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Research Question/Topic: What are the benefits and limitations for all

participants involved in the co-teaching model?

Data Source

Data Collection Plan [Preliminary]

Data Collection Plan [Final]
Timeline/Plan for
Purpose/Intended Learning

Question Surveys from


Weekly notes on coteaching experiences

(interaction, planning,
assessing, grading)

This survey was given to K2 teachers at AGCS involved

in co-teaching the week of
February 16th-27th.
The data collection process
began on February 16th and
ended on February 27th.
I will begin taking notes the
week of Feb. 16th to April
10th. I will take notes daily
during various parts of the
day. I will keep track of the
different models that were
used, what was
planning time and any
other observations

Student interviews/surveys
Student interviews/surveys were conducted the week
on their experiences
of February 23rd and March
2nd to students in my
kindergarten and first
grade classes.
I sent out my consent letter
on February 18th, and as
they came back I began
surveying my students. On
February 20th, I sent out a
consent letter to my former
students (2nd graders). I

From this survey, I would

like to learn what different
models of co-teaching is
used in the classroom, the
benefits and limitations
teachers come across when
co-teaching, and how it has
benefited their students.
I would like to learn what
models my colleague and I
use and when throughout
the day, the benefits and
limitations we encounter,
and our experiences.

From these
interviews/surveys, I
would like to learn about
students ideas and
opinions towards coteaching, what it is like to
have two teachers in the
classroom, what they like
and dislike, and how they
view each teacher.

began surveying my former

students on March 3rd to
March 9th.

On-going. Throughout the

course I will read literature
based on co-teaching, learn
more about the models,
benefits, limitations and
experiences from others.

I would like to learn from

the literature, how coteaching is used in various
classrooms, how to best
collaborate with my
colleague, the
improvements I can
implement in my
classroom, and best

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