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Revolutions In Russia

Nicholas II- Became czar in 1894 and continued the tradition of Russian
Rasputin- Man who claimed to have magical healing powers and selfdescribed holy man
Industrialization and growth of Revolutionary movements
Bolsheviks- More radical group of Russian Marxists who
supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice
everything for change
Mensheviks- More modern group of Russian Marxists who
wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution
Soviets- Social revolutionaries competing for power
Lenin- Major leader of the Bolsheviks, whose name is really Vladimir Ilyich
Ulyanov, who adopted the name of Lenin
Revolution of 1905
Russo- Japanese War- Russia broke a series of agreements over
the terrorists after the two nations both signed the agreements so Japan
retaliated by attacking Russians at Port Arthur, Manchuria in February 1904
Bloody Sunday- Day when about 200,000 Russians approached
the czars winter palace and for a petition for better working conditions, more
personal freedom and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II generals
ordered open fire and more than 1,000 were wounded and several hundred
were killed
WWI- Final blow to Russia when Nicholas II made the fateful decision to drag
Russia into WWI
Two Revolutions:
March Revolution- Revolution that brought down the czar and
forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne
Provisional Government- Temporary government
Alexander Kerensky- Head of the provisional
November Revolution- also known as Bolshevik Revolution
All Power to the Soviets- People rallied to this
call by the fall of 1917
Bread, Land and Peace- Slogan from Lenin that
gained widespread appeal
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- Russia surrendered large part of territory to Germany
and their allies
Unilateral treaty with Germany
Trotsky- Commander of the Red Army
Civil War
White Army- Made up of different groups that supported the
right to rule by the czar, while some others wanted democratic government,
along with socialist who were against Lenin and his style of socialism
Red Army- Bolshevik formed army
Problems- Three white armies fighting one red army at one
Results- 14 million Russians died on estimate during the three
year struggle and in the famine that followed. Red Army crushed all
opposition and showed that the Bolsheviks were able to seize power and
maintain it

New Name Lenin gives to Russia- Lenin gave Russia the new
name of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

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