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Larung Sembonyo in Perspective

Raihan Jogi Yuwono

English Education Majors Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher Training

University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (

This article is motivated by the existence of a culture, where culture is a tradition,
which’s carried out by the people. The tradition is larung offerings or what is known as
larung sembonyo which in its implementation is in the form of slametans located at fish
auctions and coastal areas. The focus of the problem in this study is how to implement the
Larung Sembonyo culture practiced by the Prigi people? how is the history? The objectives
of this research are to find out how the implementation of larung sembonyo carried out by
people, as well as to find out how the legal review of the culture or ritual of larung sembonyo
that serves food or slaughters animals, that culture was preserved by our ancestors and is still
being carried out until now. This research provides theoretical benefits, implementation of
larung sembonyo. Research material for writing scientific papers, as well as for information
about the implementation of the Larung Semboyong culture or ceremony for Larung
Sembonyo in Tasikmadu Village. In this study using quantitative methods. Is meant by the
Quantitative method is a research approach that reveals a certain social situation, formed by
words based on in depth collection techniques after conducting research using the above
method, the results obtained are the procedure for implementing the Larung Sembonyo
tradition consists of three stages. In the perspective of Islamic law which carried out by the
community is allowed, except for deviations in Islamic teachings such as directed prayers and
slaughtered animals.
Indonesian people themselves are no stranger to offerings. This is an offering and a
form of gratitude to the Almighty, as well as the spirits of ancestors for adherents of ancient
beliefs. Almost all traditional ceremonies use offerings, be it Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese
and many more. The foods that are often used as offerings include tumpeng rice, black
coffee, bananas, snacks (cake snacks from the market), So far, many cultures are attached to
people living on the island of Java. Every community group definitely different cultures do.
As well as to the Prigi beach community who perform the Larung . ritual Sembonyo, this
culture is very different from culture the other is the sea slametan ritual or a ceremony called
with sea picks. The meaning and purpose of various alms ceremonies the sea is usually the
same, namely asking God to fishermen are awarded with abundant marine products in the
coming year come and also be avoided from calamity while at sea. Most of these people
believe that the sea has guardian of the "guardian of supernatural beings". Therefore, in every
the implementation of the sea slametan ritual they believe is a form of relationship with
supernatural beings. Larung sembonyo are customs and habits that carried out by the coastal
community of the Prigi area. Larung is from Javanese language which means "to drift"
according to the meaning is to wash food in the form of offerings (tumpeng) into the sea
which the goal is gratitude that has been given by the Jews and Yauda it is believed that they
have cleared or opened land and make the bay of Prigi. And this custom is done by Coastal
communities, in Trenggalek Regency, who carry out this custom Prigi Beach community.
According to the history of this event namely on the big month or Selo and Kliwon Sunday in
Javanese calendar. This ritual is performed once a year. Besides an expression of gratitude to
God, this event is also a Raden Tumenggung Yudha Negara's wedding anniversary a chief
warrior of the Mataram kingdom with Putri Gambar Inten one of the daughters of the Duke of
Andong Biru. Besides the Sembonyo ceremony too there is an event, namely to slam the boat
which will later be made for fishing. In this ceremony, the mystical power is felt that is felt
by the community because of a belief that has been attached since the ancient ancestors, this
ceremony is wrong a form of gratitude from the results of the sea and the earth that has been
obtained or processed by the Prigi people with abundant results as well as low yields. The
people here are very grateful for what has been given by the Almighty even though the result
is not what you want. Stay in this event too involving many people, not only the Prigi people
who came to the coast, but also from various regions Because of the procession, Larung
Sesaji is already known by various regions. This Larung Sembonyo has a positive aspect and
there is also an aspect negative, which there are some people who interpret that larung which
is a form of gratitude with symbolic meaning in the form of food served. There are also
people who interpret by looking at the sea so wide that no one who can see the shape but with
respect or believe it that no limit is reached with a form like that then they do this culture.
And the culture must be preserved and diuri-uri. Offerings that don't It is permissible if the
offering is intended except to Allah and Islam has also taught how about good food served
and animals slaughtered. All of these are deeds tabdzir forbidden by religion. But when there
is a ceremony That's how we treat it with the correct perception and it's not made blasphemy
or a bad opinion of the wider community, then won't be a big problem. However, this culture
is already attached to the community especially in coastal communities from the coast of
Prigi, Pacitan, Ngebel and others. Ingkung (whole roasted chicken): symbolizes sacrifice
during life, love for others too symbolizes the produce of the earth (land animals). In Islam
the tradition of sacrifice has also been known, as which Muslims always do on Eid al-Adha.
Besides that this is proof of the servant's love for his Lord. Sacrifice on Eid Adha is also a
form of gratitude and submission against God. How was the surrender of the Prophet Ibrahim
when ordered by Allah to slaughter his son Ishmael. Besides that Eid al-Adha sacrifice is also
a means to share with others without favoritism. But slaughtering goats, buffaloes and the
types of animals in rituals that blend in Shirk cannot be equated with the sacrifice on Eid al-
Adh Islam in Indonesia is very unique, in addition to carrying out Islamic law as a whole,
they also still believe relics of Hindu-Buddhist rituals, such asworship of ancestors which is
then given Islamic values in it, because basically culture is not easy disappeared from society.
Islam as a religion has an important meaning insocial life, because religion is a kind of
system social created by its adherents who pivot to non-empirical powers he believed in and
Larung Sembonyo.
Larung Sembonyo is a marine alms culture that has been carried out from generation
to generation by the ancestors of the local Prigi fishing community, manifested in traditional
ceremonies. The Larung Sembonyo ceremony is held at Prigi Beach, Watulimo District, held
by local fishermen every Selo month which falls on the Kliwon night of the Javanese
calendar. Another name for sembonyo is Sedekah Laut or Labuh Laut which is a form of
gratitude to God Almighty. This is a form of gratitude for the Prigi fishing community for the
marine products that have been obtained. This ceremony is also a request for the safety of the
Prigi fishing community when looking for fish in the sea. This custom has been practiced for
a long time and has become part of the culture of the people of Trenggalek, especially those
who live on the coast of Prigi. Aside from being a form of gratitude, Larung Sembonyo is
also intended to commemorate the wedding of Raden Tumenggung Yudho Negoro, a
Mataram Warrior Chief, and Putri Gamba Inten. Raden Tumenggung Yudho Negoro was the
person who succeeded in opening the Prigi Bay area with a guarantee that he would marry
Putri Gamba Inten, one of the daughters of Adipati Andong Biru. This tradition is still carried
out by the people of Prigi Beach, Trenggalek as a form of gratitude for the marine products
available in nature. The Larung Sembonyo traditional ceremony has also become part of the
sustainable culture known from Trenggalek. he Larung Sembonyo ceremony was born from a
traditional story about a supernatural event when a Tumenggung and his troops expanded
their territory or chronicle alas in the area. This incident became the origin of the myth that
developed by the coastal community of Prigi. Residents of the coast of Prigi believe that this
tradition is held in the Javanese calendar on Monday Kliwon, Selo month. When this tradition
is no longer practiced, local residents will feel that something is missing. The Larung
Sembonyo ceremony is usually carried out by fishermen and farmers who grow crops or go
to sea in the Prigi area. This ceremony is a tribute to the ancestors who have opened the area
as a settlement. Tumenggung Yudho Negoro and the four of them were the first important
events when clearing land in the area. Local residents when this traditional ceremony is not
carried out, there will be a failed harvest, difficulty in catching fish, epidemics or spreading
diseases, natural disasters, and various other difficulties. Larung Sembonyo is believed to
have developed from 1985, which was carried out on a large scale, which had never been
stopped before due to unfavorable political conditions. The Larung Sembonyo tradition has
become a routine agenda for the residents of Trenggalek district, which is supported by the
Trenggalek district government to carry out this cultural tradition. The Larung Sembonyo
ceremony is called by various terms such as sea alms, larung sembonyo, sembonyo
traditional ceremony, mbucal sembonyo, or clean the sea.
The objectives of Larung Sembonyo are as follows:
1. The creation of a sense of tranquility for the community in the Prigi Beach area,
because at that time there was a boat accident which resulted in many victims. At that
time all the people who wanted to sail the sea was hit by a disaster where the people
who sailed were not original the Prigi area who is staying at chief excecutor house.
After that incident, the community believed that the one who deserved to be made the
chairman The executor of the larung offering ceremony. Chief excecutor it who
himself has warned that the ritual should be carried out before sailing, but from what
chief executor said it turned out not to be considered, in the end such a disaster
2. Presenting the form of traditional ritual events that are packaged into one package
special spectacle so as to attract local, foreign, as well as foreign and national. Karna
in tourism is very interesting thing is that when the community presents traditional
ceremonies and pure culture. As a sign that the community has distinctive features. So
basically people who don't know it become curious about how the ritual was carried
out by Prigi community in Tasikmadu Village.
3. Support and enliven the Larung Sembonyo ceremony, and other cultures that can be
displayed before or after from the ceremony. Such as tayub culture, krawitan and also
other creations in terms of Java and Islam. Tourism will also be more interesting if
interspersed with these events, visitors who come too will not be bored with the
changes or from the creations that displayed by the public. Will become village and
sub-district assets also. The name of the village will also be famous everywhere with
a cultural model and art. Depends on how the community can display creations art,
but even then it also requires large funds.
4. Make a significant contribution to the community's economy Tasikmadu. It's not that
the Prigi area is only famous for its superiority fish caught (fishermen's income) or
beautiful natural panorama, but with the culture and traditions they have it will also be
increase income (typical of the village). Because a good art can attracting everyone
who sees it is a bad culture if it will displayed. Moreover, Prigi is famous for its
tourism areas. But and even then it is also not misused for moral purposes only, but a
culture, art, tradition, or custom that is embedded in one's soul. For the Javanese
people a culture, art, tradition and culture The custom also has to do with the creator.
Depends how is the soul of the work of art.
5. Provide harmony for all Tasikmadu Village communities. Custom and that culture is
the unifier of society in Java, of course. Culture is considered as a form of art creation
that contains many magical and mystical elders. People think that it is done by
working together, indeed the community do not live individually. They take good care
of how lift up a tradition or culture that is so large together.
The History of Larung Sembonyo. Larung Sembonyo originally started from the story of
the marriage of Tumenggung Yudha Negara who came from the Mataram Kingdom (Central
Java), he was an envoy of the Mataram kingdom to expand land along the coast of the island
of Java. Tumenggung is believed to be a knight who has extraordinary strength in battle, and
is gifted in the chronicle of the base in the East. This envoy was due to the saturation of the
Surakarta kingdom expanding out and going to war, with many areas that had not been
expanded. Planning for land expansion started from Pacitan, Sumbreng Munjungan, Demuk
Kalidawir Tulungagung and Prigi Watulimo. This history behind the Larung Sembonyo
Traditional Ceremony is the existence of supernatural events. History begins with the
marriage of Tumenggung Yudha Negara who came from the Mataram Kingdom.
Tumenggung Yudha Negara was the envoy of the Mataram Kingdom to expand the land or
what is known in Javanese, namely Babad alas. Tumenggung is believed to be a knight who
has extraordinary strength in fighting and chronicles the base. When expanding the land,
Tumenggung Yudha Negara together with his brothers and sisters. However, his brothers
were given a mandate to guard and clear new land in the areas they visited. Meanwhile,
Tumenggung Yudha Negara continued his journey to the Prigi area. In the expansion of the
land, Tumenggung Yudha was not alone, he was accompanied by his brothers, namely Raden
Pringgo Jayeng Hadilaga, Raden Yaudha, Raden Yaudhi, and Raden Prawira Kusuma. While
carrying out the mandate many obstacles were encountered during the journey. While in the
middle of the trip, Tumenggung Yudha finally made a decision by placing his brothers in the
area they were visiting to open new land in the area. However, Tumenggung Yudha still
traveled to the Prigi Beach area to complete the mission from the kingdom that had been
mandated. Finally Tumenggung and his soldiers arrived at the Prigi area, which at that time
was still dark and haunted, because there was no visible life there. In that place there were
only groups of supernatural beings, and the Tumenggung met the ruler of the supernatural
beings of the region, in order to occupy the haunted area. Before that Tumenggung did
meditation and meditated or meditated in the area. In the end, the ruler of supernatural beings
agreed to the Tumenggung to occupy the area with one condition, namely marrying the
daughter of the ruler of the southern coast supernatural creature named Putri Gambar Inten.
The wedding ceremony of Tumenggung Yudha Negara and Putri Gambar Inten was held on
the Kliwon market Monday in the month of Selo in the Javanese calendar. This date is now
the calendar for the Larung Sembonyo Ceremony. After the marriage is held, Tumenggung
Yudha can open the Prigi area which will later become a place to earn a living for the
fishermen around him. As gratitude for the abundant marine products and to commemorate
the wedding day of the land clearer of Prigi Bay, the fishermen hold a traditional sea alms
ceremony, which the local community calls Larung Sembonyo. The word Sembonyo comes
from the name of the imitation bride, who is made to resemble a small doll made of glutinous
rice flour. The flour dough that has been finished is shaped into rounds as heads, and some
are shaped as bodies that become like a pair of dolls side by side. This doll is placed on a boat
complete with satang equipment, which is a tool to steer the boat. And there is also the form
of an artificial bride made of banana stem ares decorated with ylang flowers and jasmine,
lecari. Sembonyo traditional ceremonial equipment also includes offerings or offerings and
other equipment such as Javanese traditional wedding ceremonies. This traditional ceremony
is precisely held in Prigi Bay, Tasik Honey Village or Karanggongso, Watulimo District.
Traditional ceremonies or other traditional ceremonies where the implementation is in the
villages of Tasik Madu, Prigi, Margomulyo, Karanggandu, and Karanggongso. Local
residents of the Larung Sembonyo Cultural Tourism area in Trenggalek are also very friendly
to local and foreign tourists. Trenggalek City is also famous for the Larung Sembonyo
Cultural Tour in Trenggalek which is very interesting to visit. This saga tells about the
beginning of the opening of the area or chronicle of the base of the bay of Prigi, which
became the forerunner or origin of the Larung sembonyo ceremony. There will be something
lacking and disastrous when this tradition is abandoned. Sembonyo actually comes from the
name of the artificial bride, who is a small doll made of glutinous rice flour. This flour dough
is shaped like a bride and groom who are side by side. This doll is placed on a boat complete
with satang equipment, which is a tool to run and steer the boat. Sembonyo traditional
ceremonial equipment is also equipped with srah-srahan or offerings as well as other
equipment such as Javanese traditional wedding ceremonies. For tourists from the city of
Trenggalek, they are no longer confused to visit the Larung Sembonyo Cultural tourism
location in Trenggalek. The place is very easy to find and visit, the beach is quite interesting
and even suitable for us to travel with family, relatives. However, about tourists from out of
town and even abroad, of course they are confused and afraid to get lost, for tourists outside
the city of Trenggalek, a solution so that tourist don't get lost. Of course, what means of
transportation do tourist use to travel to Larung Sembonyo Culture in Trenggalek by using
private vehicles such as: Cars or private motorbikes. Tourist can ask for directions to the
Larung Sembonyo Culture tour in Trenggalek on google maps installed on . Because using a
private vehicle will be more fun than using public transportation. However, if use public
transportation such as: public buses or other transportation, it's also not a big problem,
because tourist can stop at the Watulimo Village bus terminal. After that, continue by using a
motorcycle taxi or private vehicle to the village of Tasik Madu so can arrive at the location of
the Larung Sembonyo Cultural Tourism.
In every activity or event, both formal and non-formal, there must be a procedure for
implementation. The procedure is a system (practical method) that is used as a rule, the
results of which can be effective with the cooperation of everyone in the group.
These procedures include:
1. Preparation Stage
Preparation is by making the equipment and materials used in the Larung Sembonyo
ceremony. The equipment and materials used are:
1. Dahar Mule Metri (Lodho Sego Savory).
Symbolizes that Our role model is Prophet Muhammad SAW.
2. Strong Buceng (Giant Buceng)
It means that life is always wilujeng gemah ripah loh jinawi. Welcome to world and in the
3. A pair of imitations of a bride/prospective friend, made of
from ares or galih banana leaves, which are decorated with clothes along with flowers. Which
symbolizes the motto of a person who marry.
4. Twins Mayang
The arrangement of the Mayang Twins:
- True Purwo Flower
- Janur in referral
- Janur Pang papat amounted to
- Kanthil flowers
- The number of triangles is
- Flower Gathering is 4
- 4 bird-shaped leaves
- Grasshopper
-shaped leaves
- Flower Jambe
- Croton
- Andhong
- Ringin amounted to
- Janur is shaped like a fish bone whose name is Ri Gerih
5. Jenang Abang (Jenang Sengkolo)
6. Cok Bakal, which is made from banana leaves which are shaped then both ends are given
yellow leaves which are placed inside eggs, order, jenang, thread and glass. This in Javanese
tradition symbolizes life, which from the beginning was in the form of an egg and jenang,
then what comes next is clothing, namely thread and glass.
7. Tuwuh
8. Flush Tuwuh
this symbolizes that Nyambung Tuwuh and nyiram Tuwuh is that life is really alive when
there is treatment that is symbolized by watering and connect tuwuh.
9. Sego Punar
this is yellow rice, sprinkled with egg which has been fried, srondeng, and fried peanuts.
Symbolizing as a compound Temanten means in Tembung Jawa unites the prospective bride
and groom.
10. Jenang Robyong,
symbolizing that community life always work together.
11. Jenang Pelang, colored red and white which symbolizes that there is no one who earns a
12. Jenang Bruk
13. Jenang moncowarno, Moncowarno means jenang who colorful, symbolizing that life is a
lot the upcoming test, and that's how life becomes more like Jenang Moncowarno.
14. Coconuts totaling
15. Setaman flowers, as fragrant flowers as a decoction sins.
16. Banana Sanggan, as a symbol that the King and Queen it is the highest degree.
17. Banana Raja Pulut, as a symbol of followers, in order to stay, sticky, tight, so the
relationship between the king and the people eternal and clinging.
18. Paste boat, which will be used to carry offerings which will be anchored in the middle of
the sea.
19. Ancak, from bamboo halves woven in a rectangular shape four, for offerings.
20. Jodhang, made of wood made of rectangles which is used to lift the offerings to the coast.
21. Tampah / Tambir, which is round in shape made of bamboo which is woven, used as a
place for offerings.
22. Made of clay which is used as a place for rice.
23. Mori jug and cloth that symbolizes that someone Muslims who are born, the placenta is
always put in a jug and bury, mori as a wrapper for the corpse to be buried bury.
People Involved in the Larung Sembonyo Ceremony Many are involved in this ceremony,
1. Elders and Binisepuh and the executive committee
2. the entire community of Tasikmadu Village
3. all village officials including the village head
4. invited guests from the Regency, District, Police, Koramil, Head of Prigi Archipelago
Fisheries Port and officers, Trengalek Fisheries Service, Tourism Office Trenggalek
5. and tourists both local and foreign tourists who came to witness the Larung Sembonyo
Opening Event
The Larung Sembonyo ceremony is preceded by the opening, The opening is done
with the order of events. Namely, the first remarks were the head of the village, Mr.
Tasikmadu and at the same time open the event, then reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an
by the local community. New then followed by a village elder or chief executive, By reading
the history of Tsikmadu village andstart to the main event.
Implementation of Larung Sembonyo
The implementation of the reading of prayers that begin with Greetings. After that it
is prayed again, namely by asking for salvation against God. After the prayer is finished, the
cone is thrown into the water then along with the offerings are also placed around the cone
then paddle into the middle of the sea to be washed away with the residents led by the chief
executive, After that, when you arrive in the middle, pray again for request permission to
release the cone that is in the sea. After that that's new released, now after the release the cone
became a struggle the residents who joined the crowd, all the residents who joined the crowd
scramble to be eaten. He said when he eats tumpeng, people are Prigi believes that if it is
possible for his safety (given length age, sustenance, stay young and if you are not married
you can reunited with his partner quickly). Then back to TPI for dinner, with the other cone.
Even then, ask for prayer first by the chairman executor and also prayed by the kyai.
Tumpeng is what is placed directly on land surrounded by residents and tourists who come,
all of them fighting over food in the form of a cone and other offerings. After the dinner is
over then there is a closing event.
Event Closing
After the series of rituals are completed, the next is held closing ceremony. At this
closing ceremony, the parties who on duty, both players and committee, shake hands stay in
touch. This is intended to strengthen the ties of friendship between residents and at the same
time melt the atmosphere that was previously tense and emotional requirements. At this
closing ceremony, traditional leaders/elders lead the prayer so that the ritual that has been
carried out has the blessing of God.
Pros and Cons
Related to this larung Sembonyo culture, the UGM Philosophy Lecturer who is
involved in the culture of local wisdom, Dr. Sartini said that in our society, especially the
Trenggalek community, the Larung sembonyo tradition is often interpreted as a form of
offering either to God, gods, ancestral spirits, or ancestors, and invisible creatures. According
to him, this tradition has existed since before Islam came, even before the existence of
Hinduism and Buddhism. In Java, said Sartini, offerings are often called uborampe or
completeness. Meanwhile in Lumajang, if it is a tradition of the local community, it is
possible for people who make offerings to regard Semeru as a "creature" who has power and
hopes that Semeru will not be "wrathful" again. In the present context, of course there is a
request to God that they be given salvation. Special research is needed to study this
phenomenon," he said. According to Sartini's understanding, in Indonesia, belief in animism
and dynamism is an understanding that believes in the existence of a spirit that lives with
humans in this universe. The spirit is in the form of spirits of people who have died,
ancestors, or ancestors. Parts of nature, objects, plants, or animals are also often considered to
have spirits and have great power, so mountains or seas are considered to be respected for
their existence. Some of these beliefs may still exist in the archipelago. This belief may be
difficult to distinguish from the understanding that there are invisible creatures that also live
with humans, the place can be anywhere, mountains, seas, and others. This creature is also
considered to have power and power over a certain place so it must also be given credit for its
existence. The tradition of making offerings can be a part of the existence of this belief.
"Humans feel they have to make peace, live with these invisible creatures. Making offerings
is one way," he explained. However, according to him, in the Islamic environment, the
phenomenon of offerings gives rise to many interpretations. The core view is that offerings
are offered to ask someone other than God's law is forbidden or forbidden. Even so, there are
still views that somewhat give an opportunity to make offerings permissible. People who
allow it may view doing it as a mere tradition and the intention of the request remains to
Allah, then it does not matter. The reason is, because the intention of his request was
addressed to Allah. “The problem is, one can't understand another's intentions by just looking
at what they're doing. This is what often causes a lot of social problems," he said. However,
according to him, in the Islamic environment, the phenomenon of offerings gives rise to
many interpretations. The core view is that offerings offered to ask something other than
Allah are unlawful or prohibited. Even so, there are still views that somewhat give the
opportunity for offerings to be allowed. Overcoming this, he views the belief and
understanding of some of our society about offerings as an accumulation of lifelong
experience. In groups that may accommodate religion and tradition, hybridization may be
possible by socializing the meaning of the symbols so that people do not understand them as
mere myths and beliefs which if something is not done it will cause certain things.
"Rationalization of ritual symbols is needed to face an increasingly modern, rational and even
materialistic society," he explained. In addition, religious groups need to have frequent
dialogues and meet frequently so that one another feels more like a friend. "Frequent
gatherings and visiting will be able to generate empathy because they share their lives so it
will not be easy to force others to be the same as themselves," he continued.
The procedure for implementing the Larung Sembonyo tradition consists of three
stages: namely the opening stage, implementation stage, and closing stage. First,at the
opening stage, this is led by traditional elders or by the head village filled with greetings and
prayers so that the ritual runs smoothly. Second, on the implementation stage, this is the core
event of the ritual being held. Namely with think about the buceng / tumpeng that will be
brought to the TPI, which is the auction place fish, then after arriving there then the next will
be prayed by the traditional leader and perform a prayer together after that the buceng can be
dissolved to the sea. Then after the banishment, the buceng is distributed together with the
community. Larung Sembonyo culture in the perspective of Islamic law is as follows: the
following: in the hadith that is explained Whoever swears by name other than Allah, then he
has committed kufr or shirk. that when they do not refer to other than Allah then that is
1. Only certain people understand the meaning of the larung tradition offerings, people
just follow it, but don't understand about how the culture is preserved and how the
laws and implementation, even though the people of Tasikmadu are rich in its natural
diversity and even its culture.
2. Ordinary people who do not understand anything about Larung culture offerings or
what the community calls larung sembonyo, they think it's a false belief.


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