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Nikka Q.




March 28, 2015


By what I have learned from my MST 123 class, classroom

management is the way for an effective class discipline. With good classroom
management comes well-disciplined class. Classroom management can be defined in
several ways. I based my observation on the definition that was given to us during a
particular discussion in MST 123.
I observed the PE 7 class of Ipil for this learning task. Given the techniques
for better classroom control, I observed and compared if the teacher effectively
manage the PE class.
The teachers attention is focused on the entire class and not on
unimportant off-task. He also didnt give attention on student chatter as it may
affect his discussion. When the class is too noisy, he kept silent and maintain low
voice so the students really have to listen to himthis is a good way since shouting
or being angry about students misconduct is too clich and not very effective on
High school students.
At the gym, where they will held the practical application of the discussion,
he told instructions, just onceto train the students to listen in every word he
said since he is not going to repeat it again. While the students are practicing
Arnis, he monitor groups of students to check their progress and constantly move
around so students have to always pay attention. The time for learning was not
wasted since the students have their activity from time to time and I noticed that
the teacher also has withitness or a teachers awareness of what is going on in
the classroom. Despite the large number of students, the teacher can still handle
the discipline problem that occurred in the class without disrupting the learning
activity of the other students.

To generalize, I can say that the PE teacher has a good classroom

management skills.

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