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Everything you need to know

Healing crystals and stones can provide us with protection, healing,

and metaphysical properties that can help us on our spiritual life
journeys. The Black Obsidian stone is both beautiful and powerful,
and it is full of benefits and protection that you should add to your

But Obsidian is not actually a crystal, you may say… And you’re right,
technically it’s not! Obsidian is volcanic glass formed when lava cools

So what are the healing powers of this (still) amazing rock?

You’re about to find out…


Where Does Black Obsidian Come From? 4

What Are The Physical Properties Of Obsidian Stone? 5

What are Black Obsidian's metaphysical properties? 6

Black Obsidian Chakra Connections 7

What Are The Spiritual Healing Properties of Black Obsidian? 9

How To Use Black Obsidian? 10

How To Cleanse, Recharge And Activate Black Obsidian 13

Conclusion 16


Obsidian is not a crystal, as you are aware. However, it is an igneous

stone. Igneous stones and crystals are formed by cooling volcanic
lava, either from active volcanoes or from lava in the earth's crust.

Volcanic lava can cool quickly, preventing crystals from forming. This
results in the formation of a smooth, volcanic glass-like rock. A
mineraloid is a type of rock like this. Black Obsidian is a mineraloid
with a rich, deep color and a smooth, mirror-like surface.

Obsidian stones are most commonly found in black. Obsidian is also

available in greens, tans, and browns. Rare Obsidian colors include
blues, reds, yellows, and oranges, as well as two colors swirled
together in a marble-like pattern.

Obsidian is not a rare stone. It can be found in both North and

South America, as well as many parts of Asia, including eastern
Russia and Japan. The majority of Black Obsidian used in jewelry
comes from mines in the United States. Obsidian, on the other
hand, is not found east of the Mississippi River due to a lack of
volcanic activity.


Black Obsidian is a shiny, reflective stone with a smooth, glass-like

surface. It has a hardness rating of 5.5 on the Mohs scale.

This stone breaks into sharp, curved fragments, making it ideal for
cutting. Obsidian was used by early peoples as tools and weapons,
and its sharpness can still be used today for ceremonial cutting, as
we'll see below.

Even highly reflective, rainbow-colored stones cannot compete with

the stone's beauty, and its smooth surface makes it an ideal tool for
use in "worry stones." This is aided further by the healing properties
of Black Obsidian.


Black Obsidian is a stone of protection. It's frequently used as a

powerful shield against negative energy, self-deprecating thoughts,
and rash behavior. Obsidian's metaphysical healing properties

Awakening and energizing the gift of prophecy.

Draining deep insecurities, fears, and problematic behaviors so
you can see them for what they really are.
Grounding yourself to the earth, as well as your spirit and body.
Providing you with protection as you travel through the spiritual
Allowing you to grow and improve your psychic abilities.
Allowing you to confront shadows and traumatic events from
your past and unlock them if you have yet to notice them.
Protecting you during contact with guides or as you receive and
send messages in the spiritual world.

Because of these properties, Black Obsidian is an excellent stone to

keep in your home, workplace, and near your body to ward off
negativity and ensure you are always true to yourself and others.


Healing crystals and stones are typically linked to chakras, allowing

them to aid in the restoration, balance, and transfer of energy
between themselves and your body.

Because Black Obsidian is primarily a grounding stone, it is an

excellent companion for the root chakra, also known as the base
chakra. The root chakra can be found at the base of your spine, near
your pelvic floor. It connects you to earth's grounding energy.


A well-balanced root chakra provides a solid foundation for your life

and stability to all other chakras above it. If your root chakra is out of
balance, you will experience instability in all aspects of your life, and
all other chakras will be out of balance as well.

Physical illness and unbalanced energy flow are both caused by

chakra imbalance.

Black Obsidian has a deep vibration that is similar to your root

chakra, which can help to balance and stabilize it. Black Obsidian
also helps to balance the third eye chakra by guiding you on a self-
exploratory journey in search of universal truth. If you have
questions, the properties of Black Obsidian will enable you to shed
light on the answers, which will help you see situations correctly.


Black Obsidian can assist you in coming to terms with negativity in

your aura and finally releasing it. It's one of the most potent healing
crystals you can have in your collection. It has the ability to heal not
only physical ailments but also mental and emotional pain. It
thoroughly cleanses, heals, and restores toxicity from your aura.

Nobody is immune to negativity. Even the most spiritual and

balanced among us struggle with our humanity and our natural
ability to feel anger and fear. Anger and fear can result in deep
emotional resentments and, if untreated, hatred. You can find the
truth in emotional matters by using the Black Obsidian stone as an
introspective tool.

The sharp edges of Black Obsidian are ideal for severing emotional
resentments, negative feelings, and unhealthy emotions that
prevent us from being fulfilled and reaching our full potential.

Obsidian can help you break ties with negativity. The protective
stone is excellent for crystal healing, especially when it comes to
removing negative emotions.

Simply focusing on the resentment or negative, non-serving emotion

while holding a Black Obsidian stone can help bring it into your aura,
where it can be absorbed by the Black Obsidian crystal. Freeing you
from negativity.


With so many benefits and powers, you'll want to start using Black
Obsidian in your rituals, meditations, and ceremonies right away.
Black Obsidian is an excellent companion in everyday life.

Black Obsidian, which is frequently used in Feng Shui, is thought to

be a protector of the home and workplace as well as a dispeller of
negative energy. Here are some ways to incorporate Black Obsidian
into your daily life.

Spiritual Ceremonies And Meditations

Although Obsidian protects against negative energy, it is

recommended that your spiritual meditations and ceremonial
practices focus on the stone's ability to heal yourself rather than
simply blocking negative energy from others.

Holding Obsidian in your hand, placing it on your third eye chakra,

or sitting near it can help you in meditations and deep reflection:

See a more accurate reflection of your innermost self and give you
the courage to confront whatever that reflection reveals.

Discover resentment, shame, guilt, and pain that have been buried
deep within your subconscious.

Allow you to contact your spiritual guides if you are unable to reach

In the early stages of their practices, beginners may find it difficult to

work with Obsidian. It is a deeply revealing stone, capable of eliciting
unpleasant emotions and eliciting memories from the past. It can be
difficult to confront difficult truths, especially if you are just starting
out on your spiritual journey.


Black Obsidian for healers

Healers, a piece of Obsidian is an absolute must in your practices!

Healers are much more susceptible to negative energy absorption.

Low energy can naturally be absorbed into a healer's aura as it
leaves their client's aura while working on them.

After healing sessions, especially empathetic or emotionally

connected healers, they may feel drained, down, or even angry. The
healing properties of Black Obsidian can be beneficial. To clear the
aura of smog and relieve the buildup of low vibrations, wave a Black
Obsidian stone over the body.


Black Obsidian in Jewelry and Charms

With so many protective properties, it's no surprise that the Black

Obsidian stone is widely used in jewelry, charms, and talismans. It's
even a zodiac stone, with a special connection to those born under
the sign of Scorpio. (A secondary birthstone for this sign is the Black
Obsidian stone.)

Combining Black Obsidian with other precious stones is a popular

way to benefit from the healing properties of Black Obsidian. When
a Black Obsidian stone is worn on the body, its healing energy is
most noticeable. Skin on skin contact, as with most healing crystals,
enhances the crystal's healing properties.

Black Obsidian bracelets and rings protect you as you shake hands
with new people, preventing you from harmonizing with their lower
frequency. It also prevents another person from draining your
energy, leaving you tired and depleted.

Visit our store to see this Obsidian Self Protection Necklace


Obsidian, like all stones and crystals, must be cleansed, recharged,

and activated on a regular basis. If your stone is in a high-traffic area
(spiritually), you'll need to clean it more frequently.

Obsidian cleaning is similar to cleaning other healing crystals and

stones. However, because Black Obsidian is a protection stone, it is
highly absorbent and can contain a large amount of negative energy
at times. You'll want to clear it completely by meditating on a
cleansing intention.

A general cleansing intention can be: “Remove all negative energy

that is not doing any good, for me, for you, for all”. You can use it or
create your own.

Washing your stone with fresh water while repeating your intention
is the most beneficial way to cleanse Obsidian.

Once you finish washing it, place your stone in direct moonlight.

Moonlight is a favorite of many stones and crystals. Set your Black

Obsidian stone outside when the moon is at its fullest and brightest
to charge and cleanse it in lunar energy. Because Black Obsidian is a
grounding stone, placing it on the earth can be beneficial.

Sitting your stone on the ground in direct moonlight can allow old
energy to be transferred back into the earth, while the moonlight
recharges the stone.



You can cleanse your healing crystals and stones in the same way
that you smudge your home. Because the smoke effects of
smudging cover larger areas, it is an excellent method for cleansing
multiple stones at once.

Smudge your Black Obsidian stones by lighting your sage bundle as

usual and passing your Obsidian stone through the smoke veil
several times until it is completely covered. While smudging, keep
your cleansing intention in mind.


Cleaning and recharging can be done as often as you like. If you're

experiencing particularly toxic energy, negative thoughts, or difficulty
communicating with your spirit guides, it's time for a cleanse.

Stones in areas where many people pass by each day (workplaces,

businesses, shops, etc.) should be cleaned on a regular and
frequent basis.


Obsidian isn't a type of crystal. It is a volcanic glass stone that is

extremely protective and absorbent, acting as a shield against
negativity and evil. A piece of Obsidian is great for self-confidence,
crystal healing, and following your inner truth. It is commonly used
for grounding your energy and elevating your psychic potential.

Black Obsidian can help you explore your deepest, innermost self,
uncover unknown memories or areas of negative emotions and
experiences from your past, and safely heal from them. Its ground-
breaking security is well-known around the world, so you'll feel safe
and secure on your inner journey.

Obsidian resonates closely with the base chakra, helping to ground

you and provide a safe foundation for you to do difficult spiritual
work. Obsidian has a strong connection to the spirit world and is an
excellent medium for scrying and seeing your true reflection.

Including a Black Obsidian stone in your practices, home, and

workspace can help protect you from negative energy and absorb
malicious energy from your aura. The meaning of Black Obsidian
stone is similar to that of other healing crystals that promote
balance, joy, and happiness. You can't go wrong if you use it with a
protective or grounding intention.


*Disclaimer: The information in this eBook is intended for educational use only. It is not a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your
doctor or another qualified health provider if you have any questions regarding a specific medical
condition or want to start a diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.

Copyright ©, Minded Spirit (, 2022

All rights reserved. No parts of this ebook may be reproduced without the written permission of
the publisher. For more information, contact the publisher at


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