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Tori Saunders

Mr. Eyler
English 11
7 November 2013
Personal Narrative
My life has been impacted on by quite a lot of things, but the main
thing I was impacted by, was when I was five years old. My appendix had
burst. This was a very hard time anyway for my whole entire family. My mom
had just survived breast cancer, the family basically had hit a huge bump in
the road.
When I was younger I was in dance classes at Tip-Tap-Toe in Arcanum, it
was a huge dance recital. This was taking place in a big fancy building in
Greenville. It was early morning when we had to be there. I had been telling
my mom I hadnt felt too good. She said, I had to feel good because I had
two performances that day. So I continued on with the first show and I did
fantastic. Then I got ready for my next show. I get on stage and start dancing
about two minutes into the routine, I collapse. My mom ran up onto the stage
and was trying to wake me up. They called the ambulance for me to go to
Wayne Hospital.
When I get to the hospital they tell me theyre pretty sure I have
tonsillitis. So they checked for it, and I was cleaned. They gave my mom

some antibiotics for me and said I was probably just sick and needed to get it
flushed out of my system. I was sent home and told to get some rest. Later
that night I woke up puking. My mom called the doctor and said she thinks
its something worse that just being sick. The doctors said they checked me
and I seemed to be fine. My mom then believed them, because obviously
theyre the doctors they have a degree for this stuff. My mom had me sleep
in her room with her because she knew I wasnt feeling well. I slept all
through the night and my mom wakes me up about 10 oclock on the
following day, she asked me if I felt fine and I said I felt even worse.
My mom was still giving me the antibiotics and they werent working at
all. After I took the medication I started hallucinating. I swear I seen
Superman flying around the room. Even till this day I know I seen him but
then I am also aware that it was a hallucination. After that happening my
mom was so fed up she just decided to take me to Dayton Childrens. The
doctors finally had me all checked in. They said I had some kind of bad acid
substance in my stomach that shouldnt be there. So they had to put a huge
tube now my throat to attempt to pump this substance out of my body. When
they tried and started to get some of this out they knew exactly what it was.
They asked my mom why she didnt bring me in any sooner. She then told
them the story about how Ive already been to another hospital but they said
it was tonsillitis. They then at that point finally told my mom what it truly
was. It appeared I had appendicitis.

They told my mom that my appendix had burst. They had to take me
into an immediately surgery. My mom had to wait for my dad to get there
with all the insurance papers, which they have to fill out. The doctors after
my surgery said I about didnt make it because it was in my body for so long
of a period of time. My parents are very grateful for me to survive. After the
surgery I weighed 25 pounds as a five year old. This was not healthy at all;
the acid was eating away my body. They kept me in a hospital for 2 weeks
straight. While being in the hospital I met a new friend that I still would say is
a close friend to me now. Shelby was her name; she was sharing a room with
me for the same reason. She now lives in troy and we still talk till this day.
Hers wasnt as bad as mine was, but we still bonded and talk while both of
our parents had to go to work during the day. The only time we didnt
constantly talk was later at night when our parents came and stayed with us.
My doctors said I could only have like 3 sponges of water a day, because the
tubes down my throat were making my throat dry. My dad would always try
to look out my door and see if any doctors were coming so he could give me
like 10 sponges worth. He still tells me he never felt so bad for anyone. He
said the pain I was in he wished he couldve been in, instead of me.
About a week into being in the hospital, Shelby was moved. She got
released and the doctors just left me to a room by myself. I was in pre-school
while this was happening and the only friend I had come visit me was Tessa.
She brought me a stuffed animal of a horse. I still have it till this day just
kept up in the top of my closet because it means so much to me. Tessa and I

wanted to play candy land so bad when she was there. That I even jumped
out of bed to go get the game out of the play room in the hospital that I
collapsed on the floor. That was the first time Ive stood up since my surgery.
I wasnt used to feeling like jelly. The doctors rushed in and asked what
happened. They said I shouldnt have even tried to get out of my bed
because they knew it wouldnt do me any good because they said there was
nothing to my body but skin and bone. A couple days later the doctors said I
was gaining back my muscle and I was good enough to just take my
medications home with me. So I was finally allowed to go home.
So I started feeling better, but it was time to go back to the doctors for
a checkup. The doctors said it wasnt really that normal that my scar caves
in. They actually said it wasnt healthy at all for it to do that and if it
remanded like that, when I go to have kids that I will have problems will
having children. My parents didnt even know what to say to the doctors they
said it mustve been caving in because of how long the rupture was in my
body for. Even till this day though my scar still does cave in and my most
recent doctor said it is probably unsafe for me to have children. This scares
me because I will want to have children someday but if I am incapable, I
dont know how I will even going to react to this.
The main reason I shared this story with you, is because it makes me
think differently about life. I couldve died, but I didnt I was saved by a
guardian angel. Life to me is just more than people make it out to be. One

day you can have everything going oh so good and then you just have
something happen to you. I mean no one ever knows when anything or what
will happen. One day someone is just going to regret everything and not
appreciate being alive and end up regretting it in the end for not
appreciating it for when it was here. Both of my grandmas have passed and I
miss them like crazy. I see some of my friends just treat theirs terrible and
Im just like what I could do for just on more minute with each of mine. I
would give the world for that. Most people take things they should cherish for
granite and life is just too short, to take things that way.

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