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Section A: Listening (Teachers copy)

This section comprises 5 marks.
Part I : 1.2.2 Able to listen to, follow and give instructions
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
c) predicting with guidance
PART I (5 marks)
(Note to teacher: Explain to the pupils if the teacher says a blue aeroplane, they
have to colour the whole aeroplane blue. Also ask the pupils to write the number
of the order mentioned by the teacher. Then record pupils responses.)
Listen to the teacher. Colour the pictures.
1. A green television

4. A blue aeroplane

2. A red apple

5. An orange cat

3. A yellow car


English Year 4 Mid-Year Assessment

(Pupils copy)
Section A: Listening
This section comprises 5 marks.
Part I : 1.2.2 Able to listen to, follow and give instructions
Part II: 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
c) predicting with guidance
PART I (5 marks)
Listen to the teacher. Colour the pictures.


Section B: Speaking (Teachers copy)

This section comprises 15 marks.
Part I : 1.1.1 Able to speak with correct word stress
Part II: 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance
PART I (5 marks)

Point to each picture and ask pupil to name them one by one.
What are these?




PART II (10 marks) (Teachers copy)


Note to teacher: Show the pupils the pictures. Ask them the questions orally. Do
not show them the questions.
Instructions to pupil:
Look at the pictures. Listen carefully and answer the questions asked.

1. What are the things that you can see in this picture? (Point to Picture A)
2. Princess Rosemary is the main character of the story Rosemary and the
Four Gutsy Gnomes. What can you tell me about her? (Use Picture A as a

3. Do you ever wish to become a prince/a princess? Why/why not?
4. Name one thing that you can see in this picture. (Point to Picture B)
5. If you were an actor/actress, which of the three fairy tales would you
choose to act in? Why? (Use Pictures C, D and E as guides)


Teachers copy (to be shown to pupil)

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

Picture D

Picture E


Section C: Oral Reading (Teachers copy)

This section comprises 10 marks.
Part I : 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by:
(b) predicting with guidance
PART I (10 marks)
Note to teacher: Take note of their stress and pronunciation when reading..
Ask questions orally to check their understanding of the text. Do not show them the
questions. Get them to predict the ending of the story.

Read the story and answer the questions.

Mama Goat wanted to go to the market. Before she left, she said in
her sweet voice to her kids, Be careful kids, do not let any
strangers to enter the house. After she had left, Mr. Wolf
suddenly appeared and pretended to be Mama Goat. He wanted to
eat the kids. In his rough voice, he said to them, Children, Mama is
back. Please open the door.

1. Where did Mama Goat want to go?
2. What did Mama Goat say to her kids?
3. Why did Mr. Wolf pretend to be Mama Goat?
4. Do you think the kids opened the door for Mr. Wolf? Why?
5. What do you think happened in the end?


Section C: Oral Reading (Pupils copy)

This section comprises 10 marks.
Part I : 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by:
(b) predicting with guidance
PART I (10 marks)
Read the story and answer the questions asked by the teacher.

Mama Goat wanted to go to the market. Before she left, she

said in her sweet voice to her kids, Be careful kids, do not let
any strangers enter the house. After she had left, Mr. Wolf
suddenly appeared and pretended to be Mama Goat. He wanted
to eat the kids. In his rough voice, he said to them, Children,
Mama is back. Please open the door.


Section D: Reading
This section comprises 15 marks.
Part I : 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(a) linear text
Part II: 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by:
(a) sequencing
PART I (5 marks)
A. Read and answer.
It was Monday. Dad came home early. I was curious. He talked to Mum. They
started to make phone calls and to pack a few things.
Dad, Mum, whats happening? I asked. Something was going on and I had to
know what it was.
There was a fire, Nurul, Mum replied. Mak Dilahs house was burnt to the
ground. The neighbours held a meeting and decided to help Mak Dilah rebuild her
Isnt building a house difficult? I asked.
If many people came to help, it would be easy, said Dad. Pravins father is
an architect. He has volunteered to help design the new house. Kim Sengs uncle is a
contractor. He will help rebuild it.
Many neighbours are giving donations. Our next-door-neighbour who owns a
hardware store is contributing the building materials, added Mum.
Wow, thats wonderful. I want to help, too! I said excitedly.
Well, you can get your schoolmates to donate. I will have to call your
headmaster tomorrow to discuss it with him first, replied Dad.
Thats great! I will ask Kim Seng, Kinah, and Pravin to help, too, I said.
1. Mak Dilahs house was _________________
A. sold.
B. burnt in a fire.
C. painted white.
D. destroyed in a flood.
2. _______________ is going to help design the house.
A. Pravin
B. Pravins father
C. Mak Dilahs son
D. Kim Sengs uncle


3. They are getting the building materials from _______________

A. a school.
B. a supermarket.
C. a grocery store.
D. a hardware store.
4. Nurul is going to help by ___________________________________.
5. Why is it important to help a neighbour who is in trouble?
It is important to help a neighbour who is in trouble because

PART II (10 marks)

A. Read the passage.

Rosemary stumbled upon four gnomes sitting on toadstools. They

were resting after a tiring day of plucking wild berries in the forest. The
gnomes felt sorry for the princess. They gave her food and clothes.

Rosemary asked the gnomes to help her to save her people and her
kingdom. So for weeks, they planned a surprise attack on the monsters in
her kingdom. They made magic potions to turn the monsters into stones.

When they were finally ready, Rosemary and her brave gnomes went
to Renosia. They sprinkled the magic potions on all the monsters who later
turned into stones. Finally, the kingdom of Renosia was safe once again.


B. Sequence the sentences in the correct order. Number them from 1 to 10.

The four gnomes gave her food and clothes.

The monsters were turned into stones.
Rosemary stumbled upon four gnomes.
The gnomes sprinkled the magic potions on the monsters.
They made magic potions to turn the monsters into stones.
Rosemary and the gnomes returned to Renosia.
They planned a surprise attack on the monsters.
Rosemary wanted to save her people and her kingdom.
The gnomes were resting after a tiring day.
Finally, the kingdom of Renosia was safe once again.


Section E: Writing
This section comprises 30 marks.
Part I : 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:
(a) phrases
Part II : 3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling:
(a) words
Part III: 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:
(a) apostrophe
Part IV: 3.2.1 Able to transfer information with guidance to complete:
(a) linear texts
(b) non-linear texts

PART I (10 marks)

Read the poem. Rewrite the poem in the space provided. Change the pictures to


At the Playground


When we went to the

I swung on the

I slid on the


I hung from the

I raced over to Mum
for a kiss and a cuddle,
but as we were leaving.


I fell in a

Brian Moses


PART II (5 marks)
A. Write these words using cursive writing. An example is given below.
















PART III (10 marks)

A. Rewrite these sentences and put the apostrophes (s) or (s) in the correct
1. They found a man cap.
2. It is not Mr. Ramesh cap.
3. Those are the boys caps.
4. The girl hair band is on the table.
5. The ladies handbags are very expensive.


PART IV (5 marks)
Read the passage. Then complete the poster.

Safety at Home
Here are some home safety tips for you to practise. First and foremost,
always keep your gate, front and back doors locked. Keep your windows locked at
night and when you are not at home.
You need to remember not to open the door to strangers. Before you go out,
turn down the volume on your home telephone. You should not leave tools or ladders
outside your house. It is also important to know your parents telephone numbers in
case of emergency.

Always keep your gate, front, and back doors

Keep your ___________________ locked when you are
not at home or at night.
Do not open the door to ____________________.
Turn down the _________________ on your home
telephone before you go out.
Do not leave tools or _________________ outside your
Children should know their parents telephone numbers.


Section F: Grammar
This section comprises 15 marks.
Part I : 5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately:
(a) common nouns
(d) countable nouns
(e) uncountable nouns
Part II: 5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately:
(c) present continuous tense
PART I (5 marks)

B. Read the sentences. Then circle Countable or Uncountable

for each underlined phrases.
1. Would you like a little sugar in your tea? (Countable , Uncountable)
2. A few cows are eating the grass.

(Countable , Uncountable)

3. There is an apple on the plate.

(Countable , Uncountable)

4. They are having a lot of fun at the party. (Countable , Uncountable)


There are many marbles in the bowl.

(Countable , Uncountable)

Part II (10 marks)

A. Change the sentences from the present tense to the present continuous
Jane goes to the jumble sale.
Jane is going to the jumble sale.
1. Lena sells things at the jumble sale.
2. The eagle flies high in the sky.
3. The turtle digs a hole in the sand with its flippers.
4. The children surf the internet on starfish.
5. The tourists spend a lot of time on the beach.


Section G: Language Arts

This section comprises 10 marks.
Part I : 4.2.1 Able to respond to literary texts:
(a) characters
PART I (10 marks)
Group the words correctly according to the characters.









Anils mother






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