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Village Tradition And BENTENG NONE (None Fortness)

A tour object's very impressive is Village Tradition None Society. Inhabited By Tauho
District. In It's you can look tradition home of timor people, as ume kbubu (round home) and lopo.
In philosophy timor people, ume kbubu symbolize the women/famale of timor people is
polite women, simple, modest, and closed privy parts. like that simbol of ume kbubu which they
maked the roof from top until soil and its just have a door. so, if a people want to enter or exit,
they must bow. Whereas lopo, symbolize about the male/man of timor people is enough opened,
strong and like a place to family meeting, where always be lead by father as head family.
There is fortness of society neno tradition. at long ago, they use to oppose enemy and peddler. its
made from nature stones and kind prickly plant (naus). they planting with serial 1 km, while of
other side, there deep valley until enemy very different to reach their village.
War dance(maekat).
in this dance,be serve capability, boldness, and heroness of commanders and war soldiers (meo) in
a apposed enemy in fight arena. then winning the war and make party over bonet dance. a kind
happy dance,in form circle and move follow needle clock with poems. they usual call it "tne".
There Are To Tradition Ceremony In There (Upacara Adat)
Tradition Ceremony Poit Pah or tradition ceremony happy harvest usual be held by timor people
into entered harvest reason , praise GOD to many harvests and asked bless to plant for planting
reason later.
process of its, begin with pray who be doing by tetuah (ana, am nes). the victims as like cow and
pig with yield have be served ,be prayed and then take it in mezbah . there are in order of a big
tree . the last will be slaughter.
Tradition ceremony ote naus.
This tradition ceremony in doing by tradition society Timor To Search Appose/enemy Before Do
Opposed. It Be Doing Use A Spear who Direct To A Pole. If That Spear Reach That Pole , That
Signed They Will Lucky, But If Not, Thats Signed They don't Lucky And They Must Naketi.
This Tour Object At Desa Tetaf,kec. Kuatnana. Kab Tts Soe.
Distance ; From Kupang 127 Km And From Soe 17 Km.
From Kupang Need 3 Hours To Reach It By Bus. The price Rp. 25.000 And From Soe Need 30
minutes. the price rp.5.000.this tour object near with niki-niki.
If you want to make at tour to this place, you can call petrus pae nope(tour guide) hp ;
Or Don Da Costa Kabid Destinasi And Tour Market ,;0388-21750;hp 082147719222;

Monica J. Mamur
Nenti S. Ollin
Ryan R. Rihi
Untung Nomleni

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