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Session 9/25

LESSON: Comma rules and six word memoirs (1 hour class)

SWBAT identify correct vs. incorrect comma rules.
SWBAT apply comma rules in their writing.
SWBAT develop a six-word memoir.
SWBAT create a six-word memoir to represent themselves and who they are
as a person.
SWBAT build a community of writers.
SWBAT produce a memoir, practice their writing, and incorporate comma
rules into it.
L. 11-12.1
L. 11-12.2
W. 11-12.3
The ACT is approaching; therefore grammar is the bell work every day. The unit is
memoir and practicing writing memoirs is an important aspect of learning about it.
Having a safe environment where everyone feels as if they can communicate
together is an end goal. The non-judgmental worksheet will encourage positive
thoughts and feed back.
Learner Factors
Throughout this lesson there will be visual, auditory, and hands-on tasks.
1. PowerPoint- comma rules copied into toolbox section of writers notebooks
2. YouTube on six-word memoirs
3. Whats your six-word memoir? (brainstorm/ write down 2-3)
4. Put favorite six word memoir on note card and decorate- tape on whiteboard
5. Non-judgmental worksheet- add comments on whiteboard
6. Journal- elaborate your six word memoir
7. YouTube- other teen examples
Writers notebooks
Art supplies
- Assessing students knowledge in commas.
- Assessing how students apply a new concept to their writing.
- Assessing how students apply prior knowledge about memoir and creating one
using only six words.

Session 9/25
- Assessing how students work together and give positive feedback.

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