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Registrado 1 INKIN en el IKOFA de la mujer (Libro "Yoruba

Es parte de un libro en ingls llamado Yoruba Heathenism escrito en
1899 por un Yoruba llamado James Johnson, demuestra que en ese
tiempo en Yorubaland, cuando una mujer reciba Ifa, reciba solamente
UN SOLO ikin consagrado, y que cuando este necesitaba hablar, se
incluia en los ikines de su esposo, hermano, o cualquier babalawo:
The male sex is the sex which particularly gives itself to Ifa worhsip.
There are, however, times when divinations may recommend and
prescribe that worship to a woman. Whenever this should be the case, a
woman would receive from a Babalawo <<ONLY ONE IKIN>> or
consecrated palm nut called Eko, which she would carry about her body
for protection, and whenever divination should recommend and
prescribe to her sacrifice to Ifa, she would, for the time being, hand over
her Eko either to her husband or to her brother, or any other male
relative according to prescription, who would include it in his own Ikins
for the purpose of the worship and sacrifice in which she would

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