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March 9th, 2015

Students slowly make there way in to the class. Most children are still
outside waiting to be let in. Many of the kids are unable to play on the
playground as it is surrounded by water making it unsafe.
As I go into the school Amanda explains how many of the classes are
makeshift as the school is over capacity. They lost their staff because
they had to make it into a classroom. The library is also a computer lab
and a classroom.
First thing in the morning the kids all write in their agenda of the stuff
for the week. They write down things like PTI meeting, field trips and
other things. Most kids are quick to get settled in and know what task
they need to accomplish without being told.
Amanda walks around the class to insure all the children are on task
and help them if they need encouragement. After the kids are done
writing the stuff in their agenda they get the weekly poem that they
glue into there agenda. Amanda helps the kids that come in late to
school. After the kids are done they go to the library for a new books.
When the kids all come back from the library they seat on the mat and
wait for all the other children. First they the flash cards and then they
do numbers both adding and subtracting. Then to end it she does the
more challenging words.
As it is a Monday the kids all get a job that they are responsible for all
week. This makes kids feel they are all contributing and pride in their
classroom. The jobs they get are like sweeping, passing out stuff and
watering plants.
The teacher is referred to as Ms. Amanda to make the kids feel
equal. Amanda makes every lesson relate back to real life. When she
notices a kid isnt paying attention she will call on them as a volunteer
just to get them involved and pay attention.
When reading words off the board she keeps everyone engaged by
having different groups. Also having kids say something in a different
voice or a different speed.
In the class there is a lot of independent learning. When a student has
a question they get up and place there hand on the teachers
shoulders or arm. This is to teach the students that they should not
interrupt the teacher when she is talking to the class or other students.

March 13, 15
Kida slowly make their way into the school or the class and drop their
kids off. The kids seem to be settling in slower then he prier day. I
figure this is because it is Free Friday so the kids get to seat
wherever they way to. This makes it possible for kids to seat with
friends they dont get to seat with very much. The kids try and get
their friends to seat with them when they enter the class.
Amanda needed some words cut that in five different categories;
Animals, Plants, Toys, Cookware, Fruits, Plants and Vegetable. After I
cut the words I put a different colour of dots for the categories the
word falls into. This is for kids to be able to fix their own mistakes and
pushes the idea of independent learning.
OCanada plays and all the kids for the most part are standing a
paying attention to the anthem.
Reading Buddies make there way down to the class. The grade
ones sound out of words first then the reading well the grade 4s help
and correct them. There was one boy who would not participate after
being asked numerous times. So the teacher got him to seat alone and
write a story about a snowman. Reading buddies is good for the grade
ones because they are able to create a new bond. Its so nice that
sometimes when the reading buddies leaver they hug there partners.
After they go through words with the teacher they have to roll a
dice to see how many sentences they have to write. They rolled a low
number and got really exited because they dont like writing lots of
On Friday Amanda does reading with individuals to see where
they are at. She sees if they can move up in a reading level. For snack
time she lets the boys get there lunch first because it is a odd
numbered day. The kids quietly eat there snack and discuss in small
pods. Snack time in the morning is a good idea because students often
are unable to eat breakfast in the morning.
At recess Amanda and me supervise the students. There was lots
of water in the playground so we where in charge of keeping the kids
out of the water. We consistently had to tell them to get away from the
water or to get out of the water. When recess was over we found one

boy who often gets in arguments with the other kids. So we take him to
a different door sometimes.
When the students get settled back into the classroom Amanda
starts talking about St.Patricks day. She reads a book about St.Patricks
day and the traditions about the day. As Amanda read the book she felt
a lot of kid were unable to concentrate so she decided to play some
music and do a dance party. After this the kids were3 more focused
and ready to work.
After reading the story she lets the kids discuss how they plan. To
build traps to catch leprechaun. The kids are to build their trap alone.
The kids get to share their ideas with the kids in there pods.
Well Amanda writes on the board she purposely makes mistakes
to see if the kids will notice and then she allows them to correct the
They students all start to build their outlines for building there
traps. They have to make an outline that is coloured and labelled. The
rubric is based on identifying component ports and also that each
component is described.
After they are all dont the make a circle on the matt. They all
discuss their ideas. Then it is recess so Amanda and me stay inside and
eat there lunch. After recess the students come in and eat there lunch.
Well they eat they visit with their pod. There is an older graded kid that
watches over them and help them so Amanda could be able to prepare
for her classes.
After lunch they all get a book and make a circle with their chairs
and quietly and individually read their book. Once they are done they
rotate books.
Throughout the day there are many children who ask to go home
because they dont feel well.
Although there is a class connected I find that its not actually
very distracting. I thought it would be much more of a distraction.
She then gets all the kids to al seat down. She then reads a
portion of a childrens Bible. The kids all fallow along. They go through
the questions together. She gets the to kids to raise there hand when
they know the answer.

They glue words together to make sentences. After the fast kids are
they go and seat in the reading centre.
Amanda decides that she will take the kids outside for gym class.
I draw chalk with some of the kids. Well some kids were playing one
boy tripped and hit his head. So me and another teacher who was
outside supervised the rest of the kids.
After we go back in the students clean up their desks. After this
they do prayers of intentions and they do a happy circle were they
sing. I love you, you love me and such.
March 16th
After they paint their traps they spend a lot of time attempting to
clean. They all work together and clean up all the paint that is around
the room.
During reading time the students talk about the weather. And why it
snows and why it rains.
Because it is one of the boys birthday his mom made cupcakes for the
After lunch and recess the kids do USSR. Because there is boxes
around the class the students seat at their pods and exchange there
books there.
Then they do there weekend news were they write three
sentences about what they did on the weekend. Then they get to draw
a picture about what they wrote about.
Well the kids write about there weekend they ask the other kids
at there table how to spell words if they dont know how to spell it. If
the kids cant figure it out they go up to Amanda and ask her for
assistance. After the time is up they go and seat on the ground for
share time. Most kids talk out loud but some kids ask Amanda to
read it for them.
The music teacher comes down to the class and explains how
tee-tees are the same as shamrocks. As it has two syllabus.
They have a mystery bag were the students get 3 guesses.
The students then finish their leprechaun traps. They do all the
finishing touches and then all the kids clean up. When the parents
come to pick there kids up they show them and explain how it will

As it is Monday the kids write in there agenda first thing. One boy was
there early so he seats quietly and reads well the other kids finish
there agenda. After this they take their read at home book books to the
library and get new opens.
They then listen to Amanda read a book. It is noticeable how
many kids are away sick. There is one boy who lost his privileges to
seat on the mat and has to seat at the desk.
They do a 5 star opportunity so they kids behave well and can
gain stars for there good attitudes. I think this is a very good idea
because the kids then want to do good not only for the star but also for
their peers.
The students sound out the words with the whole class and the
kids get to individually read the words. Amanda lost some assignment
so I photo go to the photocopy some booklets for her.
When the kids get the hand out they it into their booklet. They
have to write out S words in three different times. They then use
these words in a sentence make up.
I sat with one boy and helped him write his sentences. The boy
just needed someone to seat with him and encourage him. This boy
often get separated which I feel often feel sorry for him because he is a
good kid but has a hard time focusing when he is seating with a group.
I feel that him seating alone or with the teacher is good as long as he is
able to always see the board and can participate in group work which
he does. Amanda does a great job of consistently encouraging him to
try when he begins to act out.
The students then discuss weekend new. I think the weekend
news is good because children are able to share things about their life
they may not normally share.
I seat with a boy to help him with his math. He uses a number
line to help him understand the math and how it works. The music
teacher discusses dinosaurs and they sing about dinosaurs. Well they
do this they get to stand and act out how they think they may act. She
then sows them videos about dinosaurs to make the singing more
interesting and interactive.

March 25th
Amanda does a very interesting activity that I think get all the kids
involved. Many of the kids get bibs that have letters. They then line up
and make words with the help of the other kids. 7 kids get letter and
the others get to spell the words.
I put M&M in a plastic bag. It is for activity for Easter. They will get to
match colors to words. I think this is a good idea because candy and
chocolate is good motivator for many students.
Amanda got the game sorry. So I added writing to each of the
squares. So when the kids land on a square they have to sound out a
word or do a math equation. This allows the game to be fun and also
Then it was recess and me and Amanda it our lunch well the kids
are outside. During lunch we show the students Bernstein Bears.
After lunch the kids do individual reading. I think individual reading is
good because it challenges the kids to read alone opposed to always in
After this Amanda shows a video on Wild VS Domestic video.
Then they get to cut out the animals and get to place them in either
the domestic or the non domestic animal.

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