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Venus and the twelfth House

Traditionally, the twelfth is vyaya sthan (house of loss). It is also one of the houses for
assessment of marriage prospects. Most classical texts give bed pleasures as one of the
significations of the twelfth house. Even moksha (salvation) is seen from this house.
Venus placed here needs careful interpretation. According to the classic, Phaldeepika by
Mantreshwar, Venus in the twelfth gives sexual enjoyment, wealth and splendor. Brihat
Jatak of Varahmihira mentions that the person having Venus in the twelfth house would
be rich. Kalyan Verma states the person will be indolent, happy, corpulent, fallen in moral
sense, will eat cleansed food; will be skillful in providing sleeping comforts and
attendants. He will be won over by woman. Almost all classical books and their
commentators have said that Venus in the twelfth will make the person rich. With
globalization affecting everyone the importance of the twelfth house, which represents a
foreign country also has gone up manifold.
The modern spending pattern (consumerism) should also see from the twelfth house.
How you spend your money and how is your sex life logically should also be seen from
the twelfth house. It has been observed that an afflicted twelfth house also could mean
denial of conjugal happiness.

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