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Tips For Cleasning

Your Crystals

Sun/Moon Light

Leave them out under the full light of

the sun or the moon for at least 6
hours, keeping them connected to the
earth, or at least on a natural surface
which allows them to be grounded.

Sage/White Smoke

Using white sage, resins, incense or herbs

has been used for thousands of years.

Swirl the white smoke all around your

stones and banish negativity.

This crystallized form of gypsum packs

an energetic wallop - not only does it
help clear negative energy but boosts

To cleanse your stones of stagnant

energy, place your stones on a selenite
platform, in a bowl, or near whatever
selenite you have, and leave them for
24 hours. The selenite will reignite the

Sound baths

All sounds are emitting vibrations

into the universe - using sound
with tools like singing bowls, bells,
tuning forks, etc. are said to
balance the energy of crystals and
cleanse your space of negativity.
Other tools

Visualize the energy of

your stones as clean
and bright and bursting
of positive vibes.

Blow on them

by holding
them in the palms of your

Running water will cleanse stones, too (but

be sure to do research and find out which
stones can tolerate water. Some, like
selenite, are too soft and will disintegrate in

Salt is another way to cleanse your stones -

pour salt into a vessel (ie. bowl) and place
your stones in the salt for 24 hours.

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