Theft: Counter target spell and gain the ability to use it.
Soul Exchange: Swap souls permanently with another creature.
Spreading Plague: As contagion, except the disease magically spreads like
Telsindria's Radiance: An antimagic field against spells of a specific
alignment, school or descriptor
Time Spiral : All creatures are restored to their status at the beginning of
Time Warp : On the round following this spell everything happens twice.
Transmute Rock to Lava: Turn rock into lava to great destructive effect.
Transmute Water to Acid: Turn water into acid dealing a great deal of
damage to creatures and structures.
Volley of Boulders: Pebbles enchanted by this spell turn into boulders
midflight when they are thrown.
Wildfire: You create an enormous pulse of fire designed to start
uncontrollable wildfires which will do far more damage than the spell itself.


5 -level Summoner Spells


6 -level Summoner Spells


Witch Spells
X Level Witch Spells

0 -level Witch Spells


1st-level Witch Spells


2 -level Witch Spells


3 -level Witch Spells

Chaldulsul's Hex: Block a creature from being able to heal.

4th-level Witch Spells


5th-level Witch Spells


6th-level Witch Spells


7th-level Witch Spells

Summoner Spells

X Level Summoner Spells

8th-level Witch Spells

1st-level Summoner Spells

9 -level Witch Spells


2 -level Summoner Spells


3 -level Summoner Spells



The entries herein are presented in alphabetical

This is a set of five distinct spells, each of

which works like an antimagic field except
they only affect the spells and effects of one
alignment. This alignment is chosen when
the spell is learned (sorcerers) or prepared
(clerics and wizards).

Abandon Hope
Sodran Enchantment (Compulsion) [Emotion,
Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Inquisitor 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: Emanation to the extent of the range
Duration: 1 minute / level (R)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Accelerated Decay

Hopelessness and despair fill the area, negating

the benefits of morale bonuses from spells and

You accelerate the action of the organisms

that cause decay. All unanimated corpses in
the area of this accelerated decay will
completely decomposed by the end of this
spell's 1st round, reduced to soil and dust.
Corporeal undead and constructs with
organic components (flesh golem, wood
golems, etc) in the area of effect are dealt
2d8 points of damage each round. These
golems are affected even though they are
immune to most forms of magic.

Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Inquisitor 1, Clr 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Target creature cant cast spells beginning with
their next turn. Any spell they are casting when
this spell takes effect will be completed
Mass(+4): You may affect a number of creatures
equal to your caster level who are within close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart.

Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Medium (100 + 10/level)
Effect: 60' radius circular emanation
Duration: 1 round / 2 levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes

Acid Rain
Sodran Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: 40 radius circle
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Aligned Spell Resistance

Corrosive acidic rain falls down upon the

area dealing 1d6 damage a round to each
creature that ends its turn in the area of
effect and the round after they leave the

Valran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Alchemist 4, Inquisitor 4, Sor/Wiz 4


This is a set of five distinct spells, each of which

works like spell resistance except they only
provide protection from the spells of one
alignment. This alignment chosen when the
spell is learned (sorcerers) or prepared.
Greater (+3): You may choose the alignment you
will be protected from at casting time.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level who are
within close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more than 30'

Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 7

Sodran Transmutation [Metamagic]

Level: Wiz X
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
When you cast this spell you choose an
alignment. The target creature must
choose and all spell preparations possessing
the alignment from level X on downward.
Spontaneous spell casters aren't affected.

Effect: 60' radius sphere

Duration: 1 hour / level (D)(R)
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a shimmering field
that, while not impervious to magical
transport, makes such transport
extremely dangerous. Creatures which
enter or leave the area of effect
through the use of any magic (teleport,
gate, summon monster, etc.) take 1d6
fire damage / caster level to a
maximum of 15d6 points of fire
damage. The spell may trigger multiple
times in its duration. Spell resistance is
checked and saving throws are made
each time it triggers, but only those
actually in the act of magical transport
suffer damage. As with most such
wards, you may designate an alignment
or type of creature that can bypass the
ward, and you may also include a
passphrase to be included in the
casting of offending spells to allow their
subjects to bypass the spell.

ther Slide
Valran Transmutation [Triggered]
Level: Alchemist 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You set upon a creature a triggered
ward of which allows them to shift onto
the ther plane as a swift action
(usually in response to an attack, but
not always). At the end of their next
turn they return to the plane they
originated from unless their space is
occupied, otherwise they are shunted
to the nearest available open spot and
take 1d6 damage for every 5' travelled
this way.
While theral from this spell's effects
the creature behaves as if under
ethereal jaunt. It should be noted that
Carthasana does not have distinct
astral and ethereal planes - rather they
are conjoined and known as the ther
Communal (+1): You may touch and
affect multiple creatures with the spell,
dividing its effect among them in 1
round increments.

ther Flash
Shunran Abjuration (Ward) [Fire, Triggered]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)

Sodran Necromancy
Level: Inquisitory 1, Magus 1, Sor/Wiz
2, Corruption 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch

Effect: Creature touched

Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes.

Communal (+2): You may touch and affect

multiple creatures with the spell, dividing
its effect among them in 1 round

The touched creature gains a negative energy

level unless the creature is at 1st level, in which
case it gets a -4 penalty to constitution (to a
minimum of 3). As with enervation the subject
is not in danger of permanent level loss.
Undead struck by the spell gain 2d8 temporary
hit points.

Mass (+4): You may affect a number of

creatures equal to your caster level who are
within close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more than
30' apart.

Aggravated Assault
Shunran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target creature gains a full action at the
conclusion of this spell and their initiative
changes to match yours. This spell will not
function on a given creature more than once in
a round.
Mass (+5): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level who are
within close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more than 30'

Agonizing Memories
Sodran Necromancy [Mind-Affecting,
Metamagic, Pain]
Level: Inquisitor 4, Clr 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cause the subject to instantly recall an
agonizing memory which paralyzes them one
round, deals 1d4 damage / level and causes
them to lose all spells on their highest two spell

Aboran Transmutation [Metamagic, Time]
Level: Magus 1+X, Sor/Wiz 2+X
Components: V, S, M (a swift feather)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round / 2 levels (D)
"To learn how to do something quickly, first
learn how to do it slowly." - Telsindria.
You may cast incantations of level X or less. (You
can take two move actions a round).

Alluring Scent
Aboran Enchantment (Charm) [Emotion]
Level: Alchemist 1, Brd 1
Components: V, S, F (perfume bottle worth
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: 30 emanation from the touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless, see
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
This spell creates a pleasant and enjoyable
odor that grants the touched creature a +2
bonus to diplomacy checks / level (max
+10). Creatures that smell the odors,
including the recipient, gain a +2
circumstance bonus against spells that use
unpleasant odors to nauseate, sicken or
otherwise do harm. A creature introduced
to the odor of this spell which under such a
spell's effect may retry their saving throw
once. The recipient may save against this
spell, although it is harmless. Saving throws
and spell resistance is not allowed against
the bonuses.
Communal (+1): You may touch and affect
multiple creatures with the spell, dividing
its effect among them in 1 minute
increments. The overlapping effects do not
Mass (+3): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level who are
within close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more than
30' apart.

Animal Magnetism
Aboran Enchantment (Charm)
Level: Drd 2, Rng 1
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
You imbue the touched creature with your
wild empathy - they gain the wild empathy
class ability of the druid and ranger classes
for the duration of the spell.
Communal (+1): You may touch and affect
multiple creatures with the spell, dividing

its effect among them in 1 minute

Mass (+3): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level
who are within close range of you. No
two of the creatures to be affected may
be more than 30' apart.

Animal Scouts
Ritual Aboran Enchantment (Charm)
Level: Drd 5
Components: V, S, M (Food for the
Effect: Up to 10 creatures
As prying eyes, but instead of relying on
magic crystal orbs for scouts the spell
calls up to ten animals. Birds are the
usual choice, but you are free to
choose any animal with up to 1 HD
The spell grants the animals the mental
capacity to follow the instructions you
give for the duration, to return to you,
and to telepathically relay what they
Unlike the eyes created by prying eyes,
the animals called by this spell dont
detect as magical and cant be
dispelled. However, they are normal
creatures and their natural instincts to
flee, hide, etc., may override your

Armor of Thorns
Aboran Transmutation [Enhancement]
Level: Alchemist 3, Drd 3, Rng 3
As barkskin except this covers your
body in thorns. Any creature that
successfully completes an unarmed
attack upon you is dealt 1d6 damage by
the thorns, and creatures grappling you
suffer 3d6 damage each round.

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Magus 4, Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 full action
Components: V, S, F
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
For every 3 levels you have you may
choose and expend a spell preparation
as an additional cost to cast this spell.
For each spell preparation so chosen
you may prepare a spell of up to one
level less than the expended spell that
is in the spellbook you use as a focus
for this spell. This spell takes a full
action to cast and a full round to take
effect. If you are required to make a
concentration check during this time
you fail it automatically and this spell is
ruined with all spell slots spent for its
use lost.

Arcane Focus: A spellbook.

creatures to be affected may be more than

30' apart.

Back to Basics
Balcran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
As antimagic field except it only suppresses
spells with the enhancement descriptor.
Material Component: A copper coin.

Sodran Necromancy [Curse, Death]
Level: Clr 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg
Spell Resistance: Yes
With a touch you curse a creature with undead
lifeforce that corrupts and rots away at the
victim. The victim is considered Sodran and
undead instead of his or her normal alignments
for the purposes of all spells (i.e. cure spells will
damage the victim). If the curse is allowed to
stay in place for one week per level of the victim
the victim dies and returns as befouled zombie.
Apply the zombie template to the character, but
it retains its mental statistics and class abilities.
Like most curses it is difficult to remove befoul.
Dispelling won't work, but break enchantment,
limited wish, miracle, remove curse and wish

Bestow Trick
Aboran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Drd 1, Rng 1
Range: Touch
Target: Animal touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
The touched animal immediately learns a trick
of your choosing if you succeed at a handle
animal check. The animal will only be able to
perform the trick for the duration of the spell.
The trick cannot require other tricks to be
learned first that the animal doesn't know. (The
teaching of tricks to animals normally takes
several weeks. See the handle animal skill in the
Core Rules for more information).
Communal (+1): You may touch and affect
multiple creatures with the spell, dividing its
effect among them in 1 minute increments.
Greater (+2): You may bestow one trick per
three caster levels and the base duration is
increased to one hour / level. If you communally
cast this vesion the effect is to be divided in one
hour increments.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level who are
within close range of you. No two of the

Blade Storm
Shunran Evocation [Force]
Level: Clr 9
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
As blade barrier except you can move the
created blades up to 30 each round. Those
in the path of the moving blades make
reflex saving throws to dodge them

Blinding Light
Valran Evocation [Light]
Level: Brd 4, Clr 4, Inquisitor 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M (a sunstone)
This spell works like daylight except the
light it creates is far more intense. All
creatures in the area of the light on the
round it appears must make a fortitude
save or be dazzled for a round - and
creatures normally vulnerable to bright light
are automatically dazzled and must make a
fortitude save or be blinded permanently.

Blood Pet
Sodran Necromancy
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F
Range: Close (25+5 / 2 levels)
Effect: Creates a Blood Pet
Duration: 10 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
When you cast blood pet you open a wound
with a silver dagger and a small sized
creature forms from your blood within close
range taking whatever form you choose
(dogs are the most popular choice). It has 1
HD for each caster level you have, up to
5HD, and you lose one hit point per die the
creature has that cannot be healed by any
means until this spell ends.
The creature's skills and feats are the same
as yours. It counts as undead so it has no
constitution or intelligence score, and its
other abilities are the same as yours or 10,
whichever is greater. The creature obeys
and understands your metal commands out
to one mile away from you. If you move
farther away than this from it the spell
The creature has a +1 to hit for each HD it
has and a slam attack of 1d8.
Focus: Silver dagger.

Bloodcurdling Scream
Sodran Necromancy [Emotion, Fear, MindAffecting, Sonic]
Level: Brd 2
Components: V, S, Song
Range: Medium (100+10/level)

As fear, but you must expend a Bardic

music ability use for each target, and
this spell is sonic and will not affect
deaf creatures.

Shunran Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Emotion, Enhancement, MindAffecting]
Level: Drd 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (fresh blood)
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (See text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You inspire bloodlust in a creature,
making him an incredible, if stupid,
combatant. Strength and Constitution
all gain a +4 rage bonus from this spell.
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are
reduced by a -4 rage penalty by this
spell to a minimum value of 3. The
creature is further imbued with a desire
to kill anything living in sight. While it
may choose who it attacks, if no foes
are available, it will attack allies.
Creatures with spell abilities save
against this spell with a +4 bonus as
raw combat is not in their natures.
Creatures with no spell ability save at a
-4 penalty against this spell. Creatures
in a rage (as per the barbarian class
ability) are given no saving throw
against this spell.
Rage bonuses do not stack with the
bonuses from the rage ability of the
barbarian class.
Communal (+2): You may affect
multiple creatures with the spell,
dividing its effect among them in 1
round increments.
Greater I (+2): Increase the bonuses to
+6 and the penalties to -6.
Greater II (+4): Increase the bonuses to
+8 and the penalties to -8.
Mass (+5): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level. No
two of the creatures to be affected may
be more than 30' apart.

Break Slumber
Aboran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Drd 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Area: 60' burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You automatically dispel naturally
induced sleep, fatigue and exhaustion

in all creatures in the area of effect. You may

also dispel magically induced sleep, fatigue and
exhaustion effects, but this application of the
spell works as per the area dispel mode of dispel
magic and it is not guaranteed to work you
have to succeed at a caster level check against
the opposing caster.

circle may make a fortitude saving throw to

attempt to enter the circle - if they fail they
cannot retry against that circle.

Break slumber cannot defer a creature's need

for rest - it only removes the penalties
associated with not having rested. These
penalties return at twice their normal onset rate
for each time their where stopped by break
slumber instead of simply resting. Hence a
character is fatigued after having been up 16
hours. If break slumber is used the creature will
be fatigued again in 8 hours, then in 4, then in 2.
Eventually the spell becomes ineffectual. It is
not a substitute for rest. Casters who use the
spell to stay awake through the night are not
considered as having rested in order to prepare

Material Component: Holy Water.

Brief Reprieve
Balcran Conjuration (Teleportation) [Wild]
Level: Magus 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Range: Touch
Target: One creature or object of up to 50
lb./level and 3 cu. ft./level
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target is temporarily teleported away in a
random direction to a random distance at least
several miles away, far enough so it cannot
return by normal physical travel before the end
of the spells duration. The teleported creature
or object appears in as safe an area as possible,
so it is simply inconvenienced, not endangered
(if this isn't true the spell fails). At the end of the
spells duration, the targeted creature is
returned to the exact spot from which it was
dispatched. If the spot it was in is occupied, the
target appears in the nearest open space. If you
cast this spell on yourself you can dismiss the
spell to cancel the return teleport, otherwise
dismissing the spell early teleports the affected
creature back to its original position.

Bright Circle
Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Clr 4, Inquisitor 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M, DF
Range: 60
Area: An emanation centered on you extending
to the limit of the range.
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: [see text]
Spell Resistance: [see text]
You create a barrier that is impassable to
undead whose hit dice are equal or less to your
own. Undead within the circle when it is created
must flee as if turned - there is no save if their
hit dice are equal or less than your own. If their
hit dice exceed yours they may make a fortitude
save to negate, but while in the circle their
actions have a 4 holy penalty. Undead of
greater hit dice than yours that are outside the

Vampires are not entitled to saving throws

or spell resistance against bright circle. This
is due to their weakness of invitation.

Brittlebone Curse
Sodran Necromancy [Curse, Pain]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
This spell works like bestow curse except
that the effect of a brittle bone curse is to
make the victim vulnerable to broken
bones. The spell has an onset time of 48
hours. On the third day of the curse the
victim takes an extra 1d8 damage from any
bludgeoning or force attack. Beginning the
second week of the curse the victim takes
double damage from bludgeoning strikes
and natural healing rates are halved. On
the second and subsequent weeks the
victim takes 1 point of ability damage to
STR, DEX and CON. This ability damage
cannot be restored until the curse is lifted.
Remove curse only stops the curses
progression, a restoration spell undoes the
spells damage.

Brute Resolve
Shunran Transmutation [Enhancement,
Mind Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) [see text]
As feeblemind, except that lost intelligence
is temporarily added to strength as an
enhancement bonus Once the duration of
this spell ends the strength bonus is lost but
the intelligence penalty remains. If this spell
is recast on a creature feebleminded by this
spell, the strength bonus will be restored
for that casting.

Balcran Transmutation [Water]
Level: Alchemist 1, Brd1, Drd 1, Magus 1,
Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Components: S, M (a bit of cork)
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 creature or object
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) or none
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) or no
The touched creature and all objects it
wears become buoyant, helping the
creature to surface unless it actively tries to
swim downward. A single object weighing
up to 10 lb. / level of the caster (to a limit of
100 lb.) can likewise be buoyed. This spell
can be cast underwater.

Buried Alive
Sodran Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Drd 8
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Close (25'+ 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Ref Neg.
Spell Resistance: No
You choose a target size large or
smaller and the earth beneath them
opens up and swallows them whole
unless they succeed at a reflex save.
Victims who fail are buried at a depth
of 1' per caster level and they are
doomed to suffocate unless they can
devise a means of escape. Flying
creatures are not subject to this spell
nor can it be cast on any creature not
standing on unworked earth.

Aboran Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Alchemist 4, Drd 5, Rng 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (insect shell)
Range: Touch
Effect: Living Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The creature touched by this spell
grows the tough exoskeleton of an
insect. The creature gains a +1
enhancement bonus to their natural
armor class for every two levels to a
maximum of +10. Unlike the similar
barkskin spell, this spell doesnt stack
with any existing natural armor the
character has.
Communal (+1): You may affect
multiple creatures you touch, dividing
its effect among them in 1 minute
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in
close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more
than 30' apart.

Ritual Balcran Divination (Insight)
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, F (a library)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Concentration
You gain knowledge of all the contents
of each book in a library that you are
standing in so long as those books are
not shielded from you by magic. You
may prepare spells from any spellbook
within the library so long as you are a

wizard and understand the formulae normally.

This spell can also be used to rapidly research
the answers to knowledge questions. Libraries
have ranks in various knowledge skills just as
people do the greater their rank the more
complete they are and (without this spell) the
longer it takes to find information on the
desired topic. While this spell is in effect you
may use the librarys ranks in any knowledge
skill check in lieu of your own. You cannot add
your intelligence bonus to this check.
For purposes of this spell a library is one or
more books within a single structure, or medium
range of you, whichever is smaller.

Chain Contingency
Balcran Evocation [Metamagic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
This spell works like contingency, except that
you may link up to 3 spells together. The
combined levels of the spells cannot exceed
your spellcaster level. The trigger of the spells is

Chaldulsul's Hex
Sodran Necromancy [Curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Witch 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (troll ashes)
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes.
The targeted creature cannot be cured or
healed by any means for the duration of this
spell. This spell does not function on undead or
creatures summoned from the plane of Sodrea.

Chaos Ball

You make a ranged touch attack to hit the

target creature with a bolt of raw wild
magical energy that deals 1d6 points of
damage per two caster levels (maximum
5d6). The struck creature must then make a
willpower saving throw or gain the wild
spellcaster template for one hour.

Chaos Sphere
Shunran Transmutation [Metamagic, Wild]
Level: Clr 6, Drd 6, Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: 20 radius emanation
Duration: 10 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
All spellcasters mishap on all spells they
cast in the area of effect. Using a spell-like
ability or activating a magic item counts as
spellcasting for the purposes of this spell.

Chaos in the Minds Eye

Balcran Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting,
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (A dyed blindfold)
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Effect: All creatures in a 30 radius
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (partial)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell confuses the vision of the affected
creatures leaving them nauseated, and
sickened on a failed save. If the save is
successful they still have difficulty making
out distinct shapes and suffer a -10 penalty
to perception checks and their opponents
have 50% concealment against them.

Shunran Evocation [Wild]

Level: Sor/Wiz 3

This spell counters and is countered by true


As flamesphere except the damage is 2d6 and

the type of damage is determined at random
each round by rolling a d6.



Energy Type

Chaos Bolt
Shunran Evocation [Force, Metamagic, Wild]
Level: Magus 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25+ 5/2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]

Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a handful of snow,
ice chippings or white sand)
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Area: Circle extending to the limit of the
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Shunran spells take one additional round to
cast (if they are quickened, they take one
round, most others take a round and a
standard action, meaning Shunran spells
can only be cast every other round).

Choking Vines
Aboran Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Drd 5
As entangle except that it also summons
one assassin vine for every three caster

levels into the area. The vines cannot

use their own entangle ability and
attack immediately.

Ciranu's Impenetrable Darkness

Sodran Necromancy [Darkness]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Area: Sphere extending to the limit of
the range
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Fort. Neg. (See Text)
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Within the area of this deadly spell all
light created by spells of less than 6th
level is dispelled, and all other light
effects are suppressed within the field.
No living thing except you can see
your sight is unhindered, as is the sight
of undead. Clerics cannot channel
divine energy in the confines of this
All other living creatures in this field of
darkness must make a fortitude saving
throw each round or gain a negative
energy level. These levels dissipate one
hour after the creature leaves this field.

Ciranu's Deathgate
Sodran Ritual Necromancy [Death,
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (Rare inks costing
1000 gold to manufacture per creature
the spell is to affect. The maximum
number of creatures you can affect is
equal to your level)
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Effect: One portal of up to 30' in
Duration: Permanent until completely
Saving Throw: Fortitude 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
This powerful ritual wards a portal so
that it will kill any who pass through
without your permission. Such
creatures take damage equal to twice
their own hit dice, fortitude save for
half. This spell triggers a number of
times determined by its material
component, but it only triggers once on
any given creature.

Ciranu's Foul Transformation

Sodran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M ( A black pearl
worth 1000gp)
As finger of death, but a creature slain
by this spell immediately becomes a
zombie with the same number of hit
dice she had in life. The zombie

remains animated for 1 minute per caster level.

If the creature dies from hit point loss on a
successful save it does not become a zombie.
If raise dead or more powerful magics are
employed upon this zombie before it falls
disanimate then the creature is restored to life
immediately with the same number of hit points
it had before the spell took hold. Once the
zombie falls the difficulty of raising the creature
is the same as any other death effect.
The zombie created by this spell is under the
caster's complete control. It retains its mental
stats and class abilities.

Ciranu's Spite
Sodran Evocation [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100 + 10 level)
Area: Circle out to the extent of the range
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Creatures who die in the area of effect by any
means are treated as if they died from a death
spell for purposes of raise dead.

Circle of Hands
Valran Ritual Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Clr 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: [see text]
Targets: Up to 1 creature / level
Duration: [see text]
Saving Throw: No (willing target)
Spell Resistance: No.
In Union, power. ~ Aurnonian teaching.
All creatures to be affected by this ritual join in a
circle of hands. Each of the spellcasters in this
group may choose spells of touch or personal
range and confer them upon all in the circle. Up
to one spell per level you have can be so
confered. Within the next day each recipient
may simualtaneously activate all of the spells
they recieved from the circle. Those spells have
their effect and duration calculated as if you
cast them.

Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: One spell in casting.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Counter target spell if you can make a successful
dispel check against it.

Clear Mind
Ritual Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Alchemist 4, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4

Casting Time: 15 minutes

Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
You clear your mind as if you had rested 8
hours, clearing the way for you to use your
spells again or prepare spells again. This
ritual strains your spell ability, causing you
to lose 1d8 points off your casting ability
score (to a minimum of 1). This ability loss
remains until you rest for 16 hours.

Balcran Divination (Sensory)
Level: Alchemist 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The touched creature gain the ability to see
clearly through vapors and water as if they
were not present. Magical darkness affects
you normally.
Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing its effect
among them in 1 minute increments.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart.

Cloak Undead
Sodran Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: 1 undead creature / level
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: [see text]
Spell Resistance: No
This spell masks all signs of undeath
apparent on the target undead creatures,
making them look (and perhaps more
importantly smell) as they did in life. Casual
interaction with the affected undead isn't
sufficient to see through it, though any
creature that enters combat with the
affected undead is entitled to a saving

Clutch of Undeath
Sodran Necromancy [Curse, Enhancement]
Level: Clr 3, Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes.

An undead creature touched by this

spell is bolstered, gaining a +4
enhancement bonus to its strength
score and a +4 turn resistance. A living
creature touched by this spell gains a -4
penalty to strength (to a minimum of
three), and is considered Sodran and
undead instead of its normal alignment
for the duration of the spell, meaning
curative spells will do damage to the
creature, and so on.

Aboran Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Drd 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (an empty
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature large size or smaller.
Duration: 1 day [see text]
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You wrap the target creature in a
protective cocoon. The creature is held
immobile and cannot be harmed unless
the cocoon is destroyed. Continuous
damage effects (such as from poison)
are prevented by the spell. The cocoon
has 1d8 hit points / caster level and DR
If the spell concludes without the
cocoon being destroyed or after lasting
at least one day the subject is healed as
per the spell, any missing limbs are
regenerated and the cocoon
If you cast this spell on yourself you
may choose when it ends, up to 1 year.
You are aware of creatures present on
the outside of the cocoon out to a
range of 60', otherwise you are kept in
a dream state. You do not age while
suspended in the cocoon.

Balcran Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Brd 3, Inquisitor 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg
Spell Resistance: Yes
Choose a move-equivalent or standard
action. The target creature must
perform that action each round, if able.
You must name an action that isnt
suicidal, though it may certainly be
dangerous (i.e. Attack).

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: Immediate action

Components: V, S, F
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: 1 spell [see text]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You release a crystal in the air which hovers
about your head like an ion stone, charged with
the magic energy to maintain another spell you
cast. This removes the concentration
requirement of that spell. If it's duration is
'concentration' it changes to '1 round / level
(D).' (Immediate action spells can be cast
without breaking your concentration on another
Arcane Focus: A crystal valued at 100 gp / level
of the spell to be maintained.

Concussive Fireball
Shunran Evocation [Fire, Sonic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
As fireball except it has a 15d6 damage cap. Its
damage is half fire, half sonic. Further all
creatures in the area of effect make an
additional reflex save or are knocked prone by
the spell.

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Brd 5, Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One Spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You move a spell within range that targets or is
centered upon another creature onto yourself,
even if that spell is normally a personal effect.
To do this you must make a successful caster
level check against the spells caster.

Control Revocation
Shunran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Clr 7, Inquisitor 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 full action
Component: V, S, DF
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
"Magic all too often makes slaves out of those
who would be masters. ~ Telsindria.

Valran Enchantment (Charm, Compulsion)
[Mind Affecting]
Level: Clr 3, Inquisitor 2, Pal 2
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
As charm person except it doesnt last as
long and the target creature's alignment
becomes Valran for the duration of the
spell, making it far easy to convince it to
take actions against its nature since its
nature has changed.

restoration or greater restoration can

remove the effects of this spell.
If a victim survives this spell lost
wisdom points return at a rate of 1 /
day, though a separate restoration spell
can restore this loss immediately. If the
victim has been turned into a chaos
beast by this spell that effect is
permanent unless greater restoration,
wish or miracle is employed.
This spell counters and is countered by
form lock.

Corporeal Instability
Sodran Transmutation (Polymorph) [Curse,
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (A caterpillar plucked,
half-metamorphosed, out of its cocoon)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level [see text]
Saving Throw: Fort Neg [see text]
Spell Resistance: Yes

Corpse Control
Sodran Necromancy
Level: Alchemist 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
As magic jar except that you shift your
life force into mindless undead or dead
hosts instead of living ones. Dead hosts
become animated as either zombies or
skeletons for the duration of your

This dreadful spell replicates the corporeal

instability ability of the Chaos Beast
(Bestiary 2). This effect is as follows: it
causes the targets body to destabilize into
an amorphous, ever-shifting mass. Unless it
controls itself by asserting its sense of self
(see below), the creatures body melts,
flows, writhes, and boils. A successful
fortitude save when the spell is first
delivered negates the whole effect.

Corroding Burst

The affected creature is unable to hold or

use any item. Clothing, armor, rings,
helmets, and backpacks become useless.
Large itemsarmor, backpacks, even
shirtshamper more than help, reducing
the creatures Dexterity score by 4. Soft or
misshapen feet and legs reduce speed to 10
feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is
less. Searing pain courses along the nerves,
so strong that the creature cannot act
coherently. It cannot cast spells or use
magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable
to distinguish friend from foe (-4 penalty to
hit and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the
attack roll).

Corroding burst deals 1d6 damage /

caster level to all non-undead
constructs in the area of effect, up to
15d6. This spell will affect golems
otherwise immune to spells.

Each round the creature spends in an

amorphous state deals 1 point of temporary
Wisdom damage from mental shock. If the
creatures Wisdom score falls to 0, it
becomes a chaos beast and will remain one
even when this spell ends.

Similar to spell turning, this spell turns

compulsion spells targetting the touched
creature back on their caster. The spell has no
other effects, can turn any number of spells
back, and can be bestowed on other creatures.

A creature with a strong sense of self can

regain its own shape by taking a standard
action to attempt a Charisma check (DC 15).
A success reestablishes the creatures
normal form for 1 minute. On a failure, the
creature can still repeat the check each
round until successful.

Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing its effect among
them in 10 minute increments.

Corporeal instability is not a disease or a

curse and so is hard to remove. A form
lock, polymorph or stoneskin spell can be
used to fix the form of the victim. Heal,

Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 5
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: 20 radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes

Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: One spell in casting.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Counter target spell.

Creeping Mold
Aboran Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Drd 9
As creeping doom, except that its not
deterred by any damage reduction. The
mold is also not deterred by means
that stop insects, but an antiplant shell
will hold it at bay. The mold is one solid
mass and not composed of individual
creatures as creeping doom is,
nevertheless it loses potency as it
attacks and moves.


Dampening Field

Aboran Conjuration (Healing)

Level: Inquisitor 6, Drd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Magic Item touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg. or None (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes or No (Object)

Valran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Alchemist X, Clr X, Inquisitor X
Casting Time: 1 full action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

The magic item you touch is destroyed. You are

cured a number of hit points equal to the
combined caster level and spell levels involved
in its creation.

The touched creature gains Damage

Reduction / Valra of +X+1.

Cure Wounds
Valran Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Alchemist X, Bard X, Clr X, Inquisitor X,
Drd X, Pal X, Rng X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Half (harmless)
You channel positive energy to cure Xd8 of the
damage dealt to the touched creature +1 point
per casting level (maximum 5X). Undead are
dealt damage by this spell instead of being
healed and can attempt a will save for half
Ritual (+0): You can cast this spell as a 1 minute
ritual to change the healing die to d12.
Communal (+2): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the dice among
the creatures as you see fit. All the dice rolls
gain the same modifier for your caster level. An
alchemist cannot use this modifier.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart. The
maximum bonus for caster level is +25. An
alchemist cannot use this modifier.

Communal (+2): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the duration
by 1 minute increments.
Mass (+5): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart. The
maximum bonus for caster level is +25.

Dark Fate
Ritual Sodran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: One undead [see text]
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see text]
Spell Resistance: Yes [see text]
The creature who strikes the blow that
reduces the touched undead to 0 hit points
is affected by finger of death.
Material Component: Powder of a crushed
black pearl worth 1000gp.

Dark Ritual

Curse Item

Ritual Sodran Necromancy [Death, Pain,

Level: Clr 1
Casting Time: 1 night
Components: V, S (see text)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until next dawn

Ritual Sodran Transmutation [Curse,

Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Item touched
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This sinister ritual drains the lifeforce from a

creature and converts it to spell energy. At
the conclusion of the ritual you may
prepare spells as a spellcaster with a
number of levels as the victim, or your own
level +3, whichever is higher. Your
spellcaster level likewise increases. This
effect persists until the next dawn.

As bestow curse, except that the curse it

bestows affects magic items. Creatures which
use the item suffer the curse until they get rid of
the item. This curse cant be broken without
first removing the curse upon the wielder and
then removing the curse from the item.
At your option, the curse can either act like
bestow curse or the bonuses of the item can be
reversed to become penalties.

The power of this spell is considerable, and

its limitations are likewise considerable.
This spell must be cast on Sodran hallowed
ground. The spell requires a sentient
creature (Int of 3 or higher) to be sacrificed.
The victim to be sacrificed must remain on
the premises during the entire casting, and
the drain of the spell on his lifeforce causes
him or her considerable pain (though not
enough to hamper the him or her in any

way). This spell does not kill the victim

itself, you must find some means to do
this yourself and do so on cue. You may
have an assistant do this for you. Note
that once the spell has consumed the
life energy of the victim only a wish or
miracle cast by someone four levels
higher than the level you attained can
bring them back.
Note also that the amount of power
gained from especially pure or innocent
victims (clerics, paladins, infants,
unicorn, virgins, etc) may be more than
their character levels would otherwise
indicate or more than a +3 bonus if
they are lower level than you at the
GM's discretion.

Death Burst
Sodran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Inquisitor 5, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a vial of poison)
Range: Touch
Target: Touched creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The touched creature takes damage
equal to its own hit dice, fortitude for

Death Stroke
Sodran Necromancy [Death, Triggered]
Level: Inquisitor 5, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One melee weapon
Duration: Until Discharged, up to 1
minute / level
Saving Throw: [see text]
Spell Resistance: [see text]
The next time the touched melee
weapon inflicts a critical hit on a
battered creature the struck creature
must make a fortitude save or die (This
discharges the spell regardless of the
results of the saving throw, A battered
creature been reduced to half its
maximum hit point total).

Death Ward
Core Rulebook
This spell has additional modifiers
Communal (+1): You may affect
multiple creatures you touch, dividing
the duration by 1 minute increments.
An alchemist cannot use this modifier.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in
close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more
than 30' apart. The maximum bonus for
caster level is +25.

Greater (+4): Death spells are turned back to

their creator and can affect them even if they
are normally immune to death spells and

choose the targets of the spell within the

limits possible for the original caster unless
the spell is touch delivered, in which case
deflection is of no use.



Ritual Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]

Level: Clr 2, Pal 1
Components: V, S, M (A scroll)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Effect: All creatures within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]

Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: 1 spell in casting.
Duration: Concentration (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None

During this ritual you write a decree onto a

scroll. Any sentient creature who reads or hears
read the words of the decree spoken will
remember those words exactly for life. There is
no compulsion on the creature to follow what is
said. The decree can be up to 25 words / level.

Deep Water
Balcran Evocation [Water]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: S
Range: Medium (100+ 10' / level)
Area: 20' radius sphere
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex
Spell Resistance: No
This spell briefly magnifies the water pressure
surrounding all creatures in the area of effect.
They are dealt 1d6 damage / caster level (max
10d6). To be affected a creature must be
completely submerged.

Deepen Shadows
Sodran Illusion (Shadow) [Darkness]
Level: Inquisitor 1, Magus 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Close (25+5/ 2 levels)
Area: An emanation centered on you extending
to the limit of the range.
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Shadows nearby you deepen, allowing all in the
area of effect to gain a +10 circumstance bonus
to hide checks.

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100' + 10' / level)
Target: One spell in casting.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You make a caster level check against the caster
of the target spell and if successful you may

The spell you target does not take effect

until this spell ends.

Delude Divination
Balcran Abjuration (Ward) [Wild]
Level: Alchemist 2, Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes /level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Divinations cast on the target are
scrambled, giving random results to spells
that search for the intensity, or presence or
absence of particular traits (Detect Magic,
Detect Lie, Detect Evil, etc.). The caster of
the divination must make a level check
(1d20 + caster level) against this spells DC.
If successful, the divination works normally
for its duration. Otherwise, the divination is
nullified, giving random results every round.
For spells that detect presence of absence,
there is a 50% chance for either possibility,
rolled each round that the divination is
focused on the target. For spells that
determine intensity, roll 1d6:
1d6 Indicated result
Dim (or Faint if this category does not
normally exist for the divination)
If a divination detects for information other
than intensity, presence, or absence of
traits, delude divination has no effect on it.
Divinations that detect presence, absence,
or intensity, plus other traits (like detecting
the health of animals with detect animals
and plants) function normally for the
second type of detection. For example, a
sorcerer casting detect thoughts might be
deluded in his first round of concentration,
but if he kept concentrating would
eventually be able to hear surface thoughts.

Communal (+1): You may affect

multiple creatures you touch, dividing
the duration by 10 minute increments.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in
close range of you. No two of the
creatures to be affected may be more
than 30' apart.

Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
As dispel magic in the targeted and
area dispel modes only except it only
affects spells of up to 3rd level and the
maximum caster level on dispel checks
is +5.

Sodran Evocation (Invocation)
Level: Clr 4, Inquisitor 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Close
Target: One Creature
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
You call upon the divine power of your
patron to strike down the strength of
your foe. The target creature's base
attack bonus is set to 0 and its STR
score set to 3. This spell counters and
is countered by divine power and can
be disenchanted.

Shunran Evocation
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 full round
Area: See Text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
You must choose and expend any
number of spells as an additional cost
to cast this spell. This spell explosively
releases a catastophic surge of spell
energy. The spell deals 2 points damage
for each spell level expended at the
time this spell is cast. The affected
area has a 1' radius / spell level so
released. You take half damage from
this spell, and there is a percentage
chance you will be permanently
stripped of your spell ability equal to
the number of spell levels unleashed
minus your caster level. Only a wish or
miracle spell may restore your spell
ability if it is lost this way.

Valran Necromancy
Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action

Component: V
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: One or more undead creatures in a 15'
radius sphere
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes.
You may target a single undead creature with
this spell or allow it to affect a group.
When targeted on a single undead creature it is
disanimated if has 100 or fewer hit points.
Cast upon an area, disanimation destroys up to
100 hit points of undead within a 15-foot radius
sphere where each member has fewer than 20
hit points. The spell will start with the weakest
undead and work it's way up to the highest level
A caster may disanimate any number of
creatures he created with other animation spells
at any given time with this spell. These creatures
cannot roll spell resistance against this spell.

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic, Wild]
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/ level)
Target: 1 spell in casting.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Target spell becomes a mishap.

Discordant Dirge
Sodran Necromancy [Metamagic, Sonic]
Level: Brd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, Song
Range: Personal
Effect: 60' radius emanation
Duration: While Sung
Saving Throw: Will Neg. [see Text]
Spell Resistance: Yes.
When you sing the discordant dirge you must
use one Bardic music ability use for the day. All
spellcasters who hear this song must make a
willpower save each round or be unable to cast
spells until the song ends and four rounds after.

Diseased Weapon
Sodran Necromancy [Disease, Enhancement]
Level: Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 6, Corruption 6
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 minute / level
As contagion except that diseased weapon is
first cast upon a weapon and that weapon in
turn may bestow a contagion upon any creature
it strikes unless they succeed at a fortitude save.
The duration refers to the time this spell lasts
upon the weapon, not the time the disease itself
(Weapons and items can only have one
enhancement spell upon them at a time).


Dissension in the Ranks

Valran Abjuration (Dispel)

Level: Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Target: One spell
Duration: Instantaneous

Shunran Enchantment (Compulsion)

Level: Clr 5, Discord 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

As dispel magic in the targeted dispel mode,

except that disempower automatically
dispels one target spell with the
enhancement descriptor.

Valran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Brd 5, Clr 5, Inquisitor 5, Magus 5,
Sor/Wiz 5
Target: One spell
Duration: Instantaneous
As dispel magic in the targeted dispel mode,
except disenchant automatically dispels the
target spell if its original caster can dismiss
it, it has the curse descriptor, or it requires
concentration. In addition, certain new
spells in this book state they can be
dispelled by disenchant in their

Dispelling Screen
Valran Abjuration (Dispel, Ward) [Triggered]
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 8
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: 20 radius sphere
Duration: 1 round / level (D)(R)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Whenever a spell or magic item enters a
dispelling screen, the screen attempts to
dispel the effect as per greater dispel
magic. The screen only makes one attempt
per spell per entry, but if a spell enters the
screen, survives the dispel attempt, is
removed and reintroduced to the screen it
will try again.
Spells in the area of the dispelling screen
when it is first cast are not dispelled by the

Displace Perspective
Balcran Divination (Scyring)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a mirror shard)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute /
level (D)
You displace your point of view and are able
to see as if your eyes were anywhere within
100 feet from your current position and
looking in any direction. Once this point is
chosen it cannot be changed. If you try to
see into nearby rooms then be aware that 1
foot of wood or stone; 1 inch of metal; or
lead and gold in any thickness stops this

The creature you target attacks all

creatures (friend or foe) it threatens
with a melee weapon, as if it had the
whirlwind attack feat.

Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: 1 spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes (Partial)
The target spell is countered and its
caster makes a willpower saving throw.
If this save is failed then all other
preparations of that spell are lost, even
if they have been altered with
metamagic feats. Characters who do
not prepare spells instead lose the
ability to cast the spell until they rest
eight hours. Spell Resistance may be
rolled to stop this additional effect but
if it is successful the target spell is still

Divine Edict
Balcran Abjuration (Dispel, Ward)
Level: Clr 5, Inquisitor 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target or Targets: You and a touched
evil creature from another plane, or
you and a spell of a specific alignment
or object.
Duration: 1 round / level or until
Saving Throw: see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
This is a set of five spells which must be
learned or prepared separately (but see
below). The effect of the spells is much
the same, but the target alignment for
each spell is different. In all cases when
you cast the spell you are surrounded
by shimmering energy. This energy has
three effects.
First, you gain a +4 deflection bonus
from attacks from foes with the
selected alignment.
Second, upon completing a melee
touch attack against a creature from
the plane of that alignment you can
choose to drive that creature back to

that plane. The creature can negate the effects

with a Will save and spell resistance applies. This
use discharges and ends the spell.
Third, with a touch you can dispel a spell of that
alignment spell that can be dispelled by dispel
magic. This use discharges and ends the spell.
Communal (+2): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the duration by 1
round increments (or one minute increments if
you use the extended modifier). Use of the
dispelling or dismissal effects by one creature
doesn't end this spell for the other creatures.
Extended (+2): The duration becomes 1 minute
/ level.
Modal Alignment(+2): You may choose the
alignment you will affect with this spell at
casting time rather than at preparation time or
when you learned it.

Divine Rebuke
Polyaligned Evocation (Invocation) [sonic]
Level: Clr 7, Inquisitor 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V
Range: 40'
Area: Creatures which have any other alignment
than yours in a 40' radius spread centered on
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes.

Creatures whose hit dice exceed yours are

unaffected by rebuke. Multialigned
creatures which share an alignment with
you are considered 2 HD higher than they
actually are when determining the effect of
the spell on them. For those affected the
effects are as follows:
Minor: The creature is stunned for 1 round
but defends itself normally.
Major: The creature is staggered for for 2d6
rounds, save for half.
Severe: The creature is paralyzed for 1d10
minutes, save to reduce to 1 round
Deadly: The creature is destroyed if undead
or a construct (even a golem), living
creatures are permanently polymorphed
into a squirrel or similar harmless varmit.
Save negates.
Minor: The creature is dazed for 1 round
but defends itself normally. Save negates
Major: The creature is fascinated for up to
2d6 rounds, save for half.
Severe: The creature is paralyzed for 1d10
minutes, save to reduce to 1 round
Deadly: The creature is feebleminded. Save
negates, but the creature is dealt 3d6
damage + 1 point / caster level (max +25)

You must be have only one alignment to cast

this spell. You issue words of rebuke in the
name of your divine patron that harm your foes.

Minor: The creature is dazed for 1 round
but defends itself normally. Save negates

Divine Rebuke is actually five spells, one for

each alignment, and the alignment of the
rebuke determines its effect. You can only use
the form of rebuke that matches your
alignment. Rebuke replaces blasphemy, dictum,
holy word, and word of chaos in the core rules.

Major: The creature is shaken for 2d6

rounds, save for half.

When you are on your home plane outsiders

within range of rebuke are banished unless they
are from the plane of your alignment. This
effect occurs whether they hear the rebuke or
not. Creatures banished this way cannot return
for at least 24 hours. This effect allows a will
save to negate with a -4 penalty.
Rebuke inflicts up to four statuses on the
creatures who hear it which have alignments
differing from yours. A successful will save
negates or reduces these statuses, but for each
alignment they have directly opposed to yours
the save has a -2 penalty (-4 if they have both
your opposed alignments). The effects are
cumulative and based on relative hit dice as
Equal to caster level
Up to caster level -1
Up to caster level -5
Up to caster level -10


Severe: The creature is confused for 1d10

minutes, save to reduce to 1 round
Deadly: The creature is petrified. Save
negates, but the creature is dealt 3d8
damage + 1 point / caster level (max +25)
Minor: The creature is dazed for 1 round
but defends itself normally. Save negates
Major: The creature is weakened, its
strength score dropping by 2d6 points for
2d4 rounds, save for half of each.
Severe: The creature is paralyzed for 1d10
minutes, save to reduce to 1 round
Deadly: The creature is killed if living,
Undead and constructs are unaffected. Save
negates, but the creature is dealt 3d8
damage + 1 point / caster level (max +25)
Minor: The creature is deafened 1d4
rounds, save negates
Major: The creature is blinded 2d4 rounds,
save for half

Severe: The creature is paralyzed for

1d10 minutes, save to reduce to 1
Deadly: The creature is killed, or
destroyed if undead. Constructs are
unaffected. Save negates, but the
creature is dealt 3d6 damage + 1 point
/ caster level (max +25)

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: A spontaneous caster
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
You must expend a spell preparation as
an additional cost to cast this spell. The
targeted creature may cast this spell as
if the spell was on their list of known
spells so long as it is on their class spell
list and they are high enough level to
cast it. The sorcerer cannot alter the
preparation you impart - it must be cast
with the same modifiers and
metamagic feats you attached, though
the sorcerer doesn't need the feats to
use the spell. The sorcerer can
however elect to use higher level slots
to cast the spell from.

Balcran Evocation [Water]
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One object or creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort or None (Object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
You bring to an end a fire up to the size
of a good campfire (fire occupying a
5x5 foot base). This application has no
save. You may also target a magical fire
of the same size (or less), and the fire
will be extinguished if you can make a
caster level check as per dispel magic
with a maximum bonus of +5. Finally,
you can target a fire elemental or
similar creature with this spell. It deals
1d6 damage to such creatures.
This spell counters and is countered by

Drain Life
Sodran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude

Spell Resistance: Yes
Target creature loses 1d4 hit points per caster
level to a maximum of 20d4. You are cured by
the same amount up to your maximum hit point
total. Excess points are gained as temporary hit
points which remain for 1 round / caster level.
Damage from this spell is negative planar energy
damage. If you use this spell on an undead
creature its effect will be reversed.
A creature killed by drain life can only be
restored through true ressurection, wish or
The damage of this spell must be magically

Dregs of Sorrow
Sodran Enchantment (Compulsion) [Emotion]
Level: Brd 2, Inquisitor 2, Magus 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
The target creature loses all morale bonuses and
cannot receive any for the duration of this spell.
The creature also suffers a 2 morale penalty to
all attack, damage, skill rolls and saving throws.

Shunran Transmutation
Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Effect: Creature or Object Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (Object) or Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
You drive all the water out of the clothing and
possessions of a man-sized creature or object
with the exception of completely contained
liquids. Using this spell on a water elemental
deals 1d6 damage to it.

Sodran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Clr 3, Inquisitor 3, Magus 3, Corruption 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject of this spell is unable to use any
spell on the top two tiers of his spell
progression. Hence an 11th level wizard
targeted by duress cannot use 5th or 6th level

Early Harvest
Ritual Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 day
Range: Medium (100' + 10' level)
Effect: All plants to the extent of the range.
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Whichever damage type you choose,

the spell has the appropriate descriptor
for that type.
Communal (+1): You may affect
multiple weapons you touch, dividing
its effect among them in 1 minute

You must start this spell before sunrise, and

its casting concludes one hour before
sundown. During the casting all plants in
the area of effect grow to their full harvest

Burst(+1): On a critical hit the weapon

deals 2d10 bonus damage on a critical
hit instead of 1d6 damage. If the
critical multiplier of the enchanted
weapon is x3, then the corrosive burst
weapon deals 3d10 bonus acid damage

Material Component: Incenses worth

10,000 gp that are burned in the middle of
the field to be affected.

Admixture (+2): You may add an

additional damage type. You may
apply this modifier repeatedly.

Shunran Evocation [Force]
Level: Drd 4, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a small stitched web)
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Tendrils of magical force reach out and pull
the targeted creature to the ground with an
effective strength of 30. The creature does
not strike the ground hard enough to be
harmed. While the creature is in contact
with the ground the spell has no apparent
effects. Any jump check made by the
creature has a -20 circumstance penalty. A
few creatures may possess the strength to
resist this force, but until they land all their
actions are hampered as if they where
grappled by an unseen foe.

Elemental Infusion
Shunran Transmutation [Enhancement, see
Level: Clr 3, Inquisitor 2, Pal 2, Magus 2,
Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, (DF), M
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 min / level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless,
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
This entry is for a set of six spells, one for
each major damage property as follows:
acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic. The
damage type is chosen when the spell is
prepared or learned (but see modifiers
below). The ensorceled weapon deals 1d6
bonus damage on a successful hit, and this
damage is of the type applied. Bows,
crossbows and slings enchanted by this
spell confer this bonus to their ammunition.

Modal Spell (+1): You may choose what

type of damage property you bestow
on the weapon at casting time rather
than when you learn or prepare the
Greater (+3): Double the dice. This
includes the dice from admixtures and
burst properties.
Mass (+4): You may apply this bonus to
a number of weapons within close
range of you up to your caster level.

Energy Field
Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Effect: Emanation to the extent of the
Duration: 1 round / level (D)(R)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Damage dealing spells deal minimum
damage to creatures within the area of

Valran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Clr X
Range: Touch
Effect: Spellcaster touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
You imbue a spellcaster with the ability
to spontaneously cast cure wounds at
up to level X. They cannot use the
modifiers of that spell.

Entropic Burst
Shunran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a piece of a
discarded toy)
Range: Medium (100+10/level)

Area: 20-ft.-radius spread

Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You send forth a burst of entropy, guiding the
random changes toward a negative result,
causing living matter to decay as though it were
aging quickly. This entropic decay deals 1d6
points of damage per level (maximum 15d6) to
living creatures. The effect of the decay is not
severe enough to do more than tarnish nonliving creatures and objects. The burst passes
through objects and non-living creatures
harmlessly and can harm living creatures on the
opposite side of barriers.

Entropic Wave
Shunran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100+10 /level)
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell works like entropic burst, but entropic
wave is able to affect inanimate objects. The
wave of entropic energy deals a maximum of
25d6 to creatures, and 1 damage per level
(maximum 25) to objects, ignoring hardness.
Since the wave passes through barriers, it can
weaken entire areas, not just the surface of
objects. This has the general effect of
weakening metal enough that it can be broken
like sturdy wood, weakening stone or crystal
enough that it can be dug through like dirt, or
completely reducing weaker structures to dust.
Objects weakened in this way do not change in
composition, only sturdiness. Decayed gold
becomes gold dust, and ice merely turns to
Attended objects are unaffected if their bearer
succeeds his save, but are weakened as normal
if the bearer fails his save. Entropic wave can
easily cripple a living creature and leave him
naked and defenseless.

Eternal Respite
Ritual Valran Necromancy
Level: Clr 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Body touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
The touched body cannot be animated or raised
by raise dead. More powerful resurrection
spells will work, but only if they are cast by a
caster at least four levels higher than you.

Sodran Necromancy [Pain]
Level: Clr 5, Inquisitor 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 round /level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Double the damage of all bleed effects on
the target.

Fanning the Flames

Shunran Evocation [Fire, Metamagic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Targets: Fire spells in range
Duration: 1 round / level (D)(R)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Saving Throw: See Text

Spell Resistance: No
You command flames to move from
point to point. As they move they may
set other objects afire. The damage
this spell deals is set by the size and
intensity of the flame moved.
Flame Size
Small Campfire
Large Campfire


Fire spells cast in the area of effect are

magnified, empowered and intensified as
per the feats.

You can move the flame 30 each

round. Those in the path of movement
make reflex saves to avoid the fire. All
objects in the path make fortitude
saves or catch afire. You may move the
flames towards someone specific, if
you do they do not make a reflex save
instead you make a ranged touch
attack to hit them.

Final Punishment

Flaring Pain

Sodran Necromancy [Pain]

Level: Inquisitor 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes

Shunran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Magus 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: Circle extending out to the range

At the end of this spells one round duration

the target creature takes damage equal to
the damage it suffered during the round.

Shunran Evocation [Force]
Level: Drd 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Effect: 10 wide path out to the limit of the
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Reflex Neg.
Spell Resistance: No
You slam your fist or staff into the ground
opening a fissure from that point to the
extent of the range. This fissure is 10 deep
per 2 caster levels and those who fail their
reflex saves fall in taking damage from the
fall. This spell only works on unworked
stone or earth, but even then it may open
up hidden chambers beneath the caster.

Flame Guide
Shunran Transmutation [Fire, Wild]
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Effect: One flame per round
Duration: 1 round / level

As antimagic field except it only

suppresses conjuration (healing)

Flickering Ward
Valran Abjuration (Ward) [Wild]
Level: Alchemist 3, Clr 3, Inquisitor 3,
Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Touch
Target: One Creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Whenever the target creature would be
affected by a spell roll a d20 to
determine a spell immunity for that

No immunity


Mind Affecting
All spells

Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the duration by 1
minute increments.
Greater (+2): Roll the d20 twice.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures up to your level within close range, no
two of which may be more than 30' apart.

Valran Transmutation [Enhancement]
Level: Alchemist 2, Inquisitor 2, Magus 2,
Sor/Wiz 2
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
The touched creature gains the ability to
maintain impeccable calm in the face of stress.
It gains a +10 enhancement bonus to
concentration checks and a +2 enhancement
bonus to saving throws against spells with the
pain descriptor.

Focus of Hatred
Shunran Transmutation [Emotion]
Level: Rng 4
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level (D)

You disrupt the bearings of the affected

creatures by causing the forest around
them to obscure landmarks and signs of
passing. The effect is much the same as a
maze spell, but the affected creatures are
trapped for a much longer period of time.
Unlike maze, this spell doesn't transport it's
victims anywhere and if they realize what is
happening to them teleport and similar
spells will allow their escape. Else they will
continue to wander within a 1 square mile
area of the forest you designate until the
spell elapses. You cannot cast this spell
outside a forest without a square mile area.
The duration of the spell is set by the
character's wisdom. For every two ranks of
wilderness lore the victim has they can
consider their wisdom to be 1 higher than it
actually is for the purposes of this spell. If
the spell is used on the group use the
wisdom of the leader.
Under 3

Time Trapped
2d4 days
1d6 days
1d4 days
5d4 hours
4d4 hours
3d4 hours
2d4 hours
1d4 hours


If no attempt is made at escape the spell

holds for 2 weeks. When the spell's effect
ends the character will be on one edge of
the spell's effect determined by the DM
secretly and at random (roll d4 or a d8 and
designate a compass point to each
number). Because of this it is fully possible
for a victim of this spell to continue to be
lost after this spell runs its course.

Balcran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Forest's Eyes

Total all your favored enemy bonuses and apply

them against one favored enemy of your choice.

As antimagic field except forbid only affects one

spell you name at casting. If the spell would
function in an antimagic field it will not function
in the area of forbid.

Force Void
Balcran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
As antimagic field except that it only applies to
spells with the force descriptor. It will also
suppress wall of force (antimagic field does not
normally suppress wall of force).

Forest Maze
Aboran Enchantment (Compulsion)[MindAffecting]
Level: Drd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Targets: 1 creature / level
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Aboran Divination (Scrying)

Level: Drd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: [see text]
Effect: [see text]
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute /
level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You touch a tree within a forest and are
thereafter able to see from any other tree
within that forest For the purposes of this
spell all the trees of a given forest are
within 20 of each other. If you choose to
take a view from a tree at the edge of the
forest you can only see objects within 20 of
that edge.

Form Lock
Aboran Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Drd 5, Inquisitor 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1 minute / level (D)

Saving Throw: Fort Neg
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target creature cant change shape.
If it is under another spell with the
polymorph descriptor, that spell cant
be dispelled until this one is dispelled.
This spell counters and is countered by
corporeal instability.

Foul Presence
Sodran Necromancy
Level: Clr X, Inquisitor X, Sor/Wiz X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: An emanation centered on you
extending to the limit of the range.
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)(R)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Undead in the area of effect have turn
resistance 2X.

Grasping Shadows
Sodran Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
As web except that the spell uses
existing shadows act to impede
movement instead of conjuring webs.
Areas of total darkness in the area of
effect are as solid stone to those
within, while deep shadows create
twice the penalties of a standard web
spell. Obviously the grasping shadows
cant be set afire, but they can be
driven back by any light source and
they dont affect creatures carrying any
light at least as strong as a torch.

Gratuitous Violence
Shunran Transmutation [Enhancement]
Level: Alchemist 5, Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5,
Discord 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
All successful melee attacks dealt to or
received by the target creature are
treated as critical hits. If a normal
critical hit is rolled increase its
multiplier by one.
A saving throw or spell resistance
against this spell is made by the target
creature. Once the spell is in place the
creatures fought by the target creature
do not get saves against the critical hits
they take from or inflict on the target

Communal (+2): You may affect multiple

creatures in range, dividing the duration by 1
round increments.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures up to your level within close range, no
two of which may be more than 30' apart.

Sodran Enchantment (Compulsion) [Curse,
Emotion, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
This spell works like bestow curse except it
imparts a compulsion of greed upon the
creature causing it to steal at all opportunities
and go out of its way to amass wealth at the
cost of all other concerns.

Sodran Evocation (Invocation) [Death]
Level: Clr 3, Inquisitor 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort Neg
You call upon the spite and hate of your
patron to allow your blow to kill a foe at any
cost. When you deliver the touch of hatred
you and your foe makes a fortitude save. If
they fail they take damage equal to their
own hit dice, fortitude save for half. You
take damage equal to their hit dice,
fortitude save for half, regardless of
whether or not they save.

Valran Transmutation
Level: Brd 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Component: V, S, M (soap)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous [See text]
This spell drives off all dirt, grime and odor from
you, your clothing and equipment. Being
exceptionally well-groomed offers a +2
circumstance bonus to diplomacy and perform
checks. The action of the spell is instantaneous.
The bonuses last until the character gets dirty
again, but no more than a few hours in any

Valran Transmutation [Metamagic]
Level: Clr 2, Inquisitor 2
As abeyance, but the creature also cannot use
spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, or
activate a magic items.

Harden Snow
Aboran Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Drd 2, Rng 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: Circle with a 10 radius / level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Snow on the ground is turned into slick ice. The
effect on creatures moving in the area is the
same as that caused by a grease spell, but the
hardened snow will remain until it melts or the
next snowfall. To be effectual there must
already be 4 of snow on the ground.
Characters in the area of this spell may be
rooted to the spot they stand by the hardened
snow. They must make a STR check DC 15 + 2 /
inch of snow beyond the first four to break free.

Hollow Tree
Ritual Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Effect: Tree touched
Duration: 1 day / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You create an extradimensional pocket
inside a tree that can hold up to 1 cubic foot
of material / caster level. You can place
items into and take items from this spell at
will. If any objects are inside the tree when
the duration expires the items are expelled
to the ground at the base of the tree. If the
tree is destroyed the items are flung into
the ther plane.

Valran Evocation (Invocation)
Level: Clr 9
Casting Time: 1 full action
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes
You must be purely Valran aligned to cast
this spell. Your patron sends a bolt of pure
positive energy strikes down from the
heavens upon one foe. The spell does
nothing to a Valran aligned divine caster or
paladin, 10d6 to a Valran aligned foe, 15d6
to a Balcran or Aboran foe, 20d6 to a
Shunran or Sodran foe, 25d6 to a Shunran
or Aboran divine caster and 30d6 to any

Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Clr 6, Inquisitor 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Close(25+5 / 2 levels)

Targets: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
The target creature is rendered unable
to use any class ability and has its class
base attack bonus and saving throws
set to 0 (bonuses to attacks and saves
due to race are unchanged).
Communal (+3): You may affect
multiple creatures in range, dividing
the duration by 1 minute increments.

Imaginary Pet
Balcran Illusion (Figment)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Close (25 + 5 level)
Effect: Illusory creature
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: No
You create a illusory creature with
twice your hit dice, up to 10 HD. The
creature attacks and defends as you
direct and appears perfectly normal,
but when the spell ends all damage it
appeared to deal disappears, as does
damage dealt to those who disbelieve
in the imaginary pet.

Shunran Evocation [Fire]
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial (See
Spell Resistance: Yes
You throw a small fiery orb at a
creature. Make a ranged touch attack.
If you hit the orb deals 1d6 points of
damage / caster level, maximum 15d6.
The affected creature then makes a
fortitude save and if it fails it can't heal
the damage of this spell for the
duration of the spell.
Material Component: A polished coal

Sodran Necromancy [Pain]
Level: Clr X, Inquisitor X
Range: Touch
Effect: Creature Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Half
Spell Resistance: No
With a touch you channel negative
energy which inflicts wounds upon a

living creature for Xd8 + your caster level in

damage (max 5X).
Since undead thrive on this energy, the touch of
this spell cures them.
Ritual (+0): You can cast this spell as a 1 minute
ritual to change the die to d12 (Usually only
practical with undead).
Communal (+2): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the dice among
the creatures as you see fit. All the dice rolls
gain the same modifier for your caster level.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart. The
maximum bonus for caster level is +25.

Balcran Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Alchemist 6, Bard 6, Inquisitor 6, Magus 6,
Sor/Wiz 6
As invisibility, except that it is far more
powerful. In addition to masking the recipient
from sight, it masks sounds, scents, and all
manners of vibrations from the subject. Further
the subject cannot be detected by magical
means short of limited wish or more powerful
magic. True seeing doesnt penetrate
intangibility nor will the spell be broken by
invisibility purge. The subject cant be seen by
creatures normally able to see invisible objects
nor can the subject be detected by blind-sight or
Intangibility has some weaknesses incurred by
its power. The spell partially shifts the recipient
to the ther plane. Because of this the
recipient cant open doors, put up or manipulate
objects, or effect any change upon objects or
creatures on the material plane while the spell is
in place. Barriers which block the passage of
theral creatures also block intangible
Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the duration by 1
minute increments.
Sphere (+3): All creatures you choose in a 10'
radius sphere are affected, though they retain
the ability to see each other.

Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Clr 9, Guardian 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Component: V, S, DF
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Yes (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The touched creature gain damage

reduction of 25/ (It ignores the first 25
points of damage dealt to it on each attack).

Jibber Jabba
Ritual Balcran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Brd 2
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25+ 5 /2 levels)
Target: Up to 1 creature / level, no two of
which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
All affected creatures have their words
replaced by semi-random other words,
producing speech that seems garbled and
riddled with slang and lingo, but potentially
understandable. In truth, the words are
almost indecipherable, and only those
affected by jibber jabba can understand
each other. Each language sounds different
when its speaker is affected by this spell, so
if the affected creatures did not beforehand
speak a common language, jibber jabba
does not allow them to all understand each
other. A successful linguistics check against
the spell's normal save DC + 10 allows a
listener to understand the speakers of
jibber jabba, assuming hes fluent with the
base language being spoken. For instance,
if a group of elves and dwarves were all
affected by this spell, the elves and dwarves
could only understand each other if they
spoke the same language. Likewise, a
skilled listener might be able to understand
their speech if he already spoke Elvish or

Last Breath
Ritual Valran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Clr 9
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject of this spell dies if they fail their
saving throw, but their spirit does not move
on. Instead it is free to move about as a
ghost for the duration of the spell (apply
the ghost template to the character). At the
end of the duration of the spell the subject
is automatically raised and does not suffer
the normal penalties for being returned
from the dead including (but not limited to)
level loss. If the body is destroyed while the
spirit is departed the raise effect at this
spell's conclusion fails.

Lay of the Land

Ritual Aboran Divination (Scrying)
Level: Inquisitor 1, Rng 1
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S

Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
During the casting of this spell you can
rapidly choose a path from you current
location to a destination up to 5 miles
distant per caster level. The spell
reveals the lay of the land to you and
it's natural hazards and obstacles such
as cliffs and rivers artificial structures
along the path and any creatures
present are not revealed.

Light of Day
Valran Evocation (Invocation) [Light]
Level: Clr 4, Inquisitor 3, Pal 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M, DF
Range: Personal
Effect: 60 emanation.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Partial [see text]
Spell Resistance: Yes
You release a sunstone that hovers out
above your head at 10 feet from the
ground and glows with a burning light
that drives back undead creatures.
Each round all undead in the area of
effect must make a willpower save to
be able to move at all, and even if they
save all movement they make must be
away from the origin of the light. Nonmovement actions attempted by the
undead have a 4 holy penalty.
Material Component: A sunstone
worth 100 gold pieces.
Wrath of Light (+1): The spell deals 1d6
damage to the undead in the area each
round for each time this modifier has
been applied. Vampires take double
damage from this effect.

Limited Resources
Valran Abjuration (Ward) [Metamagic]
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: Emanation out to the extent of
the range
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.
All spells cast in the area of effect are
limited to their minimum caster level
and effect roll.

Lycanthropic Curse
Aboran Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
As bestow curse except that the effect
of lycanthropic curse is to afflict the
subject with wererat or werewolf

lycanthropy. Also, in order to work against this

spell remove curse must be cast upon the
subject while she is in her alternate form.
Lycanthropic curse cant be dispelled while
dormant. The lycanthrope created by this spell
cannot transfer his condition on others.
Conference (+2): The victim can transmit their
curse as a true lycanthrope, but those victims
cannot transmit the curse further.
Greater Form (+1): The victim is cursed with
werebear, wereboar, or weretiger lycanthropy
(Bestiary 2)

Mage Armor
Core Rulebook
This spell has an additional modifiers
Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing the duration
amoung them in 1 hour increments.
Bolstered (+1): Increase the armor bonus
granted by the spell by +2 for each time this
modifier is applied.

Mage's Guess
Balcran Divination (Insight) [Wild]
Level: Sor/Wiz 0, Brd 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V
Range: Long (400' + 100' / level)
Effect: [see text]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: None
You may estimate the number of objects or
creatures of a kind you observe within the area
of effect. You do not need to see all the
members, but you must be able to see the
majority - hence you could estimate the number
of trees in a forest grove, but not the number of
pixies hiding there since you cannot see the
majority (or often even any) of the pixies.
The number returned by the spell is rounded to
the highest magnitude factor of the number.
That is, if there are 967 trees in a grove, the
spell returns 1000. If there are 23,792 coins in a
dragon horde, the spell returns 20,000. Using
the spell on small groups is largely pointless
since a nonmagical count will be more accurate.

Magic Missive
Ritual Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Clr 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: A surface written upon
Duration: 1 day / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes.

As suggestion except magic missive is

written on a surface and those who read it
will be affected if they fail their willpower
save. The message remains where written
for the duration. Creatures which fail their
save follow the suggestion for as long as it
takes to carry out, but no more than 1
minute / level of the caster.

When assigning penalties to perception

checks for range divide the distance by
the magnification factor.

The casting time of this ritual can be

extended out to eight hours to make the
spell permanent.

Valran Transmutation
Level: Clr 9
Casting Time: 1 full action
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Targets: All creatures in range
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

Balcran Transmutation
Level: Drd 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: 60 circle
Duration: 1 round / level (D)(T)
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No

Arcane Focus: A small hand lens worth

100 gp.

Manifest Probability

Attack rolls and saving throws that

would hit on a roll of 11 or more hit
automatically. Attack rolls and saving
throws that would not hit on a roll of
11 or more miss automatically.

The ground in the affected area becomes

magnetic. Metal melee weapons size small
or smaller have a 2 penalty on all attacks,
Thrown metal weapon cannot be thrown
further than 10 feet and have a -4 to hit.
Arrows with metal arrowheads strike the
ground after traveling 20 feet in the area of
effect and have a 4 penalty to hit.

Spell resistance against this effect is

rolled on its onset. If failed the creature
is under the sway of this spell,
otherwise it rolls normally. It can still
be affected by the rolls of others under
the spell.

Medium metal weapons have a 4 penalty

to hit. An additional 4 penalty to hit is
assessed for every size category increase
thereafter (so a size L mace has a 12
penalty to hit). They cannot be used as
effect thrown weapons as, once released,
they will hit the ground almost

Ritual Aboran Divination (Scrying)

Level: Rng 2
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S
Range: [see text]
Target: [see text]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes

Light metal armors slow their wearers as

per the spell. Characters in heavy metal
must make a fortitude save adjusted for
strength instead of constitution in order to
move each round.
The GM should adjust these penalties for
armors and weapons of mixed compositions
(i.e. an ironshod quarterstaff should be
treated as a small weapon even though it
is large since most of it is wood).
Material Component: A lodestone.

Magnify Sight
Aboran Divination (Sensory)
Level: Alchemist 1, Drd 1, Rng 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, F/DF
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
You gain the far seeing ability of birds of
prey. At 1st level this spell provides a 2x
magnification factor, and for each
additional level the magnification the spell
provides increases by one (So at 5th level
you are able to see as if 6x closer than you
actually are) to a maximum magnification
power of 10x.

Mark to the Maker

You touch a marking (including writing),

track or other sign of a creature's
passing and try to get a mental picture
of the creature that left it so long as
that creature is on the same plane.

Balcran Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 0, Brd 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a face cloth)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
You alter your face to any appearance
possible within your own race so long
as that appearance does not precisely
match any individual. Thus you can add
a beard, scarring, change your eye
color, hair color, etc. This grants a +5
circumstance bonus to disguise checks.

Matacha's Edict
Valran Evocation (Invocation)
Level: Clr 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Personal

Effect: A 90 radius sphere

Duration: 1 round / level (R)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see text]
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a field of positive energy that
severely hampers and can potentially destroy
undead creatures. Each round all undead in the
area must make a fortitude save or gain a
positive energy level (This affects them as
negative energy levels affect the living).

Shunran Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: One metal object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg. or none (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object)
You melt a non-magical metal object to useless
slag if it is unattended it has no saving throw.
The melting of armor deals 1d6 / caster level to
the wearer (max 10d6) and held objects deal
one quarter this damage if their holder doesnt
quickly drop them (reflex save DC 20).
Extend( +1 ): Change the range to close (25' + 5'
/ 2 levels

Mind Burn
Shunran Evocation [Metamagic]
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will
Name an alignment. For each spell the target
creature has prepared that has the named
descriptor, that creature is dealt 2 damage,
willpower save for half.

Mishap Shield
Balcran Abjuration (Ward) [Wild]
Level: Alchemist 2, Clr 2, Magus 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) or until

Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes / level
You temporarily learn how to cast a spell of
X level off a scroll. The spell is removed
from the scroll.

Sodran Evocation [Darkness]
Level: Clr 5
As deeper darkness except you and undead
creatures arent affected.

No Rest for the Wicked

Sodran Necromancy
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: One or more corpses in range.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell returns unlife to a number of
corpses up to twice your level in hit dice.
Those corpses must have been previously
animated and destroyed via hit point loss
on the same day this spell is cast. Corpses
that have been utterly destroyed (through
fire, disintegration, high level turning, etc.)
cannot be restored by this spell. When this
spell ends all corpses animated by it turn to

Ritual Valran Divination (Insight)
Level: Clr X, Inquisitor X, Pal X, Sor/Wiz X
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Touch
Targets: Two or more willing subjects.
Duration: Permanent until discharged
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Used to secure important contracts,
oathbind monitors the faithfulness of each
party to a contract or oath. In many areas
certain high level oaths of fealty must be
secured by an oathbind spell.
During the casting the parties to the oath
must be present and then state their oaths,
or sign their name to a contract and swear
to fulfill it. The power of the oath escalates
with the level you cast it from. These
powers are cumulative.

4th level: Breaking the oath no longer

ends the spell. The spell cannot be
dispelled by dispel magic but can be
removed by disenchant, break
enchantment or higher level magic.
5th level: The parties are placed under
lesser geas to follow the terms of the
6th level: For ten minutes after a any
breaking of the oath the other parties
may scry on the oathbreaker.
7th level: A spell 3rd level or lower can
be set to trigger on the oathbreaking
party each time the oath is broken. The
oath breaker has no save against this
8th level: All parties are geased. The
spell can only be removed by wish,
miracle or mage's disjunction.
9th level: Increase the maximum level
of the punative spell gained at 7th spell
level to 6th level.

One with Nature

Aboran Divination (Scrying)
Level: Drd 8
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Area: 1 mile / level
Duration: Concentration
You can see and hear from the eyes
and ears of any animal in the spells
range. You can search from this deluge
for a specific object or creature, and if
any animal is observing it you can then
hone in on what that animal sees. You
can only hone in on one creature at a

Valran Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Emotion, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Inquisitor 3, Sor/Wiz
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
The target creature goes to total
defense and can take no actions other
than movement or speaking.
Communal (+2): You may affect
multiple creatures in the range,
dividing the duration by 1 round

Counter the next unintentional mishaped spell

targeting or affecting you. If this spell itself
mishaps, it counters itself.

1st level: Each party of the oath knowledge

if any particular action will break their oath,
but they may not necessarily know why.
The spell ends if the oath is broken.

Mnemonic Absorption

2nd level: All parties are aware of when the

oath is broken, or if the spell was
suppressed or dispelled.

Mass (+4): You may affect a number of

creatures equal to your caster level.

3rd level: All parties are aware of where the

oathbreaker is.

Pain Touch

Balcran Transmutation [Metamagic]

Level: Sor X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, F (a spell scroll)
Range: Personal

Sodran Necromancy [Mind Affecting,


Level: Inquisitor X-1, Magus X, Sor/Wiz X

Casting Time: 1 standard action
Component: V, S, F
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Varies

Mass (+4): You may affect a number of

creatures equal to your caster level.

The touched creature experiences distracting

pain to severe pain depending on the level you
cast this spell from, escalating as follows:

As magic missile, with double damage to

Balcra creatures.

1st level: Target takes a penalty to

concentration checks equal to your level (max
2nd level: The touched creature is sickened.
3rd level: The touched creature takes a penalty
to all rolls equal to the spell's level (starting with
a -3 penalty at third).
4th level: The touch stuns the creature. At the
beginning of each of their turns they can make a
willpower save to end this effect.
5th level: As above but the willpower save only
ends the effect for that round.
6th level: The subject is staggered.

Shunran Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2

Sodran Necromancy [Disease]
Level: Clr 5, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Area: All creatures in range
Duration: 1 round / level (D) or Ritual
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see text]
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Every round all creatures in the area of
effect must make a fortitude save or take
1d6 damage and be sickened. Creatures
immune to disease are immune to

7th level: The subject is nauseated.

Planar Collapse

8th level: The subject must save at the

beginning of each of their turns fall helpless and
unable to act other than to scream.

Ritual Valran Evocation

Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, DF, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Special
Effect: One demi-plane
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

9th level: The subject takes 5d6 damage /

round, save for half on each round.
An inquisitor must choose a minimum value of 2
for X.
Arcane Focus: A wax doll. If the doll has hair or
blood from the target the spell has a -4 penalty
to saving throws against its effects.

Sodran Enchantment (Charm) [Mind Affecting]
Level: Clr 2, Inquisitor 2, Discord 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes.
The subject believes that every creature around
him is a long time enemy and behaves
appropriately for the duration of the spell. The
spell does not over-ride other charm effects so if
the subject is charmed by the caster then made
paranoid he will honestly believe that the caster
is his only true friend and that all others are
Communal (+2): You may affect multiple
creatures in the range, dividing the duration by
1 round increments.
Puppet Strings (+2): Add a charm person effect
upon the subject.

This ritual causes the collapse of a

demiplane created by mortal magic (divine
planes are unaffected by mortal magic such
as this). All creatures within this plane that
aren't native to it are expelled into the
ther plane, as are you. All creatures native
to the plane are destroyed. You must be
upon the plane to be destroyed to cast this
spell. If the plane is permanent your level
must exceed the level of the creator of the
plane to be destroyed.
Material Component: A gemstone of any
type worth 1000 gp per year the demiplane
to be destroyed has existed.

Power Sink
Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: A spell
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Counter target spell, then its caster makes a
willpower saving throw or cannot use spells
for the duration of power sink. Spell
resistance can be rolled to escape this
secondary effect.

Power Wave
Shunran Evocation [Force]
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Effect: 5 path extending to the extent
of the range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Ref
Spell Resistance: Yes
You slam your fist or staff into the
ground creating a shockwave that
strikes all creatures in a straight path
from you. This shockwave deals 1d6 /
level (max 10d6) and those who fail
their save are stunned and knocked

Price of Progress
Shunran Evocation [Force]
Level: Drd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes
The targeted creature is dealt 1d6
damage for each magic item it carries
other than a potion or scroll.

Protective Ward
Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Inquisitor 1,
Pal 1, Rng 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 min / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No (see text)
By means of this spell you create a
magical barrier around the subject that
extends out to 1' away from them that
wards from attacks and mental control
attempts from creatures and effects of
a specific alignment. You must choose
the alignment you wish to ward when
you prepare or learn the spell (and in
this latter case the choice is
permanent, but see below). There are
three major effects to the most basic
version of the protective ward.
First, the subject gains a +2 deflection
bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus
on saves. Both these bonuses apply
against attacks made or effects created
by creatures of the specified alignment.
Second, the subject immediately
receives another saving throw (if one
was allowed to begin with) against any
spells or effects that possess or
exercise mental control over the
creature (including enchantment

(charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion)

effects, such as charm person, command, and
dominate person). This saving throw is made
with a +2 morale bonus, using the same DC as
the original effect. If successful, such effects are
suppressed for the duration of this spell. The
effects resume when the duration of this spell
expires. While under the effects of this spell, the
target is immune to any new attempts to
possess or exercise mental control over the
target. This spell does not expel a controlling life
force (such as a ghost or spellcaster using magic
jar), but it does prevent them from controlling
the target. This second effect only functions
against spells and effects created by creatures,
objects, and spells of the specified alignment. So
long as the creature possesses the specified
alignment it is warded regardless of whatever
other alignments it has.
Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by
summoned creatures of the chosen alignment.
This causes the natural weapon attacks of such
creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if
such attacks require touching the warded
creature. If the summoned creature has multiple
alignments it is still warded so long as it
possesses the alignment you chose. The
protection against contact by summoned
creatures ends if the warded creature makes an
attack against or tries to force the barrier
against the blocked creature. Spell Resistance
can allow a creature to overcome this
protection and touch the warded creature, but
it is checked only once per casting and if it fails it
cannot be retried.
Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
creatures you touch, dividing its effect among
them in 1 minute increments.
Circular Area (+2): You may prepare this spell
two levels higher to extend the range from the
touched creature out to 10', or you may
designate a center point that does not move. All
creatures within the area gain the benefit of the
spell, summoned creatures cannot enter the
area but if they were already present they are
not forced away. Creatures in the area, or who
later enter the area, receive only one attempt to
suppress effects that are controlling them. If
successful, such effects are suppressed as long
as they remain in the area.
Entrapment (+0): You may reverse the direction
of the ward - rather than keep the warded
creatures out, it keeps the warded creatures in
the area. You must use this mode with the
Circular area mode. When so focused, the spell
binds a called creature of the specified
alignment (such as those called by the lesser
planar binding, planar binding, and greater
planar binding spells) for a maximum of 24
hours per caster level, provided that you cast
the spell that calls the creature within 1 round
of casting the magic circle. The creature cannot
cross the circle's boundaries. If a creature too
large to fit into the spell's area is the subject of
the spell, the spell acts as a normal protection
spell for that creature only.

A magic circle leaves much to be desired as

a trap. If the circle of powdered silver laid
down in the process of spellcasting is
broken, the effect immediately ends. The
trapped creature can do nothing that
disturbs the circle, directly or indirectly, but
other creatures can. If the called creature
has Spell Resistance, it can test the trap
once a day. If you fail to overcome its Spell
Resistance, the creature breaks free,
destroying the circle. A creature capable of
any form of dimensional travel (astral
projection, blink, dimension door,
etherealness, gate, plane shift, shadow
walk, teleport, and similar abilities) can
simply leave the circle through such means.
You can prevent the creature's extradimensional escape by casting a
dimensional anchor spell on it, but you
must cast the spell before the creature acts.
If you are successful, the anchor effect lasts
as long as the magic circle does. The
creature cannot reach across the magic
circle, but its ranged attacks (ranged
weapons, spells, magical abilities, and the
like) can. The creature can attack any target
it can reach with its ranged attacks except
for the circle itself.
You can cast this mode as a ritual, adding a
special diagram (a two-dimensional
bounded figure with no gaps along its
circumference, augmented with various
magical sigils) to make the magic circle
more secure. Drawing the diagram by hand
takes 10 minutes and requires a DC 20
Spellcraft check. You do not know the result
of this check. If the check fails, the diagram
is ineffective. You can take 10 when
drawing the diagram if you are under no
particular time pressure to complete the
task. This task also takes 10 full minutes. If
time is no factor at all, and you devote 3
hours and 20 minutes to the task, you can
take 20.
A successful diagram allows you to cast a
dimensional anchor spell on the magic circle
during the round before casting any
summoning spell. The anchor holds any
called creatures in the magic circle for 24
hours per caster level. A creature cannot
use its Spell Resistance against a magic
circle prepared with a diagram, and none of
its abilities or attacks can cross the diagram.
If the creature tries a Charisma check to
break free of the trap (see the lesser planar
binding spell), the DC increases by 5. The
creature is immediately released if anything
disturbs the diagram - even a straw laid
across it. The creature itself cannot disturb
the diagram either directly or indirectly, as
noted above.
Modal Alignment(+2): You may choose the
alignment you will affect with this spell at
casting time rather than at preparation time
or when you learned it.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in close
range of you. No two of the creatures to be
affected may be more than 30' apart.

Balcran Divination (Insight)
Level: Clr 8, Ancestor 8
As divination, but you are able to see a
number of months into the future
equal to your level instead of a week
into the future. The prediction you
receive is in any event likely to be
vague and subject to interpretation and
in any event the DM controls all
information you receive.

Valran Necromancy
Level: Clr 7, Inquisitor 6
As finger of death except that instead
of affecting living creatures it affects
constructs and undead; and it is not a
death effect.

Valran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Range: Close (25 + 5 / level)
Area: All spells and magic items upon
one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
As mage's disjunction except that it's
restricted to the magic spells and items
upon one creature and doesnt affect
artifacts or antimagic fields.

Pyroclastic Burst
Shunran Evocation [Fire]
Level: Magus 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: 10 radius burst
You must expend a spell slot as an
additional cost to cast this spell. This
spell works as fireball with the
exceptions noted above and your level
does not determine the damage.
Instead pyroclastic burst deals 2d6
damage / level of the expended spell.

Pyroclastic Flow
Shunran Conjuration (Creation) [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Area: Cone to the extent of the range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex
Spell Resistance: Yes
A pyroclastic flow is a cloud of volcanic
ash and rock superheated to thousands
of degrees. It is one of the most
ominous and frightening displays of an
eruption. This spell conjures a
miniature version of this cloud that
deals 1d6 damage / level (max 25d6) to
all unfortunate to be caught in its area.

Shunran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The creature you target with this spell gains a
small burst of speed. If they haven't acted
already this round they gain a full action
immediately after you finish this spell and their
initiative changes to match yours. If they've
already acted this round they gain an extra
move equivalent action for the round and their
initiative changes to match yours. A creature
which has already taken an action due to a prior
casting of this spell only has its initiative count
changed and gains no additional actions.

Shunran Evocation [Metamagic]
Level: Sor 9
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S, (M)
Range: Medium (100+10 / level)
Target: One spell [see text]
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You target a spell which itself targets only one
creature or object and copy its effect to a
number of creatures or objects within 30 of the
original. You must expend an additional spell
slot of the same or greater level than the target
spell for each additional target. If the target
spell has a material component with a stated
value you must be supply a copy of this
component for each copy of the spell you

Aboran Transmutation [Enhancement]
Level: Rng 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Effect: 60' radius
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
You cant be flanked by your favored enemies
unless they are rogues with 4 more levels than
you. For each favored enemy that would be
flanking you gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage against them.

Ray of Command
Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Brd 2, Inquisitor 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: One humanoid creature medium size or

Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
This spell is a single round dominate person
effect. You make a ranged touch attack roll
and if you hit the creature makes a
willpower saving throw. If they fail they
immediately perform one action of your
choosing that can be completed in one
round subject to the limitations of dominate
person. Their initiative changes to match
yours for the remainder of the combat.

Reaching Weapon
Shunran Evocation [Enhancement, Force]
Level: Magus 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One Weapon
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless,
This spell imbues a weapon with an
additional 5' of reach. This reach takes the
form of a flash of force energy that comes
off the tip of the weapon to strike the foe as
if the weapon had struck the foe.
(Weapons and items can only have one
enhancement spell upon them at a time).
Communal (+1): You may affect multiple
weapons you touch, dividing the duration
by 10 minute increments.
Greater I (+2): The reach goes out to 10'

or sleep and so cannot naturally heal or

regain spells. Creatures that do not
sleep (dragons, elves but not half-elves)
are immune to this curse.

Reflect Gaze
Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Alchemist 3, Inquisitor 3,
Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (A mirror shard)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 min / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless) [see
The touched creature has a +4 bonus to
its saves against gaze attacks.
Creatures with gaze attacks that meet
the warded creatures gaze must save
against their own gaze power or be
affected even if they are normally
immune. They cant roll spell
resistance against their own gaze
Communal (+1): You may affect
multiple creatures you touch, dividing
the duration by 1 minute increments.
An alchemist cannot use this modifier.
Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level in
close range with no two of the
creatures more than 30' apart. An
alchemist cannot use this modifier.

Greater II (+4): The reach goes out to 15'

Greater III (+7): The reach goes out to 20'

Reckless Dweomer
Universal [Wild]
Level: Brd X, Magus X, Sor X
Range: See Text
Area, Effect or Target: See Text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: See Text
You conjure wild magical energy and
attempt to shape it into a level X
incantation. This creates a mishap, and if
the mishap mentions the spell in its text you
get the spell you desired along with the
desired effect (i.e. if the mishap reads, A
stream of butterflies shoots from your
fingertips then you get no spell. If the
mishap reads Spell occurs centered on
caster then you get your spell wanting it
that way is a different matter).

Recurring Nightmare
Sodran Necromancy [Curse, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 5, Inquisitor 5, Sor/Wiz 6
As bestow curse except that the cursed
creature suffers violent recurring
nightmares and gains no benefit from rest

Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100'+10' / level)
Target: A spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Counter target spell, then its caster
makes a willpower saving throw at a 4
penalty. If this saving throw is failed all
other preparations of the spell are lost.
Further, knowledge of the spell is lost
so that the spell cannot be prepared
again until a restoration or more
powerful curative spell is cast upon the
character. Spontaneous casters cannot
learn a new spell to replace the one
destroyed by refutation, but they
automatically relearn the spell once a
restoration or more powerful spell is
cast upon them. A successful spell
resistance roll prevents all effects of
this spell except the countering of the
target spell.

Aboran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Alchemist 5, Drd 5, Aid 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell dispels all spells that inflict a penalty
upon an ability score. It also undoes all damage
to ability scores permanent or temporary.
Finally it dispels exhaustion and fatigue.

Creatures that strike you with a weapon

suffer the same amount of damage they
inflict. They are granted a fortitude save to
reduce this to and SR to negate.

Reverse Damage
Valran Conjuration (Healing) [Metamagic]
Level: Clr 3, Inquisitor 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10 /level)
Effect: One spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Mass (+4): You may affect a number of
creatures equal to your caster level within close
range of which no two is more than 30' apart.
An alchemist cannot use this modifier.

You must choose and expend a spell slot as

an additional cost to cast this spell. You
reverse the damage of a target spell of
equal or less level than the spell slot you
expended so that it cures.

Repel Death


Sodran Necromancy [Death, Triggered]

Level: Alchemist 6, Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Personal
Area: 60' radius emanating from you.
Duration: Until discharged, up to 1 minute /
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: See Text

Valran Conjuration (Healing)

Level: Clr 4, Aid 4

immediately grasp into the earth. A

creature so rooted suffers a 4 penalty
on AC, reflex saves and melee attack
rolls. Further the creature cant turn
around. It faces one square and can
only make melee attacks on squares on
the same side of the figure as that
square and on its two sides. The
creature can only make missile attacks
to creatures in a quarter circle cone
beyond the square it faces. Characters
attacking from the side flank the
creature and characters attacking from
a rear square gain a +4 to hit and are
also considered to be flanking it.

Rusting Ray
Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 6
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
As rusting grasp except that it's ranged.

Whenever you would die all creatures within 60

of you roll a fortitude save and spell resistance
(if eligible). Of those who fail one dies,
determined at random. All damage that would
be dealt to you by whatever effect triggered this
spell is prevented. If no creature within this
spells range fails their saving throw, then you
Material Component: A crushed black pearl
worth 500 gold pieces.

Valran Evocation [Metamagic]
Level: Alchemist 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Effect: See Text
Duration: Instantaneous
All spells you had cast upon your person that
where dispelled in the last minute come back
into effect as if just cast. They play out whatever
remaining duration they had.

Shunran Abjuration (Ward) [Triggered]
Level: Clr 4, Inquisitor 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: See Text
Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level (D)

As raise dead, but it isn't a ritual having a

casting time of one standard action. It only
works upon creatures that have only been
dead 1 round / caster level. It has no
material component.
Revive can also be used to let a creature
attempt a second saving throw against a
death effect if it is cast within 1 round /
caster level since the death effect occurred.
If this saving throw is successful.

Rolling Thunder
Shunran Evocation [Earth, Fire, Sonic]
Level: Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Effect: 60' radius centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex
Spell Resistance: Yes
You slam your fist or weapon into the
ground at your feet creating a pulse of fire
and earth that deals 1d6 damage per caster
level to a maximum of 15d6 to all other
creatures in the area of effect. If you're not
on the ground, you cant cast this spell. The
damage is half fire, half sonic.


Aboran Divination (Sensory)
Level: Alchemist 1, Rng 1, Drd 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Effect: You
Duration: 10 minutes / level
You gain the scent ability. At a
minimum this grants you a +10 bonus
to checks to track a creature, and it
may let you note other features.
However, you are put at a 4 penalty to
saving throws against nauseating odors
such as those created by troglodytes or
the stinking cloud spell.

Seal Fate
Ritual Valran Necromancy
Level: Clr 6
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 minute
Target: Corpse touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
The touched corpse cant be raised,
resurrected, or animated by mortal
magic. Deities alone have the ability to
defy this spell. This spell can only be
cast on hallowed ground.


Aboran Transmutation (Polymorph)

Level: Drd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes

Ritual Aboran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Drd 4
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: Long (400+40/level)
Area: Circle extending out to the limit
of the range.
Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
Saving Throw: [see text]
Spell Resistance: [see text]

This spell changes the feet of any creature

standing on the ground to roots that

This spell creates three effects to

conceal your location. The first is Fog,

which obscures all sight, even darkvision,

beyond 5. Creatures within 5 have 50%
concealment and creatures beyond 5 have total
concealment. You and those you choose can
see through this fog as if it wasnt present. A
gust of wind can disperse this fog for the
duration of that spell, but then it returns. The
second effect is an entangle that affects a 100
yard radius around the point you are standing
when you cast this spell. Creatures can roll a
saving throw against this normally.
Finally each round the creature tries to move
towards the center of the area of effect there is
a 50% chance they move away instead. As this
spell is typically cast in deep woods this unlikely
to be noticed and the creatures so affected
must be aware of the affect to attempt a saving
throw. This final effect is mind-affecting one
with a willpower save and spell resistance is
You can elect to reduce the size of these effects
as necessary.

Target: One creature / level

Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is similar in many respects to
major image, creating an illusion with full
thermal, audial, visual and tactile elements.
However this illusion exists solely in the
mind of the victim(s) and has no reality for
those outside them. Unlike major image
this spell can also conceal elements of the
real world from them. Since this spell
operates directly on its subject's minds they
make their saving throws to negate before
this spell can have any effects on them.
The illusions created by this spell are very
difficult to disbelieve in (DC 20+ your caster
modifier), and even if an illusion created by
this spell is disbelieved the spell is not
thrown off - you're just forced to do
another illusion with this spell.

Serrin's Shadow Spy

Second Chance
Balcran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Magus 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Fate 3
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S, M (An unmarked coin)
Range: Medium (100' + 10' / level
Effect: One event
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will (See Text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You use this spell in response to any event
whose outcome is determined by a single die
roll. The recipient re-rolls, then makes a
willpower save. If the recipient makes his save
he may choose the roll that governs the event,
and if he fails you have control of which roll that
is used.
If any creature involved in the event has spell
resistance he may roll it to cancel this spell's
If multiple wizards attempt to cast second
chance on the same event they make opposed
willpower saves against each other. The winner
is the only one that affects the target.

Sodran Illusion (Shadow)

Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (A swath of black silk)
Range: Personal
Target: Your Shadow
Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes /
Your shadow detaches from you. It remains
under your control. It can travel any
distance from you as long as it remains on
the same plane as you do. It has all the
statistics of the shadow listed in the
Monster Manual except that it is not
considered undead, but a magical construct
and it has no strength damage attack or
ability to create spawn. It possesses the
same alignment as you. You can see and
hear everything it sees and hears.

Serrin's Theft
Balcran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9

artifacts that creature might possess. If

it succeeds at killing the target creature
it vanishes.
Material Component: A 1000 gp onx

Shattering Pulse
Shunran Abjuration (Dispel)
Level: Magus 6, Drd 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One Magic Item or construct
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg (object) or Fort
Neg (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell affects constructs, including
golems otherwise immune to magic, as
finger of death. It will also destroys a
single magic item held by a foe if they
fail their willpower save. If the object is
unattended it is destroyed

Sheltering Branches
Ritual Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 1, Family 2
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Touch
Target: One Tree
Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
The tree you touch arranges its
branches to block out rain and wind as
best as it can. Some trees are superb
at this task, such as willow trees, while
others serve poorly, such as most
pines. The branches may also provide
concealment from missile fire, DMs
discretion as to how much but usually
around 50%.

Core Rulebook


As counterspell and you gain the ability to

cast the target spell yourself once within
the next hour.

Valran Divination (Sensory)

Level: Alchemist 4, Clr 4, Inquisitor 4, Guardian 4

Shadow Killer

As vigilance except that the creature you cast

sentinel upon gains several additional benefits.
The creature doesnt need to sleep and is
rendered immune to magically induced sleep,
fatigue and exhaustion effects. The
enhancement bonus is +20 to perception
checks. The creature gains a +4 holy bonus to
saving throws against mind-affecting spells.

Sodran Illusion (Shadow)

Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100 + 10/level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Greater (+1): The shield provides cover
and any magic missiles are reflected
back at their caster.

Serrin's Phantasm
Balcran Illusion (Phantasm)[ Mind-Affecting]
Level: Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)

The shadow of the target creature detaches

and attacks that creature. This shadow
killer is an exact duplicate of the target
creature but as it is illusory only half its
damage is real. All the equipment of the
target creature is duplicated except for any

This spell has additional modifiers.

Shield Other
Core Rulebook
This spell has additional modifiers.
Mass (+4): You may affect multiple
targets up to your level within close
range so long as no two of them are
more than 30' apart, then choose
between two modes of operation. First,
any damage dealt to the recipients split

between that creature and you. Second, any

damage dealt to any recipient or the caster is
divided evenly among the recipients of the spell
and the caster.
Spirit Link (+2): Cure spells are divided between
you and the recipient. If you're the caster, you
choose the division, otherwise it is evenly

Shunran Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: One creature or object.
As lightning bolt except only one target.

Shunran Evocation [Sonic]
Level: Brd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Long (400 + 40 / level)
Target: 40 radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Text.
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a powerful shockwave of sound.
Unlike most sonic spells, this one is not stopped
by silence; it dispels it. The spell deals 10d6
damage, fortitude save for half. Creatures also
must make a fortitude save or be deafened
permanently by this spell.

Shower of Coals
Shunran Evocation [Earth, Fire]
Level: Magus 5, Sor/Wiz 5
As fireball, except half the damage of shower of
coals is impact damage and the damage cap is

Sleight of Mind
Balcran Illusion (Pattern) [Metamagic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One creature, object or spell.
Duration: 1 hour / level (D) or permanent (see
Saving Throw: Will Negates or none (objects &
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
Sleight of Mind is a highly flexible spell that
either assigns an illusory attribute to a creature,
object or spell and masks any similar attributes;
or changes the attributes sought by spells and
magic items when they make their
determination whether or not they will work.
Examples include:
Changing a protection ward against Sodra
into a protection ward against Valra.
Changing an absolutism spell to from
affecting Sodra spells to affecting Shunra

Change a creature's apparent alignment

from Valra to Sodra so that they can
move past a forbiddance spell.
Change a creature's apparent race from
human to elf so that a magic bow will
bestow special properties on him.
Change a magic axe so that it functions
for elves instead of for dwarves.
Note that sleight of mind does not change
the mental or physical state of creatures, it
only changes what magic items and spells
"see." It can be used to make a paladin
appear to be Sodran as far as detection
spells, abjurations and abilities directed at
the paladin are concerned, but the paladin's
alignment does not actually change nor
does he lose any of his special powers that
require him to be Valran.
If sleight of mind is cast upon an unwilling
creature or an object in his possession a
willpower saving throw is permitted against
its effects.

magics. Also, users of lesser divinations

and intelligent magic items can make a
willpower save to disbelieve the illusion
or they might do so automatically. For
instance, if sleight of mind is used to
change the apparent alignment of a
paladin to Shunra and that character is
wielding an intelligent holy avenger
he'd used for many years, that sword
would be able to make it's save against
the illusion automatically (though it
would sense the nature of the casting).

Sodran Necromancy [Pain]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (hair from a
drowned corpse)
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 minute /level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes

If this spell is cast against a spell that is

already in place you make a caster level
check as if you were attempting to dispel it
in order to effect the sleight of mind

The target creature begins to suffocate

and unless this spell is broken it will
die. Creatures that dont need to
breathe arent subject to smother.

You can ready an action and cast sleight of

mind in a counterspell-like fashion. If you
do this the sleight of mind over-rides any
modes the caster might have chosen based
on alignment or element and can even
change the spell by changing out one
element for another (as in the case of
changing a magic circle against Sodra into
warding against a different alignment).
There is no level check to do this.

Snow Walk

If you target a summoning spell you can

change attributes of the summoned
creatures and they do not gain a saving
throw. Hence a lantern archon, which is a
Valran celestial, could be given the
apparent alignment of Sodra and then be
subject to the effects of wards against
Sodran creatures. Again, the creature's
alignment does not actually change, only
what magic items and spells see changes.
Cast upon a spell sleight of mind lasts as
long as the target spell does. Cast upon a
magic item or creature sleight of mind lasts
one hour per level.
Sleight of Mind is an illusion, and hence
certain special spell effects that are
dependent on the properties of a target are
not triggered by it. For instance, fire based
creatures take 150% damage from cold
attacks and are immune to fire attacks. If
you use sleight of mind to assign the
illusionary type "cold" to the creature, it will
not become immune to cold attacks.
However, a symbol set to trigger when cold
based creatures pass would be fooled by
the sleight of mind.
As with most illusions, sleight of mind is
defeated by true seeing or more powerful

Aboran Transmutation
Level: Alchemist 1, Drd 1, Rng 1,
Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, (DF)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
The creature you touch gains the ability
to walk upon snow without sinking into
it. Despite the name of the spell, the
character can also traverse ground
similar to snow such as thick dust, mud,
etc. The tracks left behind by a creature
under this spell are treated as if the
creature walked on soft ground instead
of very soft ground (see the description
of the Track feat in the PHB for more
information). The character suffers no
movement penalties for moving
through this type of terrain (Normally
snow can reduce a character's move to
as much as 1/4 normal, depending on
its depth).

Solipsist Disillusionment
Balcran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One object, up to a 10 cube
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell can only be cast on a non-living object

that entirely fits within a 10 cube (a normal
door, for example, but not a section of a wall or
a very large door). That object flickers in and
out of another plane, seeming to disappear and
reappear randomly. However, even if it
disappears in this way, the rest of the world still
operates normally. Ceilings are still supported,
swords still hang on an invisible sword rack, etc.
At each count of the initiative, there is a 50%
chance the object is present, and an identical
chance that it is somewhere else. If the object is
not present, creatures, objects, attacks, etc. can
pass through its space easily. It can appear and
disappear several times per round (but it is only
necessary to roll to see if it is present on those
initiative counts that its location becomes
If a creature or object spends more than one
initiative count in the object, such as if a
character ends his move in that spot, that
creature or object is shunted out to the nearest
clear spot as the disillusioned object phases in
and out.

Song of Chaos
Shunran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting, Sonic]
Level: Brd 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, Song
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Targets: Up to 1 creature / level.
Duration: While Sung
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Each round you sing the song of chaos you may
expend a bardic music ability attempt to
confuse one creature that hears it. This effect is
identical to the lesser confusion spell, except it
persists as long as you sing.

Song of Charm
Aboran Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting,
Level: Brd 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, Song
Range: 60
Effect: Up to 1 humanoid creature / level who
can hear the song (see text).
Duration: While sung and 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
When you sing the song of charm you may
expend a use of your bardic music ability each
round to attempt to charm a listener within
range. The effects of this charm are the same as
charm person except they dont persist as long.

Song of Freedom
Valran Abjuration (Dispel) [Mind-Affecting,
Level: Brd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, Song

Range: Personal.
Effect: All within 30' of you.
Duration: While sung.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
Each round a creature hears this song she
may make a new saving throw against any
enchantment that is affecting her. While
you sing this song, you cant be the target of
enchantments. Use of this song expends
one Bardic music use for the day.

Saving Throw: Will neg

Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object)
You create a hemisphere shaped
barrier through which sound cant
travel. Creatures cant hear anything
on the side of the barrier opposite to
them. Spellcasting isnt affected by this
spell, but sonic effects cant cross the
barrier to affect those on the opposite

Spell Lodestone
Song of Holding
Valran Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting]
Level: Brd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, Song
Range: 60.
Effect: Up to 1 humanoid creature / level
who can hear the song (see text).
Duration: While sung (see text)
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes

Valran Transmutation [Metamagic]

Level: Clr 4, Pal 4, Magus 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a lodestone)
Range: Medium (100 + 10/level)
Area: All spells cast in the range.
Duration: 1 round / level
Spells that can target you must target

Spreading Plague

When you sing the song of holding you may

expend a use of your bardic music ability
each round to attempt to hold a listener
within range. The effects of this hold are
the same as hold person except they only
last while you sing or until the subject
successfully makes a willpower save against
this spell. If they do, you may expend a
Bardic music ability in an attempt to
reestablish the hold on any round.

Sodran Necromancy [Disease]

Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Duration: 1 round / level (D)

Soul Exchange

Still Touch

Ritual Sodran Necromancy [Mind-Affecting]

Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (Special incenses and
reagents worth 1000 gp for each level of
both targets).
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Targets: Two creatures of identical species,
one of whom may be you.
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This powerful necromantic ritual swaps the
souls of the targets. Essentially each
creature gains the others physical
characteristics (STR, DEX & CON), but they
retain all other abilities. Undoing this spell
requires a wish or miracle cast by someone
of higher level than you, and this only works
if both targets are alive. If either one dies
this spell cant be undone.

Sound Shell
Aboran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Brd 2, Clr 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: 10' emanation from the touched
creature or object.
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)

As contagion except that the disease

spreads to all creatures touched by the
target and in turn to all creatures they
touch for the duration of the spell.
Once the duration expires the
contagion no longer spreads magically
but the affliction itself remains.

Balcran Illusion (Glamer)

Level: Alchemist 1, Brd 1, Magus 1,
Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: One Creature
Duration: 10 min / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
You cease all vibrations caused by the
touched creature. It can't be heard or
seen by reflected sound. Creatures
with the tremorsense ability can't
sense the subject.

Stone Grasp
Shunran Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: A stony hand
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a stone hand about
the size of an ogre's that reaches up
out of the ground and attempts to
grapple creatures you choose within

the range. It has combat manuever bonus equal

to your 10 + your level and a strength of 25, but
deals no damage on a hit. When it hits, it holds
the victim fast in the square where it grappled
them until they break free or the spell ends.
Grappled creatures cannot make reflex saves.
If attacked the hand is AC 30 (touch AC 10), has
DR 5/, and 1d4 hit points / level of its caster.

Subjectional Gravity
Balcran Transmutation [Wild]
Level: Alchemist 2, Magus 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
You warp gravity such that as long as the your
feet are on an immovable surface, that surface
is "down." Hence you can walk on walls and
ceilings with complete ease, and without any
risk of your equipment falling. Be careful
though, you can "fall" from these surfaces.
If your feet are on two separate surfaces that
are at an angle to each other (the floor and a
wall) then "down" is in a direction that evenly
divides the angle between the two surfaces.

Summon Creature
Polyaligned Conjuration (Summoning) [see text]
Level: Brd X, Clr X, Drd X, Sor/Wiz X
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: One or more summoned creatures which
appear in a 20' radius sphere.
Duration: 1 round / level (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This X level spell comprises a staggering 45
distinct spells determined by one of five
alignments and nine levels. When you prepare
or learn the spell you must choose the
alignment of the creatures you summon.
Your character class determines the alignments
you may summon from: Druids summon Aboran
creatures only, bards summon Aboran or
Balcran creatures, Magus summon Balcran or
Shunran creature, Wizards summon Balcran or
Sodran creatures, Sorcerers summon Shunran or
Sodran creatures, and Cleric summon Valran
and Sodran creatures.
Magi (specialist wizards attuned to an
alignment) summon only creatures of their
alignment, but the duration of this spell in their
hands is doubled.
The alignment of the spell matches the plane it
is contacting, and the plane of those creatures.
Casting this spell in combat is a standard action,
and the duration of the spell is 1 round per
caster level (2 rounds / level for Magi). The
creature appears where you choose and attacks
the nearest of your opponents to the best of its
Casting this spell outside of combat is a ten
minute ritual. The creature so summoned will

perform tasks for you for ten minutes /

caster level, but if attacked during this time
the creatures vanish.
A summoned creatured cannot summon
otherwise conjure other creatures nor can it
use teleportation or other planar travel
abilities. A creature can't be summoned
into an environment that cannot support it.
Summoned creatures cannot use spells with
material components that have a cost, nor
use spell like abilities which mimic the
A summoning spell summons one creature
from its own list, 1d3 creatures from a list
one level lower, 1d4+1 creatures for a list
two or three levels lower, or 1d6+caster
level creatures from a list four or more
levels lower. Hence, you can cast the spell
at 5th level to get 1 5th level creature, 1d3
4th level creatures, 1d4+1 3rd or 2nd level
creatures, or 1d6+9 1st level creatures
(assuming you are 9th level).
1st level: baboon, badger, elf, halfling,
monstrous centipede (medium), monstrous
scorpion (small), monstrous spider (small),
snake (small viper).
2nd level: giant ant (worker), giant bee,
gnoll, grig, hyena, monstrous centipede
(large), monstrous scorpion (medium),
monstrous spider, (medium), nixie, snake
(medium viper), spider swarm, wolf.
3rd level: ape, black bear, bison, boar,
cheetah, dire badger, dire weasel, giant ant
(queen), giant ant (soldier), giant
bombardier beetle, leopard, monitor lizard,
monstrous centipede (huge), monstrous
spider (large), satyr, snake (constrictor),
snake (large viper), wolverine.
4th level: ankheg, assassin vine, brown
bear, centipede swarm, centaur, dire boar,
dire wolverine, dust mephit, ettercap,
formian warrior, giant praying mantis, giant
stag beetle, giant wasp, grick, locust swarm,
monstrous scorpion (large), owlbear, pixie,
polar bear, rhinoceros, rust monster, snake
(huge viper), tiger, wereboar.
5th level: bralani, monstrous centipede
(gargantuan), monstrous spider (huge),
pixie, shambling mound, snake, giant
constrictor, spider eater, troll, tendriculos,
troll (scrag), werebear, weretiger, winter
6th level: dire bear, dire tiger, elephant,
gynosphinx, monstrous scorpion (huge),
monstrous spider, (gargantuan), nymph,
treant, rust monster (large, 10 HD),
rhinoceros (huge, 16 HD).
7th level: monstrous centipede, (colossal),
monstrous scorpion (gargantuan), wooly
mammoth (Treat as a 15 HD elephant),
winter wolf (huge, 11 HD), owlbear (huge,
11 HD), shambling mound (huge, 13 HD),
snake (gargantuan constrictor, 25 HD),

ankheg (huge, 9 HD), wood elf ranger,

(10th level).
8th level: monstrous scorpion
(colossal), monstrous spider (colossal),
troll hunter (6th level ranger), dire bear
(huge, 22 HD), praying mantis (huge, 12
HD), grig druid (9th level), spider eater
(huge, 12 HD), tendriculous,
(gargantuan, 18 HD), nymph bard (4th
level), young adult green dragon.
9th level: ghaele, bralani (large, 14 HD),
dire tiger (huge, 28 HD), human ranger
(14th level), gynosphinx, (huge, 14 HD),
pixie sorcerer (6th level), human druid
(14th level), frost giant ranger (4th
level), shambling mound (huge, 21 HD),
snake (gargantuan constrictor, 33 HD)
1st level: celestial owl, human adept,
aquatic elf, human expert, porpoise.
2nd level: tiny animated object,
formian worker, gnome, locathah,
3rd level: small animated object, small
air or water elemental, githyanki,
svirfneblin gnome, homunculus, manta
ray, octopus, medium shark, squid.
4th level: medium animated object,
crocodile, kuo-toa, sahuagin, large
shark, triton.
5th level: large animated object,
juvenile arrowhawk, doppelganger,
medium air or water elemental,
ethereal filcher, ethereal marauder, air
mephit, ice mephit, water mephit,
ogre, merrow, giant owl, juvenile
6th level: achaierai, huge animated
object, adult arrowhawk, giant
crocodile, displacer beast, large air or
water elemental, gibbering mouther,
mimic, orca, phase spider, sea cat, sea
hag, huge shark, adult tojanida.
7th level: aboleth, gargantuan
animated object, baleen whale, chuul,
6-headed cyrohydra, huge air or water
elemental, formian, taskmaster,
invisible stalker, water naga, phasm,
8th level: elder arrowhawk, 8-headed
cyrohydra, dire shark, dragon turtle,
greater air or water elemental, giant
octopus, giant, shield guardian, giant
squid, elder tojanida.
9th level: colossal animated object, 10headed cyrohydra, elder air or water
elemental, myrmarch formian, human
wizard, (11th level).
1st level: giant fire beetle, goblin,
kobold, goblin adept, kobold expert.

2nd level: dwarf, hobgoblin, orc, stirge, kobold

3rd level: small earth or fire elemental,
githzerai, krenshar, pseudodragon, troglodyte.
4th level: azer, bugbear, shocker lizard,
thoqqua, worg.
5th level: cockatrice, deinonychus (dinosaur),
medium earth or fire elemental, hell hound,
magmin, earth mephit, fire mephit, magma
mephit, steam mephit, ogre, flamebrother
salamander, minor xorn.
6th level: basilisk, large earth or fire elemental,
gargoyle, manticore, minotaur, rast.
7th level: bulette, chimera, criosphinx,
dragonne, elasmosaurus (dinosaur), huge earth
or fire elemental, ettin, hill giant, girallon,
hellcat, megaraptor (dinosaur), ogre barbarian,
6-headed pyrohydra, average salamander, red
slaad, wyvern, average xorn.
8th level: athach, delver, efreeti, greater fire or
earth elemental, stone giant, gorgon, nessian
warhound (hellhound), ogre mage, 8-headed
pyrohydra, greater shadow, young adult red
dragon, blue slaad, triceratops (dinosaur),
tyrannosaurus rex, vrock (demon), elder xorn,
9th level: elder fire or earth elemental, fire
giant, clay golem, stone golem, hezrou, hill
giant, dire wereboar, 10-headed pyrohydra,
noble salamander.

succubus (demon), umber hulk, vampire

(5th level fighter), will o wisp, xill, yuan-ti
abomination, gray render zombie.
8th level: bodak, bone devil, destrachan,
erinyes, gray render, half fiend (7th level
human cleric), hellwasp swarm, 10-headed
hydra, mind flayer, mohrg, dark naga, spirit
naga, night hag, green slaad.
9th level: barbed devil, bebilith, cauchemar
(nightmare), devourer, harpy archer, 12headed hydra, rakshasa, retriever, gray
slaad, dread wraith.
1st level: aasimar, dog, eagle, hawk,
celestial cat, celestial monkey.
2nd level: camel, riding dog, heavy horse,
light horse, light warhorse, mule, human
fighter (1st level), human cleric (1st level),
celestial eagle, human paladin (1st level).

4th level: giant eagle, lion, pegasus,

unicorn, aasimar Paladin (2nd level).
5th level: hound archon, celestial lion, dire
lion, djinni, griffon, janni, ravid.


3rd level: lantern archon, blink dog,

hippogriff, heavy warhorse, aasimar Paladin
(1st level).

6th level: lillend, celestial unicorn, half

celestial human fighter (3rd level), aasimar
Paladin (6th level), hound archon barbarian
(2nd level).
7th level: androsphinx, avoral, behir, djinni
noble, lammasu, roc, zelekhut.

2nd level: fiendish dire rat, tiefling, zombie

(human commoner), orc zombie, skeletal eagle
(magical flight).

8th level: couatl, cloud giant, half-celestial

human paladin (9th level), half-dragon
celestial, lammasu, guardian naga.

3rd level: darkmantle, duergar, drow elf, ghoul,

grimlock, lemure, lizardfolk, shrieker, wolf
skeleton, troglodyte zombie.

9th level: celestial charger (unicorn),

kolyarut, leonal, aasimar paladin (12th
level), human cleric (13th level).

4th level: bat swarm, choker, imp, dire bat,

dretch, quasit, rat swarm, skeleton, owlbear,
skum, vargouille, wererat, bugbear zombie.


6th level: aranea, barbazu, greater barghest,

bearded devil, carrion crawler, cloaker, gray
ooze, green hag, harpy, hieracosphinx, 6-headed
hydra, mummy, nightmare, ochre jelly, otyugh,
shadow mastiff, skeleton, chimera, skeleton,
ettin, vampire spawn, wraith, half-blood yuan-ti,
minotaur zombie, umberhulk zombie, wyvern
7th level: annis, babau (demon), belker, black
pudding, cachalot whale, chain devil, chaos
beast, digester, drider, gauth (beholder), human
fighter ghost (5th level), flesh golem, half black
dragon, human fighter (4th level), 8-headed
hydra, lamia, medusa, advanced megaraptor
skeleton, cloud giant skeleton, spectre,

The surgeshield absorbs the effects of

spells targeted at you. The shield can
completely absorb 1d4 + 6 total spell
levels, thus negating their effects on
you. In the case of area effects, only
you are protected this way. The shield
also protects against mishaps, counting
them as the same spell level as the
spell that instigated them.
You may dispel the shield at will.
Otherwise, it lasts for 1d12 rounds + 1
round/level, or until it absorbs all its
possible spell levels, whichever comes
first. If this limit is met exactly, the
spell ends. If the shield is hit with more
spell levels than it can absorb, it causes
the incoming spell to mishap. You are
considered the caster and the target of
the mishap.

1st level: dire rat, skeleton (human warrior),
zombie (kobold), zombie (goblin), zombie (dog).

5th level: allip, derro, dire ape, dire wolf, dryad,

gelatinous cube, ghast, howler, ooze mephit,
salt mephit, phantom fungus, shadow, troll
skeleton, violet fungus, werewolf, wight, yeth
hound, pureblood yuan-ti, ogre zombie.

You are cloaked in a whirling band of

scintillating colors, completely
concealing you, granting you your
opponents a 50% miss chance on any
attacks aimed against you. You are
able to see normally within and outside
the shield. The glow of the shield is the
equivalent of a daylight spell.

Aboran Evocation [Metamagic]

Level: Magus X, Sor/Wiz X
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Target: One spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Increase the spell level of target spell by X
and caster level of the target spell by 2X.
Bonus caster levels granted by this spell
aren't subject to level caps.

Valran Abjuration (Ward) [Wild]
Level: Alchemist 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See Text (D)

Aboran Transmutation (Polymorph)

Level: Drd 9
Casting Time: 1 full round
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
You turn yourself into a swarm of
creatures of diminutive size or even
smaller. Bees, hornets and other flying
insects are the most popular choices,
but rats and other vermin are not
unknown. While in this form you are
aware of and in control of each
member of the swarm. You can
disperse the members up to 1 mile /
caster level away from each other, so
you can use this spell to keep watch
over incredible amounts of territory.
Member of the swarm can be killed
normally as determined by their
natures. The exact number of creatures
in the swarm is set by your hit points 1 per creature. As long as least one
member of the swarm survives you can
reassume your normal form. If you lose
more than 50 hit points this way you
are not subject to death from massive
damage. Members of the swarm that
do not reunite with you at spell's end
become normal creatures.
While in this form you cannot use any
supernatural, extraordinary, or spelllike abilities, neither can you cast spells.
You may end this spell at will, but it
cannot be dispelled, disenchanted or
brought to an end by any means short
of Mage's Disjunction.

Switch Costumes

Tendril Walker

Ritual Balcran Conjuration (Teleport)

Level: Brd 1
Casting Time: 1 minute or 1 hour (see text)
Component: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute, or 1 hour
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Effect: All vines in range
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You simultaneously teleport all clothing and

armor you wear into a specially prepared chest
and teleport the clothing in that chest onto your
body as if you had just put it on. The weight of
all gear transferred this way cannot exceed 10
lb. / caster level.
Casting the spell to do the swap takes a minute.
Casting the spell to prepare the box for use
takes an hour. The box need only be prepared
Arcane Focus: A specially prepared chest worth
500 GP. When this spell is cast the chest must
be within 100 feet of you per caster level.

Tainted ther

With this spell you can attack with any nonintelligent plant vines or branches within
range as though you wielded them as a
weapon. If you strike you deal 1d6+WIS
modifier in damage per hit. If you grapple
with them treat your casting ability score as
strength for all grapple tests. If you grapple
a foe you do not need to spend an action to
maintain an existing hold or pin, but you
must remain in range.

Terixs Blessing
Balcran Transmutation [Curse, Metamagic,
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Sodran Abjuration (Ward) [Triggered]

Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (powered bone)
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Effect: 60' radius emanation
Duration: 1 hour / level (R)
Saving Throw: Fort Negates. (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

As bestow curse except Terixs Blessing

bestows the wild spellcaster template on
the victim instead of any other effect.

Creatures which enter the area of effect through

calling, summoning, or teleportation gain 1
negative energy level that persists until this spell

This spell works like phantasmal killer

except terror inflicts 6d6 damage on a
successful fortitude save and both saving
throws are made at a 4 penalty.

Telsindrias Invulnerable Globe

The Road Left Untaken

Valran Abjuration (Ward)

Level: Sor/Wiz 5

Balcran Conjuration (Teleportation) [Wild]

Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

You must choose and expend a spell slot as an

additional cost to cast this spell. This spell
works like lesser globe of invulnerability except
that it excludes spells of up to the level of the
spell you expended as an additional cost.

Telsindria's Radiance
Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Name a descriptor or school. This spell works
like an antimagic field except that Telsindrias
Radiance only suppresses spells possessing the
named descriptor or school.

Telsindria's Spell Immunity

Valran Abjuration (Ward)
Level: Wiz 2
You must choose and expend a spell preparation
as an additional cost to cast this spell. This spell
works like spell immunity, except that it applies
to the spell you expended at casting.

Sodran Illusion (Phantasm) [Emotion, Fear,
Level: Magus 6, Sor/Wiz 7, Corruption 8

Two possibilities of your actions take place,

allowing you to effectively be in two places
at once. Whenever you move, choose two
routes of movement instead of one. A
shimmering version of you moves in both
directions, and you are able to perceive
clearly through both of yourselves. While
moving, you are considered to be taking
both actions, so anything that could affect
you works normally. However, once you
have completed your movement for the
round, you gain a unique type of
invulnerability until you move again.
Once you have finished your movement for
a given round, whenever an individually
targeted attack or effect targets you, you
can choose which of your two positions to
be in. Against area effects, you can choose
whether to be affected unless the area of
effect could contain both versions of you.
Similarly, whenever you take any actions,

you choose which location you are in at

the moment. Whenever you choose a
location like this, that is considered
your location until the next step of
initiative, but otherwise you are just
potentially in either location, your
exact position not set until you are
forced to choose one.
This protective displacement lasts until
your next movement. Whenever you
move next time, the two possible
states of your location collapse into
one; in effect, whenever you move
again, one version of you disappears,
and your movement takes place from
your other location.
For example, in the middle of a battle
Meece casts this spell, then moves. He
directs two courses of action, one
toward his party cleric and the other
toward his enemies. If he incurs any
attacks of opportunity while moving in
either direction, he is vulnerable, and
can be hit normally. Once he reaches
both his destinations, he can
thenceforth to be in either location. If
a warrior tried to strike him at once
place, he could choose to be in the
other, so the attack would miss. If he
needed healing, an ally could cast a
spell on either version of him and have
it take effect. If an enemy wizard tries
to fireball him, Meece would only take
damage if the area of the spell
contained both of his potential
positions. On his next turn, one version
of him would disappear, and he would
begin moving from the other.
It is possible with close coordination to
affect you while youre protected by
this spell. Though you can shift
positions many times per round, on
each individual count of initiative you
can only choose to be in one location
or the other. For instance, you might
choose on your initiative count of 16 to
be in one location to cast a spell. Then
for the rest of count 16 you are in that
one location. On count 15 you return
to being in a state of flux. When on
count 7 a warrior attacks you, you
could choose to be in a different
location. If at that same initiative
count of 7 another warrior tried to
attack you at your other location, you
would have to choose one location to
be at, meaning you would be
vulnerable to either attack.
Material Component: A small
container, which must be filled by
someone other than you with contents
you are unaware of. As you cast the
spell, you open the container and learn
its contents just before they are
consumed in casting.

Time Spiral
Balcran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 full action
Components: V, S, M (A 25,000gp astral
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Effect: All creatures in range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
All creatures in range revert back to their status
at the beginning of the combat. All damage is
healed, The dead are returned to life, etc., as
though the encounter had yet to occur. Casters
recover all spells cast during the combat except
time spiral. No one affected by time spiral can
use it for a full day (including you). All creatures
remember what occurred before the time spiral
and are aware that it was cast.

Time Twister
Balcran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
When you complete this spell you phase out of
time. While out of time you essentially do not
exist and cannot be attacked or harmed by any
means. At the beginning of each or your actions
you phase into time. You can perform one
move-equivalent action or cast a spell, then you
phase out of time again.
Your opponents can ready an action to attack
you and you can be attacked for provoking an
attack of opportunity.

Time Walk
Balcran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M (500 gp diamond)
Range: Touch
Target: You and touched objects or other
touched willing creatures weighing up to 50 lb. /
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None and Will Negates (object)
Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)
You move forward in time, up to one day per
level. You are able to see if other creatures are
in the area in the future and can choose to
appear based on that criteria (such as I will time
walk to Baron Nebis' arrival here). If the criteria
is not fulfilled you move forward in time to the
fullest extent of the spell.

Time Warp
Balcran Transmutation [Time]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (5000gp diamond)
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Effect: All creatures in range

Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
On the round following this spell everything
happens twice with the same results as the
first attempt.
Material Component: A diamond worth
5000 gp

Transmute Rock to Lava

Shunran Transmutation [Earth, Fire]
Level: Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: 20' square area 10' deep.
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You use this spell to transform rock into
lava. On the first and second rounds of this
spell the ground becomes uncomfortably
hot but no actual damage is done. On the
third round all flammable materials in the
area of effect catch fire and creatures in the
area of effect are dealt 1d6 damage by the
heat. Each round the heat rises and the
damage increases by 1d6. On the 22nd
round of the spell the damage caps at 20d6
for any foolish enough to remain in the
area, submerged by the now liquid rock.
Those large enough not to be fully
submerged take half this damage. After
reaching peak temperature the lava
remains this hot for 48 hours, then it loses
intensity slowly, dropping 2d6 damage / day
(so after 5 days the damage is still 14d6)

The acid dissipates on subsequent

rounds. On round two the damage
drops to 10d6 for those foolish enough
to remain submerged in the area, but
the area of effect doubles to a 20
radius. Floating creatures take 5d6.
On round three the area trebles, but
the acid damage drops to 5d6 for those
submerged and 1d6 to floating objects.
On round four the area quadruples
from the original but only deals 1d6
damage to those completely
The above presumes that the acid can
dissipate into a larger body of water. If
it cant, it doesnt lose its potency.

Balcran Evocation [Metamagic]
Level: Sor X
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: One spell in casting.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Twincast creates a copy of a target
incantation of less than level X which is
cast by you immediately after the
original spell even if you cant normally
cast it. Casting this copy does not cost
you a spell slot, but you must be able to
fulfill any component costs of the
copied spell other than material
components with a value less than one
gold piece.

Understand Unorthodoxy
Transmute Water to Acid
Sodran Transmutation [Acid, Water]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (A scrap of flesh from
the stomach of a black dragon - 500gp)
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Effect: All water within a 10 radius sphere
[see text]
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: [see text]
Spell Resistance: No
This powerful transmutation turns water to
acid with predictably fatal results for the
animals and plant life within.
Cast outside of water this spell ruins all
water based items including magical
potions unless their owners make a
willpower save to negate.
This spell is at its deadliest when cast in a
large body of water. Creatures so
unfortunate to be completely submerged in
the area of effect take 25d6 damage,
fortitude save for half. Creatures and
objects floating upon such water take 10d6,
fortitude save for half. This is the damage
for the first round.

Ritual Balcran Divination (Insight)

Level: Alchemist 1, Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 10 foot cube, plus one 10 foot
cube per level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Understand unorthodoxy gives you
insight into chaos and disorder. You
can see such things as pottery shards
reformed into a whole pot, shreds of
paper reformed into a page, scattered
parts as a working machine, or specific
trails appearing out of overlapping
footprints. The items to be studied
must tangiblecoded flashing lights,
garbled speech, or thoughts of any kind
cannot be studied. One such item can
be studied as if whole per casting of the
ritual during the casting.
For the next day you get a +10 bonus to
any skill check to reassemble any
broken or disassembled item you make
sense of through this spell.

Venomous Vines
Aboran Transmutation
Level: Drd 3, Rng 3
As entangle, but the vines secrete a contact
poison. Starting on the third round of the spell's
duration all creatures in the area must make an
additional fortitude save against the poison
each round. When they fail the first time the
poison fatigues them, and the second time they
fail they are exhausted. The third failure causes
them to go to sleep as per the spell.

Ritual Valran Divination (Insight)
Level: Alchemist 2, Clr 2, Inquisitor 2
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Target: One creature [see text]
Duration: 8 hours
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You choose a creature within range to watch
over the area within range. The creature gains a
+10 bonus to perception checks. If the creature
moves out of the spells range the spell is
broken. Once cast the area of effect (which
extends from you out to the limit of the range)
doesnt move with you.

Vile Consumption
Sodran Necromancy [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Range: Touch
Effect: Living Creature touched
As finger of death with the exceptions noted
above and you add the hit points of the victim
(or the damage dealt if they make their saving
throw) to your own. Hit points added beyond
your maximum are temporary.

Volley of Boulders
Shunran Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Targets: Up to 1 pebble / caster level.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No
When you throw a pebble enchanted by this
spell it changes into a 50 lb. boulder mid-flight.
The boulder follows the same flight path the
pebble would have followed.
The boulder strikes for 2d6 damage + your
casting ability modifier.

Wall of Lightning
Shunran Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Magus 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/ level)
Effect: Sheet of lightning 5 thick and up to 20

long / caster level or a ring with a radius 5 /

2 caster levels; either form 20 high.
Duration: Concentration + 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell calls into being a sheet of
lightning with the dimensions given above
that deals 1d6 damage / caster level (max
20d6). Those in the area of effect when it
comes into being may negate the spell by
rolling a reflex save and moving out of the
area, but those who intentionally enter a
wall of lightning that is already in place take
full damage without benefiting from a save.
Unlike most walls this one is not subject to
any damage, nor does it prevent inanimate
objects from passing through it either way
though the lightning discharges grant 50%
concealment to creatures on one side of the
wall from another.

Wasting Curse
Sodran Necromancy [Curse, Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Target: 1 creature [see text]
As bestow curse except that the effect of a
wasting curse is to age the recipient one
year every day. The recipient must have a
normal lifespan of less than 200 years.
Remove curse halts this unnatural aging but
doesnt undo its effects. Restoration or
greater magic restores the creature to its
former age. A creature suffers the penalties
for advanced age but doesnt gain any of
the benefits (these are acquired by actually
living for the time given). Wasting curse
counts as a death spell should it kill its

Sodran Necromancy
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100+10/level)
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 round /level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
If the target creature fails its saving throw
its strength is reduced to 1. Characters with
a fighters attack progression have a -4
penalty to this save.

Shunran Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Area: Circle extending out to the limit of
the range.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2 (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

You create an enormous pulse of fire

that deals 5d6 damage to all in the area
of effect except you. This doesnt
count any damage resulting from forest
fires that are likely to triggered by the
use of this spell.

Shunran Evocation [Wild]
Level: Magus 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Special (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A bolt of wild energy blasts from you
into another creature, dealing damage
and disrupting their casting. You must
succeed at a ranged touch attack to
strike a target. A hit deals 1d6 points of
damage per level (maximum 20d6)
from wild spell energy. Thereafter, for
one round per level, the struck creature
acts as if it had the Wild Spellcaster
Template applied to any of its
spellcasting classes. Additionally, the
template also applies to any magical
item the subject activates.
When determining the effect of any
mishaps caused by the target casting
spells, the target rolls d% + his Will save
bonus as usual, but then subtracts your
caster level from the result. For
example, if Meece (caster level 18)
wildstrokes an enemy wizard (who has
a Will save bonus of +10), the enemy
wizard would roll d% +10 18, or d%-8,
to determine the effect of any mishap
he causes while affected by this spell.
If the target already has the Wild
Spellcaster Template, he still receives
the penalty to his mishap rolls from the
Material Component: A personal item
worth at least 1 gp, which you must
toss at the subject as you cast the spell.
The object is not consumed in the
casting if the subject takes it before the
end of the spells duration.

Wilting Curse
Sodran Necromancy [Curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
As bestow curse except that the effect
of the wilting curse is to cause rapid
weight loss and CON loss. The spell
deals 1 point of con damage each day
until it kills the victim. Ability damage
dealt by the wilting curse cannot be
undone until the curse is lifted, at
which point it can be removed

Shunran Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S

Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: Yes

The touched creature takes 1d6

electricity damage.

Optional Setting Rules

Chapter 7
The rules that have proceeded in this book are the absolute minimum
set of rules necessary to present the campaign setting and its flavor
using the Pathfinder ruleset. The rules in the chapter are less necessary
and have more to do with taste and running style. They may be freely
ignored without having any large impact on how the setting is
presented to the players.

short rest of around 15 minutes, if the players do so they may roll hit
dice and add their constitution modifier to each one, and gain the
amount rolled as healing. Each hit die the character has can only be
rolled once until the character takes an extended rest of 8 hours. So a
third level character can roll all three hit dice at once or space them out
between fights, but he can't reroll them until he rests.

Hit Points and Durability

Extended Rest: An extended rest recovers all hit points for characters
who started the rest with positive hit points.

The following rules are designed to reduce a party's need for a cleric or
dedicated healer, though the presence of one will still be desirable, it
won't be required to the point of having the group brow beat one of
the players into choosing to play a healer class. Conversely, in the
presence of these rules a cleric player should not feel as compelled to
spend all their magics as cure wound applications.
Starting Hit Points: Each character starts with a number of hit points
equal to their constitution score and full hit dice. Yes, this means a first
level barbarian with a constitution of 18 will start play with 30 hit
Hit Points per level: When a character gains a level they gain hit points
equal to half their hit die plus their constitution modifier.
Hit Dice: A character may take a full round action in combat to roll any
number of their hit dice and gain that many hit points as a cure effect
(hit points beyond the maximum are lost). A character may also take a

Battered: A character reduced to half his maximum hit point total is

battered and shows signs of having been in a fight. Actual wounds do
not occur until a hit knocks a character below 0 hit points.
Dying: A character at 0 hit points or less is dying. Each round the
character makes a fortitude save DC 10 - their current hit point total
(remember that if you subtract a negative number, you add it). If the
character fails he loses 1d6 hit points. When the character makes three
saving throws he stabilizes, and those saves need not be consecutive. If
a natural 20 is rolled the character returns to 0 hit points, stabilizes, and
may roll any hit dice to gain hit points in order to act normally.
Dead: A character is dead when their hit point total drops below their
constition score and their level * -1. If a character is suddenly reduced
to less than twice this value in a single attack then the damage to the
corpse will be too severe for raise dead and ressurrection will be
required to raise the character. If the character is reduced to three
times this value only a true ressurection will restore the character.

Dusk: Pathfinder Edition

by Michael Lloyd Morris

Playtest Team
Joshua G. Brooks, Colton Robert Don Burgess, Devon Grant Deaton, Curtis W. Hanson, Evan Zwicker

Based on the original roleplaying game rules by Gary Gygax and David Arneson
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost,
Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley
Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3. 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary,
Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide. 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Wild Spellcraft. 2002 Natural Twenty Press; Authors: Ryan Nock.

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