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Guidelines For

By :Kumar Ankur
Group A2

What is a Questionnaire ???

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of

a series of questions and other prompts for the

purpose of gathering information from respondents.
Questionnaires have advantages over some other

types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require

as much effort from the questioner as verbal or
telephone surveys, and often have standardized
answers that make it simple to compile data.

Need for following guidelines for preparing

Adequate questionnaire construction is critical to the

success of a survey.
Inappropriate questions, incorrect ordering of

questions, incorrect scaling, or bad questionnaire

format can make the survey valueless.
Inadequate questionnaire may not accurately reflect

the views and opinions of the participants leading to

failure of the survey .

Issues related to preparation of Questionnaire

How and from where you select the respondents will

determine whether you will be able to generalize your

findings to the larger population.
Unneeded questions are an expense to the researcher
and an unwelcome imposition on the respondents. All
questions should contribute to the objective(s) of the
The types of questions should fit the statistical data
analysis techniques available and your goals.

Questions and prepared responses to choose from should

be neutral as to intended outcome .

The research objectives and frame of reference should be

defined beforehand, including the questionnaire's context

of time, budget, manpower and privacy.

Guidelines for preparing

Use statements where persons that have different

opinions or traits will give different answers.

Think of having an "open" answer category

after a list of possible answers.

Use positive statements and avoid negatives

or double negatives.
Do not make assumptions about the


Use clear and comprehensible wording,

easily understandable for all educational

Use correct spelling, grammar and

Avoid items that contain more than one

question per item.

Number your questions clearly. This will

lessen the chance, particularly in longer

surveys, of respondents or interviewers
getting lost.

Leave plenty of room for respondents to

write answers to open-ended questions. Do

not supply lines because this could
constrain any comments.
Use only one aspect of the construct you

are interested in per item.


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