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Dear Professor Campbell,

This is a letter that may seem formal, but its hard to break a habit. I went to a Military
school for crying out loud. Im excited about this class and I write poetry. Youll have to read
below to learn more about me. I do have to warn you I do have some things you might find
sad and too much information, but I see writing as a way to just get things off of your here goes.
My name is Kamina Ariel Ham. I am 18 and my birthday is on September 1 st. I was born
in Pineville, but have lived in Charlotte my entire life. I was born in a hospital in Pineville like 20
minutes away. I just like saying I was born in a different place. Anyway, I have a brother and a
sister. They are both in high school. I live with my mother and occasionally
her husband. Im still getting used to that whole situation. He comes at
night and leaves in the morning. When I go back home its very annoying. I
still see my dad because after they divorced he
gained visitation rights. I liked how I was raised,
but I think in the future I would want to create my
own norm. My family usually has single parent homes, drinking and
drugs, and they separated the children when they ate. When I start my
own family I plan to change things I dont like.
Family is very important to me. I really want to get married and then have a baby before
Im 30. I feel like I have a lot of odds are against me because statistics show black women have
lower marriage rates. I know healthy marriages are rare in my family, but I still want it. I also
feel different and less than sometimes because Im darker. I know some men have preferences,
but the TV portrays lighter women as better. My goal is to meet someone in college and know
them for a long time before we decide to get married, but so far thats not going so well. I think
I am trying too hard and finding the wrong guys. Anyway enough about guys, I love teaching
and Im pretty much a nerd.
I am going to school to be an Elementary teacher. I really love to work with kids and
teach them in any way I can. My goal is to work with younger kids so I can plant a seed in them
so they can grow and be the best they can be. My main focus would be to have my students
think big and not let others or circumstances limit them. I determined my goal to be a teacher
in 5th grade and since then I have taught
in any way I can. I
remember in high school my actions
really showed my
drive. I began working with my little
three-year old
cousin who is now four. I would find
interesting and
fun ways to teach her letters and
numbers. I
taught step for four years and I helped
my mother with
her Childrens Church class. I was also
thankful to be in
an amazing introduction to Education
class because I
was able to help at Albemarle road
Elementary school

every Friday the first semester. I loved the experience I had. I was able to bring out the inner
child and really have fun with the kids. I was challenged to accept differences, advocate for
myself, and be more flexible.
I like to learn and discover
interesting facts. My favorite subject is
math and the first day of class I
couldnt help but start creating problems
to do for myself. It was amazing.
I always tell my mother what I know.
She is my main supporter and
she is a teacher as well. I am thankful to
have her teach me different
techniques about how to deal with
people and creative ways to solve
my problems. She is very wise and
knowledgeable. I like sharing
interesting facts as well in hopes that
people have the same passion. If
they dont, which is usually the case, I
feel awkward and hide what I know.
This is a weakness I need to work on. I
am trying to follow Dr. Seusss quote:
Be who you are; say what you feel, because
those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind.
I think the Dr. Seuss quote is hard for me especially as a college student. In the
beginning I felt out of the loop. I had graduated from a Military and Global Leadership Academy
that required uniform. I felt out of place and I think my entire wardrobe has changed since
then. I wanted to fit in, but I also noticed how the in group acted. I wish I felt more connected
to UNCC, but I dont. I think I will eventually feel
that UNCC is
my home. Ive joined clubs and I work in Rec
Services but
they dont make me feel comfortable in being
myself. I like
UNCC but until I find my niche I will do what I have
to do to get
out of here. I have internal motivation and I am
always trying
to balance life and not be overwhelmed. Im a little
all over the
place, but Im very organized when I feel flustered. I have schedules and agendas, checklists and
calendars, and alarms to help me feel that I am accomplishing something.
There is so much more I could tell you about myself sir, but I think this is a good
overview of my life. I hope your semester will be better by having me in it.
Sincerely, Kamina Ariel Ham

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