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india is a unique travel destination that's growing in popularity all the time.

Thinking of visiting India? Here are 4reasons why you should.

1.India is a vast country that's just over one-third of the size of the United
States. Much of it is rural, and there are some incredible sights to be seen
and discovered.
2.There's a saying in India, "Athithi Devo Bhava", which means "the guest is
God". Indians consider it a huge honor to have guests in their home, and go
out of their way to please them. There's nothing like Indian hospitality.
3. India can be very inspiring and refreshing for the soul. Many people

come to India to learn yoga, meditate, or spend time at an ashram.

4. Indian food can take a bit of getting used to for some people, but it really
is worth it. You may be surprised to find that Indian cuisine is vastly different
to the standard fare served up in most Indian restaurants, which is in fact
predominantly north Indian cuisine.

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