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50 Supernatural

Manifestation Affirmations
To help you overcome negative and limiting beliefs

By Robert Zink

© Law of Attraction Solutions

The Method:
The method is that, through repetition and impressions you can change
negative and limiting beliefs about yourself and situations in your life.
Our mind is made of neural pathways and these pathways lead to beliefs that
are created though our life experiences. Every thought that you think is
created and is based on a memory of an event in your life.
A simple example of this is; A child had never seen or been told about fire.
The child sees fire and is naturally drawn to its flames.
The child touches the fire and the fire burns the child’s hand.
In that moment, in that event, the child forms a belief.
That belief is - fire burns.
Weather good or bad like the fire; Our minds create beliefs from every event
that we experience in our life.
By using affirmations, you can change your beliefs. Affirmations help you
create new neural pathways. As these pathways are formed and installed into
your subconscious, the new belief becomes your new reality.
For example, a woman looks in the mirror and her first thought is - I hate my
body. By identifying the negative belief – I hate my body; she can be replace
the negative thought with a new belief – I love my body.
It is very simple and very powerful. However, it does take time. Scientific
studies have shown that it can take 28 days and in some cases longer for a new
habit or belief to be formed.

I suggest these 5 steps to get the most out of these affirmations:

1. Read the entire list and identify the affirmations you want to focus on. If
you are doing them manually, I suggest that you focus on only 5 at a
time. Follow your intuition. Pick the affirmations that resonate the most
to you.
2. Write out the affirmations on small index cards that you can carry in
your wallet or purse.
3. While standing in front of a mirror, repeat the affirmations aloud about
25 times each morning and the same before you go to bed. As you repeat
the affirmations, visualise, and emotionalise
4. Once or twice a day, sit down and write out each of the affirmations you
are working on 10 to 20 times.
5. Create small posters for yourself. Use one affirmation on each poster
and write it in large letters. Place it where you will see it several times
per day.
Powerful Affirmations

Affirming your New practice:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you build a firm belief in
your new affirmation practice.

1. My Power Affirmations work whether I believe in them or not.

2. I create new Power Affirmations for myself every day.

3. I repeat my Power Affirmations everyday with emotional intensity, certainty,

and faith.

4. My Power Affirmations allow me to consistently tap into the unlimited power

of my subconscious mind.

5. My Power Affirmations are now creating thought habits that will guide me to
my desired objectives easily and effortlessly.

6. The more I repeat my Power Affirmations with a feeling of certainty, the more
accessible these power beliefs are to me when I need them.

7. I feed my subconscious mind thoughts of faith by repeating my power

affirmations everyday with physical energy and emotion.

8. My thoughts are creative. My Power Affirmations are now creating the reality
I desire.

9. My Power Affirmations positively influence my subconscious mind while I


10. My imagination now creates whatever I believe and conceive.
Creating a Powerful Self-Image and Confidence:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you build a firm belief in

1. I self-worth is growing daily.

2. I love myself.

3. I am confident.

4. I am beautiful.

5. I am happy with who I am.

6. I am growing more and more attractive every day.

7. My confidence is growing with every new day.

8. I am friendly, outgoing, and confident.

9. I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.

10. I take complete responsibility for my life.
Achieving Your Goals:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you manifest the life you

1. I am now living a life of my own design.

2. I am clear about my goals and go for them

3. I take action towards my goals.

4. I enjoy working towards my goals.

5. I celebrate every achievement that I make.

6. Whenever I set a goal, I take immediate action towards it.

7. There is no attraction without action.

8. I am in control of my life.

9. I apply myself 100% to my goals.

10. I learn from failure.
Creating Physical Power:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you create and maintain
physical power, health, and vitality.

1. My health, energy, and vitality are increasing every day.

2. My positive thoughts are now creating the body that I desire.

3. I am a lean, mean, fat burning, muscle building machine.

4. My body is now trained to burn fat and build muscle.

5. I am growing more and more attractive every day.

6. Divine energy flows through every cell in my body.

7. I am full of energy.

8. I only eat food that is good for me.

9. My body is strong.

10. My body is healing and regenerating itself every day.
Creating Strong Relationships:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you create and maintain
physical power, health, and vitality.

1. I make good friends with total ease.

2. Positive people are attracted to me.

3. I now create outstanding rapport with other people quickly and easily.

4. I enjoy meeting new people.

5. I surround myself with positive people.

6. I am confident and calm in every situation.

7. I always have favour with people I meet.

8. I people always help me because I help others.

9. I people to believe in me because I believe in myself.

10. I help inspire others because of my positive attitude.
15 Bonus Affirmations:

Creating Wealth and Financial Abundance:

This set of affirmations are designed to help you create and maintain
wealth and financial abundance.

1. I have an abundance of wealth.

2. I am worthy to receive money.

3. My net worth is grown daily.

4. I am a profitable creator of successful ideas.

5. I always invest my money wisely.

6. Money is energy and flows to me easily.

7. My money makes me more money.

8. My passion is now creating wealth for me.

9. I always help others and pay it forward.

10. All investments I own are profitable.

11. The more I spend the more I receive.

12. I manage my money effectively.

13. I have total financial freedom

14. Money is good and I attract it in large amount.

15. Money is too easy to make.
Note form the author
Dear Friend,

Thank you for choosing my 50 power affirmations.

Affirmations have the incredible power to change your life. Everything
from wealth, love and health are manifested in the lives of the
successful. You can do the same through the power of affirmations.
Whatever you can conceive, believe, and give voice to, you will attract.
Unlock the astonishing power of affirmations and begin attracting the
life you desire.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Zink
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