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North Paulding High School

Business Department
Program Needs Assessment

3/6 Survey Update

As of March 6, 2015, only fifteen surveys have been completed. Below is a summary of findings to date.
Of those responding to the survey, a majority of the respondents stated that there are no entry-level
positions with their companies, but of those that do have entry-level positions, 64% of those positions
require a minimum of a high school education.
Only one respondent stated that an employment skill test was used for entry-level business or office
positions and that included a state required assessment.
All technical skills listed within the survey were shown to be important by at least one respondent. The
following skills were ranked important by at least 65% of the respondents with the highest ranked skill
listed first.

Telephone Communications
Internet Research
Word Processing

The only employability skill that scored Very Important by all respondents (receiving a weighted average of 5 out
of 5) was Integrity. Following closely behind were Teamwork, Time Management, Oral Communication, and
Professional Demeanor. Of the 25 skills listed Project Management and Foreign Language were rated the lowest.
As the business department begins looking at course offerings for the 2015-2016 school year, it is interesting to
see that respondents listed the Business & Technology pathway as the best with which to prepare students for
employment. Business Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Services pathways followed close behind.
Once additional surveys have been completed, the information will be shared with the advisory board through email communication and at the next meeting.

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