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Theme of Lord of the flies

The theme of Lord of the Flies

is that man is inherently evil
and needs the structure of
civilization (laws and order)
to control him..

Group of boys get stranded on a desert
island(plane was shot; war going on).They are
left to their own devices. Ralph and Piggy find
a conch(big shell). Means to gather everyone
The boys start a fire; that gets out of hand
Later, the fire-watch is abandoned -fire out.
Hunters. Slowly two groups start
forming:Ralph/Piggy vs Jack (hunters)
Littluns have nightmares

Loss of civilisation
The Story (In the book) A plane
is shot down, pilot lands on the
island by means of parachute.
Boys only see vague shape:
beast. Expedition to The
Beast. Head of a pig (Lord of
the Flies) is an offering. Simon
goes to the Lord of the Flies and
has a vision: Evil = the beast/in
The Lord of the Flies

Simon goes back to the

beach The others (including
Ralph and Piggy) are feasting in
a frenzy. They kill Simon
(excerpt in your reader). The
Hunters want to make fire, so
they steal Piggys glasses.
Ralph and Piggy go to the
hunters camp to try and
retrieve the glasses
Final confrontation

Roger kills Piggy and shatters the

conch. Ralph goes and destroys the
Lord of the Flies. Ralph is hunted like
an animal(smoked out) When he
reaches the beach, rescuers are
there: They see savage, bloodthirsty
young boys.

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