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Shawanna Roper

Rules and Routines

Dr. Akpan
January 22, 2015
Rules and Regulations
1. What will students do first as a routine upon entering class at the beginning of the
day or class period?
a. At the beginning of class, my students will be seated in their assigned seats.
b. Then, they will take out a blank sheet of paper.
c. Finally, they will begin working on the problems provided on the board.
2. What will students do when they need to use the bathroom?
a. When my students need to use the bathroom, they will raise their hand.
b. Then, they will ask permission to go to the restroom.
c. Next, they will receive a hall pass to use the restroom with the time on it.
d. Then, they will know that they will have no more than five to seven minutes to use
the restroom unless specified that it is an emergency (where they need more time).
e. Finally, they will return to the classroom and return the hall pass to the proper
3. What will be the rule about the way students will line up to leave the room or be
dismissed from class?
a. The students will be dismissed or line up one section at a time to prevent people
from being trampled on.
b. In order to be fair, I will dismiss or line up a different section each day.
4. How will you go about taking attendance?
a. Depending on the school, I may be required to take the role at the beginning of
class. Therefore, I will take role while they are working the problems that I have
provided on the board.
b. If I can take role a little later, I will wait until my students are situated and take
5. What will you tell students to do about fire drill and tornado drills?
a. First, I will inform them about the procedures that the school has provided to me.
b. Then, I will explain to them the importance of being calm and listening to me for
c. Next, we will go over a simulation of the events, and I will ask if they have any

d. Finally, I will ask is there anything that we can do better as a class, or what I can
do that will make the process go smoothly.
6. What will be your rule about moving through the halls?
a. My rules for moving around through the halls are no running, playing, pushing, or
shoving. If we are headed to lunch, we will line up in a single file line and travel to
the lunchroom.
7. What will your students do when they leave the room at the end of the day?
a. Students will check around their desk to make sure they do not leave any of their
belongings. They will then leave the room when the proper bell rings. I will be
standing at the door to monitor the hallway.
8. How will you distribute materials?
a. At the beginning of the semester, I will be handing out the materials.
b. My goal is by the middle of the semester they will be more comfortable to hand
out materials. I will use this as a way of giving them responsibility in the
9. How do you want your students papers headed?
a. On the right side of the paper, they will put the following:
i. Name
ii. Lesson Topic
iii. Class Time (or what period it is)
iv. The date
b. If in the case of it being homework, I will asked them to provide the homework
page and numbers assigned on the line before the first problem.
10. How will you assign homework? What will be their understanding?
a. I will assign homework one of two ways.
i. One way that I will assign homework is through a video. They will watch the
video, and answer the questions on a piece of paper that they will turn in at the
beginning of class.
ii. Another way I will assign homework is problems in the book. They will write their
name, period, homework assignment, and date on the right side of the paper before
beginning. Then in the morning, we will go over their homework as a class, or I
will take it up for a grade.
11. How will you check homework?
a. I will check homework by using one of the following tactics:
i. I will take up homework at the beginning of class and check it to make sure they
are doing it correctly.
ii. On a quiz day, I will tell them to take out their homework and write out the answer
to each problem.

12. What will your students be told to do when their seatwork has been completed?
a. If my students are doing seatwork that is needed to turn in, they will place their
work in the proper place that we have went over at the beginning of the semester.
b. If they finish before the bell rings, then they will be able to do one of the
i. They can sit quietly in their desk.
ii. Using an inside voice, they will help their peers to complete their work.
iii. Using an iPod, they can listen to music.
iv. They can help put up any papers needed to be filed.
13. What will be your rule about talking during seatwork?
a. During seatwork, you can talk amongst your groups and seek help from classmates
using your inside voice.
b. If the group is stuck on a problem, then a person in the group can raise their hand
and I will come to help.
c. If talking is too loud, your group will receive a warning.
d. Thereafter, your group will go through the steps of consequences.
14. What will be your rules about class discussions, hand-raising, etc?
a. During class discussion, you will raise your hand if you know the answer.
b. During a rebuttal, the class will be in a circle. When someone is talking and a
person agrees or disagrees, they have to wait until the person is done. Then, they
can speak up. You cannot be disrespectful of other classmates.
15. What will you tell your students about how they should act if you have a visitor?
What if you need to divert your attention from class business for a moment?
a. I will tell them to be on their best behavior. I will sit down and talk to them about
being respectful to other adults. I will also leave them a note on the board letting
them know that I will grade one of the things I have assigned them to do.
b. If I have to divert my attention from the class, I will assign a student to watch over
the class. I will also make sure I assign work to keep them busy while I am away.
16. What will be your rule about how the students free time is spent?
a. Depending on the school, the students will be able to do one of the following:
i. sit quietly in their desk
ii. listen to music on their device
iii. go to the relaxing corner of the room
iv. assist other students in their group
17. How will your students signal you for your help while they are supposed to be
working on independent practice?
a. The students will raise their hand quietly to get my attention. If I am at my desk
with my head down, they are allowed to come up and ask me to assist them.

18. How will your class know that you want them to be quiet?
a. My class will know that I want them to be quiet when I start counting down from
five with my fingers.
B. How will you arrive at your rules? Will you decide, will you let your class
decide with you; will you develop a Bill of Rights, or use some other way to
establish rules? What would you like your basic rules to be?
I will let the students decide on the rules that we will have for the class. I will also
suggest rules that we should have and take a poll of which rule the majority of the
students like. Then, I will go home and draw up a contract stating all of the rules
that we went over in class that is necessary for the class. I will keep in mind that
some rules may not be necessary to put down because they are in the hand book.
On the other hand, I will make sure that I incorporate the rules that I feel is
essential for the class in order for it to run smoothly.
Some basic rules that I will have is:
1. Do not use a pen in class.
a. This is because it is hard to erase your mistakes. I do not want your grade to suffer
because you work is not legible for me to see.
2. No talking while other people are talking.
a. This is respect of your teacher and peers.
3. No horse playing in the classroom.
a. This is a safety hazard. I do not want anyone to get hurt.

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