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School participates in a national cheese competition

On 12, 13 and March 14 of this year the
institution "Agricultural Technology
Center Number 21 Participated in a
national competition called: Contest
of the best cheeses of Mexico. Also
participated as an exhibitor at the
"EXPO-LACTEA" these activities took
place in the city of Aguascalientes,
Where obtained good places as the 11th
place in the presentation of the cheese

"Manchego", and 15 place with the

participation of cheese "Edam", this
being a type of Dutch cheese. Similarly
participated Edgardo Morelos Gomez,
instructor in the school of cheeses,
teaching the course "Development of
goat cheese." Also in attendance: The
Head of Department, Engineer Antonio
Martinez Hernndez with the
Production Manager, Technical
Morelos Edgardo Gomez, to the
lectures at these events the name of
these is "CALI-LECHE.

Delivery of recognitions Microsoft

On Monday March 24 recognitions
were handed Microsoft's accreditation
program itself as the trainers who
were helping students who took the
exam Microsoft online.

The recognitions were handed over to

the teacher Fernando Gonzales
Esteban Vazquez, who handed at
hands of accreditors, also like trainers
who were in the program Microsoft.

War Band Competition and Escorts

Students and teachers on campus the
escort and band war "eagles"
represent the Center of Agricultural
Technology No. 21. This May 13 of
this year in a competition escorts and
bands of high school to be held at the
Torreon city in which depend on the
efforts of schools to gain a place to go

after reaching the national

We have every faith that our
colleagues who represent us have the
best disposition and can acquire good


aftershocks of 7.2
The quake registered
on Friday, centered in
Guerrero and was felt
strongly in the Federal
District, registered
until Thursday
morning 355 replicas.
"Until 6:00 AM on
4/24/2014, there have
been 355 aftershocks
mag. 7.2 last Friday,
"wrote the National
Seismological on his
Twitter account.
The quake left no
major damage in
Mexico City; however,
in Guerrero the
number of damaged
homes has reached

It is guaranteed
confidence in the

Gendarmerie said.
The National Safety
Commissioner, Monte

Alejandro Rubido
Garcia said that all
corporations have a
solid security control
and confidence of the
elements that make
them up.
In the Legislative
Palace of San Lazaro,
after meeting privately
with members of the
Public Safety
Committee of the
House of
chaired PAN Jos
Guillermo Anaya
added that confidence
in the cadets that will
integrate the
Gendarmerie is
A question about the
express guarantee that
criminals infiltrate the
Gendarmerie , Rubido
Garcia said the cadets
what will be the new
corporation of Public
Safety, have been
subject to an intense
selection process.

He explained that not

only has given them
track their skills and
abilities , but they have
been constantly
subjected to
control tests of trust ,
so it is certain that they
are what is required
for the new division of
the Police

Federal , which is the

Rubido Garcia recalled
that the Gendarmerie
will be launched mid
next July , as promised
by the federal
government, and the
first stage will
comprise five thousand
items , of which three
thousand will features
proximity -two
thousand reaction .
No one wanted it
massively over the first
stage of the
Gendarmerie because
he has been very
careful in the selection
process," he said.
He said that when the
call was opened, more
than 90 thousand
interested in joining

the Gendarmerie
requested information
and, through a process
of selection and
recruitment, the five
thousand cadets are in
training and whose
commanders were
reached in the next few
weeks will be taking
courses abroad.
Moreover, Rubido
Garcia said the hot
spots and strategies
are implemented in a
coordinated manner
serve with state
especially those
entities that submitted
the highest rate of
Due to the antiterrorist operation
by the government
of Kiev driven.
Russian military
maneuvers began
Thursday on the
border with Ukraine in
response to the " antiterrorist operation "
launched by the

Government of Kiev
against pro-Russian
militia from the town
of Slavyansk , which
caused at least five
people , said Russian
Defense Minister
Sergey Shoigu .
We are forced to react
to this development of
the situation. Starting
today, we begin tactical
maneuvers battalions
(...) in the border areas
with Ukraine," the
Russian minister said.
Troops of the various
branches of the
Russian Armed Forces
' deployments marches
and tested to meet
missions "while
aviation prepares for
test flights directed "
actions in the vicinity
of the state border . "
The Ukrainian
Ministry of Interior
reported " five
terrorists " dead in the
framework of the
special operation
launched today against
Slavyansk , controlled
by pro-Russian armed
militants have
significant support
among the population

of this city of 120,000

The distribution of
forces is not fair.
Already been given
orders to use weapons
against the civilian
population. If we do
not stop now this war
machine, there will be
many dead and
injured," said Shoigu
at a ministerial
meeting, according to
Russian news agencies.
The minister said that
11,000 Ukrainian
soldiers , supported by
aircraft , 160 tanks and
more than 230
armored infantry ,
participating in an
operation launched
against " just over two
thousand people
integrated into selfdefense groups in
southeastern Ukraine
and armed with about
100 rifles . "
Units of the National
Guard battalions
extremists ' Sector
Right Wing ' act
against civilians.
Civilians is suppressed
by special units of the
Security Service of
Ukraine and the

Ministry of Interior,
displaced (Ukrainian
regions) of Donetsk
and Lugansk, " Shoigu

who recovered their

bodies in the operation
that tries to find
hundreds of people
still missing .

Military Thursday
surrounded the rebel
Slavyansk and moved
several armored
columns to that city,
120 kilometers north
of Donetsk.

The diver said he had

to remove the children
because she could not
carry two bodies to the
surface at the same


"I started thinking

mourn that they would
not be separated," said
Thursday the
Kyunghyang Shinmun
in Jindo Island, near
where the ferry sank.

South Korean ferry

passengers were
sunk last week.
A boy and a girl South
Korean passenger ferry
that sank last week tied
the strings of their
lifejackets presumably
to keep attached to the
float , said the diver

The parents of a young

man whose trembling
voice told for the first
time that an
overloaded ferry sank

was also believed that

his body had been
found, the Coast Guard

More than 300 people,

mostly students and
teachers from high
school Dan won, died
or disappeared after
the disaster of April 16.
The confirmed death
toll was 171 on

The Sewol ferry, nearly

seven thousand tons,
sank into a routine trip
from the port of
Incheon, near Seoul,
the southern resort
island of Jeju. The
research focuses on
human error and
mechanical failure.

Justin Bieber sign up
that with Selena gomez
The singer Justin Biber i
did a side the hearsay of
infidelity and sign up
that follow very i love of
Selena Gomez

Despite of that it dio a

known that selena gomez
was very annoyed and
jealous by the friendship
of justin bieber and kilie
jenner, the star Canadian
ends with the hearsay an
alleged separation,
bagged photography to
the side from former star
Danna Paola begin
filming in October
'Saving Sara Cruz'
The singer Danna Paola
said after October will be
when you start filming
"Saving Sara Cross," the
remake of "The
Bodyguard," which
starred Whitney Houston
and Kevin Costner in
"The truth is I am very
excited about the film,
we were expecting a little
time for dates, and how
it would be for 'Wicked',

which we go through

By Quadrille Individua

"I will start shooting

after October, mid
(maybe)," the actress
said in an interview

Lucero is being widely

criticized following the
series of photographs

Regarding the story of

the film, he said he really
excited, "is a brand new
remake, youthful and
with songs, then you are
really cool, I'm very
happy with the character
and mostly because I'll
sing in the movie" he

published magazine TV
Notas. The picture where
you see the singer with
her current partner,
Michel Kuri, next to a
dead antelope hunting

With this approach you

will have in Hollywood,
Danna would love to live
in America and be able to
work there, but for the
moment it is not possible
for the time.
He also commented that
he is grateful to be in
'Wicked', because this
project is abriron doors
in cinema.
Advanced some sites
where you could record
the tape. "I think it will
be in Los Angeles, Miami
and Mexico, is not yet
the cast has obviously are
in talks, but we are
nothing (to start)," he

aroused the discontent of

several associations,
public figures and
especially the public, to
the extent that in Twitter
hashtags such as # or #
LuceroAsesina were
created. The only
statement Lucero has
been via a press release
in which he explains his
dissatisfaction with the
publication of private
photographs and exclude
their children from such
activity, but are also
images of children
shooting with rifles. Why
get scared? Lucero has
always belonged to
PETA: People
Tremendos Animals.

Justin Bieber could be

found guilty of
vandalism ... for their
April 28, 2014
Justin Bieber could be
found guilty in the
complaint filed a few
months ago one of his
neighbors in the
community of Calabasas,
California, where the pop
idol vandalized property,
along with some of his
Detective Alvarez
revealed that Ginni
thoroughly used
surveillance videos that
were presented as
evidence of wrongdoing
singer and his fellow old
Justin public a photo
with a dress that matches
the attacker
As he told the detective,
in the video obtained by
police observed a white
man, like Justin, running
from the residence of the
victim, Jeff Schwartz,
then the garage of the
home of Bieber.
After carefully reviewing
the video, the detective
contacted Schwartz for
details on the attire of
the suspect at the time of

the incident, which were

provided by the daughter
of the victim, who said
she saw Justin in the
same clothes he wore in
a photo posted on his
account Instagran that
Ginni Alvares said: "I
compared the attire
Bieber Instagram photo
with the suspect in the
surveillance video I was
in the same clothes, as
said the victim's
This was the opening of
the Olympic Games in
Sochi Winter 2014.
The Olympic Games in
Sochi 2014, officially
known as the XXII
Olympic Winter Games,
were a highly skilled
multisport event
In an impressive
ceremony which lasted
about two and a half
hours, this Friday
February 7 was declared
open the Olympic Games
in Sochi Winter 2014.
Though he did not give
speeches, the Russian
president, Vladimir
Putin, was in charge of
opening to the games.
Now there remain two
weeks of competitions,
where the Putin
government and world

opinion will focus its

attention in the event
that takes place in the
Russian resort.
The preparation of the
Games involved the
construction of new
headquarters, in addition
to the modernization of
the telecommunications,
electrical energy and
transport systems in this
area. These
improvements included
the construction of a new
Olympic Park
Their father died of
Mariana Ochoa.
Since several days ago I
knew the status of
critical health of the
Pope of the singer
Mariana Ochoa, who had
to leave the
presentations of OV7 in
unexpected ways. But
with the support of his
colleagues before this
situation, his former
colleague M'balia
covered her on the stage.
And on several occasions
the members of the
group expressed its
support for Mariana,
who commented on
travelled from
emergency to see their
pope, because they knew
he was going through a
serious condition.


As part of that
celebration of his
prodigality, in early
November, the Festival
the candy and Walnut,
in which all of Parras
confectioners gather to
share their products
with the community
and welcomes visitors
are in place , you can
purchase the same
delicious variety of
sweet pecan , fig, grape
, pine and caramel that
made these characters
so delicately . Typical
fiestas de Parras
always include the
presence of the
dancers or Butchers ,
unmistakable for its
costume that pleases
the eye of those
attending the
celebrations annually
transform the lives of
prrense a lively
carnival .Among them
we can mention the
anniversary party
Parras Foundation ,
February 18 ; Easter;
Holy Madero parties
every 3 May; the
celebrations of the
and wine and vintage ,
organized by Casa
Madero , held on 9 and
10 August , and are
accented with lively
campfires , games and

fireworks bulls ; the

feast of St. Mary,
patron saint of Parras,
in August, and finally ,
on December 12 , in
honor of the Virgin of

Parras Coahuila.

Queen contest for

Awaited day for all
ladies whose desire is
to become queen of the
fair the grapes come
from the 19th of April
this year, registration
for the contest Miss
vines for what devein
meet the following

Original from mother
vines or vines naiads in
attractive figure

Chivas says goodbye
"Ricardo Ferretti remains with defeat
the technical director,"
Rodriguez said.
Guadalajara, Jal. - The
President feline team everything going for it to
recognized, however, that enter the 2014 Clausura
by not entering the Playoffs and eventually
playoffs a debt is created jettison classification.
with the fans that do not
will continue "tuca" in pay or conquest Cup With a 1-0 loss at the
front of Tigers
Monterrey, Atletico fell
Mexico, DF-While other
out of the Fiesta Grande,
although all combinations
them off the board, in
occurred before the game,
Tigres, Ricardo Ferretti
but they were unable to
continuity occurred in the
win their game.
feline bench.
Tigers club president,
confirmed that the "Tuca"
continue to lead the team.
The management did not
anticipate changes of
"Change never had that
players, what we could
tell you that we Ricardo
Ferretti, is decision of his
person, which follow on
the computer.

The first half ended

scoreless tie with little
"Every tournament is the offensive proposal for
same for us, playoffs and both teams, to the extent
be a champion and when that the home crowd
we do not comply with the booing eventually Herd.
The main consequence of
the first half was the
players Omar Bravo and
Patricio Araujo, because
when the referee ended
the first period, the
captain threw Araujo, a
situation that made the
"Duck" try to answer and
if the was not a major

incident, it



For the second time,

Ricardo La Volpe decided
to be more aggressive on
the court and sent to
Carlos Fierro and Jesus
discharged after knee
The DT debuted two
players; Hedgardo Marin
defender starts, and the
second time to Diego
Hernandez command to
Were 20 minutes on the
drudgery of Monterrey
Guadalajara, but errors in
the translation ended up
costing the game Herd. In
a corner buried them
Efrain Juarez playoff
hopes of Chivas, for 84
minutes with a header
marked the final 1-0.
So goodbye Guadalajara
tournament till the end
That gave the Possibility
to sort if it Had been able
Finished with 21 points

With a very experienced

end Machine is the
criterion thanks crown
away goals after a 1-1
draw with Toluca

losing 8 series for a title

in the last 15 years,
Closure last year, already
has two championships in
the last 12 months. In
2013 he won the Copa
Saraperos marathon win MX.
Green Ship had to work
for 13 entries to ensure The juice was intense at
the series against the all times, although none
of the teams showed a
Libertadores] At 40 ', Marco Fabian
Marsh failure in Copa pulled the ball left
completely sun Mariano
Santos could not hurt Pavone, who only had to
Lanus and looked like a push to achieve both of
very young team
the Machine.
Champions consecrated
after drawing 1-1 (same
overall) in Toluca, but
with the advantage of
away goals in the match
of the Final Round.
They also have the ticket
for the Club World Cup in
Morocco, to be held in

Now they needed two

goals, Toluca went ahead
with everything in the
especially with Pablo

who did not have good

At 53 'Edgar Benitez
instead of Carlos Esquivel
Celestial rise for the sixth and 10 minutes later got
title had the goal that put the
previously won in 1969, game, 1-1.
1970, 1971, 1996 and
In the last 15 minutes, the
It seems that in the end

Azul; the losing streak for the
Exorcise demons!
Blue Cross is being
forgotten, because despite

celestial is locked Toluca

defense and could never
overcome them again.

Foundation and History of Parras

In 1578 began to fill

Parras , it produced a
more stable colonization
nine years later.
The settlements had
failed, among them the
Cpala which allegedly
carried on the shore of
Laguna Mayran and
grants made to
individuals , passed into
the possession of Spanish
Francisco de Urdiola .
Urdiola established his
home, vineyards and
wineries and the place
called the Mission of
Santa Maria de las
Parras. The hacienda in
turn, would be
recognized as hacienda
above, also as Urdiola
stay and after the
independence of Mexico
as Hacienda del Rosario.

Zapata joined the Jesuit

Father Juan Agustn de
Espinoza, occupied the
territory to which they
gave name Villa de Santa
Maria de las Parras.
A year later and
express orders of the
viceroy Gaspar de
Z iga y Acevedo,
Cou nt of Monterrey ,
proceed to transfer
the land to a large
grou p of indigenou s
Tlaxc alans , who then
lay in Saltillo. As
evidence of su ch an
event, the town
retains a cross that is
in a place known as
Texcalco Cav e, where
the indigenou s
congregation was

Most evenings Years was

another farm which like
that of Urdiola began to
bear fruit, it was located
north one league away,
called Hacienda de San
Lorenzo down Don
Lorenzo Garcia property.

Parras eventually ceases

to belong to the
jurisdiction of Nueva
Vizcaya , by Rea
Certificate of May 21,
1785 , added together
with Saltillo Coahuila
province , whose capital
was then Monclova.

After several years,

February 18, 1598
Captain Anton Martin

Another fact that is part

of the history of Parras
happened on July 4, 1821,

when the local authorities

signed the Independence
of Mexico and then 25
years later, the place is
occupied by the forces of
American intervention
under General John
For 1866, Mexican forces
defeated the French
armies thus initiating the
triumph of the Republic
on the Second Empire.
After two years of this
event, the Vilal de Parras
was elevated to city status
flaunting now the name of
Parras de la Fuente, in
honor saltillense lawyer
Juan Antonio de la
Fuente defender
Mexicans against the
French invaders .
During the Revolutionary
War Parras was not
outside, since the April
16, 1911 the Madero forces
under General Adame
Macias took the city.
Despite national military
and foreign interventions
that lived Parras
economic development
did not stop, the proof
was the fuctfrera Factory
Star, created in 1854 by
Colonel Rafael Aguirre

and acquired in 1898 by

Evaristo Madero
(grandfather of the
illustrious Francis I.
Madero and his brother
Gustavo a Madero), the
same who founded the
famous house wine
Madero and who
managed to consolidate
his international
reputation in producing
high quality denim.
The history of the
Municipality of Parras and
particularly the town of
Parras de la Fuente, its
buildings and customs that
have remained untouched
for hundreds of years , have
earned their adherence to
program Magic Towns was
prepared by the Ministry of
In 2004 Parras de la Fuente
became the first city in
Northern Mexico declared
Magical Town " , followed
in 2005 Alamos, Sonora.

The dollar
The dollar exchange rate (FIX ) up
nearly 10 cents from yesterday ;
remains in 13.0604 ( vs.12.9642
pesos per dollar) :

Dollar is the official currency of the

United States is the biggest
trading partner of Mexico and the
dollar is the most used currency in
global transactions.

The global weight

1859 Mexican currency resealed
in Japan for legal tender in the
Asian country .

Coin two pesos , 1921 (

commemorative centennial of
independence ) .
When the United States gained
independence, it became
necessary to create a national
currency and by a decree signed
on July 6, 1785, the coins
produced in Mexico became the
basis of the U.S. monetary
system, only dollars would be
called, and parity was fixed at one
peso to one U.S. dollar, which is
not started minting until the April 2,
1792, when the Mint of the United

States was established. Still, in

1793 the U.S

As with its predecessor, the real of

8, the Spanish trade with the
weight Chinahizo also
disseminated in Southeast Asia,
so the pieces were resealed to
have legal tender in those
countries. The need for coins often
caused the pieces to be physically
cut into two, four or eight bits, to
achieve a smaller change
resellarlas for later use. This is the
origin of the Mexican expression ' I
have neither a match weight in
half. "

Since 1535 Mexican coins are

produced by the Mint of Mexico , 8
and from March 15, 1861 are
divided according to the metric
system. In 1925 the Bank of
Mexico , which authorized the
manufacture of paper money to
the American Banknote Company
was created. It is until 1969 when
the paper money that is issued by
the factory of Bank of Mexico .
Throughout history, the Royal Mint
, and at the time, the Bank of
Mexico - has enjoyed an
international reputation for the
quality of notes and coins , as well
as being at the forefront of safety
features and materials premiums.

Airplane type F






12,0 x 6,6 cm


12,7 x
6,6 cm

Image obverse

Imagen del reverso

20 Benito Jurez ,Font ;


Pirmides De monte
Alban reverse
Jos Mara Morelos ,
front ;


Aqueduct of Morelia,

The name euro was officially
adopted on 16 December 1995.24
The euro was introduced to world
financial markets as an accounting
currency on 1 January 1999 ,
replacing the former European
Currency Unit ( ECU) at a ratio of
The euro is the second largest
reserve currency and the second
most traded currency in the world
after U.S. the dollar.
The euro coins and banknotes
entered circulation on 1 January
2002 in the 12 EU countries that
adopted the euro in one year: 25
Germany , Austria , Belgium,
Spain , Finland, France, Greece ,

Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg

Netherlands and Portugal.
Moreover also adopted the euro
that year microstates of Monaco,
San Marino and Vatican City,
which had agreements with EU

On 1 January 2007, Slovenia

joined euro.26 Malta27 area
and they did Chipre28 January
1, 2008 and Slovakia on 1
January 2009.29 Estonia was
incorporated on January 1,
2011.30 being the first country
to was part of the USSR
became a member of the euro
zone. Finally, Latvia was the
last country to join on 1
January 2014.31

German gas
Sale of land

We offer a good service to the

community time and good prices
just dial our numbers

I have for sale 3 lots for sale in the

cd. To parras coah .Each lot is 8 x
18 mts. mts 144 cost of land is 33
thousand dollars



House for sale

Rented room
The room has two beds, TV,
bathroom and Wi-Fi signal,
cheap for more information
check the

Is located in the valley of vines is

in very good condition It is 2
stories with parking and green
area Cherry Street No 207. Sold at
$ 300,000 dollars

Motorcycle sale
Average life more wheels, newly
painted, runs very well, naked
style detailing synthetic carbon

Offer 2x1 see shopping shoes and
start paying on May is your last
opportunity waited on him seize
center result 9

Furniture Sale
We are in the middle No 8 in this
luger find everything: dining
room, desks etc... To have very
well offers service to domicile.


Drivers are requested

Pizzas hot

Requirements: federal
license category "A" Payment examination
License -payment experience in handling bus
License driving force - four
child-sized photograph.
Deliver stationery in central
Saltillo-vines buses Monday
through Friday from 7 am 10 pm

Home Selling
Excellent opportunity, duplex
residence. Separate entrances.
Ground floor: 2 bathrooms (one
with dressing room), 3 bedrooms,
kitchen, living room, rear garden,
garage and roof garden, laundry.
Top floor: 2 bathrooms, 2
bedrooms, living room, kitchen,
laundry, terrace, TV room. Whole
house with finished first. BAIL


ranchera, pepperoni, among the
more we prepare your liking
located on 5th Avenue May

At a good




It jukeboxes Rent
Dial: 4223064

A good price $ 250 for 24 hours for

more information check
Fifth "big house" is income
Computer sale

Come and spend an afternoon of

quiet with a pool and a good

Brand: Lanix LT

Renting a house
Dial: 4228124

1GB Ram
GM'S Hamburger
160 Hard Drive
We offer:

For more information

$ 1,799
Dial: 8421008394
Stove for sale
With 4 burners and oven

Sold Motocross


Brand: YAMAHA PW 80

Home service
Dial: 4223536

$ 600
Frank sound

Three corners
We are on the May 5th Avenue in
our store you can find everything:
TV, clothes, etc... At great prices

We have the best sound for your

events: xv, weddings, etc... At
great prices
Dial: 4225424

Hours: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Monday

to Thursday
Sold Cart

Model: Cab star 2008

4 cylinder - diesel

In very good condition

Refigured box with thermo king

$ 12,000 for more information

For more information

Dial: 8424237580
For sale perfume case

Dial: 8719814117
They rent fifth "wild"


Swimming pool

$ 300.00

Green Areas

For more information


Dial: 4223568

Dial: 8421007570


Color: coffee

Dial: 8424237385

Furnished, billable, 4 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms and garden $ 9.900

Chairs and tables

Model 04
Color: black
For more information
Variety of dishes
Prices from $ 2,000 to $ 80,000
For more information
Pet looking
Breed: pit-bull
Color: black
The last time was in the square
friendship please help me find my
Sold clothes
In good condition for all ages

At a good price we are in April 2nd


Image Designs

Time: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Brides, graduations etc.

Old ranch country life al twenty

from Saltillo twelve months no
interests ten per cent or if cash for
more information
Dial: (842)4222158

Xbox 360 for sale

Lounge star

In good condition with 3 video


$ 1200 for more information


Dial: 842237850
Celtic music
Come and relax with this music

Hours: Monday through Friday

9:00 am - 8:00 pm

The home of Hamburger

We offer:

Time: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


I hope in the square clock

Hot Dogs

For more information

Dial: 4226367

Please carry on the presidency

French fries wing

As this is a way to care for our

planet would appreciate it much

Have service to domicile

Hotel portals
We offer the best quality

Dial: 4222426
Time: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Printing and screen printing

Cashier is requested
Vehicle Lettering
Age: 17 - 20 years

The best pizza at the best prices

Home service

We have




Wi-Fi Zone, parks

At great prices
We are in the avenue beyond No.


Lukas pizzas

-Repair of motors

A good prices come and visit us

we are in the warrior Avenue No. 6

Bottles can be collected

Dial: 4223534

General Mechanic

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Which is responsible for more


Dial: 4220217
Garage "LARA"

We are in the middle of the market

No. 8

Free entry


Come and have fun in this room of

wonders do all kinds of events,
weddings, sweet sixteen, etc...

Delivery notes
Come and have fun viewing the
premieres of the year

We are in the avenue beyond No.

We have a video game area

At very good prices $

Dial: 4221079
Aesthetics Alicia

Hours: 3:00 pm. 8:00 pm

Home sales

We are in the reform Avenue No.


Ignore the comments
your friends made some
of the attitudes you had in
the past. It is better to be
deaf and look away.
If you are unemployed
you should consider the
possibility of setting up a
business online. Do not
require much investment
and could be a good
option for the future.
Do not get upset by the
problems of others and
seeks you enjoy your
partner. Sometimes you
feel a bit sad because he
has his family away. Try
to support it.
It would be nice to get
dressed in gala to feel
better. I like to wear very
casual clothes, but
occasionally helps look so
elegant. Close to you
there are some nasty
people who do not care
about peers or by the job.
They make just enough to
meet the process. Do not
compare yourself with

If there were problems in

the past between you and
your partner you may
already be all forgotten,
although discards
resurface any unpleasant
Find a sport where you
can sweat and spend all
that energy you have left.
You better go to practice
alone. You'll meet new
people with similar
Not the best time to make
large investments. If you
have some money is
better than the book for
another time. Forget
about mounting a
catering business.
Your partner is content
with little to be happy. Do
not require or great gifts
or distant travel. Just
want you to be at your
side for a lifetime...
If you intend to do a bit
of everything you end up
exhausted. You should
better organize. When
you begin a task tries just

finish it, otherwise you'd

end up with a feeling of
There are many rumors
about a possible rise in
the business, but do not
flatter yourself because
you are not among the
candidates. There is a
superior does not trust
You've a few days with a
somewhat distant attitude
with your partner because
you are upset with some
comments. Try talking to
her to settle the problem.
No changes you feel good.
You get too nervous and
you can just kick back at
night. Do not try to take
pills; it is better to opt for
an infusion.
Need a job that brings you
stability. You are tired of
every little shift. Do not
have time to meet
colleagues. Be patient.
Redeem any social event
to meet an interesting
person. Do not be fooled
by appearances. Raring to

leave bachelorhood. It's

about time.
You begin to see life
differently after check
close friend suffering with
a disease. Most important
in life is health.
Beware of some deals you
see online. Beware if you
are asking a lot of
personal data. Nor do
much for those who claim
you money by working.

You breathe a little

relieved after resolving
problems which crawled
in a while with your
partner. Not the best time
for you to put to come live
with you.
More nervous than usual
because you'll receive a
visit from a friend who
lives abroad. Come to
your house to spend a few
days. Has much to tell.

Receive money owed to

you for months. We
receive with great
pleasure that you come in
handy to tackle the final
stretch of the month.
If you put your mind
ahead have a wonderful
time in the company of
your partner. Singles will
have the opportunity to
meet a very attractive

Beware of social
networking. Your partner
is suspicious of you
because you spend many
hours at the computer.
Try to pay a little more

The past is history, so try
to make the most of the
good time you live. Do not
be swayed by people. You
do not know.
Do not be afraid to seek
advice from a person of
your environment to help
you in getting a job.
Someone may have
knowledge of any offer.

You should fix some

problems with a partner
you drag a while. Your
tasks are undermined and
the bosses know. No
longer like before you
Do not get bogged down
with your partner both
unjustified pressures. You
should rely much more on
it because he has never
given you reason to feel
cheated. Start to value.
Perform a physical
activity you get tired a lot
and you provide the rest
at night. You'll notice the
passage of time. Your
health will improve.

Will you release

everything that hurts you.
You seem willing to let
some vices you have done
much damage. You've
taken the first step.
It is easy to work with
certain friends, especially
when they have to berate
certain behaviors or
attitudes. Try to be as
honest as possible so as
not to deceive.
It is possible that your
partner tells you they
want to leave. Do not give
more importance because
everything is the result of
a heater. Analyze how it
has come to this.

You need time to
dedicate it to yourself.
You're always aware of
others and forget about
you. It's good to
disconnect.. a couple of
hours a day.
Not the best time to
change jobs. Even if
you're comfortable is
always better to wait and
have an alternative in the
room you like.
You will have unexpected
encounters with people
you like. You do not know
how to behave because
you get very nervous.
Show yourself naturally to
appreciate your values.
There's something you
feel great and comforting
you. Is to help those most
in need. Feel free to go to
an NGO to help out.
You have many ideas in
mind to start a business,
but you backtracks lack of
funding. There is also
some fear of failure with
the company.
The setbacks suffered in

the past will serve to

mature a lot. Otherwise
treat your partners and
are a bit more wary lest
fool you.




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