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Name: Ashley Murphy

Date of Lesson: March 27, 2015

Class Course: EDU 218
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Description of Class: 19 students heterogeneously grouped, one student with Rhett
Syndrome, a few students with ADHD/ADD, a few students that sometimes struggle with
following instructions, class has high energy.
Name of Lesson: Compare and Contrast
Objectives or Student Expectations:
1. Students will be able to apply previous knowledge to help them identify the
similarities and differences of apples and oranges
2. Students will be able to work together to identify the similarities and differences
of a bumble bee and a ladybug
Teacher Materials:
1. Venn Diagram on the whiteboard
2. One apple
3. One orange
4. Smaller Venn Diagrams of Bumble Bees and Ladybugs
Student Materials:
1. Pencil
Anticipatory Set: To introduce the lesson, the teacher will start by asking students what
they have learned so far about comparing and contrasting (3 minutes)
1. The teacher will start the lesson by asking students what they have learned so far
about comparing and contrasting (3 minutes)
2. The teacher will ask the students to compare and contrast the apple and orange
a. (5 minutes)
3. The teacher will ask the students to get with a partner (10 seconds)
4. Once with a partner, the students will receive the Venn Diagram *1 per partner*
(30 seconds)
5. The teacher will provide instruction for what the students are to do with their
partner (1 minute)
6. Students are to sit with their partners and decide what the similarities and
differences of a ladybug and a bumblebee are
7. Students will have 10 minutes to work on their Venn Diagram
8. The teacher will ask the students to come back to the carpet (30 seconds)
9. The teacher will ask the students to share with the class one idea from each
section of their Venn Diagram with their peers (10 minutes)

Closure: The teacher will have the students share one idea from each section of their
Venn diagram with their peers. Ex: One difference of a ladybug, one difference of a
bumblebee, one similarity of the two.
Assessment: For a summative assessment, the teacher will walk around and observe
students thinking process with their partners, as well as observing what ideas the
students came up with for each section on their Venn Diagram. Then, for a formative
assessment, the teacher will collect the Venn Diagrams that the students complete to see
their progress and help the teacher to create the next lesson.

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