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Astronomy 10A Lab Spring 2008

Predictions of Astrology
A.1) Aries rules the head, brain, and eyes. Some people with Aries sign prominent on
charts are subject to head injury, headache and general problems with head ad fevers.
- If we take a poll of random that has frequent problems with headaches and head injuries,
we would see that this claim would be true for other people with signs other than Aries. It
would be evenly distributed among other zodiac signs.

Prediction: We can observe 100 people whose sign is Virgo, and it should have more than
50% of them are perfectionists.

A.4) Your sign can determine what you are going to do for a living. Example, Sagittarius is
born to do a tour guide because they love adventure and enjoy freedom.
Through the process of survey, we may see that the relationship between
ones sign and occupation vary and are inconsistent with this claim.

B.6 Claim: According to Astrology people who are born between November 22 and
December 21 belong to the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius Dominant Characteristics of
are broadminded and helpful.
are admired and respected.
love to exchange ideas.
know what to accept and reject.
are always practical in their approach to others.
Prediction: Check whose signs are Sagittarians, and they must have those patterns.

B.2 Claim: Astrology gives you insight into whom you will be most productive and who you
should not be companion with. For example, a person whose zodiac sign is Taurus should
not be companion with a person whose zodiac sign is Scorpio, because those two signs are
A.2) The aspect (geometric relationship between planets) determines favorable or less
opposed to one another so there wont be a good result for both of them.
favorable outcomes in our lives (180, 90, 45, 135, 150 degree are favorable and 120, 60, 30 Prediction: If we check our friends or families whose sign are Taurus and Scorpio, we can
are unfavorable).
know they should not be together because there wont be a good result for both of them.
By surveying a group of people and analyzing the degrees the geometric
relationship between planets, we would see that there will be varying outcomes between
B.3 Claim: A planet leave or com to your zodiac can affect whether or not you are lucky for
favorable and unfavorable lives of the degrees.
this year. Example, Sagittarius is not so lucky in 2008 because Jupiter left its zodiac.
Prediction: If we check where Jupiter is now, and we can know who had better luck to win
A.3) Your mates sign and yours can determine if your guy can be together for a long term. the lottery now.
Example, Sagittarius cant be with Scorpios because Scorpios loves to control, Sagittarius
loves to be free.
B.4 Claim: People born under Aries tend to be spontaneous, frank and open (because Aries
If we check different couples with incompatible signs, we would see a few
is the first sign and represents youngness)
number of couples with incompatible signs who seems compatible
Prediction: Check whose signs are Aries, and they must have those patterns.

A.5) By seeing horoscope one can also tell the stocks situation. Example, 2010 something
wrong with Saturn and Jupiter, so The Burst of Stock Bubbles will happen.
By analyzing the planets of Jupiter and Saturn, we may see that its relationship
to the stocks does not consistently predict a stock situation through the peculiarities of
these two planets.
A.6) The horoscope can also tell disasters. Example, the 921 earthquake that happened in
Taiwan because August 11th had sun eclipse.
By analyzing all the sun eclipse, we may see that not all sun eclipses
correlates to major disasters on earth.
A.7) How productive a person would be in a specific month My horoscope is telling me
that in the first three weeks of May I will outstandingly be productive, so you should roll up
my sleeves and plan to work like mad. However I should not worry because I would not be
alone a whole slew of supportive little planets will gather around me like friendly elves to
help me polish off many of the projects on my desk.
Surveying a random sample of people, may suggest that not all of the people
would be productive and a lesser percentage of people would be productive.
A.8) Personality of a person is determined by the month they were born.
Through a survey, the percentage of the relationship between the months a
person is born and their personality will vary, around half of the people surveyed will say
their personality is correlated with their month and the other half will say no.
A.9) Work prediction Astrology predicts that this month because of a truly extraordinary
lineup of planets at the start of May, and because Venus (the planet of happiness) is in my
solar sixth house of work projects sending vibes to Saturn (planet of stability) meaning that
all the projects Im working on during this month of May will have legs and they would take
me to a new important roads. The work I do now, it could easily add to a new growing
professional reputation and give me a new perspective to keep things fresh and
By analyzing the lining of the planets in the month of May and the position of
Venus, surveying random people could prove inconsistency with the claim in relationship to
their solar houses.
A.10) Claim: Romance. Singe? Not for long time because of the new strong moon of this
month of May, according to astrology I would meet prince charming. If you didnt meet
anyone last month, you may this month in a work-related activity, networking event, party,
or through sports, whether as a participant or spectator. If you are serious about someone
special, things may begin to become more serious next month, so sit back and wait to see
what happens. Your most romantic events this month include May 2, 3, 10-11, 15, 19-21,
24, 25, and 30.
Using poll analyses of single people in these months, we may see less people
with partners than without.
B.1 Claim: Virgos are likely to be scientists, but simply that they will be perfectionist,
critically-minded and analytical

B.6 Claim: An Aries born April 10 is symbolized by the Ram and is ambitious, with his/her
own way of doing things. They have the capacity to see the world around them realistically
without being disillusioned. Learn about April 10 birthday astrology.
Prediction: Kings in history such as Julius Caesar; he should not be born in April 10.
B.7 Claim: Because Libras are ruled by Venus (symbolize love) and is an air sign (maturity)
they tend to be level headed and like to have things go smoothly.
Prediction: Check 50 people whose sign are Libras; they must let you go if you splash water
on them.
B.8 Claim: Scorpio people are passionate and emotional, with very deep feelings.
Prediction: Check Scorpio people, some of them must not have these patterns.
B.9 Claim: Every position of the planets (Sun, Mars, Moon etc) have its own distinct
characteristic. For example, Venus, as we already know, rules love, beauty, attraction and
communication. Jupiter, the biggest planet in solar system, is associated with luck, wealth,
wisdom, and generosity.
Prediction: Check where Venus is now and some of the hollow stars must be burn with the
B.10 Claim: A person with better social life is determined by the sun sign.
Prediction: Check famous presidents or businessmen and see their sun sign.
C.1. Taurus Forecast (2008): You will be very self-confident and have practical abilities.
You are also very tenacious and very persistent. You will be very quick to learn from
failures and disappointments. You will be very youthful and good looking and fortunate. You
will have an early marriage.
C.2. Libra Forecast (2008): The conjunction of Venus and Uranus gives you good charisma
and makes you romantic. You may have unusual and original ideas about art and love. You
will be independent and enjoy financial advantages.
C.3. Aquarius Forecast (2008): Domestic life will not be smooth and will require more
attention and care. Although Aquarius People may be capable of bearing much physical
stress and strain, it will be difficult to cope with family matters. There may be heavy financial
losses and loss of property. Care should be taken in money matters. Aquarius People might
suffer from diseases of the mouth and the eyes.
C.4. Pisces Forecast (2008): You are likely to be a little self-centered. You will have to
undergo many trials and tests until the self centered attitude of your past karmas is
C.5. Gemini Forecast (2008): Due to Marss lordship they are ever active and ambitious;
they will desire to be at the head of all affairs. They act quickly with unbounded self

confidence they will not hesitate to change whatever they dislike hence they are best fitted
to deal with any emergency.
C.6. Virgo Forecast (2008): You are very clever and have original ideas; you have a liking
for scientific occupations. You are very much freedom loving and will change occupations
very often. You may be a bit stubborn at times and others would have difficulty getting
along with you.
C.7. Scorpio Forecast (2008): You are likely to experience a lot of changes in your life. You
have a lot of energy and should try to be more constructively engaged; else you may
squander it unproductively.
C.8. Aries Forecast (2008): Aries will have a good ability to communicate in words & writing
very well. Aries are likely to have very quick reactions. Aries will be very witty and have
varied interests.
C.9. Leo Forecast (2008): You love to travel. You are likely to be very emotional and a bit
unstable at times. You have a very keen imagination, but you should try to be more open
and less self centered.
C.10. Capricorn Forecast (2008): Success will be yours in whatever you undertake during
this period. All your feats and endeavors will meet with success and you will be able to
overcome your difficulties. You will defeat your enemies and they will not be able to harm
D.1.Claim: Venus (the planet of happiness) is in the solar sixth house of work leading to a
professional success.
Prediction: some signs will experience an improvement in their professional life because of
the benefit of having Venus in their solar sixth house during the month of May.
D.2.Claim: Pluto (The planet of money) is currently in a very slow tour in the second house
of salary making it possible to earn a raise or negotiate a new salary.
Prediction: Since Pluto is in the financial sector in the second house of some signs, that
would make it possible for some people to have a financial boost.
D.3.Claim: Having the planet Mars in some signs from May 9, through June 30 would make
it possible for a great vacation.
Prediction: From May 9 through June 30 some signs would be more likely to have a great
timer during vacation than other signs.

Prediction: If we check a random sample of Capricorns born from December 22 to January

19 and look at their weight and overall condition of health we should see that the majority
are healthy and not just in the correct weight range but on the thin side. We would also find
that people of other sun signs were not lean but instead, overweight and having health
The Scientific Mind of Virgos
Claim: Virgos are likely to be scientists with typical personalities as perfectionists, criticallyminded and analytical people.
Prediction: If we take a random sample of Virgos born from September 17 to October 17 we
should see a large number of those people have chosen careers as scientists and are
generally highly intellectual and strive for perfection. As opposed to choosing another
occupation. We would also see that small numbers of people have chosen Scientist as a
profession who are born in other sun signs.
Head Injuries and Aries
Claim: Since Aries rules the head, brain and eyes these people are prone to head injury,
headaches and general problems of the head.
Prediction: If we take a sample of Aries born March 21 to April 19 we should see that many
of them have medical issues with their head, brain and eye area. This should be a habitual
issue and we would not see this in other zodiac signs.
Taurus a bad love match with Scorpio
Claim: Because of the nature of these two signs, that they are opposed to each other.
Taurus and Scorpio and should not be love companions.
Prediction: If we took a sample we would find a Taurus and Scorpio relationships that
werent working out or that had ended badly. We would not find a happy match between
these two signs.
Future natural disaster predictions
Claim: Astrologers claim that they are able to predict the future and knew of the recent
earthquake that caused havoc in Pakistan and India, and claimed more than 40,000 lives. It
was predicted in April by Tribune Herald astrologer Mahesh Bang
Prediction: If we go back to the April edition of the Herald and find the prediction by Mahesh
Bang we should find a very detailed description of the earthquake that occurred in April in
Pakistan and India, killing 40,000 people.
Aggressive Cancers
Claim: Cancers born June 22 to July 22 are aggressive in getting what they want.
Prediction: If we took a sample of people who knew Cancers we would expect them to use
the word aggressive when asked to describe their friend in just a few words. This would
be a known trait that they share.

D.4. Claim: Having Mars in the second house of salary, meaning a loss of money by
Feminine Zodiac signs and Night-orientation
Prediction: Some signs of the zodiac might be financially affected by having Mars present in E.7.
Claim: Individuals with a feminine Zodiac sign, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn,
the second house.
or Pisces, are night-oriented.
Prediction: If we took a sample of these signs and asked their friends to describe them as
D.5. Claim: Jupiter (the guardian planet) and Uranus (planet of surprises) together bring
day-oriented or night-oriented they would all chose the latter to describe their friends
based on the feminine Zodiac signs.
Prediction: Any sign that happens to have these two planets together, they would be
financially benefited in any decision they make in real state.
Zodiac signs and Gemstones
Claim: Each sign of the Zodiac is associated with a gemstone. Wearing the stone of one's
D.6. Claim: People with Aries sign prominent on their chart are subject to head injury.
sign focuses the energies of the sign, enabling their expression in one's daily life.
Prediction: People born between March/22 and April/21 would be more prone to head
Prediction: Find the gemstone that correlates with your sun sign and wear the stone. See if
injuries than the rest of the signs.
you feel the energies of your sign being put into focus and expressing themselves in your
daily life. This would have to be an obvious change for you to take notice. Something that
D.7.Claim: If Jupiter (the guardian planet) leaves a sign, it means a not so lucky year for
only the gemstone could be capable of.
the sign.
Prediction: Some signs would be terrible affected because of Jupiter has just left them, and
Astrology and Daily Detail
they would not be lucky during the whole year or until Jupiter gets back into their sign.
Claim: Astrology can help daily living by showing detail. Almost every aspect of life can be
exactly described.
D.8. Claim: Signs can determine if a couple would be compatible for a long-term
Prediction: Look at horoscopes for specific days and see if it matches exactly and in great
detail how your day went. There should be no room for interpretation and there should be
Prediction: Scorpions and Sagittarius are not compatible since Sagittarius love to be free
specific details in the daily descriptions.
and Scorpions love to control.
D.9.Claim: Virgos are independent and critical.
Prediction: People who are born under the sign of Virgo are supposed to be very organized
and plan ahead.
D.10.Claim: Jupiter and Pluto together bring self-betterment.
Prediction: Signs who have these two planets together would make extraordinary efforts to
gain success.
Healthy Capricorn
Claim: Capricorns tend to be lean and develop good eating habits when young which leads
to a healthy adult lifestyle.

Astrology and the End of the World
Claim: Astrologists can read things in the sky and have determined that the world may end
in 2012.
Prediction: Since we are talking about things in the sky we should be able to ask
Astronomers what is in the sky that will predict the end of the world. (They know a lot about
the sky too!)
F.1. Position of Earth and Human emotion
Claim: A persons emotion is affected by the change of Earth climate; morning, noon and
Prediction: Each person has different emotion every day. Sunny day will lead people to an
anger period; however, people will be more hyper during night time.

F.2. Claim: A persons ability is determined at the time when they are born.
Prediction: People who born in different season will have different ability. In fact, those who
were born in June and July are more likely to be smarter and have more skill than others.
F.3. Claim: A persons characteristic is influence by sun sign (horoscope)
Prediction: Aries are impatient; they get mad at people and things easily.
F.4. Claim: An occupation of a person is affected by the position of the planet at the time
they are born.
Prediction: people whom were born at night are likely to gain a night duty job.
F.5. Claim: Sun sign influence a persons their taste and out looking.
Prediction: People whom were born in Gemini season are more likely to focus on their out
looking and are more handsome or pretty.
F.6. Claim; Sun sign determines whether the day is good or bad for holding events.
Prediction: June to July is the worst month for holding any events, like celebration since
there is ghost release day.
F.7. Claim: A persons ability of learning influence by the environment
Prediction: People who studies at the morning will have a higher ability of absorbing the
source which they are studying, this means its easier to people to memorize the source
F.8. Claim: A person with a better social life is determined by the sun sign
Prediction: people born in Gemini season have more friends, where they have a stronger
social skill than others.
F.9. Claim: Horoscope determines a persons specific interest with their entertainment
Prediction: Sagittarius is sporty - they like a lot of sport and exercise a lot.

Prediction: Check for famous Scorpios to see how many of them have had long-term
healthy relationships with Taureans.
I.2. Trait appearance for Scorpio:
Claim: Said to be well proportioned, strong in body, muscular, and with a broad face and a
commanding look.
Prediction: look at many pictures of Scorpios, and we will find a common look through all of
them, muscular bodies and broad faces.
I.3. Health Concerns for Scorpios:
Claim: Scorpio governs the pelvis and reproductive and urinary systems and its subjects
are said to be prone to ailments of the liver and kidneys.
Prediction: If we check deaths by kidney and liver disease most will be of Scorpios
I.4. Claim: Geminis are the worst drivers, cause most accidents
Prediction: most accidents in 2007 will have been caused by Geminis.
I.5. Claim: Capricorns & Pisces Best at Managing Own Financial Affairs
Prediction- Top wealthy business people in the world will be either a Capricorn or Pisces.
I.6. Astrology claims to be able to tell health
Claim: Tiger Woods, who was born 30 December1975, will go through some surgical
treatment is likely towards end of May'02.
Prediction: When looking back on things that happened to Tiger Woods in May of 2002
Tiger Woods will have had some sort of surgery.
I.7. Claim to predict what will happen during certain months of the year.
Claim: During September 2001: Things will be very prone to disasters, but the worst
outcome may not happen. Strange lack of reaction of people.
Prediction: When looking back onto September 2001, there will be disasters, but nothing
overly traumatic.

F.10 Claim: A persons height is determined by the time they are born.
Prediction: Scorpios are likely to be shorter than others.
G.1, Four more comets will pass by before the end times

J.1.Claim: An Aries born April 10 is symbolized by the Ram and is ambitious, with their own
way of doing things. They have the capacity to see the world around them realistically
without being disillusioned.
Prediction: People born on April 10 have the capacity to see the world around them
realistically without being disillusioned.

G.2, the effect cannot be shown for an individual, but only for groups of people (like saying
that I cannot know what the weather will be like where I live exactly ten years from today,
but there is a high probability it will be clear and sunny that day)

J.2.Claim: Virgos are likely to be scientists, but simply that they will be perfectionist,
critically-minded and analytical
Prediction: Most of the scientists are Virgos.

G.3, Your sun sign being cancer makes you intuitive and emotional, a hard worker and
honest (<>

J. 3.Claim: Capricorns are loyal associates and faithful friends.

Prediction: All individuals with that sign are loyal associates and faithful friends.

G.4, Having a Taurus lagan you are bound to be attractive and good looking, with beautiful
and lustrous eyes <>

J.4. Claim: A person born under Virgo is generally meticulous, clever and fussy.
Prediction: Those people who born under Virgo is generally meticulous, clever and fussy.

H.1. All people born under the sign of Aries will posses strong will in their character.

5. Claim: People born under Aries tend to be spontaneous, frank and open.
Prediction: Those people born under Aries tend to be spontaneous, frank and open.

H.2. People who are introduced for the first time, if their astro signs conflict, will not like
each other at all.
H.3. People born when Mars is in their house will be exceptional athletes.
H.4. People born under Libra will have a good sense of physical balance.
H.5. Children born premature will have had Pluto in their house when they were born.

6. Claim: Someone born under Sagittarius tend to have an optimistic outlook on life but get
caught up in disputes over their idealistic opinions.
Prediction: Those people who born under Sagittarius tend to have an optimistic outlook on
life but get caught up in disputes over their idealistic opinions.
7. Claim: The rule of Saturn over Capricorns makes them serious, responsible, and makes
them like to limit rather than expand.
Prediction: Those people who born on the day than Saturn rules over Capricorns are
serious, responsible.

H.6. People will find others more attractive when Venus moves through their house.
H.7. One's life will seem to speed up when Mercury is in their house.
H.8. One will experience odd sensations in their sex organs when Venus and mars move
through their house.
H.9. One will be prone to misfortune if Pluto is in their house on their birthday.

8. Claim: Geminis are generally attracted to change and enjoy personal freedom
Prediction: Those people who born under Gemini is generally attracted to change and enjoy
personal freedom. (That's me?)
9. Claim: Cancers are aggressive in getting what they want but do not voice their demands
and expect people to understand them.
Prediction: Those people who born under Cancers are aggressive in getting what they want
but do not voice their demands and expect people to understand them.

H.10. Winter comes earlier when Hailey's comet is seen crossing Neptune.
I.1. Ideal Partner for Scorpios:
Claim: Scorpios get along well with Taureans. This sign gives them the material and
emotional security they crave.

10. Claim: Someone born under Sagittarius tend to have an optimistic outlook on life but
get caught up in disputes over their idealistic opinions.
Prediction: Those people who born under Sagittarius tend to have an optimistic outlook on
life but get caught up in disputes over their idealistic opinions.

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