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NIM : E1E021225



The traditional ceremony is one of the traditions of the community tradition that still has quite relevant
value for the needs of the supporting community. Religious rituals aims to find a connection with the
unseen world master of nature, this is what drives society carry out the ritual


Pujut is a sub-district in Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The center of
government is in Sengkol Village, which is about 15 Km southeast of the capital city of Central Lombok
Regency. Pujut District is better known as the South Lombok region. Because it is directly adjacent to the
Indian Ocean, this district is known for having many beautiful beaches. The biggest youth community is
called BLOK PUJUT. Pujut district is famous for its unique language. There are many languages that are
often imitated by Lombok people in other areas. Discuss it is the language "MERIAQ, MERIKUQ" for
example the sentence is "KENDEK MERIKUQ TANM". then in Pujut sub-district there is a village called
Kawo village, the village has a unique language because it ends in "R". An example sentence is "MBIK EM

PENGENGAT village has lots of interesting customs for you to know. let's see together:

in the village of Pengagat we have a custom when we meet with other people. for people we know
usually greet using greetings and greetings, when on a motorbike we use a horn or call his name. for
foreigners visiting the village. we have a habit of greeting them every time we meet even if it's just a
short greeting, like the question "where are you going?"


in Penggat village when a new baby is born, they are not immediately given a name. Wait 2/3 days
for an event called "SEONG MOTO SEONG" to be held. MOTO SEONG is the name of a food made
from rice that is fried and mixed with grated coconut that has been sugared. for rich people usually
slaughter goats or cows.


a) Merariq atau Mbait

Meraiq or mbait both mean marriage. The two terms have the same meaning namely an event
of 'escape' a girl by a young man to serve as his wife. Because it is often interpreted as marriage
run especially if using tribal cultural idioms other.
The process of dancing begins with a pair of brides arriving at night at the groom's house. then
they wash the feet in the water in the tub. after that a meal was held with the tradition of
having to slaughter a chicken. the meal begins by giving the bride and groom 1 roasted chicken
and 2 eggs to be broken together, this custom is called "totok telok”

b) Sejati

Truth is notification from the male side told the woman's parents that her daughter was tui jati
'really' merariq. Really should be done immediately possible, usually done directly together with
the manganese departure program or if it is postponed three days at the latest.

c) Nyelabar
As a continuation of the true event, nyelabar is carried out, which means conveying news or
notification to the wider community that women A and B have learned that the way is to go to a
public place. hit three times.

d) Bait Wali atau Nuntut Wali

Bait Wali or Nuntut Wali means picking up the guardian, in the implementation of demanding
this guardian, if matters that are important in adat, the customary process has all been
discussed, so the guardian can be taken to marry the two bride and groom, of course with the
results of deliberations from both sides of the family of the prospective bride, the family of the
prospective groom.

e) Rebaq Pucuk, Bait Janji, Nunas Patutan

Rebaq shoots, bait promises, nunas decency means asking for fairness or fairness
charged. This process is a form of process to take the results of the family deliberations called
galeng raraq kembang weru. Now shoving is done in the morning at 10:12 a.m. until it's finished.

f) Sedawuh
Sedawuh comes from the word dawuh which means:
Commands or orders. Sedawuh is done seven days before the birthday.

g) Sorong Serah Aji Krame

Sorong serah aji krame means an encouragement to the parents of the bride and groom to
surrender or release (hand over) their children to live as a household so that the bride and
groom are not bound to their respective parents.

Nyongkolan event is the most awaited event by residents in Penggat Village. This event was
enlivened by "GENDANG BELEK" or "KECIMOL". In the contents of all residents in the village, the
groom went to the village of women.
i) Napak Tilas ( Balas Ones Naen )
One or two days after the nyongkol event there is still one more event called bales ones naen
'returning the footprints'. This event was only attended by the closest family members, without
any ceremonial events. know exactly his new family, uncles, aunts, grandparents, siblings, and
so on as a result of the marriage bond.


In the death rituals of the Sasak tribe, especially in The death ritual in PENGENGAT village that is
carried out is unique separate when compared to the death rituals that are carried out by most of
the Sasak people. In the death ritual in PENGENGAT village is known as “PATUQ”. PATUQ is the gift
of al-marhum's belongings to the local kiai whose aim is for al-marhum to get safety in his grave In
practice the family required to hand over the belongings of the deceased to local religious leaders
held on the day of the funeral completed burial or on the ninth day after completion NUKAQ BATU.

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